/* -*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict' this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['DataStoreCursor']; function debug(s) { //dump('DEBUG DataStoreCursor: ' + s + '\n'); } const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; const STATE_INIT = 0; const STATE_REVISION_INIT = 1; const STATE_REVISION_CHECK = 2; const STATE_SEND_ALL = 3; const STATE_REVISION_SEND = 4; const STATE_DONE = 5; const REVISION_ADDED = 'added'; const REVISION_UPDATED = 'updated'; const REVISION_REMOVED = 'removed'; const REVISION_VOID = 'void'; const REVISION_SKIP = 'skip' Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm'); Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); /** * legend: * - RID = revision ID * - R = revision object (with the internalRevisionId that is a number) * - X = current object ID. * - L = the list of revisions that we have to send * * State: init: do you have RID ? * YES: state->initRevision; loop * NO: get R; X=0; state->sendAll; send a 'clear' * * State: initRevision. Get R from RID. Done? * YES: state->revisionCheck; loop * NO: RID = null; state->init; loop * * State: revisionCheck: get all the revisions between R and NOW. Done? * YES and R == NOW: state->done; loop * YES and R != NOW: Store this revisions in L; state->revisionSend; loop * NO: R = NOW; X=0; state->sendAll; send a 'clear' * * State: sendAll: is R still the last revision? * YES get the first object with id > X. Done? * YES: X = object.id; send 'add' * NO: state->revisionCheck; loop * NO: R = NOW; X=0; send a 'clear' * * State: revisionSend: do you have something from L to send? * YES and L[0] == 'removed': R=L[0]; send 'remove' with ID * YES and L[0] == 'added': R=L[0]; get the object; found? * NO: loop * YES: send 'add' with ID and object * YES and L[0] == 'updated': R=L[0]; get the object; found? * NO: loop * YES and object.R > R: continue * YES and object.R <= R: send 'update' with ID and object * YES L[0] == 'void': R=L[0]; state->init; loop * NO: state->revisionCheck; loop * * State: done: send a 'done' with R */ /* Helper functions */ function createDOMError(aWindow, aEvent) { return new aWindow.DOMError(aEvent); } /* DataStoreCursor object */ this.DataStoreCursor = function(aWindow, aDataStore, aRevisionId) { debug("DataStoreCursor created"); this.init(aWindow, aDataStore, aRevisionId); } this.DataStoreCursor.prototype = { classDescription: 'DataStoreCursor XPCOM Component', classID: Components.ID('{b6d14349-1eab-46b8-8513-584a7328a26b}'), contractID: '@mozilla.org/dom/datastore-cursor-impl;1', QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsISupports]), _shuttingdown: false, _window: null, _dataStore: null, _revisionId: null, _revision: null, _revisionsList: null, _objectId: 0, _state: STATE_INIT, init: function(aWindow, aDataStore, aRevisionId) { debug('DataStoreCursor init'); this._window = aWindow; this._dataStore = aDataStore; this._revisionId = aRevisionId; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed", false); let util = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); this._innerWindowID = util.currentInnerWindowID; }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { let wId = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data; if (wId == this._innerWindowID) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed"); this._shuttingdown = true; } }, // This is the implementation of the state machine. // Read the comments at the top of this file in order to follow what it does. stateMachine: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { debug('StateMachine: ' + this._state); // If the window has been destroyed we cannot create the Promise object. if (this._shuttingdown) { return; } switch (this._state) { case STATE_INIT: this.stateMachineInit(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; case STATE_REVISION_INIT: this.stateMachineRevisionInit(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; case STATE_REVISION_CHECK: this.stateMachineRevisionCheck(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; case STATE_SEND_ALL: this.stateMachineSendAll(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; case STATE_REVISION_SEND: this.stateMachineRevisionSend(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; case STATE_DONE: this.stateMachineDone(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; } }, stateMachineInit: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { debug('StateMachineInit'); if (this._revisionId) { this._state = STATE_REVISION_INIT; this.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } let self = this; let request = aRevisionStore.openCursor(null, 'prev'); request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target.result === undefined) { aReject(self._window.DOMError("InvalidRevision", "The DataStore is corrupted")); return; } self._revision = aEvent.target.result.value; self._objectId = 0; self._state = STATE_SEND_ALL; aResolve(self.createTask('clear', null, '', null)); } }, stateMachineRevisionInit: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { debug('StateMachineRevisionInit'); let self = this; let request = this._dataStore._db.getInternalRevisionId( self._revisionId, aRevisionStore, function(aInternalRevisionId) { // This revision doesn't exist. if (aInternalRevisionId == undefined) { self._revisionId = null; self._objectId = 0; self._state = STATE_INIT; self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } self._revision = { revisionId: self._revisionId, internalRevisionId: aInternalRevisionId }; self._state = STATE_REVISION_CHECK; self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); } ); }, stateMachineRevisionCheck: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { debug('StateMachineRevisionCheck'); let changes = { addedIds: {}, updatedIds: {}, removedIds: {} }; let self = this; let request = aRevisionStore.mozGetAll( self._window.IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(this._revision.internalRevisionId, true)); request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { // Optimize the operations. for (let i = 0; i < aEvent.target.result.length; ++i) { let data = aEvent.target.result[i]; switch (data.operation) { case REVISION_ADDED: changes.addedIds[data.objectId] = data.internalRevisionId; break; case REVISION_UPDATED: // We don't consider an update if this object has been added // or if it has been already modified by a previous // operation. if (!