/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; const PREF_BRANCH = "toolkit.telemetry."; const PREF_ENABLED = PREF_BRANCH + "enabled"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "UITelemetry", ]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this); /** * UITelemetry is a helper JSM used to record UI specific telemetry events. * * It implements nsIUITelemetryObserver, defined in nsIAndroidBridge.idl. */ this.UITelemetry = { _enabled: undefined, _activeSessions: {}, _measurements: [], // Lazily decide whether telemetry is enabled. get enabled() { return false; if (this._enabled !== undefined) { return this._enabled; } // Set an observer to watch for changes at runtime. Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_ENABLED, this, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "profile-before-change", false); // Pick up the current value. try { this._enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED); } catch (e) { this._enabled = false; } return this._enabled; }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { return; if (aTopic == "profile-before-change") { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "profile-before-change"); Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_ENABLED, this); this._enabled = undefined; return; } if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed") { switch (aData) { case PREF_ENABLED: let on = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED); this._enabled = on; // Wipe ourselves if we were just disabled. if (!on) { this._activeSessions = {}; this._measurements = []; } break; } } }, /** * This exists exclusively for testing -- our events are not intended to * be retrieved via an XPCOM interface. */ get wrappedJSObject() { return this; }, /** * Holds the functions that provide UITelemetry's simple * measurements. Those functions are mapped to unique names, * and should be registered with addSimpleMeasureFunction. */ _simpleMeasureFunctions: {}, /** * A hack to generate the relative timestamp from start when we don't have * access to the Java timer. * XXX: Bug 1007647 - Support realtime and/or uptime in JavaScript. */ uptimeMillis: function() { return Date.now() - Services.startup.getStartupInfo().process; }, /** * Adds a single event described by a timestamp, an action, and the calling * method. * * Optionally provide a string 'extras', which will be recorded as part of * the event. * * All extant sessions will be recorded by name for each event. */ addEvent: function(aAction, aMethod, aTimestamp, aExtras) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } let sessions = Object.keys(this._activeSessions); let aEvent = { type: "event", action: aAction, method: aMethod, sessions: sessions, timestamp: (aTimestamp == undefined) ? this.uptimeMillis() : aTimestamp, }; if (aExtras) { aEvent.extras = aExtras; } this._recordEvent(aEvent); }, /** * Begins tracking a session by storing a timestamp for session start. */ startSession: function(aName, aTimestamp) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } if (this._activeSessions[aName]) { // Do not overwrite a previous event start if it already exists. return; } this._activeSessions[aName] = (aTimestamp == undefined) ? this.uptimeMillis() : aTimestamp; }, /** * Tracks the end of a session with a timestamp. */ stopSession: function(aName, aReason, aTimestamp) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } let sessionStart = this._activeSessions[aName]; delete this._activeSessions[aName]; if (!sessionStart) { return; } let aEvent = { type: "session", name: aName, reason: aReason, start: sessionStart, end: (aTimestamp == undefined) ? this.uptimeMillis() : aTimestamp, }; this._recordEvent(aEvent); }, _recordEvent: function(aEvent) { this._measurements.push(aEvent); }, /** * Called by TelemetryController to populate the simple measurement * blob. This function will iterate over all functions added * via addSimpleMeasureFunction and return an object with the * results of those functions. */ getSimpleMeasures: function() { if (!this.enabled) { return {}; } let result = {}; for (let name in this._simpleMeasureFunctions) { result[name] = this._simpleMeasureFunctions[name](); } return result; }, /** * Allows the caller to register functions that will get called * for simple measures during a Telemetry ping. aName is a unique * identifier used as they key for the simple measurement in the * object that getSimpleMeasures returns. * * This function throws an exception if aName already has a function * registered for it. */ addSimpleMeasureFunction: function(aName, aFunction) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } if (aName in this._simpleMeasureFunctions) { throw new Error("A simple measurement function is already registered for " + aName); } if (!aFunction || typeof aFunction !== 'function') { throw new Error("addSimpleMeasureFunction called with non-function argument."); } this._simpleMeasureFunctions[aName] = aFunction; }, removeSimpleMeasureFunction: function(aName) { delete this._simpleMeasureFunctions[aName]; }, getUIMeasurements: function() { if (!this.enabled) { return []; } return this._measurements.slice(); } };