/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function test() { /** Test for Bug 522545 **/ waitForExplicitFinish(); requestLongerTimeout(4); // This tests the following use case: // User opens a new tab which gets focus. The user types something into the // address bar, then crashes or quits. function test_newTabFocused() { let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [ { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] }, { entries: [], userTypedValue: "example.com", userTypedClear: 0 } ], selected: 2 }] }; waitForBrowserState(state, function() { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank", "No history entries still sets currentURI to about:blank"); is(browser.userTypedValue, "example.com", "userTypedValue was correctly restored"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypeClear restored as expected"); is(gURLBar.value, "example.com", "Address bar's value correctly restored"); // Change tabs to make sure address bar value gets updated gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(0); is(gURLBar.value, "about:mozilla", "Address bar's value correctly updated"); runNextTest(); }); } // This tests the following use case: // User opens a new tab which gets focus. The user types something into the // address bar, switches back to the first tab, then crashes or quits. function test_newTabNotFocused() { let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [ { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] }, { entries: [], userTypedValue: "example.org", userTypedClear: 0 } ], selected: 1 }] }; waitForBrowserState(state, function() { let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(1); is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank", "No history entries still sets currentURI to about:blank"); is(browser.userTypedValue, "example.org", "userTypedValue was correctly restored"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypeClear restored as expected"); is(gURLBar.value, "about:mozilla", "Address bar's value correctly restored"); // Change tabs to make sure address bar value gets updated gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(1); is(gURLBar.value, "example.org", "Address bar's value correctly updated"); runNextTest(); }); } // This tests the following use case: // User is in a tab with session history, then types something in the // address bar, then crashes or quits. function test_existingSHEnd_noClear() { let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }, { url: "about:config" }], index: 2, userTypedValue: "example.com", userTypedClear: 0 }] }] }; waitForBrowserState(state, function() { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:config", "browser.currentURI set to current entry in SH"); is(browser.userTypedValue, "example.com", "userTypedValue was correctly restored"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypeClear restored as expected"); is(gURLBar.value, "example.com", "Address bar's value correctly restored to userTypedValue"); runNextTest(); }); } // This tests the following use case: // User is in a tab with session history, presses back at some point, then // types something in the address bar, then crashes or quits. function test_existingSHMiddle_noClear() { let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }, { url: "about:config" }], index: 1, userTypedValue: "example.org", userTypedClear: 0 }] }] }; waitForBrowserState(state, function() { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "browser.currentURI set to current entry in SH"); is(browser.userTypedValue, "example.org", "userTypedValue was correctly restored"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypeClear restored as expected"); is(gURLBar.value, "example.org", "Address bar's value correctly restored to userTypedValue"); runNextTest(); }); } // This test simulates lots of tabs opening at once and then quitting/crashing. function test_getBrowserState_lotsOfTabsOpening() { gBrowser.stop(); let uris = []; for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) uris.push("http://example.com/" + i); // We're waiting for the first location change, which should indicate // one of the tabs has loaded and the others haven't. So one should // be in a non-userTypedValue case, while others should still have // userTypedValue and userTypedClear set. gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener({ onLocationChange: function (aBrowser) { if (uris.indexOf(aBrowser.currentURI.spec) > -1) { gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); firstLocationChange(); } } }); function firstLocationChange() { let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); let hasUTV = state.windows[0].tabs.some(function(aTab) { return aTab.userTypedValue && aTab.userTypedClear && !aTab.entries.length; }); ok(hasUTV, "At least one tab has a userTypedValue with userTypedClear with no loaded URL"); BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser).then(firstLoad); } function firstLoad() { let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); let hasSH = state.windows[0].tabs.some(function(aTab) { return !("userTypedValue" in aTab) && aTab.entries[0].url; }); ok(hasSH, "At least one tab has its entry in SH"); runNextTest(); } gBrowser.loadTabs(uris); } // This simulates setting a userTypedValue and ensures that just typing in the // URL bar doesn't set userTypedClear as well. function test_getBrowserState_userTypedValue() { let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [] }] }] }; waitForBrowserState(state, function() { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; // Make sure this tab isn't loading and state is clear before we test. is(browser.userTypedValue, null, "userTypedValue is empty to start"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypedClear is 0 to start"); let inputText = "example.org"; gURLBar.focus(); gURLBar.value = inputText.slice(0, -1); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(inputText.slice(-1) , {}); executeSoon(function () { is(browser.userTypedValue, "example.org", "userTypedValue was set when changing URLBar value"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypedClear was not changed when changing URLBar value"); // Now make sure ss gets these values too let newState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); is(newState.windows[0].tabs[0].userTypedValue, "example.org", "sessionstore got correct userTypedValue"); is(newState.windows[0].tabs[0].userTypedClear, 0, "sessionstore got correct userTypedClear"); runNextTest(); }); }); } // test_getBrowserState_lotsOfTabsOpening tested userTypedClear in a few cases, // but not necessarily any that had legitimate URIs in the state of loading // (eg, "http://example.com"), so this test will cover that case. function test_userTypedClearLoadURI() { let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [ { entries: [], userTypedValue: "http://example.com", userTypedClear: 2 } ] }] }; waitForBrowserState(state, function() { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; is(browser.currentURI.spec, "http://example.com/", "userTypedClear=2 caused userTypedValue to be loaded"); is(browser.userTypedValue, null, "userTypedValue was null after loading a URI"); is(browser.userTypedClear, 0, "userTypeClear reset to 0"); is(gURLBar.textValue, gURLBar.trimValue("http://example.com/"), "Address bar's value set after loading URI"); runNextTest(); }); } let tests = [test_newTabFocused, test_newTabNotFocused, test_existingSHEnd_noClear, test_existingSHMiddle_noClear, test_getBrowserState_lotsOfTabsOpening, test_getBrowserState_userTypedValue, test_userTypedClearLoadURI]; let originalState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }] }] }; function runNextTest() { if (tests.length) { waitForBrowserState(state, tests.shift()); } else { waitForBrowserState(originalState, finish); } } // Run the tests! runNextTest(); }