/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "prlink.h" #include "prmem.h" #include "prenv.h" #include "gfxPrefs.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Quaternion.h" #ifdef XP_WIN #include "../layers/d3d11/CompositorD3D11.h" #endif #include "gfxVROculus.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsIScreenManager.h" #ifndef M_PI # define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif using namespace mozilla::gfx; using namespace mozilla::gfx::impl; namespace { #ifdef OVR_CAPI_LIMITED_MOZILLA static pfn_ovr_Initialize ovr_Initialize = nullptr; static pfn_ovr_Shutdown ovr_Shutdown = nullptr; static pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds ovr_GetTimeInSeconds = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_Detect ovrHmd_Detect = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_Create ovrHmd_Create = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_CreateDebug ovrHmd_CreateDebug = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_Destroy ovrHmd_Destroy = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_RecenterPose ovrHmd_RecenterPose = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_GetTrackingState ovrHmd_GetTrackingState = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_DestroySwapTextureSet ovrHmd_DestroySwapTextureSet = nullptr; static pfn_ovrHmd_SubmitFrame ovrHmd_SubmitFrame = nullptr; #ifdef XP_WIN static pfn_ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11 ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11 = nullptr; #endif static pfn_ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetGL ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetGL = nullptr; #ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD #define BUILD_BITS 64 #else #define BUILD_BITS 32 #endif #define OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION 0 #define OVR_MAJOR_VERSION 6 #define OVR_MINOR_VERSION 0 static bool InitializeOculusCAPI() { static PRLibrary *ovrlib = nullptr; if (!ovrlib) { nsTArray libSearchPaths; nsCString libName; nsCString searchPath; #if defined(_WIN32) static const char dirSep = '\\'; #else static const char dirSep = '/'; #endif #if defined(_WIN32) static const int pathLen = 260; searchPath.SetCapacity(pathLen); int realLen = ::GetSystemDirectoryA(searchPath.BeginWriting(), pathLen); if (realLen != 0 && realLen < pathLen) { searchPath.SetLength(realLen); libSearchPaths.AppendElement(searchPath); } libName.AppendPrintf("LibOVRRT%d_%d_%d.dll", BUILD_BITS, OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION); #elif defined(__APPLE__) searchPath.Truncate(); searchPath.AppendPrintf("/Library/Frameworks/LibOVRRT_%d.framework/Versions/%d", OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION); libSearchPaths.AppendElement(searchPath); if (PR_GetEnv("HOME")) { searchPath.Truncate(); searchPath.AppendPrintf("%s/Library/Frameworks/LibOVRRT_%d.framework/Versions/%d", PR_GetEnv("HOME"), OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION); libSearchPaths.AppendElement(searchPath); } // The following will match the va_list overload of AppendPrintf if the product version is 0 // That's bad times. //libName.AppendPrintf("LibOVRRT_%d", OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION); libName.Append("LibOVRRT_"); libName.AppendInt(OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION); #else libSearchPaths.AppendElement(nsCString("/usr/local/lib")); libSearchPaths.AppendElement(nsCString("/usr/lib")); libName.AppendPrintf("libOVRRT%d_%d.so.