mirror of https://github.com/classilla/tenfourfox.git synced 2025-03-04 10:30:27 +00:00

closes : fix height for flexbox case M1030952 M1180107

This commit is contained in:
Cameron Kaiser 2018-04-08 14:00:43 -07:00
parent 5f4c3c9c15
commit 2a28a03ed4
4 changed files with 207 additions and 75 deletions

@ -123,6 +123,16 @@ public:
void DeleteAll();
* Check if a property exists (added for TenFourFox issue 493).
bool Has(const nsIFrame* aFrame, const FramePropertyDescriptor* aProperty)
bool foundResult = false;
(void)Get(aFrame, aProperty, &foundResult);
return foundResult;
size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
@ -238,6 +248,13 @@ public:
mTable->Delete(mFrame, aProperty);
// TenFourFox issue 493
bool Has(const FramePropertyDescriptor* aProperty)
bool foundResult;
(void)mTable->Get(mFrame, aProperty, &foundResult);
return foundResult;
FramePropertyTable* mTable;

@ -5165,33 +5165,58 @@ nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSizeWithIntrinsicDimensions(WritingMode aWM,
bool isFlexItem = aFrame->IsFlexItem();
bool isInlineFlexItem = false;
Maybe<nsStyleCoord> imposedMainSizeStyleCoord;
// If this is a flex item, and we're measuring its cross size after flexing
// to resolve its main size, then we need to use the resolved main size
// that the container provides to us *instead of* the main-size coordinate
// from our style struct. (Otherwise, we'll be using an irrelevant value in
// the aspect-ratio calculations below.)
if (isFlexItem) {
// Flex items use their "flex-basis" property in place of their main-size
// property (e.g. "width") for sizing purposes, *unless* they have
// "flex-basis:auto", in which case they use their main-size property after
// all.
uint32_t flexDirection =
isInlineFlexItem =
// NOTE: The logic here should match the similar chunk for determining
// inlineStyleCoord and blockStyleCoord in nsFrame::ComputeSize().
const nsStyleCoord* flexBasis = &(stylePos->mFlexBasis);
if (flexBasis->GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Auto) {
// If FlexItemMainSizeOverride frame-property is set, then that means the
// flex container is imposing a main-size on this flex item for it to use
// as its size in the container's main axis.
FrameProperties props = aFrame->Properties();
bool didImposeMainSize;
nscoord imposedMainSize =
props.Get(nsIFrame::FlexItemMainSizeOverride(), &didImposeMainSize);
if (didImposeMainSize) {
if (isInlineFlexItem) {
inlineStyleCoord = flexBasis;
inlineStyleCoord = imposedMainSizeStyleCoord.ptr();
} else {
// One caveat for vertical flex items: We don't support enumerated
// values (e.g. "max-content") for height properties yet. So, if our
// computed flex-basis is an enumerated value, we'll just behave as if
// it were "auto", which means "use the main-size property after all"
// (which is "height", in this case).
// NOTE: Once we support intrinsic sizing keywords for "height",
// we should remove this check.
if (flexBasis->GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Enumerated) {
blockStyleCoord = flexBasis;
blockStyleCoord = imposedMainSizeStyleCoord.ptr();
} else {
// Flex items use their "flex-basis" property in place of their main-size
// property (e.g. "width") for sizing purposes, *unless* they have
// "flex-basis:auto", in which case they use their main-size property
// after all.
// NOTE: The logic here should match the similar chunk for determining
// inlineStyleCoord and blockStyleCoord in nsFrame::ComputeSize().
const nsStyleCoord* flexBasis = &(stylePos->mFlexBasis);
if (flexBasis->GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Auto) {
if (isInlineFlexItem) {
inlineStyleCoord = flexBasis;
} else {
// One caveat for vertical flex items: We don't support enumerated
// values (e.g. "max-content") for height properties yet. So, if our
// computed flex-basis is an enumerated value, we'll just behave as if
// it were "auto", which means "use the main-size property after all"
// (which is "height", in this case).
