/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // The Mac sandbox module is a static library (a Library in moz.build terms) // that can be linked into any binary (for example plugin-container or XUL). // It must not have dependencies on any other Mozilla module. This is why, // for example, it has its own OS X version detection code, rather than // linking to nsCocoaFeatures.mm in XUL. #include "Sandbox.h" #include #include #include // XXX There are currently problems with the /usr/include/sandbox.h file on // some/all of the Macs in Mozilla's build system. For the time being (until // this problem is resolved), we refer directly to what we need from it, // rather than including it here. #if(0) extern "C" int sandbox_init(const char *profile, uint64_t flags, char **errorbuf); extern "C" void sandbox_free_error(char *errorbuf); #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_HEX 0x00001000 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6_HEX 0x00001060 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7_HEX 0x00001070 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8_HEX 0x00001080 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9_HEX 0x00001090 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10_HEX 0x000010A0 // Note about "major", "minor" and "bugfix" in the following code: // // The code decomposes an OS X version number into these components, and in // doing so follows Apple's terminology in Gestalt.h. But this is very // misleading, because in other contexts Apple uses the "minor" component of // an OS X version number to indicate a "major" release (for example the "9" // in OS X 10.9.5), and the "bugfix" component to indicate a "minor" release // (for example the "5" in OS X 10.9.5). class OSXVersion { public: static bool OnLionOrLater(); static int32_t OSXVersionMinor(); private: static void GetSystemVersion(int32_t& aMajor, int32_t& aMinor, int32_t& aBugFix); static int32_t GetVersionNumber(); static int32_t mOSXVersion; }; int32_t OSXVersion::mOSXVersion = -1; bool OSXVersion::OnLionOrLater() { return (GetVersionNumber() >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7_HEX); } int32_t OSXVersion::OSXVersionMinor() { return (GetVersionNumber() & 0xF0) >> 4; } void OSXVersion::GetSystemVersion(int32_t& aMajor, int32_t& aMinor, int32_t& aBugFix) { SInt32 major = 0, minor = 0, bugfix = 0; CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"), NULL); CFReadStreamRef stream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, url); CFReadStreamOpen(stream); CFDictionaryRef sysVersionPlist = (CFDictionaryRef) CFPropertyListCreateWithStream(kCFAllocatorDefault, stream, 0, kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL, NULL); CFReadStreamClose(stream); CFRelease(stream); CFRelease(url); CFStringRef versionString = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(sysVersionPlist, CFSTR("ProductVersion")); CFArrayRef versions = CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings(kCFAllocatorDefault, versionString, CFSTR(".")); CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(versions); if (count > 0) { CFStringRef component = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(versions, 0); major = CFStringGetIntValue(component); if (count > 1) { component = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(versions, 1); minor = CFStringGetIntValue(component); if (count > 2) { component = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(versions, 2); bugfix = CFStringGetIntValue(component); } } } CFRelease(sysVersionPlist); CFRelease(versions); // If 'major' isn't what we expect, assume the oldest version of OS X we // currently support (OS X 10.6). if (major != 10) { aMajor = 10; aMinor = 6; aBugFix = 0; } else { aMajor = major; aMinor = minor; aBugFix = bugfix; } } int32_t OSXVersion::GetVersionNumber() { if (mOSXVersion == -1) { int32_t major, minor, bugfix; GetSystemVersion(major, minor, bugfix); mOSXVersion = MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_HEX + (minor << 4) + bugfix; } return mOSXVersion; } #endif namespace mozilla { // Let's not take space up in the binary with this crap. #if(0) static const char pluginSandboxRules[] = "(version 1)\n" "(deny default)\n" "(allow signal (target self))\n" "(allow sysctl-read)\n" // Illegal syntax on OS X 10.6, needed on 10.7 and up. "%s(allow iokit-open (iokit-user-client-class \"IOHIDParamUserClient\"))\n" // Needed only on OS X 10.6 "%s(allow file-read-data (literal \"%s\"))\n" "(allow mach-lookup\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cfprefsd.agent\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cfprefsd.daemon\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.system.opendirectoryd.libinfo\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.system.logger\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.ls.boxd\"))\n" "(allow file-read*\n" " (regex #\"^/etc$\")\n" " (regex #\"^/dev/u?random$\")\n" " (regex #\"^/(private/)?var($|/)\")\n" " (literal \"/usr/share/icu/icudt51l.dat\")\n" " (regex #\"^/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/*\")\n" " (regex #\"^/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/*\")\n" " (literal \"%s\")\n" " (literal \"%s\")\n" " (literal \"%s\"))\n"; static const char contentSandboxRules[] = "(version 1)\n" "\n" "(define sandbox-level %d)\n" "(define macosMinorVersion %d)\n" "(define appPath \"%s\")\n" "(define appBinaryPath \"%s\")\n" "(define appDir \"%s\")\n" "(define home-path \"%s\")\n" "\n" "(import \"/System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/system.sb\")\n" "\n" "(if \n" " (or\n" " (< macosMinorVersion 9)\n" " (< sandbox-level 1))\n" " (allow default)\n" " (begin\n" " (deny default)\n" " (debug deny)\n" "\n" " (define resolving-literal literal)\n" " (define resolving-subpath subpath)\n" " (define resolving-regex regex)\n" "\n" " (define container-path appPath)\n" " (define appdir-path appDir)\n" " (define var-folders-re \"^/private/var/folders/[^/][^/]\")\n" " (define var-folders2-re (string-append var-folders-re \"/[^/]+/[^/]\"))\n" "\n" " (define (home-regex home-relative-regex)\n" " (resolving-regex (string-append \"^\" (regex-quote home-path) home-relative-regex)))\n" " (define (home-subpath home-relative-subpath)\n" " (resolving-subpath (string-append home-path home-relative-subpath)))\n" " (define (home-literal home-relative-literal)\n" " (resolving-literal (string-append home-path home-relative-literal)))\n" "\n" " (define (container-regex container-relative-regex)\n" " (resolving-regex (string-append \"^\" (regex-quote container-path) container-relative-regex)))\n" " (define (container-subpath container-relative-subpath)\n" " (resolving-subpath (string-append container-path container-relative-subpath)))\n" " (define (container-literal container-relative-literal)\n" " (resolving-literal (string-append container-path container-relative-literal)))\n" "\n" " (define (var-folders-regex var-folders-relative-regex)\n" " (resolving-regex (string-append var-folders-re var-folders-relative-regex)))\n" " (define (var-folders2-regex var-folders2-relative-regex)\n" " (resolving-regex (string-append var-folders2-re var-folders2-relative-regex)))\n" "\n" " (define (appdir-regex appdir-relative-regex)\n" " (resolving-regex (string-append \"^\" (regex-quote appdir-path) appdir-relative-regex)))\n" " (define (appdir-subpath appdir-relative-subpath)\n" " (resolving-subpath (string-append appdir-path appdir-relative-subpath)))\n" " (define (appdir-literal appdir-relative-literal)\n" " (resolving-literal (string-append appdir-path appdir-relative-literal)))\n" "\n" " (define (allow-shared-preferences-read domain)\n" " (begin\n" " (if (defined? `user-preference-read)\n" " (allow user-preference-read (preference-domain domain)))\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (home-literal (string-append \"/Library/Preferences/\" domain \".plist\"))\n" " (home-regex (string-append \"/Library/Preferences/ByHost/\" (regex-quote domain) \"\\..*\\.plist$\")))\n" " ))\n" "\n" " (define (allow-shared-list domain)\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (home-regex (string-append \"/Library/Preferences/\" (regex-quote domain)))))\n" "\n" " (allow file-read-metadata)\n" "\n" " (allow ipc-posix-shm\n" " (ipc-posix-name-regex \"^/tmp/com.apple.csseed:\")\n" " (ipc-posix-name-regex \"^CFPBS:\")\n" " (ipc-posix-name-regex \"^AudioIO\"))\n" "\n" " (allow file-read-metadata\n" " (literal \"/home\")\n" " (literal \"/net\")\n" " (regex \"^/private/tmp/KSInstallAction\\.\")\n" " (var-folders-regex \"/\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library\"))\n" "\n" " (allow signal (target self))\n" " (allow job-creation (literal \"/Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL\"))\n" " (allow iokit-set-properties (iokit-property \"IOAudioControlValue\"))\n" "\n" " (allow mach-lookup\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.coreservices.appleevents\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.pasteboard.1\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.window_proxies\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.windowserver.active\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.audio.coreaudiod\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.audio.audiohald\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.PowerManagement.control\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cmio.VDCAssistant\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.SystemConfiguration.configd\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.iconservices\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cookied\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.printuitool.agent\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.printtool.agent\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cache_delete\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.pluginkit.pkd\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.bird\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.ocspd\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cmio.AppleCameraAssistant\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.DesktopServicesHelper\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.printtool.daemon\"))\n" "\n" " (allow