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2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef frontend_TokenStream_h
#define frontend_TokenStream_h
// JS lexical scanner interface.
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "frontend/TokenKind.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
#include "vm/RegExpObject.h"
struct KeywordInfo;
namespace js {
namespace frontend {
class AutoAwaitIsKeyword;
2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
struct TokenPos {
uint32_t begin; // Offset of the token's first char.
uint32_t end; // Offset of 1 past the token's last char.
TokenPos() {}
TokenPos(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end) : begin(begin), end(end) {}
// Return a TokenPos that covers left, right, and anything in between.
static TokenPos box(const TokenPos& left, const TokenPos& right) {
MOZ_ASSERT(left.begin <= left.end);
MOZ_ASSERT(left.end <= right.begin);
MOZ_ASSERT(right.begin <= right.end);
return TokenPos(left.begin, right.end);
bool operator==(const TokenPos& bpos) const {
return begin == bpos.begin && end == bpos.end;
bool operator!=(const TokenPos& bpos) const {
return begin != bpos.begin || end != bpos.end;
bool operator <(const TokenPos& bpos) const {
return begin < bpos.begin;
bool operator <=(const TokenPos& bpos) const {
return begin <= bpos.begin;
bool operator >(const TokenPos& bpos) const {
return !(*this <= bpos);
bool operator >=(const TokenPos& bpos) const {
return !(*this < bpos);
bool encloses(const TokenPos& pos) const {
return begin <= pos.begin && pos.end <= end;
enum DecimalPoint { NoDecimal = false, HasDecimal = true };
class TokenStream;
struct Token
// Sometimes the parser needs to inform the tokenizer to interpret
// subsequent text in a particular manner: for example, to tokenize a
// keyword as an identifier, not as the actual keyword, on the right-hand
// side of a dotted property access. Such information is communicated to
// the tokenizer as a Modifier when getting the next token.
// Ideally this definition would reside in TokenStream as that's the real
// user, but the debugging-use of it here causes a cyclic dependency (and
// C++ provides no way to forward-declare an enum inside a class). So
// define it here, then typedef it into TokenStream with static consts to
// bring the initializers into scope.
enum Modifier
// Normal operation.
// Looking for an operand, not an operator. In practice, this means
// that when '/' is seen, we look for a regexp instead of just returning
// Treat keywords as names by returning TOK_NAME.
// Treat subsequent characters as the tail of a template literal, after
// a template substitution, beginning with a "}", continuing with zero
// or more template literal characters, and ending with either "${" or
// the end of the template literal. For example:
// var entity = "world";
// var s = `Hello ${entity}!`;
// ^ TemplateTail context
enum ModifierException
// Used in following 2 cases:
// a) After |yield| we look for a token on the same line that starts an
// expression (Operand): |yield <expr>|. If no token is found, the
// |yield| stands alone, and the next token on a subsequent line must
// be: a comma continuing a comma expression, a semicolon terminating
// the statement that ended with |yield|, or the start of another
// statement (possibly an expression statement). The comma/semicolon
// cases are gotten as operators (None), contrasting with Operand
// earlier.
// b) After an arrow function with a block body in an expression
// statement, the next token must be: a colon in a conditional
// expression, a comma continuing a comma expression, a semicolon
// terminating the statement, or the token on a subsequent line that is
// the start of another statement (possibly an expression statement).
// Colon is gotten as operator (None), and it should only be gotten in
// conditional expression and missing it results in SyntaxError.
// Comma/semicolon cases are also gotten as operators (None), and 4th
// case is gotten after them. If no comma/semicolon found but EOL,
// the next token should be gotten as operand in 4th case (especially if
// '/' is the first character). So we should peek the token as
// operand before try getting colon/comma/semicolon.
// See also the comment in Parser::assignExpr().
// If a semicolon is inserted automatically, the next token is already
// gotten with None, but we expect Operand.