%d", BUILD_BITS, OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION); #endif // If the pref is present, we override libName nsAdoptingCString prefLibPath = mozilla::Preferences::GetCString("dom.vr.ovr_lib_path"); if (prefLibPath && prefLibPath.get()) { libSearchPaths.InsertElementsAt(0, 1, prefLibPath); } nsAdoptingCString prefLibName = mozilla::Preferences::GetCString("dom.vr.ovr_lib_name"); if (prefLibName && prefLibName.get()) { libName.Assign(prefLibName); } // search the path/module dir libSearchPaths.InsertElementsAt(0, 1, nsCString()); // If the env var is present, we override libName if (PR_GetEnv("OVR_LIB_PATH")) { searchPath = PR_GetEnv("OVR_LIB_PATH"); libSearchPaths.InsertElementsAt(0, 1, searchPath); } if (PR_GetEnv("OVR_LIB_NAME")) { libName = PR_GetEnv("OVR_LIB_NAME"); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < libSearchPaths.Length(); ++i) { nsCString& libPath = libSearchPaths[i]; nsCString fullName; if (libPath.Length() == 0) { fullName.Assign(libName); } else { fullName.AppendPrintf("%s%c%s", libPath.BeginReading(), dirSep, libName.BeginReading()); } ovrlib = PR_LoadLibrary(fullName.BeginReading()); if (ovrlib) break; } if (!ovrlib) { printf_stderr("Failed to load Oculus VR library!\n"); return false; } } // was it already initialized? if (ovr_Initialize) return true; #define REQUIRE_FUNCTION(_x) do { \ *(void **)&_x = (void *) PR_FindSymbol(ovrlib, #_x); \ if (!_x) { printf_stderr(#_x " symbol missing\n"); goto fail; } \ } while (0) REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_Initialize); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_Shutdown); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTimeInSeconds); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_Detect); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_Create); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_CreateDebug); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_Destroy); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_RecenterPose); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_GetTrackingState); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_DestroySwapTextureSet); REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_SubmitFrame); #ifdef XP_WIN REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11); #endif REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetGL); #undef REQUIRE_FUNCTION return true; fail: ovr_Initialize = nullptr; return false; } #else #include // we're statically linked; it's available static bool InitializeOculusCAPI() { return true; } #endif static void do_CalcEyePoses(ovrPosef headPose, const ovrVector3f hmdToEyeViewOffset[2], ovrPosef outEyePoses[2]) { if (!hmdToEyeViewOffset || !outEyePoses) return; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { gfx::Quaternion o(headPose.Orientation.x, headPose.Orientation.y, headPose.Orientation.z, headPose.Orientation.w); Point3D vo(hmdToEyeViewOffset[i].x, hmdToEyeViewOffset[i].y, hmdToEyeViewOffset[i].z); Point3D p = o.RotatePoint(vo); outEyePoses[i].Orientation = headPose.Orientation; outEyePoses[i].Position.x = p.x + headPose.Position.x; outEyePoses[i].Position.y = p.y + headPose.Position.y; outEyePoses[i].Position.z = p.z + headPose.Position.z; } } ovrFovPort ToFovPort(const VRFieldOfView& aFOV) { ovrFovPort fovPort; fovPort.LeftTan = tan(aFOV.leftDegrees * M_PI / 180.0); fovPort.RightTan = tan(aFOV.rightDegrees * M_PI / 180.0); fovPort.UpTan = tan(aFOV.upDegrees * M_PI / 180.0); fovPort.DownTan = tan(aFOV.downDegrees * M_PI / 180.0); return fovPort; } VRFieldOfView FromFovPort(const ovrFovPort& aFOV) { VRFieldOfView fovInfo; fovInfo.leftDegrees = atan(aFOV.LeftTan) * 180.0 / M_PI; fovInfo.rightDegrees = atan(aFOV.RightTan) * 180.0 / M_PI; fovInfo.upDegrees = atan(aFOV.UpTan) * 180.0 / M_PI; fovInfo.downDegrees = atan(aFOV.DownTan) * 180.0 / M_PI; return