/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { extend } = require("sdk/core/heritage"); const { AutoRefreshHighlighter } = require("./auto-refresh"); const { CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper, getComputedStyle, createSVGNode, createNode } = require("./utils/markup"); const { setIgnoreLayoutChanges, getNodeBounds } = require("devtools/shared/layout/utils"); // The minimum distance a line should be before it has an arrow marker-end const ARROW_LINE_MIN_DISTANCE = 10; var MARKER_COUNTER = 1; /** * The CssTransformHighlighter is the class that draws an outline around a * transformed element and an outline around where it would be if untransformed * as well as arrows connecting the 2 outlines' corners. */ function CssTransformHighlighter(highlighterEnv) { AutoRefreshHighlighter.call(this, highlighterEnv); this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(this.highlighterEnv, this._buildMarkup.bind(this)); } CssTransformHighlighter.prototype = extend(AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype, { typeName: "CssTransformHighlighter", ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "css-transform-", _buildMarkup: function() { let container = createNode(this.win, { attributes: { "class": "highlighter-container" } }); // The root wrapper is used to unzoom the highlighter when needed. let rootWrapper = createNode(this.win, { parent: container, attributes: { "id": "root", "class": "root" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); let svg = createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "svg", parent: rootWrapper, attributes: { "id": "elements", "hidden": "true", "width": "100%", "height": "100%" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); // Add a marker tag to the svg root for the arrow tip this.markerId = "arrow-marker-" + MARKER_COUNTER; MARKER_COUNTER++; let marker = createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "marker", parent: svg, attributes: { "id": this.markerId, "markerWidth": "10", "markerHeight": "5", "orient": "auto", "markerUnits": "strokeWidth", "refX": "10", "refY": "5", "viewBox": "0 0 10 10" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "path", parent: marker, attributes: { "d": "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z", "fill": "#08C" } }); let shapesGroup = createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "g", parent: svg }); // Create the 2 polygons (transformed and untransformed) createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "polygon", parent: shapesGroup, attributes: { "id": "untransformed", "class": "untransformed" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "polygon", parent: shapesGroup, attributes: { "id": "transformed", "class": "transformed" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); // Create the arrows for (let nb of ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) { createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "line", parent: shapesGroup, attributes: { "id": "line" + nb, "class": "line", "marker-end": "url(#" + this.markerId + ")" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); } return container; }, /** * Destroy the nodes. Remove listeners. */ destroy: function() { AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.markup.destroy(); }, getElement: function(id) { return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id); }, /** * Show the highlighter on a given node */ _show: function() { if (!this._isTransformed(this.currentNode)) { this.hide(); return false; } return this._update(); }, /** * Checks if the supplied node is transformed and not inline */ _isTransformed: function(node) { let style = getComputedStyle(node); return style && (style.transform !== "none" && style.display !== "inline"); }, _setPolygonPoints: function(quad, id) { let points = []; for (let point of ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]) { points.push(quad[point].x + "," + quad[point].y); } this.getElement(id).setAttribute("points", points.join(" ")); }, _setLinePoints: function(p1, p2, id) { let line = this.getElement(id); line.setAttribute("x1", p1.x); line.setAttribute("y1", p1.y); line.setAttribute("x2", p2.x); line.setAttribute("y2", p2.y); let dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2)); if (dist < ARROW_LINE_MIN_DISTANCE) { line.removeAttribute("marker-end"); } else { line.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#" + this.markerId + ")"); } }, /** * Update the highlighter on the current highlighted node (the one that was * passed as an argument to show(node)). * Should be called whenever node size or attributes change */ _update: function() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); // Getting the points for the transformed shape let quads = this.currentQuads.border; if (!quads.length || quads[0].bounds.width <= 0 || quads[0].bounds.height <= 0) { this._hideShapes(); return false; } let [quad] = quads; // Getting the points for the untransformed shape let untransformedQuad = getNodeBounds(this.win, this.currentNode); this._setPolygonPoints(quad, "transformed"); this._setPolygonPoints(untransformedQuad, "untransformed"); for (let nb of ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) { this._setLinePoints(untransformedQuad["p" + nb], quad["p" + nb], "line" + nb); } // Adapt to the current zoom this.markup.scaleRootElement(this.currentNode, this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "root"); this._showShapes(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement); return true; }, /** * Hide the highlighter, the outline and the infobar. */ _hide: function() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this._hideShapes(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement); }, _hideShapes: function() { this.getElement("elements").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); }, _showShapes: function() { this.getElement("elements").removeAttribute("hidden"); } }); exports.CssTransformHighlighter = CssTransformHighlighter;