mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 02:30:56 +00:00
closes #555: shavar cryptominer auto import into adblock (also remove old 52 import script)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -s
$source ||= "../esr52/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.inc";
open(W, $source) || die("unable to open $source: $!\nspecify -source=/path ?\n");
print <<'EOF';
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* This is an automatically generated file. If you're not */
/* nsSiteSecurityService.cpp, you shouldn't be #including it. */
/* imported from ESR52 by TenFourFox conversion script */
#include <stdint.h>
# let's have a little paranoia.
while(<W>) {
if (/^const PRTime gPreloadListExpirationTime = INT64_C/) {
$got_time = 1;
if (/kSTSHostTable/) {
$got_host = 1;
die("unexpected format of $source\n") if (!$got_time || !$got_host);
print <<'EOF';
class nsSTSPreload
const char *mHost;
const bool mIncludeSubdomains;
static const nsSTSPreload kSTSPreloadList[] = {
while(<W>) {
if (/^\s*\/\* ("[^"]+", )(true|false)\s\*\//) {
print " { $1$2 },\n";
print "};\n";
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -s
# This descends from huepl and TTYtter, and is therefore under the Floodgap
# Free Software License. It is not required to build or run Firefox or
# TenFourFox.
$VERSION = "v0.5";
if ($] >= 5.014000 && $ENV{'PERL_SIGNALS'} ne 'unsafe') {
$signals_use_posix = 1;
} else {
$ENV{'PERL_SIGNALS'} = 'unsafe';
$lastexception = 0;
@wend = ('-L', '-s', '-m', '20', '-A', '', '-H', 'Expect:');
eval "use POSIX;";
$URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla-services/shavar-prod-lists/master/disconnect-blacklist.json";
$exit_mode = 0;
$stringify_args = sub {
my $basecom = shift;
my $resource = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $p;
my $l = '';
foreach $p (@_) {
if ($p =~ /^-/) {
$l .= "\n" if (length($l));
$l .= "$p ";
$l .= $p;
$l .= "\n";
# if resource is an arrayref, then it's a GET with URL
# and args
$resource = join('?', @{ $resource })
if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY');
$l .= "url = \"$resource\"\n";
$data =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$l .= "data = \"$data\"\n" if length($data);
return ("$basecom -K -", $l, undef);
sub sigify {
# this routine abstracts setting signals to a subroutine reference.
# check and see if we have to use POSIX.pm (Perl 5.14+) or we can
# still use $SIG for proper signalling. We prefer the latter, but
# must support the former.
my $subref = shift;
my $k;
if ($signals_use_posix) {
my @w;
my $sigaction = POSIX::SigAction->new($subref);
while ($k = shift) {
my $e = &posix_signal_of($k);
# some signals may not exist on all systems.
next if (!(0+$e));
POSIX::sigaction($e, $sigaction)
|| die("sigaction failure: $! $@\n");
} else {
while ($k = shift) { $SIG{$k} = $subref; }
sub posix_signal_of {
die("never call posix_signal_of if signals_use_posix is false\n")
if (!$signals_use_posix);
# this assumes that POSIX::SIG* returns a scalar int value.
# not all signals exist on all systems. this ensures zeroes are
# returned for locally bogus ones.
return 0+(eval("return POSIX::SIG".shift));
sub parsejson {
my $data = shift;
my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot
my $i;
my $tdata;
my $seed;
my $bbqqmask;
my $ddqqmask;
my $ssqqmask;
# test for single logicals
return {
'ok' => 1,
'result' => (($1 eq 'true') ? 1 : 0),
'literal' => $1,
} if ($data =~ /^['"]?(true|false)['"]?$/);
# first isolate escaped backslashes with a unique sequence.
$bbqqmask = "BBQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$bbqqmask$seed/);
$bbqqmask .= $seed;
$data =~ s/\\\\/$bbqqmask/g;
# next isolate escaped quotes with another unique sequence.
$ddqqmask = "DDQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$ddqqmask$seed/);
$ddqqmask .= $seed;
$data =~ s/\\\"/$ddqqmask/g;