// If name of method definition is `get` or `set`, the next token is
// already gotten with KeywordIsName, but we expect None.
friend class TokenStream;
TokenKind type; // char value or above enumerator
TokenPos pos; // token position in file
union {
friend struct Token;
PropertyName* name; // non-numeric atom
JSAtom* atom; // potentially-numeric atom
struct {
double value; // floating point number
DecimalPoint decimalPoint; // literal contains '.'
} number;
RegExpFlag reflags; // regexp flags; use tokenbuf to access
// regexp chars
} u;
#ifdef DEBUG
Modifier modifier; // Modifier used to get this token
ModifierException modifierException; // Exception for this modifier
// This constructor is necessary only for MSVC 2013 and how it compiles the
// initialization of TokenStream::tokens. That field is initialized as
// tokens() in the constructor init-list. This *should* zero the entire
// array, then (because Token has a non-trivial constructor, because
// TokenPos has a user-provided constructor) call the implicit Token
// constructor on each element, which would call the TokenPos constructor
// for Token::pos and do nothing. (All of which is equivalent to just
// zeroing TokenStream::tokens.) But MSVC 2013 (2010/2012 don't have this
// bug) doesn't zero out each element, so we need this extra constructor to
// make it do the right thing. (Token is used primarily by reference or
// pointer, and it's only initialized a very few places, so having a
// user-defined constructor won't hurt perf.) See also bug 920318.
: pos(0, 0)
MOZ_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(&type, sizeof(type));
// Mutators
void setName(PropertyName* name) {
u.name = name;
void setAtom(JSAtom* atom) {
u.atom = atom;
void setRegExpFlags(js::RegExpFlag flags) {
MOZ_ASSERT((flags & AllFlags) == flags);
u.reflags = flags;
void setNumber(double n, DecimalPoint decimalPoint) {
u.number.value = n;
u.number.decimalPoint = decimalPoint;
// Type-safe accessors
PropertyName* name() const {
return u.name->JSAtom::asPropertyName(); // poor-man's type verification
bool nameContainsEscape() const {
PropertyName* n = name();
return pos.begin + n->length() != pos.end;
JSAtom* atom() const {
return u.atom;
js::RegExpFlag regExpFlags() const {
MOZ_ASSERT((u.reflags & AllFlags) == u.reflags);
return u.reflags;
double number() const {
return u.number.value;
DecimalPoint decimalPoint() const {
return u.number.decimalPoint;
struct CompileError {
JSErrorReport report;
char* message;
ErrorArgumentsType argumentsType;
CompileError() : message(nullptr), argumentsType(ArgumentsAreUnicode) {}
void throwError(JSContext* cx);
// CompileError owns raw allocated memory, so disable assignment and copying
// for safety.
void operator=(const CompileError&) = delete;
CompileError(const CompileError&) = delete;
// Ideally, tokenizing would be entirely independent of context. But the
// strict mode flag, which is in SharedContext, affects tokenizing, and
// TokenStream needs to see it.
// This class is a tiny back-channel from TokenStream to the strict mode flag
// that avoids exposing the rest of SharedContext to TokenStream.
class StrictModeGetter {
virtual bool strictMode() = 0;
// TokenStream is the lexical scanner for Javascript source text.
// It takes a buffer of char16_t characters and linearly scans it into |Token|s.
// Internally the class uses a four element circular buffer |tokens| of
// |Token|s. As an index for |tokens|, the member |cursor| points to the
// current token.
// Calls to getToken() increase |cursor| by one and return the new current
// token. If a TokenStream was just created, the current token is initialized
// with random data (i.e. not initialized). It is therefore important that
// one of the first four member functions listed below is called first.
// The circular buffer lets us go back up to two tokens from the last
// scanned token. Internally, the relative number of backward steps that were
// taken (via ungetToken()) after the last token was scanned is stored in
// |lookahead|.
// The following table lists in which situations it is safe to call each listed
// function. No checks are made by the functions in non-debug builds.