(data.objectId in changes.addedIds) && !(data.objectId in changes.updatedIds)) { changes.updatedIds[data.objectId] = data.internalRevisionId; } break; case REVISION_REMOVED: let id = data.objectId; // If the object has been added in this range of revisions // we can ignore it and remove it from the list. if (id in changes.addedIds) { delete changes.addedIds[id]; } else { changes.removedIds[id] = data.internalRevisionId; } if (id in changes.updatedIds) { delete changes.updatedIds[id]; } break; case REVISION_VOID: if (i != 0) { dump('Internal error: Revision "' + REVISION_VOID + '" should not be found!!!\n'); return; } self._revisionId = null; self._objectId = 0; self._state = STATE_INIT; self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } } // From changes to a map of internalRevisionId. let revisions = {}; function addRevisions(obj) { for (let key in obj) { revisions[obj[key]] = true; } } addRevisions(changes.addedIds); addRevisions(changes.updatedIds); addRevisions(changes.removedIds); // Create the list of revisions. let list = []; for (let i = 0; i < aEvent.target.result.length; ++i) { let data = aEvent.target.result[i]; // If this revision doesn't contain useful data, we still need to keep // it in the list because we need to update the internal revision ID. if (!(data.internalRevisionId in revisions)) { data.operation = REVISION_SKIP; } list.push(data); } if (list.length == 0) { self._state = STATE_DONE; self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } // Some revision has to be sent. self._revisionsList = list; self._state = STATE_REVISION_SEND; self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); }; }, stateMachineSendAll: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { debug('StateMachineSendAll'); let self = this; let request = aRevisionStore.openCursor(null, 'prev'); request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { if (self._revision.revisionId != aEvent.target.result.value.revisionId) { self._revision = aEvent.target.result.value; self._objectId = 0; aResolve(self.createTask('clear', null, '', null)); return; } let request = aStore.openCursor(self._window.IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(self._objectId, true)); request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { let cursor = aEvent.target.result; if (!cursor) { self._state = STATE_REVISION_CHECK; self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } self._objectId = cursor.key; aResolve(self.createTask('add', self._objectId, '', cursor.value)); }; }; }, stateMachineRevisionSend: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { debug('StateMachineRevisionSend'); if (!this._revisionsList.length) { this._state = STATE_REVISION_CHECK; this.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } this._revision = this._revisionsList.shift(); switch (this._revision.operation) { case REVISION_REMOVED: aResolve(this.createTask('remove', this._revision.objectId, '', null)); break; case REVISION_ADDED: { let request = aStore.get(this._revision.objectId); let self = this; request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target.result == undefined) { self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } aResolve(self.createTask('add', self._revision.objectId, '', aEvent.target.result)); } break; } case REVISION_UPDATED: { let request = aStore.get(this._revision.objectId); let self = this; request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target.result == undefined) { self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } if (aEvent.target.result.revisionId > self._revision.internalRevisionId) { self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); return; } aResolve(self.createTask('update', self._revision.objectId, '', aEvent.target.result)); } break; } case REVISION_VOID: // Internal error! dump('Internal error: Revision "' + REVISION_VOID + '" should not be found!!!\n'); break; case REVISION_SKIP: // This revision contains data that has already been sent by another one. this.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); break; } }, stateMachineDone: function(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject) { this.close(); aResolve(this.createTask('done', null, this._revision.revisionId, null)); }, // public interface get store() { return this._dataStore.exposedObject; }, next: function() { debug('Next'); // If the window has been destroyed we cannot create the Promise object. if (this._shuttingdown) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } let self = this; return new this._window.Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) { self._dataStore._db.cursorTxn( function(aTxn, aStore, aRevisionStore) { self.stateMachine(aStore, aRevisionStore, aResolve, aReject); }, function(aEvent) { aReject(createDOMError(self._window, aEvent)); } ); }); }, close: function() { this._dataStore.syncTerminated(this); }, createTask: function(aOperation, aId, aRevisionId, aData) { return Cu.cloneInto({ operation: aOperation, id: aId, revisionId: aRevisionId, data: aData }, this._window); } };