# then turn literal ' into another unique sequence. you'll see
# why momentarily.
$ssqqmask = "SSQQ";
$seed = 0;
$seed++ while ($data =~ /$ssqqmask$seed/);
$ssqqmask .= $seed;
$data =~ s/\'/$ssqqmask/g;
# here's why: we're going to turn doublequoted strings into single
# quoted strings to avoid nastiness like variable interpolation.
$data =~ s/\"/\'/g;
# and then we're going to turn the inline ones all back except
# ssqq, which we'll do last so that our syntax checker still works.
$data =~ s/$bbqqmask/\\\\/g;
$data =~ s/$ddqqmask/"/g;
print STDOUT "$data\n" if ($superverbose);
# first, generate a syntax tree.
$tdata = $data;
1 while $tdata =~ s/'[^']*'//; # empty strings are valid too ...
$tdata =~ s/-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*([eE][+-][0-9]+)?//g;
# have to handle floats *and* their exponents
$tdata =~ s/(true|false|null)//g;
$tdata =~ s/\s//g;
print STDOUT "$tdata\n" if ($superverbose);
# now verify the syntax tree.
# the remaining stuff should just be enclosed in [ ], and only {}:,
# for example, imagine if a bare semicolon were in this ...
if ($tdata !~ s/^\[// || $tdata !~ s/\]$// || $tdata =~ /[^{}:,]/) {
$tdata =~ s/'[^']*$//; # cut trailing strings
if (($tdata =~ /^\[/ && $tdata !~ /\]$/)
|| ($tdata =~ /^\{/ && $tdata !~ /\}$/)) {
# incomplete transmission
&exception(10, "*** JSON warning: connection cut\n");
return undef;
if ($tdata =~ /(^|[^:])\[\]($|[^},])/) { # oddity
&exception(11, "*** JSON warning: null list\n");
return undef;
# at this point all we should have are structural elements.
# if something other than JSON structure is visible, then
# the syntax tree is mangled. don't try to run it, it
# might be unsafe.
if ($tdata =~ /[^\[\]\{\}:,]/) {
&exception(99, "*** JSON syntax error\n");
--- data received ---
--- syntax tree ---
return undef;
# syntax tree passed, so let's turn it into a Perl reference.
# have to turn colons into ,s or Perl will gripe. but INTELLIGENTLY!
1 while
($data =~ s/([^'])'\s*:\s*(true|false|null|\'|\{|\[|-?[0-9])/\1\',\2/);
# removing whitespace to improve interpretation speed actually made
# it SLOWER.
#($data =~ s/'\s*,\s*/',/sg);
#($data =~ s/\n\s*//sg);
# finally, single quotes, just before interpretation.
$data =~ s/$ssqqmask/\\'/g;
# now somewhat validated, so safe (?) to eval() into a Perl struct
eval "\$my_json_ref = $data;";
print STDOUT "$data => $my_json_ref $@\n" if ($superverbose);
# do a sanity check
if (!defined($my_json_ref)) {
&exception(99, "*** JSON syntax error\n");
print STDOUT <<"EOF" if ($verbose);
--- data received ---
--- syntax tree ---
return $my_json_ref;
sub backticks {
# more efficient/flexible backticks system
my $comm = shift;
my $rerr = shift;
my $rout = shift;
my $resource = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $dont_do_auth = shift;
my $buf = '';
my $undersave = $_;
my $pid;
my $args;
($comm, $args, $data) = &$stringify_args($comm, $resource,
$data, $dont_do_auth, @_);
print STDOUT "$comm\n$args\n$data\n" if ($superverbose);
if(open(BACTIX, '-|')) {
while(<BACTIX>) {
$buf .= $_;
} close(BACTIX);
$_ = $undersave;
return $buf; # and $? is still in $?
} else {
$in_backticks = 1;
&sigify(sub {
"** user agent not honouring timeout (caught by sigalarm)\n");
}, qw(ALRM));
alarm 120; # this should be sufficient
if (length($rerr)) {
open(STDERR, ">$rerr");
if (length($rout)) {
open(STDOUT, ">$rout");
if(open(FRONTIX, "|$comm")) {
print FRONTIX "$args\n";
print FRONTIX "$data" if (length($data));
} else {
"backticks() failure for $comm $rerr $rout @_: $!\n");
$rv = $? >> 8;
exit $rv;
sub wherecheck {
my ($prompt, $filename, $fatal) = (@_);
my (@paths) = split(/\:/, $ENV{'PATH'});
my $setv = '';
push(@paths, '/usr/bin'); # the usual place
@paths = ('') if ($filename =~ m#^/#); # for absolute paths
foreach(@paths) {
if (-r "$_/$filename") {
$setv = "$_/$filename";
1 while $setv =~ s#//#/#;
if (!length($setv)) {
die ($fatal) if ($fatal);
return $setv;
sub url_oauth_sub {
my $x = shift;
$x =~ s/([^-0-9a-zA-Z._~])/"%".uc(unpack("H*",$1))/eg; return $x;