// NOTE: Once we support intrinsic sizing keywords for "height",
// we should remove this check.
if (flexBasis->GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Enumerated) {
blockStyleCoord = flexBasis;

@ -462,6 +462,9 @@ public:
return mFlexShrink * mFlexBaseSize;
const nsSize& IntrinsicRatio() const { return mIntrinsicRatio; }
bool HasIntrinsicRatio() const { return mIntrinsicRatio != nsSize(); }
// Getters for margin:
// ===================
const nsMargin& GetMargin() const { return mMargin; }
@ -642,6 +645,10 @@ public:
uint32_t GetNumAutoMarginsInAxis(AxisOrientationType aAxis) const;
// Once the main size has been resolved, should we bother doing layout to
// establish the cross size?
bool CanMainSizeInfluenceCrossSize(const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker) const;
// Helper called by the constructor, to set mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution:
void CheckForMinSizeAuto(const nsHTMLReflowState& aFlexItemReflowState,
@ -654,6 +661,10 @@ protected:
const float mFlexGrow;
const float mFlexShrink;
public: // bustage kludge for bug 1030952 (see TenFourFox issue 493)
const nsSize mIntrinsicRatio;
const nsMargin mBorderPadding;
nsMargin mMargin; // non-const because we need to resolve auto margins
@ -1258,7 +1269,6 @@ MainSizeFromAspectRatio(nscoord aCrossSize,
static nscoord
PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(const FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const nsSize& aIntrinsicRatio,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
@ -1295,7 +1305,7 @@ PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(const FlexItem& aFlexItem,
// * if the item has an intrinsic aspect ratio, the width (height) calculated
// from the aspect ratio and any definite size constraints in the opposite
// dimension.
if (aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aIntrinsicRatio) != 0) {
if (aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aFlexItem.mIntrinsicRatio) != 0) {
// We have a usable aspect ratio. (not going to divide by 0)
const bool useMinSizeIfCrossSizeIsIndefinite = true;
nscoord crossSizeToUseWithRatio =
@ -1304,7 +1314,7 @@ PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(const FlexItem& aFlexItem,
nscoord minMainSizeFromRatio =
aIntrinsicRatio, aAxisTracker);
aFlexItem.mIntrinsicRatio, aAxisTracker);
minMainSize = std::min(minMainSize, minMainSizeFromRatio);
@ -1318,7 +1328,6 @@ PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(const FlexItem& aFlexItem,
static bool
ResolveAutoFlexBasisFromRatio(FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const nsSize& aIntrinsicRatio,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
MOZ_ASSERT(NS_AUTOHEIGHT == aFlexItem.GetFlexBaseSize(),
@ -1329,7 +1338,7 @@ ResolveAutoFlexBasisFromRatio(FlexItem& aFlexItem,
// - a definite cross size
// then the flex base size is calculated from its inner cross size and the
// flex items intrinsic aspect ratio.
if (aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aIntrinsicRatio) != 0) {
if (aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aFlexItem.mIntrinsicRatio) != 0) {
// We have a usable aspect ratio. (not going to divide by 0)
const bool useMinSizeIfCrossSizeIsIndefinite = false;
nscoord crossSizeToUseWithRatio =
@ -1340,7 +1349,7 @@ ResolveAutoFlexBasisFromRatio(FlexItem& aFlexItem,
// We have a definite cross-size
nscoord mainSizeFromRatio =
aIntrinsicRatio, aAxisTracker);
aFlexItem.mIntrinsicRatio, aAxisTracker);
return true;
@ -1398,19 +1407,15 @@ nsFlexContainerFrame::
// We'll need the intrinsic ratio (if there is one), regardless of whether
// we're resolving min-[width|height]:auto or flex-basis:auto.
const nsSize ratio = aFlexItem.Frame()->GetIntrinsicRatio();
nscoord resolvedMinSize; // (only set/used if isMainMinSizeAuto==true)
bool minSizeNeedsToMeasureContent = false; // assume the best
if (isMainMinSizeAuto) {
// Resolve the min-size, except for considering the min-content size.
// (We'll consider that later, if we need to.)
resolvedMinSize = PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(aFlexItem, aItemReflowState,
ratio, aAxisTracker);
if (resolvedMinSize > 0 &&
aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(ratio) == 0) {
aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aFlexItem.IntrinsicRatio()) == 0) {
// We don't have a usable aspect ratio, so we need to consider our
// min-content size as another candidate min-size, which we'll have to
// min() with the current resolvedMinSize.