// Function Name | Precondition; changes to |lookahead|
// ------------------+---------------------------------------------------------
// getToken | none; if |lookahead > 0| then |lookahead--|
// peekToken | none; if |lookahead == 0| then |lookahead == 1|
// peekTokenSameLine | none; if |lookahead == 0| then |lookahead == 1|
// matchToken | none; if |lookahead > 0| and the match succeeds then
// | |lookahead--|
// consumeKnownToken | none; if |lookahead > 0| then |lookahead--|
// ungetToken | 0 <= |lookahead| <= |maxLookahead - 1|; |lookahead++|
// The behavior of the token scanning process (see getTokenInternal()) can be
// modified by calling one of the first four above listed member functions with
// an optional argument of type Modifier. However, the modifier will be
// ignored unless |lookahead == 0| holds. Due to constraints of the grammar,
// this turns out not to be a problem in practice. See the
// mozilla.dev.tech.js-engine.internals thread entitled 'Bug in the scanner?'
// for more details:
// https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.js-engine.internals/2JLH5jRcr7E).
// The methods seek() and tell() allow to rescan from a previous visited
// location of the buffer.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS TokenStream
// Unicode separators that are treated as line terminators, in addition to \n, \r.
enum {
static const size_t ntokens = 4; // 1 current + 2 lookahead, rounded
// to power of 2 to avoid divmod by 3
static const unsigned maxLookahead = 2;
static const unsigned ntokensMask = ntokens - 1;
typedef Vector<char16_t, 32> CharBuffer;
TokenStream(ExclusiveContext* cx, const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
const char16_t* base, size_t length, StrictModeGetter* smg);
bool checkOptions();
// Accessors.
const Token& currentToken() const { return tokens[cursor]; }
bool isCurrentTokenType(TokenKind type) const {
return currentToken().type == type;
const CharBuffer& getTokenbuf() const { return tokenbuf; }
const char* getFilename() const { return filename; }
unsigned getLineno() const { return lineno; }
unsigned getColumn() const { return userbuf.offset() - linebase - 1; }
bool getMutedErrors() const { return mutedErrors; }
JSVersion versionNumber() const { return VersionNumber(options().version); }
JSVersion versionWithFlags() const { return options().version; }
PropertyName* currentName() const {
if (isCurrentTokenType(TOK_YIELD))
return cx->names().yield;
return currentToken().name();
PropertyName* nextName() const {
if (nextToken().type == TOK_YIELD)
return cx->names().yield;
MOZ_ASSERT(nextToken().type == TOK_NAME);
return nextToken().name();
bool isCurrentTokenAssignment() const {
return TokenKindIsAssignment(currentToken().type);
// Flag methods.
bool isEOF() const { return flags.isEOF; }
bool sawOctalEscape() const { return flags.sawOctalEscape; }
bool hadError() const { return flags.hadError; }
// TokenStream-specific error reporters.
bool reportError(unsigned errorNumber, ...);
bool reportErrorNoOffset(unsigned errorNumber, ...);
bool reportWarning(unsigned errorNumber, ...);
static const uint32_t NoOffset = UINT32_MAX;
// General-purpose error reporters. You should avoid calling these
// directly, and instead use the more succinct alternatives (e.g.
// reportError()) in TokenStream, Parser, and BytecodeEmitter.