iokit-open\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOHIDParamUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOAudioControlUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOAudioEngineUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IGAccelDevice\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"nvDevice\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"nvSharedUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"nvFermiGLContext\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IGAccelGLContext\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IGAccelSharedUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IGAccelVideoContextMain\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IGAccelVideoContextMedia\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IGAccelVideoContextVEBox\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"RootDomainUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOUSBInterfaceUserClientV2\"))\n" "\n" "; depending on systems, the 1st, 2nd or both rules are necessary\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"com.apple.HIToolbox\")\n" " (allow file-read-data (literal \"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.HIToolbox.plist\"))\n" "\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"com.apple.ATS\")\n" " (allow file-read-data (literal \"/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist\"))\n" "\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (subpath \"/Library/Fonts\")\n" " (subpath \"/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins\")\n" " (subpath \"/Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL\")\n" " (subpath \"/Library/Spelling\")\n" " (subpath \"/private/etc/cups/ppd\")\n" " (subpath \"/private/var/run/cupsd\")\n" " (literal \"/\")\n" " (literal \"/private/tmp\")\n" " (literal \"/private/var/tmp\")\n" "\n" " (home-literal \"/.CFUserTextEncoding\")\n" " (home-literal \"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.DownloadAssessment.plist\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/Colors\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/Fonts\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/FontCollections\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/Keyboard Layouts\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/Input Methods\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/PDF Services\")\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/Spelling\")\n" "\n" " (subpath appdir-path)\n" "\n" " (literal appPath)\n" " (literal appBinaryPath))\n" "\n" " (allow-shared-list \"org.mozilla.plugincontainer\")\n" "\n" "; the following 2 rules should be removed when microphone and camera access\n" "; are brokered through the content process\n" " (allow device-microphone)\n" " (allow device-camera)\n" "\n" " (allow file* (var-folders2-regex \"/com\\.apple\\.IntlDataCache\\.le$\"))\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (var-folders2-regex \"/com\\.apple\\.IconServices/\")\n" " (var-folders2-regex \"/[^/]+\\.mozrunner/extensions/[^/]+/chrome/[^/]+/content/[^/]+\\.j(s|ar)$\"))\n" "\n" " (allow file-write* (var-folders2-regex \"/org\\.chromium\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*$\"))\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (home-regex \"/Library/Application Support/[^/]+/Extensions/[^/]/\")\n" " (resolving-regex \"/Library/Application Support/[^/]+/Extensions/[^/]/\")\n" " (home-regex \"/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/[^/]+/extensions/\")\n" " (home-regex \"/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/[^/]+/weave/\"))\n" "\n" "; the following rules should be removed when printing and \n" "; opening a file from disk are brokered through the main process\n" " (if\n" " (< sandbox-level 2)\n" " (allow file*\n" " (require-not\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library\")))\n" " (allow file*\n" " (require-all\n" " (subpath home-path)\n" " (require-not\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library\")))))\n" "\n" "; printing\n" " (allow authorization-right-obtain\n" " (right-name \"system.print.operator\")\n" " (right-name \"system.printingmanager\"))\n" " (allow mach-lookup\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.printuitool.agent\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.printtool.agent\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.printtool.daemon\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.sharingd\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.metadata.mds\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.mtmd.xpc\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.FSEvents\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.locum\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.ImageCaptureExtension2.presence\"))\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (home-literal \"/.cups/lpoptions\")\n" " (home-literal \"/.cups/client.conf\")\n" " (literal \"/private/etc/cups/lpoptions\")\n" " (literal \"/private/etc/cups/client.conf\")\n" " (subpath \"/private/etc/cups/ppd\")\n" " (literal \"/private/var/run/cupsd\"))\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"org.cups.PrintingPrefs\")\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"com.apple.finder\")\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"com.apple.LaunchServices\")\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \".GlobalPreferences\")\n" " (allow network-outbound\n" " (literal \"/private/var/run/cupsd\")\n" " (literal \"/private/var/run/mDNSResponder\"))\n" "\n" "; print preview\n" " (if (> macosMinorVersion 9)\n" " (allow lsopen))\n" " (allow file-write* file-issue-extension (var-folders2-regex \"/\"))\n" " (allow file-read-xattr (literal \"/Applications/Preview.app\"))\n" " (allow mach-task-name)\n" " (allow mach-register)\n" " (allow file-read-data\n" " (regex \"^/Library/Printers/[^/]+/PDEs/[^/]+.plugin\")\n" " (subpath \"/Library/PDF Services\")\n" " (subpath \"/Applications/Preview.app\")\n" " (home-literal \"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.ServicesMenu.Services.plist\"))\n" " (allow mach-lookup\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.pbs.fetch_services\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.tsm.uiserver\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.ls.boxd\")\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.coreservices.quarantine-resolver\")\n" " (global-name-regex \"_OpenStep$\"))\n" " (allow appleevent-send\n" " (appleevent-destination \"com.apple.preview\")\n" " (appleevent-destination \"com.apple.imagecaptureextension2\"))\n" "\n" "; accelerated graphics\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"com.apple.opengl\")\n" " (allow-shared-preferences-read \"com.nvidia.OpenGL\")\n" " (allow mach-lookup\n" " (global-name \"com.apple.cvmsServ\"))\n" " (allow iokit-open\n" " (iokit-connection \"IOAccelerator\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOAccelerationUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOSurfaceRootUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOSurfaceSendRight\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"IOFramebufferSharedUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"AppleSNBFBUserClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"AGPMClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"AppleGraphicsControlClient\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"AppleGraphicsPolicyClient\"))\n" "\n" "; bug 1153809\n" " (allow iokit-open\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"NVDVDContextTesla\")\n" " (iokit-user-client-class \"Gen6DVDContext\"))\n" "\n" "; bug 1190032\n" " (allow file*\n" " (home-regex \"/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/plugtmp.*\"))\n" "\n" "; bug 1201935\n" " (allow file-read*\n" " (home-subpath \"/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems\"))\n" " )\n" ")\n"; #endif bool StartMacSandbox(MacSandboxInfo aInfo, std::string &aErrorMessage) { char *msg = NULL; asprintf(&msg, "Sandbox not supported on PowerPC"); if (msg) { aErrorMessage.assign(msg); free(msg); } return false; #if(0) char *profile = NULL; if (aInfo.type == MacSandboxType_Plugin) { if (OSXVersion::OnLionOrLater()) { asprintf(&profile, pluginSandboxRules, "", ";", aInfo.pluginInfo.pluginPath.c_str(), aInfo.pluginInfo.pluginBinaryPath.c_str(), aInfo.appPath.c_str(), aInfo.appBinaryPath.c_str()); } else { asprintf(&profile, pluginSandboxRules, ";", "", aInfo.pluginInfo.pluginPath.c_str(), aInfo.pluginInfo.pluginBinaryPath.c_str(), aInfo.appPath.c_str(), aInfo.appBinaryPath.c_str()); } } else if (aInfo.type == MacSandboxType_Content) { asprintf(&profile, contentSandboxRules, aInfo.level, OSXVersion::OSXVersionMinor(), aInfo.appPath.c_str(), aInfo.appBinaryPath.c_str(), aInfo.appDir.c_str(), getenv("HOME")); } else { char *msg = NULL; asprintf(&msg, "Unexpected sandbox type %u", aInfo.type); if (msg) { aErrorMessage.assign(msg); free(msg); } return false; } if (!profile) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory in StartMacSandbox()!\n"); return false; } char *errorbuf = NULL; int rv = sandbox_init(profile, 0, &errorbuf); if (rv) { if (errorbuf) { char *msg = NULL; asprintf(&msg, "sandbox_init() failed with error \"%s\"", errorbuf); if (msg) { aErrorMessage.assign(msg); free(msg); } fprintf(stderr, "profile: %s\n", profile); sandbox_free_error(errorbuf); } } free(profile); if (rv) { return false; } return true; #endif } } // namespace mozilla