/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsMenuBarListener.h" #include "nsMenuBarFrame.h" #include "nsMenuPopupFrame.h" #include "nsIDOMEvent.h" // Drag & Drop, Clipboard #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsIDOMKeyEvent.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDOMNode.h" #include "nsIDOMElement.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/TextEvents.h" using namespace mozilla; /* * nsMenuBarListener implementation */ NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsMenuBarListener, nsIDOMEventListener) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int32_t nsMenuBarListener::mAccessKey = -1; Modifiers nsMenuBarListener::mAccessKeyMask = 0; bool nsMenuBarListener::mAccessKeyFocuses = false; nsMenuBarListener::nsMenuBarListener(nsMenuBarFrame* aMenuBar) :mAccessKeyDown(false), mAccessKeyDownCanceled(false) { mMenuBarFrame = aMenuBar; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsMenuBarListener::~nsMenuBarListener() { } void nsMenuBarListener::OnDestroyMenuBarFrame() { mMenuBarFrame = nullptr; } void nsMenuBarListener::InitializeStatics() { Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&mAccessKeyFocuses, "ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses"); } nsresult nsMenuBarListener::GetMenuAccessKey(int32_t* aAccessKey) { if (!aAccessKey) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER; InitAccessKey(); *aAccessKey = mAccessKey; return NS_OK; } void nsMenuBarListener::InitAccessKey() { if (mAccessKey >= 0) return; // Compiled-in defaults, in case we can't get LookAndFeel -- // mac doesn't have menu shortcuts, other platforms use alt. #ifdef XP_MACOSX mAccessKey = 0; mAccessKeyMask = 0; #else mAccessKey = nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ALT; mAccessKeyMask = MODIFIER_ALT; #endif // Get the menu access key value from prefs, overriding the default: mAccessKey = Preferences::GetInt("ui.key.menuAccessKey", mAccessKey); if (mAccessKey == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_SHIFT) mAccessKeyMask = MODIFIER_SHIFT; else if (mAccessKey == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_CONTROL) mAccessKeyMask = MODIFIER_CONTROL; else if (mAccessKey == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ALT) mAccessKeyMask = MODIFIER_ALT; else if (mAccessKey == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_META) mAccessKeyMask = MODIFIER_META; else if (mAccessKey == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_WIN) mAccessKeyMask = MODIFIER_OS; } void nsMenuBarListener::ToggleMenuActiveState() { nsMenuFrame* closemenu = mMenuBarFrame->ToggleMenuActiveState(); nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (pm && closemenu) { nsMenuPopupFrame* popupFrame = closemenu->GetPopup(); if (popupFrame) pm->HidePopup(popupFrame->GetContent(), false, false, true, false); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuBarListener::KeyUp(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMKeyEvent> keyEvent = do_QueryInterface(aKeyEvent); if (!keyEvent) { return NS_OK; } InitAccessKey(); //handlers shouldn't be triggered by non-trusted events. bool trustedEvent = false; aKeyEvent->GetIsTrusted(&trustedEvent); if (!trustedEvent) { return NS_OK; } if (mAccessKey && mAccessKeyFocuses) { bool defaultPrevented = false; aKeyEvent->GetDefaultPrevented(&defaultPrevented); // On a press of the ALT key by itself, we toggle the menu's // active/inactive state. // Get the ascii key code. uint32_t theChar; keyEvent->GetKeyCode(&theChar); if (!defaultPrevented && mAccessKeyDown && !mAccessKeyDownCanceled && (int32_t)theChar == mAccessKey) { // The access key was down and is now up, and no other // keys were pressed in between. bool toggleMenuActiveState = true; if (!mMenuBarFrame->IsActive()) { // First, close all existing popups because other popups shouldn't // handle key events when menubar is active and IME should