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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {Cu, Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
const Services = require("Services");
const promise = require("promise");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "gDevTools", "resource://devtools/client/framework/gDevTools.jsm");
exports.OptionsPanel = OptionsPanel;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "l10n", function() {
let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://devtools/locale/toolbox.properties");
let l10n = function(aName, ...aArgs) {
try {
if (aArgs.length == 0) {
return bundle.GetStringFromName(aName);
} else {
return bundle.formatStringFromName(aName, aArgs, aArgs.length);
} catch (ex) {
Services.console.logStringMessage("Error reading '" + aName + "'");
return l10n;
function GetPref(name) {
let type = Services.prefs.getPrefType(name);
switch (type) {
case Services.prefs.PREF_STRING:
return Services.prefs.getCharPref(name);
case Services.prefs.PREF_INT:
return Services.prefs.getIntPref(name);
case Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL:
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(name);
throw new Error("Unknown type");
function SetPref(name, value) {
let type = Services.prefs.getPrefType(name);
switch (type) {
case Services.prefs.PREF_STRING:
return Services.prefs.setCharPref(name, value);
case Services.prefs.PREF_INT:
return Services.prefs.setIntPref(name, value);
case Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL:
return Services.prefs.setBoolPref(name, value);
throw new Error("Unknown type");
function InfallibleGetBoolPref(key) {
try {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(key);
} catch (ex) {
return true;
* Represents the Options Panel in the Toolbox.
function OptionsPanel(iframeWindow, toolbox) {
this.panelDoc = iframeWindow.document;
this.panelWin = iframeWindow;
this.toolbox = toolbox;
this.isReady = false;
this._prefChanged = this._prefChanged.bind(this);
this._themeRegistered = this._themeRegistered.bind(this);
this._themeUnregistered = this._themeUnregistered.bind(this);
this._disableJSClicked = this._disableJSClicked.bind(this);
this.disableJSNode = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-disable-javascript");
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");
OptionsPanel.prototype = {
get target() {
return this.toolbox.target;
open: function() {
let targetPromise;
// For local debugging we need to make the target remote.
if (!this.target.isRemote) {
targetPromise = this.target.makeRemote();
} else {
targetPromise = promise.resolve(this.target);
return targetPromise.then(() => {
}).then(() => {
this.isReady = true;
return this;
}).then(null, function onError(aReason) {
Cu.reportError("OptionsPanel open failed. " +
aReason.error + ": " + aReason.message);
_addListeners: function() {
gDevTools.on("pref-changed", this._prefChanged);
gDevTools.on("theme-registered", this._themeRegistered);
gDevTools.on("theme-unregistered", this._themeUnregistered);
_removeListeners: function() {
gDevTools.off("pref-changed", this._prefChanged);
gDevTools.off("theme-registered", this._themeRegistered);
gDevTools.off("theme-unregistered", this._themeUnregistered);
_prefChanged: function(event, data) {
if (data.pref === "devtools.cache.disabled") {
let cacheDisabled = data.newValue;
let cbx = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-disable-cache");
cbx.checked = cacheDisabled;
else if (data.pref === "devtools.theme") {
_themeRegistered: function(event, themeId) {
_themeUnregistered: function(event, theme) {
let themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box");
let themeOption = themeBox.querySelector("[value=" + theme.id + "]");
if (themeOption) {
setupToolbarButtonsList: function() {
let enabledToolbarButtonsBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("enabled-toolbox-buttons-box");
enabledToolbarButtonsBox.textContent = "";
let toggleableButtons = this.toolbox.toolboxButtons;
let setToolboxButtonsVisibility =
let onCheckboxClick = (checkbox) => {
let toolDefinition = toggleableButtons.filter(tool => tool.id === checkbox.id)[0];
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(toolDefinition.visibilityswitch, checkbox.checked);
let createCommandCheckbox = tool => {
let checkbox = this.panelDoc.createElement("checkbox");
checkbox.setAttribute("id", tool.id);
checkbox.setAttribute("label", tool.label);
checkbox.setAttribute("checked", InfallibleGetBoolPref(tool.visibilityswitch));
checkbox.addEventListener("command", onCheckboxClick.bind(this, checkbox));
return checkbox;
for (let tool of toggleableButtons) {
if (this.toolbox.target.isMultiProcess && tool.id === "command-button-tilt") {
setupToolsList: function() {
let defaultToolsBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("default-tools-box");
let additionalToolsBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("additional-tools-box");
let toolsNotSupportedLabel = this.panelDoc.getElementById("tools-not-supported-label");
let atleastOneToolNotSupported = false;
defaultToolsBox.textContent = "";
additionalToolsBox.textContent = "";
let onCheckboxClick = function(id) {
let toolDefinition = gDevTools._tools.get(id);
// Set the kill switch pref boolean to true
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(toolDefinition.visibilityswitch, this.checked);
if (this.checked) {
gDevTools.emit("tool-registered", id);
else {
gDevTools.emit("tool-unregistered", toolDefinition);
let createToolCheckbox = tool => {
let checkbox = this.panelDoc.createElement("checkbox");
checkbox.setAttribute("id", tool.id);
checkbox.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tool.tooltip || "");
if (tool.isTargetSupported(this.target)) {
checkbox.setAttribute("label", tool.label);
else {
atleastOneToolNotSupported = true;
l10n("options.toolNotSupportedMarker", tool.label));
checkbox.setAttribute("unsupported", "");
checkbox.setAttribute("checked", InfallibleGetBoolPref(tool.visibilityswitch));
checkbox.addEventListener("command", onCheckboxClick.bind(checkbox, tool.id));
return checkbox;
// Populating the default tools lists
let toggleableTools = gDevTools.getDefaultTools().filter(tool => {
return tool.visibilityswitch && !tool.hiddenInOptions;
for (let tool of toggleableTools) {
// Populating the additional tools list that came from add-ons.
