/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); function whenNewWindowLoaded(aOptions, aCallback) { let win = OpenBrowserWindow(aOptions); let focused = SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); let startupFinished = TestUtils.topicObserved("browser-delayed-startup-finished", subject => subject == win).then(() => win); Promise.all([focused, startupFinished]) .then(results => executeSoon(() => aCallback(results[1]))); return win; } /** * Recursively compare two objects and check that every property of expectedObj has the same value * on actualObj. */ function isSubObjectOf(expectedObj, actualObj, name) { for (let prop in expectedObj) { if (typeof expectedObj[prop] == 'function') continue; if (expectedObj[prop] instanceof Object) { is(actualObj[prop].length, expectedObj[prop].length, name + "[" + prop + "]"); isSubObjectOf(expectedObj[prop], actualObj[prop], name + "[" + prop + "]"); } else { is(actualObj[prop], expectedObj[prop], name + "[" + prop + "]"); } } } function getLocale() { const localePref = "general.useragent.locale"; return getLocalizedPref(localePref, Services.prefs.getCharPref(localePref)); } /** * Wrapper for nsIPrefBranch::getComplexValue. * @param aPrefName * The name of the pref to get. * @returns aDefault if the requested pref doesn't exist. */ function getLocalizedPref(aPrefName, aDefault) { try { return Services.prefs.getComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; } catch (ex) { return aDefault; } return aDefault; } function waitForPopupShown(aPopupId, aCallback) { let popup = document.getElementById(aPopupId); info("waitForPopupShown: got popup: " + popup.id); function onPopupShown() { info("onPopupShown"); removePopupShownListener(); SimpleTest.executeSoon(aCallback); } function removePopupShownListener() { popup.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown); } popup.addEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown); registerCleanupFunction(removePopupShownListener); } function promiseEvent(aTarget, aEventName, aPreventDefault) { let deferred = Promise.defer(); aTarget.addEventListener(aEventName, function onEvent(aEvent) { aTarget.removeEventListener(aEventName, onEvent, true); if (aPreventDefault) { aEvent.preventDefault(); } deferred.resolve(); }, true); return deferred.promise; } function waitForBrowserContextMenu(aCallback) { waitForPopupShown(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contextMenu, aCallback); } function doOnloadOnce(aCallback) { function doOnloadOnceListener(aEvent) { info("doOnloadOnce: " + aEvent.originalTarget.location); removeDoOnloadOnceListener(); SimpleTest.executeSoon(function doOnloadOnceCallback() { aCallback(aEvent); }); } function removeDoOnloadOnceListener() { gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", doOnloadOnceListener, true); } gBrowser.addEventListener("load", doOnloadOnceListener, true); registerCleanupFunction(removeDoOnloadOnceListener); } function* promiseOnLoad() { return new Promise(resolve => { gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoadListener(aEvent) { let cw = aEvent.target.defaultView; let tab = gBrowser._getTabForContentWindow(cw); if (tab) { info("onLoadListener: " + aEvent.originalTarget.location); gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoadListener, true); resolve(aEvent); } }, true); }); } function promiseNewEngine(basename, options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //Default the setAsCurrent option to true. let setAsCurrent = options.setAsCurrent == undefined ? true : options.setAsCurrent; info("Waiting for engine to be added: " + basename); Services.search.init({ onInitComplete: function() { let url = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + basename; let current = Services.search.currentEngine; Services.search.addEngine(url, null, "", false, { onSuccess: function (engine) { info("Search engine added: " + basename); if (setAsCurrent) { Services.search.currentEngine = engine; } registerCleanupFunction(() => { if (setAsCurrent) { Services.search.currentEngine = current; } Services.search.removeEngine(engine); info("Search engine removed: " + basename); }); resolve(engine); }, onError: function (errCode) { ok(false, "addEngine failed with error code " + errCode); reject(); } }); } }); }); }