/* -*- js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * e10s event dispatcher from content->chrome * * type = eventName (QuitApplication) * data = json object {"filename":filename} <- for LoggerInit */ "use strict"; function getElement(id) { return ((typeof(id) == "string") ? document.getElementById(id) : id); } this.$ = this.getElement; function contentDispatchEvent(type, data, sync) { if (typeof(data) == "undefined") { data = {}; } var event = new CustomEvent("contentEvent", { bubbles: true, detail: { "sync": sync, "type": type, "data": JSON.stringify(data) } }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } function contentAsyncEvent(type, data) { contentDispatchEvent(type, data, 0); } /* Helper Function */ function extend(obj, /* optional */ skip) { // Extend an array with an array-like object starting // from the skip index if (!skip) { skip = 0; } if (obj) { var l = obj.length; var ret = []; for (var i = skip; i < l; i++) { ret.push(obj[i]); } } return ret; } function flattenArguments(lst/* ...*/) { var res = []; var args = extend(arguments); while (args.length) { var o = args.shift(); if (o && typeof(o) == "object" && typeof(o.length) == "number") { for (var i = o.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { args.unshift(o[i]); } } else { res.push(o); } } return res; } /** * TestRunner: A test runner for SimpleTest * TODO: * * * Avoid moving iframes: That causes reloads on mozilla and opera. * * **/ var TestRunner = {}; TestRunner.logEnabled = false; TestRunner._currentTest = 0; TestRunner._lastTestFinished = -1; TestRunner._loopIsRestarting = false; TestRunner.currentTestURL = ""; TestRunner.originalTestURL = ""; TestRunner._urls = []; TestRunner._lastAssertionCount = 0; TestRunner._expectedMinAsserts = 0; TestRunner._expectedMaxAsserts = 0; TestRunner.timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes. TestRunner.maxTimeouts = 4; // halt testing after too many timeouts TestRunner.runSlower = false; TestRunner.dumpOutputDirectory = ""; TestRunner.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest = false; TestRunner.dumpDMDAfterTest = false; TestRunner.slowestTestTime = 0; TestRunner.slowestTestURL = ""; TestRunner.interactiveDebugger = false; TestRunner._expectingProcessCrash = false; TestRunner._structuredFormatter = new StructuredFormatter(); /** * Make sure the tests don't hang indefinitely. **/ TestRunner._numTimeouts = 0; TestRunner._currentTestStartTime = new Date().valueOf(); TestRunner._timeoutFactor = 1; TestRunner._checkForHangs = function() { function reportError(win, msg) { if ("SimpleTest" in win) { win.SimpleTest.ok(false, msg); } else if ("W3CTest" in win) { win.W3CTest.logFailure(msg); } } function killTest(win) { if ("SimpleTest" in win) { win.SimpleTest.finish(); } else if ("W3CTest" in win) { win.W3CTest.timeout(); } } if (TestRunner._currentTest < TestRunner._urls.length) { var runtime = new Date().valueOf() - TestRunner._currentTestStartTime; if (runtime >= TestRunner.timeout * TestRunner._timeoutFactor) { var frameWindow = $('testframe').contentWindow.wrappedJSObject || $('testframe').contentWindow; // TODO : Do this in a way that reports that the test ended with a status "TIMEOUT" reportError(frameWindow, "Test timed out."); // If we have too many timeouts, give up. We don't want to wait hours // for results if some bug causes lots of tests to time out. if (++TestRunner._numTimeouts >= TestRunner.maxTimeouts) { TestRunner._haltTests = true; TestRunner.currentTestURL = "(SimpleTest/TestRunner.js)"; reportError(frameWindow, TestRunner.maxTimeouts + " test timeouts, giving up."); var skippedTests = TestRunner._urls.length - TestRunner._currentTest; reportError(frameWindow, "Skipping " + skippedTests + " remaining tests."); } // Add a little (1 second) delay to ensure automation.py has time to notice // "Test timed out" log and process it (= take a screenshot). setTimeout(function delayedKillTest() { killTest(frameWindow); }, 1000); if (TestRunner._haltTests) return; } setTimeout(TestRunner._checkForHangs, 30000); } } TestRunner.requestLongerTimeout = function(factor) { TestRunner._timeoutFactor = factor; } /** * This is used to loop tests **/ TestRunner.repeat = 0; TestRunner._currentLoop = 1; TestRunner.expectAssertions = function(min, max) { if (typeof(max) == "undefined") { max = min; } if (typeof(min) != "number" || typeof(max) != "number" || min < 0 || max < min) { throw "bad parameter to