let atleastOneAddon = false;
for (let tool of gDevTools.getAdditionalTools()) {
atleastOneAddon = true;
if (!atleastOneAddon) {
additionalToolsBox.style.display = "none";
additionalToolsBox.previousSibling.style.display = "none";
if (!atleastOneToolNotSupported) {
toolsNotSupportedLabel.style.display = "none";
setupThemeList: function() {
let themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box");
themeBox.textContent = "";
let createThemeOption = theme => {
let radio = this.panelDoc.createElement("radio");
radio.setAttribute("value", theme.id);
radio.setAttribute("label", theme.label);
return radio;
// Populating the default theme list
let themes = gDevTools.getThemeDefinitionArray();
for (let theme of themes) {
populatePreferences: function() {
let prefCheckboxes = this.panelDoc.querySelectorAll("checkbox[data-pref]");
for (let checkbox of prefCheckboxes) {
checkbox.checked = GetPref(checkbox.getAttribute("data-pref"));
checkbox.addEventListener("command", function() {
setPrefAndEmit(this.getAttribute("data-pref"), this.checked);
let prefRadiogroups = this.panelDoc.querySelectorAll("radiogroup[data-pref]");
for (let radiogroup of prefRadiogroups) {
let selectedValue = GetPref(radiogroup.getAttribute("data-pref"));
for (let radio of radiogroup.childNodes) {
radiogroup.selectedIndex = -1;
if (radio.getAttribute("value") == selectedValue) {
radiogroup.selectedItem = radio;
radiogroup.addEventListener("select", function() {
setPrefAndEmit(this.getAttribute("data-pref"), this.selectedItem.getAttribute("value"));
let prefMenulists = this.panelDoc.querySelectorAll("menulist[data-pref]");
for (let menulist of prefMenulists) {
let pref = GetPref(menulist.getAttribute("data-pref"));
let menuitems = menulist.querySelectorAll("menuitem");
for (let menuitem of menuitems) {
let value = menuitem.value;
if (value == pref) { // non strict check to allow int values.
menulist.selectedItem = menuitem;
menulist.addEventListener("command", function() {
setPrefAndEmit(this.getAttribute("data-pref"), this.value);
if (this.target.activeTab) {
this.target.client.attachTab(this.target.activeTab._actor, (response) => {
this._origJavascriptEnabled = !response.javascriptEnabled;
this.disableJSNode.checked = this._origJavascriptEnabled;
this.disableJSNode.addEventListener("click", this._disableJSClicked, false);
} else {
this.disableJSNode.hidden = true;
updateDefaultTheme: function() {
// Make sure a theme is set in case the previous one coming from
// an extension isn't available anymore.
let themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box");
if (themeBox.selectedIndex == -1) {
themeBox.selectedItem = themeBox.querySelector("[value=light]");
updateCurrentTheme: function() {
let currentTheme = GetPref("devtools.theme");
let themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box");
let themeOption = themeBox.querySelector("[value=" + currentTheme + "]");
if (themeOption) {
themeBox.selectedItem = themeOption;
* Disables JavaScript for the currently loaded tab. We force a page refresh
* here because setting docShell.allowJavascript to true fails to block JS
* execution from event listeners added using addEventListener(), AJAX calls
* and timers. The page refresh prevents these things from being added in the
* first place.
* @param {Event} event
* The event sent by checking / unchecking the disable JS checkbox.
_disableJSClicked: function(event) {
let checked = event.target.checked;
let options = {
"javascriptEnabled": !checked
destroy: function() {
if (this.destroyPromise) {
return this.destroyPromise;
let deferred = promise.defer();
this.destroyPromise = deferred.promise;
if (this.target.activeTab) {
this.disableJSNode.removeEventListener("click", this._disableJSClicked);
// FF41+ automatically cleans up state in actor on disconnect
if (!this.target.activeTab.traits.noTabReconfigureOnClose) {
let options = {
"javascriptEnabled": this._origJavascriptEnabled,
"performReload": false
this.target.activeTab.reconfigure(options, deferred.resolve);
} else {
} else {
this.panelWin = this.panelDoc = this.disableJSNode = this.toolbox = null;
return this.destroyPromise;
/* Set a pref and emit the pref-changed event if needed. */
function setPrefAndEmit(prefName, newValue) {
let data = {
pref: prefName,
newValue: newValue
data.oldValue = GetPref(data.pref);
SetPref(data.pref, data.newValue);
if (data.newValue != data.oldValue) {
gDevTools.emit("pref-changed", data);