bool reportCompileErrorNumberVA(uint32_t offset, unsigned flags, unsigned errorNumber,
va_list args);
bool reportStrictModeErrorNumberVA(uint32_t offset, bool strictMode, unsigned errorNumber,
va_list args);
bool reportStrictWarningErrorNumberVA(uint32_t offset, unsigned errorNumber,
va_list args);
// asm.js reporter
void reportAsmJSError(uint32_t offset, unsigned errorNumber, ...);
JSAtom* getRawTemplateStringAtom() {
MOZ_ASSERT(currentToken().type == TOK_TEMPLATE_HEAD ||
currentToken().type == TOK_NO_SUBS_TEMPLATE);
const char16_t* cur = userbuf.rawCharPtrAt(currentToken().pos.begin + 1);
const char16_t* end;
if (currentToken().type == TOK_TEMPLATE_HEAD) {
// Of the form |`...${| or |}...${|
end = userbuf.rawCharPtrAt(currentToken().pos.end - 2);
} else {
// NO_SUBS_TEMPLATE is of the form |`...`| or |}...`|
end = userbuf.rawCharPtrAt(currentToken().pos.end - 1);
CharBuffer charbuf(cx);
while (cur < end) {
int32_t ch = *cur;
if (ch == '\r') {
ch = '\n';
if ((cur + 1 < end) && (*(cur + 1) == '\n'))
if (!charbuf.append(ch))
return nullptr;
return AtomizeChars(cx, charbuf.begin(), charbuf.length());
// These are private because they should only be called by the tokenizer
// while tokenizing not by, for example, BytecodeEmitter.
bool reportStrictModeError(unsigned errorNumber, ...);
bool strictMode() const { return strictModeGetter && strictModeGetter->strictMode(); }
static JSAtom* atomize(ExclusiveContext* cx, CharBuffer& cb);
bool putIdentInTokenbuf(const char16_t* identStart);
struct Flags
bool isEOF:1; // Hit end of file.
bool isDirtyLine:1; // Non-whitespace since start of line.
bool sawOctalEscape:1; // Saw an octal character escape.
bool hadError:1; // Hit a syntax error, at start or during a
// token.
bool hitOOM:1; // Hit OOM.
: isEOF(), isDirtyLine(), sawOctalEscape(), hadError(), hitOOM()
bool awaitIsKeyword = false;
friend class AutoAwaitIsKeyword;
2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
typedef Token::Modifier Modifier;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR Modifier None = Token::None;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR Modifier Operand = Token::Operand;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR Modifier KeywordIsName = Token::KeywordIsName;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR Modifier TemplateTail = Token::TemplateTail;
typedef Token::ModifierException ModifierException;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR ModifierException NoException = Token::NoException;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR ModifierException NoneIsOperand = Token::NoneIsOperand;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR ModifierException OperandIsNone = Token::OperandIsNone;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR ModifierException NoneIsKeywordIsName = Token::NoneIsKeywordIsName;
void addModifierException(ModifierException modifierException) {
#ifdef DEBUG
const Token& next = nextToken();
if (next.modifierException == NoneIsOperand)
// Token after yield expression without operand already has
// NoneIsOperand exception.
MOZ_ASSERT(modifierException == OperandIsNone);
MOZ_ASSERT(next.type != TOK_DIV,
"next token requires contextual specifier to be parsed unambiguously");
// Do not update modifierException.
MOZ_ASSERT(next.modifierException == NoException);
switch (modifierException) {
case NoneIsOperand:
MOZ_ASSERT(next.modifier == Operand);
MOZ_ASSERT(next.type != TOK_DIV,
"next token requires contextual specifier to be parsed unambiguously");
case OperandIsNone:
MOZ_ASSERT(next.modifier == None);
MOZ_ASSERT(next.type != TOK_DIV && next.type != TOK_REGEXP,
"next token requires contextual specifier to be parsed unambiguously");
case NoneIsKeywordIsName:
MOZ_ASSERT(next.modifier == KeywordIsName);
MOZ_ASSERT(next.type != TOK_NAME);
MOZ_CRASH("unexpected modifier exception");
tokens[(cursor + 1) & ntokensMask].modifierException = modifierException;
verifyConsistentModifier(Modifier modifier, Token lookaheadToken) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// Easy case: modifiers match.
if (modifier == lookaheadToken.modifier)
if (lookaheadToken.modifierException == OperandIsNone) {
// getToken(Operand) permissibly following getToken().
if (modifier == Operand && lookaheadToken.modifier == None)
if (lookaheadToken.modifierException == NoneIsOperand) {
// getToken() permissibly following getToken(Operand).