@ -1423,7 +1428,7 @@ nsFlexContainerFrame::
bool flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent = false; // assume the best
if (isMainSizeAuto) {
if (!ResolveAutoFlexBasisFromRatio(aFlexItem, aItemReflowState,
ratio, aAxisTracker)) {
aAxisTracker)) {
flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent = true;
@ -1543,6 +1548,7 @@ FlexItem::FlexItem(nsHTMLReflowState& aFlexItemReflowState,
: mFrame(aFlexItemReflowState.frame),
@ -1624,6 +1630,7 @@ FlexItem::FlexItem(nsIFrame* aChildFrame, nscoord aCrossSize,
: mFrame(aChildFrame),
// mBorderPadding uses default constructor,
// mMargin uses default constructor,
@ -1736,6 +1743,45 @@ FlexItem::GetNumAutoMarginsInAxis(AxisOrientationType aAxis) const
return numAutoMargins;
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker) const
if (mIsStretched) {
// We've already had our cross-size stretched for "align-self:stretch").
// The container is imposing its cross size on us.
return false;
if (HasIntrinsicRatio()) {
// For flex items that have an intrinsic ratio (and maintain it, i.e. are
// not stretched, which we already checked above): changes to main-size
// *do* influence the cross size.
return true;
if (mIsStrut) {
// Struts (for visibility:collapse items) have a predetermined size;
// no need to measure anything.
return false;
if (aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal()) {
// If the cross axis is horizontal, then changes to the item's main size
// (height) can't influence its cross size (width), if the item is a block
// with a horizontal writing-mode.
// XXXdholbert This doesn't account for vertical writing-modes, items with
// aspect ratios, items that are multicol elements, & items that are
// multi-line vertical flex containers. In all of those cases, a change to
// the height could influence the width.
return false;
// Default assumption, if we haven't proven otherwise: the resolved main size
// *can* change the cross size.
return true;
// Keeps track of our position along a particular axis (where a '0' position
// corresponds to the 'start' edge of that axis).
// This class shouldn't be instantiated directly -- rather, it should only be
@ -3488,16 +3534,17 @@ nsFlexContainerFrame::SizeItemInCrossAxis(
FlexItem& aItem)
if (aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal()) {
// XXXdholbert NOTE: For now, we should never hit this case, due to a
// !aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal() check that guards this
// call in the caller. BUT, when we add support for vertical writing-modes,
// (in bug 1079155 or a dependency), we'll relax that check, and we'll need
// to be able to measure the baseline & width (given our resolved height)
"For now, caller's CanMainSizeInfluenceCrossSize check should "
"only allow us to get here for items with intrinsic ratio");
// XXXdholbert When we finish support for vertical writing-modes,
// (in bug 1079155 or a dependency), we'll relax the horizontal check in
// CanMainSizeInfluenceCrossSize, and this function will need to be able
// to measure the baseline & width (given our resolved height)
// of vertical-writing-mode flex items here.
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Caller should use tentative cross size instead "
"of calling SizeItemInCrossAxis");
// (But if we do happen to get here, just trust the passed-in reflow state
// for our cross size [width].)
// For now, we only expect to get here for items with an intrinsic aspect
// ratio; and for those items, we can just read the size off of the reflow
// state, without performing reflow.
@ -3709,6 +3756,40 @@ private:
// Class to let us temporarily provide an override value for the the main-size
// CSS property ('width' or 'height') on a flex item, for use in
// nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSizeWithIntrinsicDimensions.
// (We could use this overridden size more broadly, too, but it's probably
// better to avoid property-table accesses. So, where possible, we communicate
// the resolved main-size to the child via modifying its reflow state directly,
// instead of using this class.)
class MOZ_RAII AutoFlexItemMainSizeOverride final
explicit AutoFlexItemMainSizeOverride(FlexItem& aItem
: mItemProps(aItem.Frame()->Properties())
"FlexItemMainSizeOverride prop shouldn't be set already; "
"it should only be set temporarily (& not recursively)");
"This should only be needed for items with an aspect ratio");
mItemProps.Set(nsIFrame::FlexItemMainSizeOverride(), aItem.GetMainSize());
~AutoFlexItemMainSizeOverride() {
const FrameProperties mItemProps;
nsFlexContainerFrame::DoFlexLayout(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
@ -3744,41 +3825,35 @@ nsFlexContainerFrame::DoFlexLayout(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord sumLineCrossSizes = 0;
for (FlexLine* line = lines.getFirst(); line; line = line->getNext()) {
for (FlexItem* item = line->GetFirstItem(); item; item = item->getNext()) {
// Note that we may already have the correct cross size. (We guess at it
// in GenerateFlexItemForChild(), and we also may resolve it early for
// stretched flex items.)