expectAssertions"; } TestRunner._expectedMinAsserts = min; TestRunner._expectedMaxAsserts = max; } /** * This function is called after generating the summary. **/ TestRunner.onComplete = null; /** * Adds a failed test case to a list so we can rerun only the failed tests **/ TestRunner._failedTests = {}; TestRunner._failureFile = ""; TestRunner.addFailedTest = function(testName) { if (TestRunner._failedTests[testName] == undefined) { TestRunner._failedTests[testName] = ""; } }; TestRunner.setFailureFile = function(fileName) { TestRunner._failureFile = fileName; } TestRunner.generateFailureList = function () { if (TestRunner._failureFile) { var failures = new SpecialPowersLogger(TestRunner._failureFile); failures.log(JSON.stringify(TestRunner._failedTests)); failures.close(); } }; /** * If logEnabled is true, this is the logger that will be used. **/ // This delimiter is used to avoid interleaving Mochitest/Gecko logs. var LOG_DELIMITER = String.fromCharCode(0xe175) + String.fromCharCode(0xee31) + String.fromCharCode(0x2c32) + String.fromCharCode(0xacbf); // A log callback for StructuredLog.jsm TestRunner._dumpMessage = function(message) { var str; // This is a directive to python to format these messages // for compatibility with mozharness. This can be removed // with the MochitestFormatter (see bug 1045525). message.js_source = 'TestRunner.js' if (TestRunner.interactiveDebugger && message.action in TestRunner._structuredFormatter) { str = TestRunner._structuredFormatter[message.action](message); } else { str = LOG_DELIMITER + JSON.stringify(message) + LOG_DELIMITER; } // BUGFIX: browser-chrome tests don't use LogController if (Object.keys(LogController.listeners).length !== 0) { LogController.log(str); } else { dump('\n' + str + '\n'); } // Checking for error messages if (message.expected || message.level === "ERROR") { TestRunner.failureHandler(); } }; // From https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/modules/StructuredLog.jsm TestRunner.structuredLogger = new StructuredLogger('mochitest', TestRunner._dumpMessage); TestRunner.structuredLogger.deactivateBuffering = function() { TestRunner.structuredLogger._logData("buffering_off"); }; TestRunner.structuredLogger.activateBuffering = function() { TestRunner.structuredLogger._logData("buffering_on"); }; TestRunner.log = function(msg) { if (TestRunner.logEnabled) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.info(msg); } else { dump(msg + "\n"); } }; TestRunner.error = function(msg) { if (TestRunner.logEnabled) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.error(msg); } else { dump(msg + "\n"); TestRunner.failureHandler(); } }; TestRunner.failureHandler = function() { if (TestRunner.runUntilFailure) { TestRunner._haltTests = true; } if (TestRunner.debugOnFailure) { // You've hit this line because you requested to break into the // debugger upon a testcase failure on your test run. debugger; } }; /** * Toggle element visibility **/ TestRunner._toggle = function(el) { if (el.className == "noshow") { el.className = ""; el.style.cssText = ""; } else { el.className = "noshow"; el.style.cssText = "width:0px; height:0px; border:0px;"; } }; /** * Creates the iframe that contains a test **/ TestRunner._makeIframe = function (url, retry) { var iframe = $('testframe'); if (url != "about:blank" && (("hasFocus" in document && !document.hasFocus()) || ("activeElement" in document && document.activeElement != iframe))) { contentAsyncEvent("Focus"); window.focus(); SpecialPowers.focus(); iframe.focus(); if (retry < 3) { window.setTimeout('TestRunner._makeIframe("'+url+'", '+(retry+1)+')', 1000); return; } TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("Error: Unable to restore focus, expect failures and timeouts."); } window.scrollTo(0, $('indicator').offsetTop); iframe.src = url; iframe.name = url; iframe.width = "500"; return iframe; }; /** * Returns the current test URL. * We use this to tell whether the test has navigated to another test without * being finished first. */ TestRunner.getLoadedTestURL = function () { var prefix = ""; // handle mochitest-chrome URIs if ($('testframe').contentWindow.location.protocol == "chrome:") { prefix = "chrome://mochitests"; } return prefix + $('testframe').contentWindow.location.pathname; }; TestRunner.setParameterInfo = function (params) { this._params = params; }; TestRunner.getParameterInfo = function() { return this._params; }; /** * TestRunner entry point. * * The arguments are the URLs of the test to be ran. * **/ TestRunner.runTests = function (/*url...