/* jshint esnext: true */ /* global DataView */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LogParser"]; /** * Parse an array read from a /dev/log/ file. Format taken from * kernel/drivers/staging/android/logger.h and system/core/logcat/logcat.cpp * * @param array {Uint8Array} Array read from /dev/log/ file * @return {Array} List of log messages */ function parseLogArray(array) { let data = new DataView(array.buffer); let byteString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array); // Length of bytes that precede the payload of a log message // From the 5 Uint32 and 1 Uint8 reads const HEADER_LENGTH = 21; let logMessages = []; let pos = 0; while (pos + HEADER_LENGTH < byteString.length) { // Parse a single log entry // Track current offset from global position let offset = 0; // Length of the entry, discarded let length = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true); offset += 4; // Id of the process which generated the message let processId = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true); offset += 4; // Id of the thread which generated the message let threadId = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true); offset += 4; // Seconds since epoch when this message was logged let seconds = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true); offset += 4; // Nanoseconds since the last second let nanoseconds = data.getUint32(pos + offset, true); offset += 4; // Priority in terms of the ANDROID_LOG_* constants (see below) // This is where the length field begins counting let priority = data.getUint8(pos + offset); // Reset pos and offset to count from here pos += offset; offset = 0; offset += 1; // Read the tag and message, represented as null-terminated c-style strings let tag = ""; while (byteString[pos + offset] != "\0") { tag += byteString[pos + offset]; offset ++; } offset ++; let message = ""; // The kernel log driver may have cut off the null byte (logprint.c) while (byteString[pos + offset] != "\0" && offset < length) { message += byteString[pos + offset]; offset ++; } // Un-skip the missing null terminator if (offset === length) { offset --; } offset ++; pos += offset; // Log messages are occasionally delimited by newlines, but are also // sometimes followed by newlines as well if (message.charAt(message.length - 1) === "\n") { message = message.substring(0, message.length - 1); } // Add an aditional time property to mimic the milliseconds since UTC // expected by Date let time = seconds * 1000.0 + nanoseconds/1000000.0; // Log messages with interleaved newlines are considered to be separate log // messages by logcat for (let lineMessage of message.split("\n")) { logMessages.push({ processId: processId, threadId: threadId, seconds: seconds, nanoseconds: nanoseconds, time: time, priority: priority, tag: tag, message: lineMessage + "\n" }); } } return logMessages; } /** * Get a thread-time style formatted string from time * @param time {Number} Milliseconds since epoch * @return {String} Formatted time string */ function getTimeString(time) { let date = new Date(time); function pad(number) { if ( number < 10 ) { return "0" + number; } return number; } return pad( date.getMonth() + 1 ) + "-" + pad( date.getDate() ) + " " + pad( date.getHours() ) + ":" + pad( date.getMinutes() ) + ":" + pad( date.getSeconds() ) + "." + (date.getMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5); } /** * Pad a string using spaces on the left * @param str {String} String to pad * @param width {Number} Desired string length */ function padLeft(str, width) { while (str.length < width) { str = " " + str; } return str; } /** * Pad a string using spaces on the right * @param str {String} String to pad * @param width {Number} Desired string length */ function padRight(str, width) { while (str.length < width) { str = str + " "; } return str; } /** Constant values taken from system/core/liblog */ const ANDROID_LOG_UNKNOWN = 0; const ANDROID_LOG_DEFAULT = 1; const ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE = 2; const ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG = 3; const ANDROID_LOG_INFO = 4; const ANDROID_LOG_WARN = 5; const ANDROID_LOG_ERROR = 6; const ANDROID_LOG_FATAL = 7; const ANDROID_LOG_SILENT = 8; /** * Map a priority number to its abbreviated string equivalent * @param priorityNumber {Number} Log-provided priority number * @return {String} Priority number's abbreviation */ function getPriorityString(priorityNumber) { switch (priorityNumber) { case ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE: return "V"; case ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG: return "D"; case ANDROID_LOG_INFO: return "I"; case ANDROID_LOG_WARN: return "W"; case ANDROID_LOG_ERROR: return "E"; case ANDROID_LOG_FATAL: return "F"; case ANDROID_LOG_SILENT: return "S"; default: return "?"; } } /** * Mimic the logcat "threadtime" format, generating a formatted string from a * log message object. * @param logMessage {Object} A log message from the list returned by parseLogArray * @return {String} threadtime formatted summary of the message */ function formatLogMessage(logMessage) { // MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ms pid tid priority tag: message // from system/core/liblog/logprint.c: return getTimeString(logMessage.time) + " " + padLeft(""+logMessage.processId, 5) + " " + padLeft(""+logMessage.threadId, 5) + " " + getPriorityString(logMessage.priority) + " " + padRight(logMessage.tag, 8) + ": " + logMessage.message; } /** * Convert a string to a utf-8 Uint8Array * @param {String} str * @return {Uint8Array} */ function textEncode(str) { return new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(str); } /** * Pretty-print an array of bytes read from a log file by parsing then * threadtime formatting its entries. * @param array {Uint8Array} Array of a log file's bytes * @return {Uint8Array} Pretty-printed log */ function prettyPrintLogArray(array) { let logMessages = parseLogArray(array); return textEncode(logMessages.map(formatLogMessage).join("")); } /** * Pretty-print an array read from the list of propreties. * @param {Object} Object representing the properties * @return {Uint8Array} Human-readable string of property name: property value */ function prettyPrintPropertiesArray(properties) { let propertiesString = ""; for(let propName in properties) { propertiesString += "[" + propName + "]: [" + properties[propName] + "]\n"; } return textEncode(propertiesString); } /** * Pretty-print a normal array. Does nothing. * @param array {Uint8Array} Input array * @return {Uint8Array} The same array */ function prettyPrintArray(array) { return array; } this.LogParser = { parseLogArray: parseLogArray, prettyPrintArray: prettyPrintArray, prettyPrintLogArray: prettyPrintLogArray, prettyPrintPropertiesArray: prettyPrintPropertiesArray };