# this is a sucky nonce generator. I was looking for an awesome nonce
# generator, and then I realized it would only be used once, so who cares?
# *rimshot*
sub generate_nonce { unpack("H32", pack("u", rand($$).$$.time())); }
sub exception {
my ($num, $tex) = (@_);
$lastexception = $num;
print STDOUT "$tex" if ($verbose);
sub grabjson {
my $url = shift;
my $no_auth = shift;
my $data;
chomp($data = &backticks($curl,
'/dev/null', undef, $url, undef,
$no_auth, @wind));
return &genericnetworkjson($data, $url, $no_auth);
sub postjson {
my $url = shift;
my $postdata = shift;
my $no_auth = shift;
my $data;
chomp($data = &backticks($curl,
'/dev/null', undef, $url, $postdata,
$no_auth, @wend));
return &genericnetworkjson($data, $url, $no_auth);
sub putjson {
my $url = shift;
my $postdata = shift;
my $no_auth = shift;
my $data;
chomp($data = &backticks($curl,
'/dev/null', undef, $url, $postdata,
$no_auth, @wund));
return &genericnetworkjson($data, $url, $no_auth);
sub genericnetworkjson {
my $data = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $no_auth = shift;
my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot
my $i;
my $tdata;
my $seed;
my $k = $? >> 8;
$data =~ s/[\r\l\n\s]*$//s;
$data =~ s/^[\r\l\n\s]*//s;
if (!length($data) || $k == 28 || $k == 7 || $k == 35) {
&exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n");
return undef;
if ($k > 0) {
"*** warning: unexpected error code ($k) from user agent\n");
return undef;
# handle things like 304, or other things that look like HTTP
# error codes
if ($data =~ m#^HTTP/\d\.\d\s+(\d+)\s+#) {
$code = 0+$1;
print $stdout $data if ($superverbose);
# 304 is actually a cop-out code and is not usually
# returned, so we should consider it a non-fatal error
if ($code == 304 || $code == 200 || $code == 204) {
&exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n");
return undef;
"*** warning: unexpected HTTP return code $code from server\n");
return undef;
$my_json_ref = &parsejson($data);
$laststatus = 0;
return $my_json_ref;
$curl ||= &wherecheck("checking for cURL", "curl", <<"EOF");
cURL is required. if cURL is not usually in your path, you can
hardcode it with -curl=/path/to/curl
$vv = `$curl --version`;
($vv =~ /^curl (\d+)\.(\d+)/) && ($major = $1, $minor = $2);
die("at least cURL 7.58 required, you have ${major}.${minor}.\n\n$vv\n")
if ($major < 7 || ($major == 7 && $minor < 58));
$json_ref = &grabjson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla-services/shavar-prod-lists/master/disconnect-blacklist.json");
die("this doesn't look like the right format\n\ncheck URL\n$url\n")
if (!defined($json_ref->{'license'}) ||
!defined($json_ref->{'categories'}) ||
select(STDOUT); $|++;
%dupedupe = ();
foreach $a (@{ $json_ref->{'categories'}->{'Cryptomining'} }) {
foreach $b (keys(%{ $a })) {
die("illegal newline: $b\n") if ($b =~ /[\r\n]/s);
print "// $b\n";
foreach $c (keys(%{ $a->{$b} })) {
next if ($c eq 'performance');
die("illegal newline: $c\n") if ($c =~ /[\r\n]/s);
print "// $c\n";
foreach $d (@{ $a->{$b}->{$c} }) {
die("illegal quote: $d\n") if ($d =~ /"/);
next if ($dupedupe{$d}++);
print " BLOK(\"$d\") ||\n";