*/) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("SimpleTest START"); TestRunner.originalTestURL = $("current-test").innerHTML; SpecialPowers.registerProcessCrashObservers(); TestRunner._urls = flattenArguments(arguments); var singleTestRun = this._urls.length <= 1 && TestRunner.repeat <= 1; TestRunner.showTestReport = singleTestRun; var frame = $('testframe'); frame.src = ""; if (singleTestRun) { // Can't use document.body because this runs in a XUL doc as well... var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; body.setAttribute("singletest", "true"); frame.removeAttribute("scrolling"); } TestRunner._checkForHangs(); TestRunner.runNextTest(); }; /** * Used for running a set of tests in a loop for debugging purposes * Takes an array of URLs **/ TestRunner.resetTests = function(listURLs) { TestRunner._currentTest = 0; // Reset our "Current-test" line - functionality depends on it $("current-test").innerHTML = TestRunner.originalTestURL; if (TestRunner.logEnabled) TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("SimpleTest START Loop " + TestRunner._currentLoop); TestRunner._urls = listURLs; $('testframe').src=""; TestRunner._checkForHangs(); TestRunner.runNextTest(); } TestRunner.getNextUrl = function() { var url = ""; // sometimes we have a subtest/harness which doesn't use a manifest if ((TestRunner._urls[TestRunner._currentTest] instanceof Object) && ('test' in TestRunner._urls[TestRunner._currentTest])) { url = TestRunner._urls[TestRunner._currentTest]['test']['url']; TestRunner.expected = TestRunner._urls[TestRunner._currentTest]['test']['expected']; } else { url = TestRunner._urls[TestRunner._currentTest]; TestRunner.expected = 'pass'; } return url; } /** * Run the next test. If no test remains, calls onComplete(). **/ TestRunner._haltTests = false; TestRunner.runNextTest = function() { if (TestRunner._currentTest < TestRunner._urls.length && !TestRunner._haltTests) { var url = TestRunner.getNextUrl(); TestRunner.currentTestURL = url; $("current-test-path").innerHTML = url; TestRunner._currentTestStartTime = new Date().valueOf(); TestRunner._timeoutFactor = 1; TestRunner._expectedMinAsserts = 0; TestRunner._expectedMaxAsserts = 0; TestRunner.structuredLogger.testStart(url); TestRunner._makeIframe(url, 0); } else { $("current-test").innerHTML = "Finished"; // Only unload the last test to run if we're running more than one test. if (TestRunner._urls.length > 1) { TestRunner._makeIframe("about:blank", 0); } var passCount = parseInt($("pass-count").innerHTML, 10); var failCount = parseInt($("fail-count").innerHTML, 10); var todoCount = parseInt($("todo-count").innerHTML, 10); if (passCount === 0 && failCount === 0 && todoCount === 0) { // No |$('testframe').contentWindow|, so manually update: ... // ... the log, TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd('SimpleTest/TestRunner.js', "ERROR", "OK", "No checks actually run"); // ... the count, $("fail-count").innerHTML = 1; // ... the indicator. var indicator = $("indicator"); indicator.innerHTML = "Status: Fail (No checks actually run)"; indicator.style.backgroundColor = "red"; } SpecialPowers.unregisterProcessCrashObservers(); TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("TEST-START | Shutdown"); TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("Passed: " + passCount); TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("Failed: " + failCount); TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("Todo: " + todoCount); TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("Slowest: " + TestRunner.slowestTestTime + 'ms - ' + TestRunner.slowestTestURL); // If we are looping, don't send this cause it closes the log file if (TestRunner.repeat === 0) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("SimpleTest FINISHED"); } if (TestRunner.repeat === 0 && TestRunner.onComplete) { TestRunner.onComplete(); } if (TestRunner._currentLoop <= TestRunner.repeat && !TestRunner._haltTests) { TestRunner._currentLoop++; TestRunner.resetTests(TestRunner._urls); TestRunner._loopIsRestarting = true; } else { // Loops are finished if (TestRunner.logEnabled) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("TEST-INFO | Ran " + TestRunner._currentLoop + " Loops"); TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("SimpleTest FINISHED"); } if (TestRunner.onComplete) TestRunner.onComplete(); } TestRunner.generateFailureList(); } }; TestRunner.expectChildProcessCrash = function() { TestRunner._expectingProcessCrash = true; }; /** * This stub is called by SimpleTest when a test is finished. **/ TestRunner.testFinished = function(tests) { // Prevent a test from calling finish() multiple times before we // have a chance to unload it. if (TestRunner._currentTest == TestRunner._lastTestFinished && !TestRunner._loopIsRestarting) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(TestRunner.currentTestURL, "ERROR", "OK", "called finish() multiple times"); TestRunner.updateUI([{ result: false }]); return; } TestRunner._lastTestFinished = TestRunner._currentTest; TestRunner._loopIsRestarting = false; // TODO : replace this by a function that returns the mem data as an object // that's dumped later with the test_end message MemoryStats.dump(TestRunner._currentTest, TestRunner.currentTestURL, TestRunner.dumpOutputDirectory, TestRunner.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest, TestRunner.dumpDMDAfterTest); function cleanUpCrashDumpFiles() { if (!SpecialPowers.removeExpectedCrashDumpFiles(TestRunner._expectingProcessCrash)) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(TestRunner.currentTestURL, "ERROR", "OK", "This test did not leave any crash dumps behind, but we were expecting some!"); tests.push({ result: false }); } var unexpectedCrashDumpFiles = SpecialPowers.findUnexpectedCrashDumpFiles(); TestRunner._expectingProcessCrash = false; if (unexpectedCrashDumpFiles.length) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(TestRunner.currentTestURL, "ERROR", "OK", "This test left crash dumps behind, but we " + "weren't expecting it to!", {unexpected_crashdump_files: unexpectedCrashDumpFiles}); tests.push({ result: false }); unexpectedCrashDumpFiles.sort().forEach(function(aFilename) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.info("Found unexpected crash dump file " + aFilename + "."); }); } } function runNextTest() { if (TestRunner.currentTestURL != TestRunner.getLoadedTestURL()) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testStatus(TestRunner.currentTestURL, TestRunner.getLoadedTestURL(), "FAIL", "PASS", "finished in a non-clean fashion, probably" + " because it didn't call SimpleTest.finish()", {loaded_test_url: TestRunner.getLoadedTestURL()}); tests.push({ result: false }); } var runtime = new Date().valueOf() - TestRunner._currentTestStartTime; TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(TestRunner.currentTestURL, "OK", undefined, "Finished in " + runtime + "ms", {runtime: runtime} ); if (TestRunner.slowestTestTime < runtime && TestRunner._timeoutFactor == 1) { TestRunner.slowestTestTime = runtime; TestRunner.slowestTestURL = TestRunner.currentTestURL; } TestRunner.updateUI(tests); // Don't show the interstitial if we just run one test with no repeats: if (TestRunner._urls.length == 1 && TestRunner.repeat <= 1) { TestRunner.testUnloaded(); return; } var interstitialURL; if ($('testframe').contentWindow.location.protocol == "chrome:") { interstitialURL = "tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html"; } else { interstitialURL = "/tests/SimpleTest/iframe-between-tests.html"; } // check if there were test run after SimpleTest.finish, which should never happen $('testframe').contentWindow.addEventListener('unload', function() { var testwin = $('testframe').contentWindow; if (testwin.SimpleTest && testwin.SimpleTest._tests.length != testwin.SimpleTest.testsLength) { var wrongtestlength = testwin.SimpleTest._tests.length - testwin.SimpleTest.testsLength; var wrongtestname = ''; for (var i = 0; i < wrongtestlength; i++) { wrongtestname = testwin.SimpleTest._tests[testwin.SimpleTest.testsLength + i].name; TestRunner.structuredLogger.testStatus(TestRunner.currentTestURL, wrongtestname, 'FAIL', 'PASS', "Result logged after SimpleTest.finish()"); } TestRunner.updateUI([{ result: false }]); } } , false); TestRunner._makeIframe(interstitialURL, 0); } SpecialPowers.executeAfterFlushingMessageQueue(function() { cleanUpCrashDumpFiles(); SpecialPowers.flushAllAppsLaunchable(); SpecialPowers.flushPermissions(function () { SpecialPowers.flushPrefEnv(runNextTest); }); }); }; TestRunner.testUnloaded = function() { // If we're in a debug build, check assertion counts. This code is // similar to the code in Tester_nextTest in browser-test.js used // for browser-chrome mochitests. if (SpecialPowers.isDebugBuild) { var