if (modifier == None && lookaheadToken.modifier == Operand)
if (lookaheadToken.modifierException == NoneIsKeywordIsName) {
// getToken() permissibly following getToken(KeywordIsName).
if (modifier == None && lookaheadToken.modifier == KeywordIsName)
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("this token was previously looked up with a "
"different modifier, potentially making "
"tokenization non-deterministic");
// Advance to the next token. If the token stream encountered an error,
// return false. Otherwise return true and store the token kind in |*ttp|.
bool getToken(TokenKind* ttp, Modifier modifier = None) {
// Check for a pushed-back token resulting from mismatching lookahead.
if (lookahead != 0) {
cursor = (cursor + 1) & ntokensMask;
TokenKind tt = currentToken().type;
verifyConsistentModifier(modifier, currentToken());
*ttp = tt;
return true;
return getTokenInternal(ttp, modifier);
// Push the last scanned token back into the stream.
void ungetToken() {
MOZ_ASSERT(lookahead < maxLookahead);
cursor = (cursor - 1) & ntokensMask;
bool peekToken(TokenKind* ttp, Modifier modifier = None) {
if (lookahead > 0) {
verifyConsistentModifier(modifier, nextToken());
*ttp = nextToken().type;
return true;
if (!getTokenInternal(ttp, modifier))
return false;
return true;
bool peekTokenPos(TokenPos* posp, Modifier modifier = None) {
if (lookahead == 0) {
TokenKind tt;
if (!getTokenInternal(&tt, modifier))
return false;
} else {
verifyConsistentModifier(modifier, nextToken());
*posp = nextToken().pos;
return true;
// This is like peekToken(), with one exception: if there is an EOL
// between the end of the current token and the start of the next token, it
// return true and store TOK_EOL in |*ttp|. In that case, no token with
// TOK_EOL is actually created, just a TOK_EOL TokenKind is returned, and
// currentToken() shouldn't be consulted. (This is the only place TOK_EOL
// is produced.)
peekTokenSameLine(TokenKind* ttp, Modifier modifier = None) {
const Token& curr = currentToken();
// If lookahead != 0, we have scanned ahead at least one token, and
// |lineno| is the line that the furthest-scanned token ends on. If
// it's the same as the line that the current token ends on, that's a
// stronger condition than what we are looking for, and we don't need
// to return TOK_EOL.
if (lookahead != 0) {
bool onThisLine;
if (!srcCoords.isOnThisLine(curr.pos.end, lineno, &onThisLine))
return reportError(JSMSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
if (onThisLine) {
verifyConsistentModifier(modifier, nextToken());
*ttp = nextToken().type;
return true;
// The above check misses two cases where we don't have to return
// - The next token starts on the same line, but is a multi-line token.
// - The next token starts on the same line, but lookahead==2 and there
// is a newline between the next token and the one after that.
// The following test is somewhat expensive but gets these cases (and
// all others) right.
TokenKind tmp;
if (!getToken(&tmp, modifier))
return false;
const Token& next = currentToken();
*ttp = srcCoords.lineNum(curr.pos.end) == srcCoords.lineNum(next.pos.begin)
? next.type
return true;
// Get the next token from the stream if its kind is |tt|.
bool matchToken(bool* matchedp, TokenKind tt, Modifier modifier = None) {
TokenKind token;
if (!getToken(&token, modifier))
return false;
if (token == tt) {
*matchedp = true;
} else {
*matchedp = false;
return true;
void consumeKnownToken(TokenKind tt, Modifier modifier = None) {
bool matched;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(matchToken(&matched, tt, modifier));
// Like matchToken(..., TOK_NAME) but further matching the name token only
// if it has the given characters, without containing escape sequences.
// If the name token has the given characters yet *does* contain an escape,
// a syntax error will be reported.
