#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2002-2003 ActiveState Corp. # Author: Trent Mick (TrentM@ActiveState.com) """Test suite for which.py.""" import sys import os import re import tempfile import unittest import testsupport #XXX:TODO # - def test_registry_success(self): ...App Paths setting # - def test_registry_noexist(self): # - test all the other options # - test on linux # - test the module API class WhichTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Create a temp directory with a couple test "commands". The temp dir can be added to the PATH, etc, for testing purposes. """ # Find the which.py to call. whichPy = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "which.py") self.which = sys.executable + " " + whichPy # Setup the test environment. self.tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() os.makedirs(self.tmpdir) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): self.testapps = ['whichtestapp1.exe', 'whichtestapp2.exe', 'whichtestapp3.wta'] else: self.testapps = ['whichtestapp1', 'whichtestapp2'] for app in self.testapps: path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, app) open(path, 'wb').write('\n') os.chmod(path, 0755) def tearDown(self): testsupport.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def test_opt_h(self): output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' --h') token = 'Usage:' self.failUnless(output.find(token) != -1, "'%s' was not found in 'which -h' output: '%s' "\ % (token, output)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which -h' did not return 0: retval=%d" % retval) def test_opt_help(self): output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' --help') token = 'Usage:' self.failUnless(output.find(token) != -1, "'%s' was not found in 'which --help' output: '%s' "\ % (token, output)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which --help' did not return 0: retval=%d" % retval) def test_opt_version(self): output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' --version') versionRe = re.compile("^which \d+\.\d+\.\d+$") versionMatch = versionRe.search(output.strip()) self.failUnless(versionMatch, "Version, '%s', from 'which --version' does not "\ "match pattern, '%s'."\ % (output.strip(), versionRe.pattern)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which --version' did not return 0: retval=%d"\ % retval) def test_no_args(self): output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which) self.failUnless(retval == -1, "'which' with no args should return -1: retval=%d"\ % retval) def test_one_failure(self): output, error, retval = testsupport.run( self.which+' whichtestapp1') self.failUnless(retval == 1, "One failure did not return 1: retval=%d" % retval) def test_two_failures(self): output, error, retval = testsupport.run( self.which+' whichtestapp1 whichtestapp2') self.failUnless(retval == 2, "Two failures did not return 2: retval=%d" % retval) def _match(self, path1, path2): #print "_match: %r =?= %r" % (path1, path2) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): path1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(path1)) path2 = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(path2)) path1 = os.path.splitext(path1)[0] path2 = os.path.splitext(path2)[0] return path1 == path2 else: return os.path.samefile(path1, path2) def test_one_success(self): os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + self.tmpdir output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' -q whichtestapp1') expectedOutput = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "whichtestapp1") self.failUnless(self._match(output.strip(), expectedOutput), "Output, %r, and expected output, %r, do not match."\ % (output.strip(), expectedOutput)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which ...' should have returned 0: retval=%d" % retval) def test_two_successes(self): os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + self.tmpdir apps = ['whichtestapp1', 'whichtestapp2'] output, error, retval = testsupport.run( self.which + ' -q ' + ' '.join(apps)) lines = output.strip().split("\n") for app, line in zip(apps, lines): expected = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, app) self.failUnless(self._match(line, expected), "Output, %r, and expected output, %r, do not match."\ % (line, expected)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which ...' should have returned 0: retval=%d" % retval) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): def test_PATHEXT_failure(self): os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + self.tmpdir output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' whichtestapp3') self.failUnless(retval == 1, "'which ...' should have returned 1: retval=%d" % retval) def test_PATHEXT_success(self): os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + self.tmpdir os.environ["PATHEXT"] += os.pathsep + '.wta' output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' whichtestapp3') expectedOutput = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "whichtestapp3") self.failUnless(self._match(output.strip(), expectedOutput), "Output, %r, and expected output, %r, do not match."\ % (output.strip(), expectedOutput)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which ...' should have returned 0: retval=%d" % retval) def test_exts(self): os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + self.tmpdir output, error, retval = testsupport.run(self.which+' -e .wta whichtestapp3') expectedOutput = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "whichtestapp3") self.failUnless(self._match(output.strip(), expectedOutput), "Output, %r, and expected output, %r, do not match."\ % (output.strip(), expectedOutput)) self.failUnless(retval == 0, "'which ...' should have returned 0: retval=%d" % retval) def suite(): """Return a unittest.TestSuite to be used by test.py.""" return unittest.makeSuite(WhichTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()