be // disabled. nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (pm) { pm->Rollup(0, false, nullptr, nullptr); } // If menubar active state is changed or the menubar is destroyed // during closing the popups, we should do nothing anymore. toggleMenuActiveState = !Destroyed() && !mMenuBarFrame->IsActive(); } if (toggleMenuActiveState) { if (!mMenuBarFrame->IsActive()) { mMenuBarFrame->SetActiveByKeyboard(); } ToggleMenuActiveState(); } } mAccessKeyDown = false; mAccessKeyDownCanceled = false; bool active = !Destroyed() && mMenuBarFrame->IsActive(); if (active) { aKeyEvent->StopPropagation(); aKeyEvent->PreventDefault(); return NS_OK; // I am consuming event } } return NS_OK; // means I am NOT consuming event } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuBarListener::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent) { // if event has already been handled, bail if (aKeyEvent) { bool eventHandled = false; aKeyEvent->GetDefaultPrevented(&eventHandled); if (eventHandled) { return NS_OK; // don't consume event } } //handlers shouldn't be triggered by non-trusted events. bool trustedEvent = false; if (aKeyEvent) { aKeyEvent->GetIsTrusted(&trustedEvent); } if (!trustedEvent) return NS_OK; nsresult retVal = NS_OK; // default is to not consume event InitAccessKey(); if (mAccessKey) { bool preventDefault; aKeyEvent->GetDefaultPrevented(&preventDefault); if (!preventDefault) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMKeyEvent> keyEvent = do_QueryInterface(aKeyEvent); uint32_t keyCode, charCode; keyEvent->GetKeyCode(&keyCode); keyEvent->GetCharCode(&charCode); bool hasAccessKeyCandidates = charCode != 0; if (!hasAccessKeyCandidates) { WidgetKeyboardEvent* nativeKeyEvent = aKeyEvent->GetInternalNSEvent()->AsKeyboardEvent(); if (nativeKeyEvent) { nsAutoTArray<uint32_t, 10> keys; nsContentUtils::GetAccessKeyCandidates(nativeKeyEvent, keys); hasAccessKeyCandidates = !keys.IsEmpty(); } } // Cancel the access key flag unless we are pressing the access key. if (keyCode != (uint32_t)mAccessKey) { mAccessKeyDownCanceled = true; } if (IsAccessKeyPressed(keyEvent) && hasAccessKeyCandidates) { // Do shortcut navigation. // A letter was pressed. We want to see if a shortcut gets matched. If // so, we'll know the menu got activated. nsMenuFrame* result = mMenuBarFrame->FindMenuWithShortcut(keyEvent); if (result) { mMenuBarFrame->SetActiveByKeyboard(); mMenuBarFrame->SetActive(true); result->OpenMenu(true); // The opened menu will listen next keyup event. // Therefore, we should clear the keydown flags here. mAccessKeyDown = mAccessKeyDownCanceled = false; aKeyEvent->StopPropagation(); aKeyEvent->PreventDefault(); retVal = NS_OK; // I am consuming event } } #ifndef XP_MACOSX // Also need to handle F10 specially on Non-Mac platform. else if (keyCode == NS_VK_F10) { if ((GetModifiersForAccessKey(keyEvent) & ~MODIFIER_CONTROL) == 0) { // The F10 key just went down by itself or with ctrl pressed. // In Windows, both of these activate the menu bar. mMenuBarFrame->SetActiveByKeyboard(); ToggleMenuActiveState(); if (mMenuBarFrame->IsActive()) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK // In GTK, this also opens the first menu. mMenuBarFrame->GetCurrentMenuItem()->OpenMenu(true); #endif aKeyEvent->StopPropagation(); aKeyEvent->PreventDefault(); return NS_OK; // consume the event } } } #endif // !XP_MACOSX } } return retVal; } bool nsMenuBarListener::IsAccessKeyPressed(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent) { InitAccessKey(); // No other modifiers are allowed to be down except for Shift. uint32_t modifiers = GetModifiersForAccessKey(aKeyEvent); return (mAccessKeyMask != MODIFIER_SHIFT && (modifiers & mAccessKeyMask) && (modifiers & ~(mAccessKeyMask | MODIFIER_SHIFT)) == 0); } Modifiers nsMenuBarListener::GetModifiersForAccessKey(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent) { WidgetInputEvent* inputEvent = aKeyEvent->GetInternalNSEvent()->AsInputEvent(); MOZ_ASSERT(inputEvent); static const Modifiers kPossibleModifiersForAccessKey = (MODIFIER_SHIFT | MODIFIER_CONTROL | MODIFIER_ALT | MODIFIER_META | MODIFIER_OS); return (inputEvent->modifiers & kPossibleModifiersForAccessKey); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuBarListener::KeyDown(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent) { InitAccessKey(); //handlers shouldn't be triggered by non-trusted events. bool trustedEvent = false; if (aKeyEvent) { aKeyEvent->GetIsTrusted(&trustedEvent); } if (!trustedEvent) return NS_OK; if (mAccessKey && mAccessKeyFocuses) { bool defaultPrevented = false; aKeyEvent->GetDefaultPrevented(&defaultPrevented); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMKeyEvent> keyEvent = do_QueryInterface(aKeyEvent); uint32_t theChar; keyEvent->GetKeyCode(&theChar); // No other modifiers can be down. // Especially CTRL. CTRL+ALT == AltGR, and we'll fuck up on non-US // enhanced 102-key keyboards if we don't check this. bool isAccessKeyDownEvent = ((theChar == (uint32_t)mAccessKey) && (GetModifiersForAccessKey(keyEvent) & ~mAccessKeyMask) == 0); if (!mAccessKeyDown) { // If accesskey isn't being pressed and the key isn't the accesskey, // ignore the event. if (!isAccessKeyDownEvent) { return NS_OK; } // Otherwise, accept the accesskey state. mAccessKeyDown = true; // If default is prevented already, cancel the access key down. mAccessKeyDownCanceled = defaultPrevented; return NS_OK; } // If the pressed accesskey was canceled already or the event was // consumed already, ignore the event. if (mAccessKeyDownCanceled || defaultPrevented) { return NS_OK; } // Some key other than the access key just went down, // so we won't activate the menu bar when the access key is released. mAccessKeyDownCanceled = !isAccessKeyDownEvent; } return NS_OK; // means I am NOT consuming event } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuBarListener::Blur(nsIDOMEvent* aEvent) { if (!mMenuBarFrame->IsMenuOpen() && mMenuBarFrame->IsActive()) { ToggleMenuActiveState(); } // Reset the accesskey state because we cannot receive the keyup event for // the pressing accesskey. mAccessKeyDown = false; mAccessKeyDownCanceled = false; return NS_OK; // means I am NOT consuming event } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuBarListener::MouseDown(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent) { // NOTE: MouseDown method listens all phases // Even if the mousedown event is canceled, it means the user don't want // to activate the menu. Therefore, we need to record it at capturing (or // target) phase. if (mAccessKeyDown) { mAccessKeyDownCanceled = true; } uint16_t phase = 0; nsresult rv = aMouseEvent->GetEventPhase(&phase); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Don't do anything at capturing phase, any behavior should be cancelable. if (phase == nsIDOMEvent::CAPTURING_PHASE) { return NS_OK; } if (!mMenuBarFrame->IsMenuOpen() && mMenuBarFrame->IsActive()) ToggleMenuActiveState(); return NS_OK; // means I am NOT consuming event } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuBarListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent* aEvent) { // If the menu bar is collapsed, don't do anything. if (!mMenuBarFrame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { return NS_OK; } nsAutoString eventType; aEvent->GetType(eventType); if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("keyup")) { return KeyUp(aEvent); } if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("keydown")) { return KeyDown(aEvent); } if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("keypress")) { return KeyPress(aEvent); } if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("blur")) { return Blur(aEvent); } if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("mousedown")) { return MouseDown(aEvent); } NS_ABORT(); return NS_OK; }