@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ cp ../esr60/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt security/nss/lib/ckfw/bu
cp ../esr60/security/manager/ssl/StaticHPKPins.h security/manager/ssl/StaticHPKPins.h
cp ../esr60/netwerk/dns/effective_tld_names.dat netwerk/dns/effective_tld_names.dat
perl ./104fx_import_esr60_stspreload.pl > security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.inc
perl ./104fx_import_shavar_cryptominers.pl > caps/shavar-blocklist.h
@ -1151,6 +1151,7 @@ nsScriptSecurityManager::CheckLoadURIWithPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
BLOK("buy.tinypass.com") ||
BLOK("cdn.tinypass.com") ||
#include "shavar-blocklist.h"
0) {
#undef BLOK
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
// a.js
// http://zymerget.bid
BLOK("alflying.date") ||
BLOK("alflying.win") ||
BLOK("anybest.site") ||
BLOK("flightsy.bid") ||
BLOK("flightsy.win") ||
BLOK("flightzy.bid") ||
BLOK("flightzy.date") ||
BLOK("flightzy.win") ||
BLOK("zymerget.bid") ||
BLOK("zymerget.faith") ||
// CashBeet
// http://cashbeet.com
BLOK("cashbeet.com") ||
BLOK("serv1swork.com") ||
// CoinHive
// https://coinhive.com
BLOK("ad-miner.com") ||
BLOK("authedmine.com") ||
BLOK("bmst.pw") ||
BLOK("cnhv.co") ||
BLOK("coin-hive.com") ||
BLOK("coinhive.com") ||
BLOK("wsservices.org") ||
// CoinPot
// http://coinpot.co
BLOK("coinpot.co") ||
// CryptoLoot
// https://crypto-loot.com
BLOK("cryptaloot.pro") ||
BLOK("crypto-loot.com") ||
BLOK("cryptolootminer.com") ||
BLOK("flashx.pw") ||
BLOK("gitgrub.pro") ||
BLOK("reauthenticator.com") ||
BLOK("statdynamic.com") ||
BLOK("webmine.pro") ||
// CryptoWebMiner
// https://www.crypto-webminer.com
BLOK("bitcoin-pay.eu") ||
BLOK("crypto-webminer.com") ||
BLOK("ethpocket.de") ||
BLOK("ethtrader.de") ||
// Gridcash
// https://www.gridcash.net/
BLOK("adless.io") ||
BLOK("gridcash.net") ||
// JSE
// http://jsecoin.com
BLOK("freecontent.bid") ||
BLOK("freecontent.date") ||
BLOK("freecontent.stream") ||
BLOK("hashing.win") ||
BLOK("hostingcloud.racing") ||
BLOK("hostingcloud.science") ||
BLOK("jsecoin.com") ||
// MinerAlt
// http://mineralt.io
BLOK("1q2w3.website") ||
BLOK("analytics.blue") ||
BLOK("aster18cdn.nl") ||
BLOK("belicimo.pw") ||
BLOK("besstahete.info") ||
BLOK("dinorslick.icu") ||
BLOK("feesocrald.com") ||
BLOK("gramombird.com") ||
BLOK("istlandoll.com") ||
BLOK("mepirtedic.com") ||
BLOK("mineralt.io") ||
BLOK("pampopholf.com") ||
BLOK("tercabilis.info") ||
BLOK("tulip18.com") ||
BLOK("vidzi.tv") ||
BLOK("yololike.space") ||
// Minescripts
// http://minescripts.info
BLOK("minescripts.info") ||
BLOK("sslverify.info") ||
// MineXMR
// http://minexmr.stream
BLOK("minexmr.stream") ||
// NeroHut
// https://nerohut.com
BLOK("nerohut.com") ||
BLOK("nhsrv.cf") ||
// Service4refresh
// https://service4refresh.info
BLOK("service4refresh.info") ||
// SpareChange
// http://sparechange.io
BLOK("sparechange.io") ||
// SwiftMining
// https://swiftmining.win/
BLOK("swiftmining.win") ||
// Webmine
// https://webmine.cz/
BLOK("authedwebmine.cz") ||
BLOK("webmine.cz") ||
// WebminePool
// http://webminepool.com
BLOK("webminepool.com") ||
// Webmining
// https://webmining.co/
BLOK("webmining.co") ||
Reference in New Issue
Block a user