fovInfo; } } // namespace HMDInfoOculus::HMDInfoOculus(ovrHmd aHMD) : VRHMDInfo(VRHMDType::Oculus) , mHMD(aHMD) , mStartCount(0) { MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(HMDInfoOculus::DistortionVertex) == sizeof(VRDistortionVertex), "HMDInfoOculus::DistortionVertex must match the size of VRDistortionVertex"); MOZ_COUNT_CTOR_INHERITED(HMDInfoOculus, VRHMDInfo); mDeviceName.AssignLiteral("Oculus VR HMD"); mSupportedSensorBits = 0; if (mHMD->TrackingCaps & ovrTrackingCap_Orientation) mSupportedSensorBits |= State_Orientation; if (mHMD->TrackingCaps & ovrTrackingCap_Position) mSupportedSensorBits |= State_Position; mRecommendedEyeFOV[Eye_Left] = FromFovPort(mHMD->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Left]); mRecommendedEyeFOV[Eye_Right] = FromFovPort(mHMD->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Right]); mMaximumEyeFOV[Eye_Left] = FromFovPort(mHMD->MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Left]); mMaximumEyeFOV[Eye_Right] = FromFovPort(mHMD->MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Right]); SetFOV(mRecommendedEyeFOV[Eye_Left], mRecommendedEyeFOV[Eye_Right], 0.01, 10000.0); #if 1 int32_t xcoord = 0; if (getenv("FAKE_OCULUS_SCREEN")) { const char *env = getenv("FAKE_OCULUS_SCREEN"); nsresult err; xcoord = nsCString(env).ToInteger(&err); if (err != NS_OK) xcoord = 0; } uint32_t w = mHMD->Resolution.w; uint32_t h = mHMD->Resolution.h; mScreen = VRHMDManager::MakeFakeScreen(xcoord, 0, std::max(w, h), std::min(w, h)); #ifdef DEBUG printf_stderr("OCULUS SCREEN: %d %d %d %d\n", xcoord, 0, std::max(w, h), std::min(w, h)); #endif #endif } void HMDInfoOculus::Destroy() { if (mHMD) { ovrHmd_Destroy(mHMD); mHMD = nullptr; } } bool HMDInfoOculus::SetFOV(const VRFieldOfView& aFOVLeft, const VRFieldOfView& aFOVRight, double zNear, double zFar) { float pixelsPerDisplayPixel = 1.0; ovrSizei texSize[2]; // get eye parameters and create the mesh for (uint32_t eye = 0; eye < NumEyes; eye++) { mEyeFOV[eye] = eye == 0 ? aFOVLeft : aFOVRight; mFOVPort[eye] = ToFovPort(mEyeFOV[eye]); ovrEyeRenderDesc renderDesc = ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc(mHMD, (ovrEyeType) eye, mFOVPort[eye]); // As of Oculus 0.6.0, the HmdToEyeViewOffset values are correct and don't need to be negated. mEyeTranslation[eye] = Point3D(renderDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset.x, renderDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset.y, renderDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset.z); // note that we are using a right-handed coordinate system here, to match CSS mEyeProjectionMatrix[eye] = mEyeFOV[eye].ConstructProjectionMatrix(zNear, zFar, true); texSize[eye] = ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize(mHMD, (ovrEyeType) eye, mFOVPort[eye], pixelsPerDisplayPixel); } // take the max of both for eye resolution mEyeResolution.width = std::max(texSize[Eye_Left].w, texSize[Eye_Right].w); mEyeResolution.height = std::max(texSize[Eye_Left].h, texSize[Eye_Right].h); mConfiguration.hmdType = mType; mConfiguration.value = 0; mConfiguration.fov[0] = aFOVLeft; mConfiguration.fov[1] = aFOVRight; return true; } void HMDInfoOculus::FillDistortionConstants(uint32_t whichEye, const IntSize& textureSize, const IntRect& eyeViewport, const Size& destViewport, const Rect& destRect, VRDistortionConstants& values) { } bool HMDInfoOculus::StartSensorTracking() { if (mStartCount == 0) { bool ok = ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking(mHMD, ovrTrackingCap_Orientation | ovrTrackingCap_Position, 0); if (!ok) return false; } mStartCount++; return true; } void HMDInfoOculus::StopSensorTracking() { if (--mStartCount == 0) { ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking(mHMD, 