@ECHO OFF REM read config file setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set loop=0 for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (.config) do ( SET /A loop=!loop! + 1 set %%A ) set DEVICE_FOUND=0 REM nexus has device instead of product name IF [%PRODUCT_NAME%]==[] ( set PRODUCT_NAME=%DEVICE% ) REM if nexus 4 assume you are in fastboot mode, can't seem to find drivers IF [%DEVICE%]==[mako] ( call :flash ) REM push device from adb to fastboot mode win_adb kill-server win_adb devices win_adb get-state > devicestate.txt set /p DEVICE_STATE= < devicestate.txt IF NOT "%DEVICE_STATE%"=="device" ( ECHO Please check : ECHO 1. to make sure that only one device is connected to the computer ECHO 2. the device is turned on with the screen showing ECHO 3. the device is set to debugging via USB : ADB Only or ADB and Devtools ECHO 4. the device drivers are installed on the computer. Del devicestate.txt PAUSE EXIT /b ) Del devicestate.txt win_adb reboot bootloader TIMEOUT 5 :flash win_fastboot devices 2> fastboot_state.txt set /p FASTBOOT_STATE= < fastboot_state.txt IF NOT [%FASTBOOT_STATE%]==[] ( ECHO Please check : ECHO 1. to make sure that only one device is connected to the computer ECHO 2. the device is turned on with an indication that the device is in fastboot mode ECHO 3. the fastboot drivers are installed on the computer. Del fastboot_state.txt PAUSE EXIT /b ) Del fastboot_state.txt ECHO "Flashing build. If nothing mentions that it flashed anything and it looks stuck, make sure you have the drivers installed." win_fastboot flash boot out/target/product/%PRODUCT_NAME%/boot.img win_fastboot flash system out/target/product/%PRODUCT_NAME%/system.img win_fastboot flash persist out/target/product/%PRODUCT_NAME%/persist.img win_fastboot flash recovery out/target/product/%PRODUCT_NAME%/recovery.img win_fastboot flash cache out/target/product/%PRODUCT_NAME%/cache.img win_fastboot flash userdata out/target/product/%PRODUCT_NAME%/userdata.img ECHO "Done..." win_fastboot reboot echo "Just close the windows as you wish." TIMEOUT 5