// We can skip measuring an item's cross size here in a few scenarios:
// (A) If the flex item has already been stretched, then we're imposing
// the container's cross size on it; no need to measure.
// (B) If the flex item is a "strut", then it's just a placeholder with a
// predetermined cross size; no need to measure.
// (C) If the item's main-size can't affect its cross-size, then the
// item's tentative cross size (which we got from the reflow state in
// GenerateFlexItemForChild()) is correct. So, no need to re-measure.
// (For now, this is equivalent to checking if the cross-axis is
// horizontal, because until we enable vertical writing-modes, an
// element's computed width can't be influenced by its computed
// height.)
if (!item->IsStretched() && // !A
!item->IsStrut() && // !B
!aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal()) { // !C
// The item may already have the correct cross-size; only recalculate
// if the item's main size resolution (flexing) could have influenced it:
if (item->CanMainSizeInfluenceCrossSize(aAxisTracker)) {
Maybe<AutoFlexItemMainSizeOverride> sizeOverride;
if (item->HasIntrinsicRatio()) {
// For flex items with an aspect ratio, we have to impose an override
// for the main-size property *before* we even instantiate the reflow
// state, in order for aspect ratio calculations to produce the right
// cross size in the reflow state. (For other flex items, it's OK
// (and cheaper) to impose our main size *after* the reflow state has
// been constructed, since the main size shouldn't influence anything
// about cross-size measurement until we actually reflow the child.)
WritingMode wm = item->Frame()->GetWritingMode();
LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
nsHTMLReflowState childReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
item->Frame(), availSize);
// Override computed main-size
if (aAxisTracker.IsMainAxisHorizontal()) {
} else {
// XXXdholbert NOTE: For now, we'll never hit this case, due to the
// !aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal() check above. But
// when we add support for vertical writing modes, we'll relax that
// check and be able to hit this code.
if (!sizeOverride) {
// Directly override the computed main-size, by tweaking reflow state:
if (aAxisTracker.IsMainAxisHorizontal()) {
} else {
SizeItemInCrossAxis(aPresContext, aAxisTracker,
childReflowState, *item);
@ -4076,20 +4151,29 @@ nsFlexContainerFrame::ReflowFlexItem(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
didOverrideComputedHeight = true;
// Override reflow state's computed cross-size, for stretched items.
if (aItem.IsStretched()) {
"stretched item w/o 'align-self: stretch'?");
// Override reflow state's computed cross-size if either:
// - the item was stretched (in which case we're imposing a cross size)
// ...or...
// - the item it has an aspect ratio (in which case the cross-size that's
// currently in the reflow state is based on arithmetic involving a stale
// main-size value that we just stomped on above). (Note that we could handle
// this case using an AutoFlexItemMainSizeOverride, as we do elsewhere; but
// given that we *already know* the correct cross size to use here, it's
// cheaper to just directly set it instead of setting a frame property.)
if (aItem.IsStretched() ||
aItem.HasIntrinsicRatio()) {
if (aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal()) {
didOverrideComputedWidth = true;
} else {
// If this item's height is stretched, it's a relative height.
didOverrideComputedHeight = true;
if (aItem.IsStretched() && !aAxisTracker.IsCrossAxisHorizontal()) {
// If this item's height is stretched, it's a relative height.
// XXXdholbert Might need to actually set the correct margins in the
// reflow state at some point, so that they can be saved on the frame for

@ -893,6 +893,12 @@ public:
NS_DECLARE_FRAME_PROPERTY(LineBaselineOffset, nullptr)
// Temporary override for a flex item's main-size property (either width
// or height), imposed by its flex container.
// XXX: We don't have bug 1064843, so use the previous declaration system
// (see bug 1030952 part 3 and TenFourFox issue 493).
NS_DECLARE_FRAME_PROPERTY(FlexItemMainSizeOverride, nullptr)
NS_DECLARE_FRAME_PROPERTY(CachedBackgroundImage, ReleaseValue<gfxASurface>)