
298 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
* This file contains the "marker" view, essentially a detailed list
* of all the markers in the timeline data.
const { Cc, Ci, Cu, Cr } = require("chrome");
const { Heritage } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/ViewHelpers.jsm");
const { AbstractTreeItem } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/AbstractTreeItem.jsm");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "MarkerUtils",
const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
const LEVEL_INDENT = 10; // px
const ARROW_NODE_OFFSET = -15; // px
* A detailed waterfall view for the timeline data.
* @param MarkerView owner
* The MarkerView considered the "owner" marker. This newly created
* instance will be represent the "submarker". Should be null for root nodes.
* @param object marker
* Details about this marker, like { name, start, end, submarkers } etc.
* @param number level [optional]
* The indentation level in the waterfall tree. The root node is at level 0.
* @param boolean hidden [optional]
* Whether this node should be hidden and not contribute to depth/level
* calculations. Defaults to false.
function MarkerView({ owner, marker, level, hidden }) {
AbstractTreeItem.call(this, {
parent: owner,
level: level|0 - (hidden ? 1 : 0)
this.marker = marker;
this.hidden = !!hidden;
this._onItemBlur = this._onItemBlur.bind(this);
this._onItemFocus = this._onItemFocus.bind(this);
MarkerView.prototype = Heritage.extend(AbstractTreeItem.prototype, {
* Calculates and stores the available width for the waterfall.
* This should be invoked every time the container node is resized.
recalculateBounds: function() {
this.root._waterfallWidth = this.bounds.width
* Sets a list of marker types to be filtered out of this view.
* @param Array<String> filter
set filter(filter) {
this.root._filter = filter;
get filter() {
return this.root._filter;
* Sets the { startTime, endTime }, in milliseconds.
* @param object interval
set interval(interval) {
this.root._interval = interval;
get interval() {
return this.root._interval;
* Gets the current waterfall width.
* @return number
getWaterfallWidth: function() {
return this._waterfallWidth;
* Gets the data scale amount for the current width and interval.
* @return number
getDataScale: function() {
let startTime = this.root._interval.startTime|0;
let endTime = this.root._interval.endTime|0;
return this.root._waterfallWidth / (endTime - startTime);
* Creates the view for this waterfall node.
* @param nsIDOMNode document
* @param nsIDOMNode arrowNode
* @return nsIDOMNode
_displaySelf: function(document, arrowNode) {
let targetNode = document.createElement("hbox");
targetNode.className = "waterfall-tree-item";
targetNode.setAttribute("otmt", this.marker.isOffMainThread);
if (this == this.root) {
// Bounds are needed for properly positioning and scaling markers in
// the waterfall, but it's sufficient to make those calculations only
// for the root node.
// The AbstractTreeItem propagates events to the root, so we don't
// need to listen them on descendant items in the tree.
} else {
// Root markers are an implementation detail and shouldn't be shown.
this._buildMarkerCells(document, targetNode, arrowNode);
if (this.hidden) {
targetNode.style.display = "none";
return targetNode;
* Populates this node in the waterfall tree with the corresponding "markers".
* @param array:AbstractTreeItem children
_populateSelf: function(children) {
let submarkers = this.marker.submarkers;
if (!submarkers || !submarkers.length) {
let startTime = this.root._interval.startTime;
let endTime = this.root._interval.endTime;
let newLevel = this.level + 1;
for (let i = 0, len = submarkers.length; i < len; i++) {
let marker = submarkers[i];
// Skip filtered markers
if (!MarkerUtils.isMarkerValid(marker, this.filter)) {
if (!isMarkerInRange(marker, startTime|0, endTime|0)) {
children.push(new MarkerView({
owner: this,
marker: marker,
level: newLevel,
inverted: this.inverted
* Builds all the nodes representing a marker in the waterfall.
* @param nsIDOMNode document
* @param nsIDOMNode targetNode
* @param nsIDOMNode arrowNode
_buildMarkerCells: function(doc, targetNode, arrowNode) {
let marker = this.marker;
let blueprint = MarkerUtils.getBlueprintFor(marker);
let startTime = this.root._interval.startTime;
let endTime = this.root._interval.endTime;
let sidebarCell = this._buildMarkerSidebar(doc, blueprint, marker);
let timebarCell = this._buildMarkerTimebar(doc, blueprint, marker, startTime, endTime, arrowNode);
// Don't render an expando-arrow for leaf nodes.
let submarkers = this.marker.submarkers;
let hasDescendants = submarkers && submarkers.length > 0;
if (hasDescendants) {
targetNode.setAttribute("expandable", "");
} else {
arrowNode.setAttribute("invisible", "");
targetNode.setAttribute("level", this.level);
* Functions creating each cell in this waterfall view.
* Invoked by `_displaySelf`.
_buildMarkerSidebar: function(doc, style, marker) {
let cell = doc.createElement("hbox");
cell.className = "waterfall-sidebar theme-sidebar";
cell.setAttribute("width", WATERFALL_MARKER_SIDEBAR_WIDTH);
cell.setAttribute("align", "center");
let bullet = doc.createElement("hbox");
bullet.className = `waterfall-marker-bullet marker-color-${style.colorName}`;
bullet.style.transform = `translateX(${this.level * LEVEL_INDENT}px)`;
bullet.setAttribute("type", marker.name);
let name = doc.createElement("description");
let label = MarkerUtils.getMarkerLabel(marker);
name.className = "plain waterfall-marker-name";
name.style.transform = `translateX(${this.level * LEVEL_INDENT}px)`;
name.setAttribute("crop", "end");
name.setAttribute("flex", "1");
name.setAttribute("value", label);
name.setAttribute("tooltiptext", label);
return cell;
_buildMarkerTimebar: function(doc, style, marker, startTime, endTime, arrowNode) {
let cell = doc.createElement("hbox");
cell.className = "waterfall-marker waterfall-background-ticks";
cell.setAttribute("align", "center");
cell.setAttribute("flex", "1");
let dataScale = this.getDataScale();
let offset = (marker.start - startTime) * dataScale;
let width = (marker.end - marker.start) * dataScale;
arrowNode.style.transform =`translateX(${offset + ARROW_NODE_OFFSET}px)`;
let bar = doc.createElement("hbox");
bar.className = `waterfall-marker-bar marker-color-${style.colorName}`;
bar.style.transform = `translateX(${offset}px)`;
bar.setAttribute("type", marker.name);
bar.setAttribute("width", Math.max(width, WATERFALL_MARKER_TIMEBAR_WIDTH_MIN));
return cell;
* Adds the event listeners for this particular tree item.
_addEventListeners: function() {
this.on("focus", this._onItemFocus);
this.on("blur", this._onItemBlur);
* Handler for the "blur" event on the root item.
_onItemBlur: function() {
* Handler for the "mousedown" event on the root item.
_onItemFocus: function(e, item) {
this.root.emit("selected", item.marker);
* Checks if a given marker is in the specified time range.
* @param object e
* The marker containing the { start, end } timestamps.
* @param number start
* The earliest allowed time.
* @param number end
* The latest allowed time.
* @return boolean
* True if the marker fits inside the specified time range.
function isMarkerInRange(e, start, end) {
let m_start = e.start|0;
let m_end = e.end|0;
return (m_start >= start && m_end <= end) || // bounds inside
(m_start < start && m_end > end) || // bounds outside
(m_start < start && m_end >= start && m_end <= end) || // overlap start
(m_end > end && m_start >= start && m_start <= end); // overlap end
exports.MarkerView = MarkerView;