// This latter behavior makes this method unsuitable for use in any context
// where ASI might occur. In such places, an escaped "contextual keyword"
// on a new line is the start of an ExpressionStatement, not a continuation
// of a StatementListItem (or ImportDeclaration or ExportDeclaration, in
// modules).
bool matchContextualKeyword(bool* matchedp, Handle<PropertyName*> keyword,
Modifier modifier = None)
TokenKind token;
if (!getToken(&token, modifier))
return false;
if (token == TOK_NAME && currentToken().name() == keyword) {
if (currentToken().nameContainsEscape()) {
return false;
*matchedp = true;
} else {
*matchedp = false;
return true;
bool nextTokenEndsExpr(bool* endsExpr) {
TokenKind tt;
if (!peekToken(&tt))
return false;
*endsExpr = isExprEnding[tt];
return true;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS Position {
// The Token fields may contain pointers to atoms, so for correct
// rooting we must ensure collection of atoms is disabled while objects
// of this class are live. Do this by requiring a dummy AutoKeepAtoms
// reference in the constructor.
// This class is explicity ignored by the analysis, so don't add any
// more pointers to GC things here!
explicit Position(AutoKeepAtoms&) { }
Position(const Position&) = delete;
friend class TokenStream;
const char16_t* buf;
Flags flags;
unsigned lineno;
size_t linebase;
size_t prevLinebase;
Token currentToken;
unsigned lookahead;
Token lookaheadTokens[maxLookahead];
bool advance(size_t position);
void tell(Position*);
void seek(const Position& pos);
bool seek(const Position& pos, const TokenStream& other);
#ifdef DEBUG
inline bool debugHasNoLookahead() const {
return lookahead == 0;
const char16_t* rawCharPtrAt(size_t offset) const {
return userbuf.rawCharPtrAt(offset);
const char16_t* rawLimit() const {
return userbuf.limit();
bool hasDisplayURL() const {
return displayURL_ != nullptr;
char16_t* displayURL() {
return displayURL_.get();
bool hasSourceMapURL() const {
return sourceMapURL_ != nullptr;
char16_t* sourceMapURL() {
return sourceMapURL_.get();
// If |atom| is not a keyword in this version, return true with *ttp
// unchanged.
// If it is a reserved word in this version and strictness mode, and thus
// can't be present in correct code, report a SyntaxError and return false.
// If it is a keyword, like "if", the behavior depends on ttp. If ttp is
// null, report a SyntaxError ("if is a reserved identifier") and return
// false. If ttp is non-null, return true with the keyword's TokenKind in
// *ttp.
bool checkForKeyword(JSAtom* atom, TokenKind* ttp);
// Same semantics as above, but for the provided keyword.
bool checkForKeyword(const KeywordInfo* kw, TokenKind* ttp);
// This class maps a userbuf offset (which is 0-indexed) to a line number
// (which is 1-indexed) and a column index (which is 0-indexed).
class SourceCoords
// For a given buffer holding source code, |lineStartOffsets_| has one
// element per line of source code, plus one sentinel element. Each
// non-sentinel element holds the buffer offset for the start of the
// corresponding line of source code. For this example script:
// 1 // xyz [line starts at offset 0]
// 2 var x; [line starts at offset 7]
// 3 [line starts at offset 14]
// 4 var y; [line starts at offset 15]
// |lineStartOffsets_| is:
// [0, 7, 14, 15, MAX_PTR]
// To convert a "line number" to a "line index" (i.e. an index into
// |lineStartOffsets_|), subtract |initialLineNum_|. E.g. line 3's
// line index is (3 - initialLineNum_), which is 2. Therefore
// lineStartOffsets_[2] holds the buffer offset for the start of line 3,
// which is 14. (Note that |initialLineNum_| is often 1, but not
// always.)
// The first element is always 0, and the last element is always the
// MAX_PTR sentinel.
// offset-to-line/column lookups are O(log n) in the worst case (binary
// search), but in practice they're heavily clustered and we do better
// than that by using the previous lookup's result (lastLineIndex_) as
// a starting point.
// Checking if an offset lies within a particular line number
// (isOnThisLine()) is O(1).