newAssertionCount = SpecialPowers.assertionCount(); var numAsserts = newAssertionCount - TestRunner._lastAssertionCount; TestRunner._lastAssertionCount = newAssertionCount; var url = TestRunner.getNextUrl(); var max = TestRunner._expectedMaxAsserts; var min = TestRunner._expectedMinAsserts; if (numAsserts > max) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(url, "ERROR", "OK", "Assertion count " + numAsserts + " is greater than expected range " + min + "-" + max + " assertions.", {assertions: numAsserts, min_asserts: min, max_asserts: max}); TestRunner.updateUI([{ result: false }]); } else if (numAsserts < min) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(url, "OK", "ERROR", "Assertion count " + numAsserts + " is less than expected range " + min + "-" + max + " assertions.", {assertions: numAsserts, min_asserts: min, max_asserts: max}); TestRunner.updateUI([{ result: false }]); } else if (numAsserts > 0) { TestRunner.structuredLogger.testEnd(url, "ERROR", "ERROR", "Assertion count " + numAsserts + " within expected range " + min + "-" + max + " assertions.", {assertions: numAsserts, min_asserts: min, max_asserts: max}); } } TestRunner._currentTest++; if (TestRunner.runSlower) { setTimeout(TestRunner.runNextTest, 1000); } else { TestRunner.runNextTest(); } }; /** * Get the results. */ TestRunner.countResults = function(tests) { var nOK = 0; var nNotOK = 0; var nTodo = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) { var test = tests[i]; if (test.todo && !test.result) { nTodo++; } else if (test.result && !test.todo) { nOK++; } else { nNotOK++; } } return {"OK": nOK, "notOK": nNotOK, "todo": nTodo}; } /** * Print out table of any error messages found during looped run */ TestRunner.displayLoopErrors = function(tableName, tests) { if(TestRunner.countResults(tests).notOK >0){ var table = $(tableName); var curtest; if (table.rows.length == 0) { //if table headers are not yet generated, make them var row = table.insertRow(table.rows.length); var cell = row.insertCell(0); var textNode = document.createTextNode("Test File Name:"); cell.appendChild(textNode); cell = row.insertCell(1); textNode = document.createTextNode("Test:"); cell.appendChild(textNode); cell = row.insertCell(2); textNode = document.createTextNode("Error message:"); cell.appendChild(textNode); } //find the broken test for (var testnum in tests){ curtest = tests[testnum]; if( !((curtest.todo && !curtest.result) || (curtest.result && !curtest.todo)) ){ //this is a failed test or the result of todo test. Display the related message row = table.insertRow(table.rows.length); cell = row.insertCell(0); textNode = document.createTextNode(TestRunner.currentTestURL); cell.appendChild(textNode); cell = row.insertCell(1); textNode = document.createTextNode(curtest.name); cell.appendChild(textNode); cell = row.insertCell(2); textNode = document.createTextNode((curtest.diag ? curtest.diag : "" )); cell.appendChild(textNode); } } } } TestRunner.updateUI = function(tests) { var results = TestRunner.countResults(tests); var passCount = parseInt($("pass-count").innerHTML) + results.OK; var failCount = parseInt($("fail-count").innerHTML) + results.notOK; var todoCount = parseInt($("todo-count").innerHTML) + results.todo; $("pass-count").innerHTML = passCount; $("fail-count").innerHTML = failCount; $("todo-count").innerHTML = todoCount; // Set the top Green/Red bar var indicator = $("indicator"); if (failCount > 0) { indicator.innerHTML = "Status: Fail"; indicator.style.backgroundColor = "red"; } else if (passCount > 0) { indicator.innerHTML = "Status: Pass"; indicator.style.backgroundColor = "#0d0"; } else { indicator.innerHTML = "Status: ToDo"; indicator.style.backgroundColor = "orange"; } // Set the table values var trID = "tr-" + $('current-test-path').innerHTML; var row = $(trID); // Only update the row if it actually exists (autoUI) if (row != null) { var tds = row.getElementsByTagName("td"); tds[0].style.backgroundColor = "#0d0"; tds[0].innerHTML = parseInt(tds[0].innerHTML) + parseInt(results.OK); tds[1].style.backgroundColor = results.notOK > 0 ? "red" : "#0d0"; tds[1].innerHTML = parseInt(tds[1].innerHTML) + parseInt(results.notOK); tds[2].style.backgroundColor = results.todo > 0 ? "orange" : "#0d0"; tds[2].innerHTML = parseInt(tds[2].innerHTML) + parseInt(results.todo); } //if we ran in a loop, display any found errors if (TestRunner.repeat > 0) { TestRunner.displayLoopErrors('fail-table', tests); } }