#!/bin/bash # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This script expects the following environment variables to be set: # SYMBOL_SERVER_HOST : host to upload symbols to # SYMBOL_SERVER_USER : username on that host # SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH : path on that host to put symbols in # # And will use the following optional environment variables if set: # SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY : path to a ssh private key to use # SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT : port to use for ssh # POST_SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CMD: a commandline to run on the remote host after # uploading. The full path of the symbol index # file will be appended to the commandline. # # The script expects two command-line arguments, in this order: # - The symbol index name # - The symbol archive # set -e : ${SYMBOL_SERVER_HOST?} ${SYMBOL_SERVER_USER?} ${SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH?} ${1?"You must specify a symbol index name."} ${2?"You must specify a symbol archive to upload"} SYMBOL_INDEX_NAME="$1" SYMBOL_ARCHIVE="$2" hash=`openssl dgst -sha1 "${SYMBOL_ARCHIVE}" | sed 's/^.*)=//' | sed 's/\ //g'` archive="${hash}-"`basename "${SYMBOL_ARCHIVE}" | sed 's/\ //g'` echo "Transferring symbols... ${SYMBOL_ARCHIVE}" scp -oLogLevel=DEBUG -oRekeyLimit=10M ${SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT:+-P $SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT} \ ${SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY:+-i "$SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY"} "${SYMBOL_ARCHIVE}" \ ${SYMBOL_SERVER_USER}@${SYMBOL_SERVER_HOST}:"${SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH}/${archive}" echo "Unpacking symbols on remote host..." ssh -2 ${SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT:+-p $SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT} \ ${SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY:+-i "$SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY"} \ -l ${SYMBOL_SERVER_USER} ${SYMBOL_SERVER_HOST} \ "set -e; umask 0022; cd ${SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH}; unzip -n '$archive'; rm -v '$archive';" if test -n "$POST_SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CMD"; then echo "${POST_SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CMD} \"${SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH}/${SYMBOL_INDEX_NAME}\"" ssh -2 ${SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT:+-p $SYMBOL_SERVER_PORT} \ ${SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY:+-i "$SYMBOL_SERVER_SSH_KEY"} \ -l ${SYMBOL_SERVER_USER} ${SYMBOL_SERVER_HOST} \ "${POST_SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CMD} \"${SYMBOL_SERVER_PATH}/${SYMBOL_INDEX_NAME}\"" fi echo "Symbol transfer completed"