Vector<uint32_t, 128> lineStartOffsets_;
uint32_t initialLineNum_;
// This is mutable because it's modified on every search, but that fact
// isn't visible outside this class.
mutable uint32_t lastLineIndex_;
uint32_t lineIndexOf(uint32_t offset) const;
static const uint32_t MAX_PTR = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t lineIndexToNum(uint32_t lineIndex) const { return lineIndex + initialLineNum_; }
uint32_t lineNumToIndex(uint32_t lineNum) const { return lineNum - initialLineNum_; }
SourceCoords(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t ln);
bool add(uint32_t lineNum, uint32_t lineStartOffset);
bool fill(const SourceCoords& other);
bool isOnThisLine(uint32_t offset, uint32_t lineNum, bool* onThisLine) const {
uint32_t lineIndex = lineNumToIndex(lineNum);
if (lineIndex + 1 >= lineStartOffsets_.length()) // +1 due to sentinel
return false;
*onThisLine = lineStartOffsets_[lineIndex] <= offset &&
offset < lineStartOffsets_[lineIndex + 1];
return true;
uint32_t lineNum(uint32_t offset) const;
uint32_t columnIndex(uint32_t offset) const;
void lineNumAndColumnIndex(uint32_t offset, uint32_t* lineNum, uint32_t* columnIndex) const;
SourceCoords srcCoords;
JSAtomState& names() const {
return cx->names();
ExclusiveContext* context() const {
return cx;
const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options() const {
return options_;
// This is the low-level interface to the JS source code buffer. It just
// gets raw chars, basically. TokenStreams functions are layered on top
// and do some extra stuff like converting all EOL sequences to '\n',
// tracking the line number, and setting |flags.isEOF|. (The "raw" in "raw
// chars" refers to the lack of EOL sequence normalization.)
// buf[0..length-1] often represents a substring of some larger source,
// where we have only the substring in memory. The |startOffset| argument
// indicates the offset within this larger string at which our string
// begins, the offset of |buf[0]|.
class TokenBuf {
TokenBuf(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char16_t* buf, size_t length, size_t startOffset)
: base_(buf),
limit_(buf + length),
{ }
bool hasRawChars() const {
return ptr < limit_;
bool atStart() const {
return offset() == 0;
size_t startOffset() const {
return startOffset_;
size_t offset() const {
return startOffset_ + mozilla::PointerRangeSize(base_, ptr);
const char16_t* rawCharPtrAt(size_t offset) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(startOffset_ <= offset);
MOZ_ASSERT(offset - startOffset_ <= mozilla::PointerRangeSize(base_, limit_));
return base_ + (offset - startOffset_);
const char16_t* limit() const {
return limit_;
char16_t getRawChar() {
return *ptr++; // this will nullptr-crash if poisoned
char16_t peekRawChar() const {
return *ptr; // this will nullptr-crash if poisoned
bool matchRawChar(char16_t c) {
if (*ptr == c) { // this will nullptr-crash if poisoned
return true;
return false;
bool matchRawCharBackwards(char16_t c) {
MOZ_ASSERT(ptr); // make sure it hasn't been poisoned
if (*(ptr - 1) == c) {
return true;
return false;
void ungetRawChar() {
MOZ_ASSERT(ptr); // make sure it hasn't been poisoned
const char16_t* addressOfNextRawChar(bool allowPoisoned = false) const {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!allowPoisoned, ptr); // make sure it hasn't been poisoned
return ptr;
// Use this with caution!
void setAddressOfNextRawChar(const char16_t* a, bool allowPoisoned = false) {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!allowPoisoned, a);
ptr = a;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Poison the TokenBuf so it cannot be accessed again.
void poison() {
ptr = nullptr;
static bool isRawEOLChar(int32_t c) {
return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == LINE_SEPARATOR || c == PARA_SEPARATOR;
// Returns the offset of the next EOL, but stops once 'max' characters
// have been scanned (*including* the char at startOffset_).
