/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["FolderCache"]; // Cache for bookmarks folder heirarchy. var FolderCache = function () { this.cache = new Map(); } FolderCache.prototype = { has: function (id) { return this.cache.has(id); }, insert: function (id, parentId) { if (this.cache.has(id)) { return; } if (parentId && !(this.cache.has(parentId))) { throw new Error("insert :: parentId not found in cache: " + parentId); } this.cache.set(id, { parent: parentId || null, children: new Set(), }); if (parentId) { this.cache.get(parentId).children.add(id); } }, remove: function (id) { if (!(this.cache.has(id))) { throw new Error("remote :: id not found in cache: " + id); } let parentId = this.cache.get(id).parent; if (parentId) { this.cache.get(parentId).children.delete(id); } for (let child of this.cache.get(id).children) { this.cache.get(child).parent = null; } this.cache.delete(id); }, setParent: function (id, parentId) { if (!(this.cache.has(id))) { throw new Error("setParent :: id not found in cache: " + id); } if (parentId && !(this.cache.has(parentId))) { throw new Error("setParent :: parentId not found in cache: " + parentId); } let oldParent = this.cache.get(id).parent; if (oldParent) { this.cache.get(oldParent).children.delete(id); } this.cache.get(id).parent = parentId; this.cache.get(parentId).children.add(id); return true; }, getParent: function (id) { if (this.cache.has(id)) { return this.cache.get(id).parent; } throw new Error("getParent :: id not found in cache: " + id); }, getChildren: function (id) { if (this.cache.has(id)) { return this.cache.get(id).children; } throw new Error("getChildren :: id not found in cache: " + id); }, setChildren: function (id, children) { for (let child of children) { if (!this.cache.has(child)) { this.insert(child, id); } else { this.setParent(child, id); } } }, dump: function () { dump("FolderCache: " + JSON.stringify(this.cache) + "\n"); }, }; this.FolderCache = FolderCache;