0, 0); } } void HMDInfoOculus::ZeroSensor() { ovrHmd_RecenterPose(mHMD); } VRHMDSensorState HMDInfoOculus::GetSensorState(double timeOffset) { VRHMDSensorState result; result.Clear(); // XXX this is the wrong time base for timeOffset; we need to figure out how to synchronize // the Oculus time base and the browser one. ovrTrackingState state = ovrHmd_GetTrackingState(mHMD, ovr_GetTimeInSeconds() + timeOffset); ovrPoseStatef& pose(state.HeadPose); result.timestamp = pose.TimeInSeconds; if (state.StatusFlags & ovrStatus_OrientationTracked) { result.flags |= State_Orientation; result.orientation[0] = pose.ThePose.Orientation.x; result.orientation[1] = pose.ThePose.Orientation.y; result.orientation[2] = pose.ThePose.Orientation.z; result.orientation[3] = pose.ThePose.Orientation.w; result.angularVelocity[0] = pose.AngularVelocity.x; result.angularVelocity[1] = pose.AngularVelocity.y; result.angularVelocity[2] = pose.AngularVelocity.z; result.angularAcceleration[0] = pose.AngularAcceleration.x; result.angularAcceleration[1] = pose.AngularAcceleration.y; result.angularAcceleration[2] = pose.AngularAcceleration.z; } if (state.StatusFlags & ovrStatus_PositionTracked) { result.flags |= State_Position; result.position[0] = pose.ThePose.Position.x; result.position[1] = pose.ThePose.Position.y; result.position[2] = pose.ThePose.Position.z; result.linearVelocity[0] = pose.LinearVelocity.x; result.linearVelocity[1] = pose.LinearVelocity.y; result.linearVelocity[2] = pose.LinearVelocity.z; result.linearAcceleration[0] = pose.LinearAcceleration.x; result.linearAcceleration[1] = pose.LinearAcceleration.y; result.linearAcceleration[2] = pose.LinearAcceleration.z; } mLastTrackingState = state; return result; } struct RenderTargetSetOculus : public VRHMDRenderingSupport::RenderTargetSet { RenderTargetSetOculus(const IntSize& aSize, HMDInfoOculus *aHMD, ovrSwapTextureSet *aTS) : hmd(aHMD) { textureSet = aTS; size = aSize; } already_AddRefed GetNextRenderTarget() override { currentRenderTarget = (currentRenderTarget + 1) % renderTargets.Length(); textureSet->CurrentIndex = currentRenderTarget; renderTargets[currentRenderTarget]->ClearOnBind(); RefPtr rt = renderTargets[currentRenderTarget]; return rt.forget(); } void Destroy() { if (!hmd) return; if (hmd->GetOculusHMD()) { // If the ovrHmd was already destroyed, so were all associated // texture sets ovrHmd_DestroySwapTextureSet(hmd->GetOculusHMD(), textureSet); } hmd = nullptr; textureSet = nullptr; } ~RenderTargetSetOculus() { Destroy(); } RefPtr hmd; ovrSwapTextureSet *textureSet; }; #ifdef XP_WIN class BasicTextureSourceD3D11 : public layers::TextureSourceD3D11 { public: BasicTextureSourceD3D11(ID3D11Texture2D *aTexture, const IntSize& aSize) { mTexture = aTexture; mSize = aSize; } }; struct RenderTargetSetD3D11 : public RenderTargetSetOculus { RenderTargetSetD3D11(layers::CompositorD3D11 *aCompositor, const IntSize& aSize, HMDInfoOculus *aHMD, ovrSwapTextureSet *aTS) : RenderTargetSetOculus(aSize, aHMD, aTS) { compositor = aCompositor; renderTargets.SetLength(aTS->TextureCount); currentRenderTarget = aTS->CurrentIndex; for (int i = 0; i < aTS->TextureCount; ++i) { ovrD3D11Texture *tex11; RefPtr rt; tex11 = (ovrD3D11Texture*)&aTS->Textures[i]; rt = new layers::CompositingRenderTargetD3D11(tex11->D3D11.pTexture, IntPoint(0, 0)); rt->SetSize(size); renderTargets[i] = rt; } } }; #endif already_AddRefed HMDInfoOculus::CreateRenderTargetSet(layers::Compositor *aCompositor, const IntSize& aSize) { #ifdef XP_WIN if (aCompositor->GetBackendType() == layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_D3D11) { layers::CompositorD3D11 *comp11 = static_cast(aCompositor); CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, aSize.width, aSize.height, 1, 1, D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE | D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET); ovrSwapTextureSet *ts = nullptr; ovrResult orv = ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11(mHMD, comp11->GetDevice(), &desc, &ts); if (orv != ovrSuccess) { return nullptr; } RefPtr rts = new RenderTargetSetD3D11(comp11, aSize, this, ts); return rts.forget(); } #endif if (aCompositor->GetBackendType() == layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_OPENGL) { } return nullptr; } void HMDInfoOculus::DestroyRenderTargetSet(RenderTargetSet *aRTSet) { RenderTargetSetOculus *rts = static_cast(aRTSet); rts->Destroy(); } void HMDInfoOculus::SubmitFrame(RenderTargetSet *aRTSet) { RenderTargetSetOculus *rts = static_cast(aRTSet); MOZ_ASSERT(rts->hmd != nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(rts->textureSet != nullptr); ovrLayerEyeFov layer; layer.Header.Type = ovrLayerType_EyeFov; layer.Header.Flags = 0; layer.ColorTexture[0] = rts->textureSet; layer.ColorTexture[1] = nullptr; layer.Fov[0] = mFOVPort[0]; layer.Fov[1] = mFOVPort[1]; layer.Viewport[0].Pos.x = 0; layer.Viewport[0].Pos.y = 0; layer.Viewport[0].Size.w = rts->size.width / 2; layer.Viewport[0].Size.h = rts->size.height; layer.Viewport[1].Pos.x = rts->size.width / 2; layer.Viewport[1].Pos.y = 0; layer.Viewport[1].Size.w = rts->size.width / 2; layer.Viewport[1].Size.h = rts->size.height; const Point3D& l = rts->hmd->mEyeTranslation[0]; const Point3D& r = rts->hmd->mEyeTranslation[1]; const ovrVector3f hmdToEyeViewOffset[2] = { { l.x, l.y, l.z }, { r.x, r.y, r.z } }; do_CalcEyePoses(rts->hmd->mLastTrackingState.HeadPose.ThePose, hmdToEyeViewOffset, layer.RenderPose); ovrLayerHeader *layers = &layer.Header; ovrResult orv = ovrHmd_SubmitFrame(mHMD, 0, nullptr, &layers, 1); //printf_stderr("Submitted frame %d, result: %d\n", rts->textureSet->CurrentIndex, orv); if (orv != ovrSuccess) { // not visible? failed? } } bool VRHMDManagerOculus::PlatformInit() { if (mOculusPlatformInitialized) return true; if (!gfxPrefs::VREnabled() || !gfxPrefs::VROculusEnabled()) { return false; } if (!InitializeOculusCAPI()) return false; ovrInitParams params; params.Flags = ovrInit_RequestVersion; params.RequestedMinorVersion = OVR_MINOR_VERSION; params.LogCallback = nullptr; params.ConnectionTimeoutMS = 0; ovrResult orv = ovr_Initialize(¶ms); if (orv != ovrSuccess) return false; mOculusPlatformInitialized = true; return true; } bool VRHMDManagerOculus::Init() { if (mOculusInitialized) return true; if (!PlatformInit()) return false; ovrResult orv; int count = ovrHmd_Detect(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ovrHmd hmd; orv = ovrHmd_Create(i, &hmd); if (orv == ovrSuccess) { RefPtr oc = new HMDInfoOculus(hmd); mOculusHMDs.AppendElement(oc); } } // VRAddTestDevices == 1: add test device only if no real devices present // VRAddTestDevices == 2: add test device always if ((count == 0 && gfxPrefs::VRAddTestDevices() == 1) || (gfxPrefs::VRAddTestDevices() == 2)) { ovrHmd hmd; orv = ovrHmd_CreateDebug(ovrHmd_DK2, &hmd); if (orv == ovrSuccess) { RefPtr oc = new HMDInfoOculus(hmd); mOculusHMDs.AppendElement(oc); } } mOculusInitialized = true; return true; } void VRHMDManagerOculus::Destroy() { if (!mOculusInitialized) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < mOculusHMDs.Length(); ++i) { mOculusHMDs[i]->Destroy(); } mOculusHMDs.Clear(); ovr_Shutdown(); mOculusInitialized = false; } void VRHMDManagerOculus::GetHMDs(nsTArray>& aHMDResult) { Init(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mOculusHMDs.Length(); ++i) { aHMDResult.AppendElement(mOculusHMDs[i]); } }