size_t findEOLMax(size_t start, size_t max);
const char16_t* base_; // base of buffer
uint32_t startOffset_; // offset of base_[0]
const char16_t* limit_; // limit for quick bounds check
const char16_t* ptr; // next char to get
bool getTokenInternal(TokenKind* ttp, Modifier modifier);
bool getBracedUnicode(uint32_t* code);
bool getStringOrTemplateToken(int untilChar, Token** tp);
int32_t getChar();
int32_t getCharIgnoreEOL();
void ungetChar(int32_t c);
void ungetCharIgnoreEOL(int32_t c);
Token* newToken(ptrdiff_t adjust);
bool peekUnicodeEscape(int32_t* c);
bool matchUnicodeEscapeIdStart(int32_t* c);
bool matchUnicodeEscapeIdent(int32_t* c);
bool peekChars(int n, char16_t* cp);
bool getDirectives(bool isMultiline, bool shouldWarnDeprecated);
bool getDirective(bool isMultiline, bool shouldWarnDeprecated,
const char* directive, int directiveLength,
const char* errorMsgPragma,
mozilla::UniquePtr<char16_t[], JS::FreePolicy>* destination);
bool getDisplayURL(bool isMultiline, bool shouldWarnDeprecated);
bool getSourceMappingURL(bool isMultiline, bool shouldWarnDeprecated);
// |expect| cannot be an EOL char.
bool matchChar(int32_t expect) {
return MOZ_LIKELY(userbuf.hasRawChars()) &&
void consumeKnownChar(int32_t expect) {
mozilla::DebugOnly<int32_t> c = getChar();
MOZ_ASSERT(c == expect);
int32_t peekChar() {
int32_t c = getChar();
return c;
void skipChars(int n) {
while (--n >= 0)
void updateLineInfoForEOL();
void updateFlagsForEOL();
const Token& nextToken() const {
return tokens[(cursor + 1) & ntokensMask];
bool hasLookahead() const { return lookahead > 0; }
// Options used for parsing/tokenizing.
const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options_;
Token tokens[ntokens]; // circular token buffer
unsigned cursor; // index of last parsed token
unsigned lookahead; // count of lookahead tokens
unsigned lineno; // current line number
Flags flags; // flags -- see above
size_t linebase; // start of current line
size_t prevLinebase; // start of previous line; size_t(-1) if on the first line
TokenBuf userbuf; // user input buffer
const char* filename; // input filename or null
mozilla::UniquePtr<char16_t[], JS::FreePolicy> displayURL_; // the user's requested source URL or null
mozilla::UniquePtr<char16_t[], JS::FreePolicy> sourceMapURL_; // source map's filename or null
CharBuffer tokenbuf; // current token string buffer
uint8_t isExprEnding[TOK_LIMIT];// which tokens definitely terminate exprs?
ExclusiveContext* const cx;
bool mutedErrors;
StrictModeGetter* strictModeGetter; // used to test for strict mode
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoAwaitIsKeyword
TokenStream* ts_;
bool oldAwaitIsKeyword_;
AutoAwaitIsKeyword(TokenStream* ts, bool awaitIsKeyword) {
ts_ = ts;
oldAwaitIsKeyword_ = ts_->awaitIsKeyword;
ts_->awaitIsKeyword = awaitIsKeyword;
~AutoAwaitIsKeyword() {
ts_->awaitIsKeyword = oldAwaitIsKeyword_;
ts_ = nullptr;
2017-04-19 07:56:45 +00:00
// Steal one JSREPORT_* bit (see jsapi.h) to tell that arguments to the error
// message have const char16_t* type, not const char*.
#define JSREPORT_UC 0x100
extern const char*
TokenKindToDesc(TokenKind tt);
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace js
extern JS_FRIEND_API(int)
js_fgets(char* buf, int size, FILE* file);
#ifdef DEBUG
extern const char*
TokenKindToString(js::frontend::TokenKind tt);
#endif /* frontend_TokenStream_h */