/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WriteStumbleOnThread.h" #include "StumblerLogging.h" #include "UploadStumbleRunnable.h" #include "nsDumpUtils.h" #include "nsGZFileWriter.h" #include "nsIFileStreams.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #define MAXFILESIZE_KB (15 * 1024) #define ONEDAY_IN_MSEC (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) #define MAX_UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS 20 mozilla::Atomic WriteStumbleOnThread::sIsFileWaitingForUpload(false); mozilla::Atomic WriteStumbleOnThread::sIsAlreadyRunning(false); WriteStumbleOnThread::UploadFreqGuard WriteStumbleOnThread::sUploadFreqGuard = {0}; #define FILENAME_INPROGRESS NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("stumbles.json.gz") #define FILENAME_COMPLETED NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("stumbles.done.json.gz") #define OUTPUT_DIR NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("mozstumbler") class DeleteRunnable : public nsRunnable { public: DeleteRunnable() {} NS_IMETHODIMP Run() override { nsCOMPtr tmpFile; nsresult rv = nsDumpUtils::OpenTempFile(FILENAME_COMPLETED, getter_AddRefs(tmpFile), OUTPUT_DIR, nsDumpUtils::CREATE); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { tmpFile->Remove(true); } // critically, this sets this flag to false so writing can happen again WriteStumbleOnThread::sIsAlreadyRunning = false; WriteStumbleOnThread::sIsFileWaitingForUpload = false; return NS_OK; } private: ~DeleteRunnable() {} }; bool WriteStumbleOnThread::IsFileWaitingForUpload() { return sIsFileWaitingForUpload; } void WriteStumbleOnThread::UploadEnded(bool deleteUploadFile) { if (!deleteUploadFile) { sIsAlreadyRunning = false; return; } nsCOMPtr target = do_GetService(NS_STREAMTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID); MOZ_ASSERT(target); nsCOMPtr event = new DeleteRunnable(); target->Dispatch(event, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); } void WriteStumbleOnThread::WriteJSON(Partition aPart) { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); nsCOMPtr tmpFile; nsresult rv; rv = nsDumpUtils::OpenTempFile(FILENAME_INPROGRESS, getter_AddRefs(tmpFile), OUTPUT_DIR, nsDumpUtils::CREATE); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("Open a file for stumble failed"); return; } RefPtr gzWriter = new nsGZFileWriter(nsGZFileWriter::Append); rv = gzWriter->Init(tmpFile); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("gzWriter init failed"); return; } /* The json format is like below. {items:[ {item}, {item}, {item} ]} */ // Need to add "]}" after the last item if (aPart == Partition::End) { gzWriter->Write("]}"); rv = gzWriter->Finish(); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("ostream finish failed"); } nsCOMPtr targetFile; nsresult rv = nsDumpUtils::OpenTempFile(FILENAME_COMPLETED, getter_AddRefs(targetFile), OUTPUT_DIR, nsDumpUtils::CREATE); nsAutoString targetFilename; rv = targetFile->GetLeafName(targetFilename); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("Get Filename failed"); return; } rv = targetFile->Remove(true); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("Remove File failed"); return; } // Rename tmpfile rv = tmpFile->MoveTo(/* directory */ nullptr, targetFilename); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("Rename File failed"); return; } return; } // Need to add "{items:[" before the first item if (aPart == Partition::Begining) { gzWriter->Write("{\"items\":[{"); } else if (aPart == Partition::Middle) { gzWriter->Write(",{"); } gzWriter->Write(mDesc.get()); // one item is ended with '}' (e.g. {item}) gzWriter->Write("}"); rv = gzWriter->Finish(); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("ostream finish failed"); } // check if it is the end of this file int64_t fileSize = 0; rv = tmpFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("GetFileSize failed"); return; } if (fileSize >= MAXFILESIZE_KB) { WriteJSON(Partition::End); return; } } WriteStumbleOnThread::Partition WriteStumbleOnThread::GetWritePosition() { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); nsCOMPtr tmpFile; nsresult rv = nsDumpUtils::OpenTempFile(FILENAME_INPROGRESS, getter_AddRefs(tmpFile), OUTPUT_DIR, nsDumpUtils::CREATE); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("Open a file for stumble failed"); return Partition::Unknown; } int64_t fileSize = 0; rv = tmpFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("GetFileSize failed"); return Partition::Unknown; } if (fileSize == 0) { return Partition::Begining; } else if (fileSize >= MAXFILESIZE_KB) { return Partition::End; } else { return Partition::Middle; } } NS_IMETHODIMP WriteStumbleOnThread::Run() { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); bool b = sIsAlreadyRunning.exchange(true); if (b) { return NS_OK; } UploadFileStatus status = GetUploadFileStatus(); if (UploadFileStatus::NoFile != status) { if (UploadFileStatus::ExistsAndReadyToUpload == status) { sIsFileWaitingForUpload = true; Upload(); return NS_OK; } } else { Partition partition = GetWritePosition(); if (partition == Partition::Unknown) { STUMBLER_ERR("GetWritePosition failed, skip once"); } else { WriteJSON(partition); } } sIsFileWaitingForUpload = false; sIsAlreadyRunning = false; return NS_OK; } /* If the upload file exists, then check if it is one day old. • if it is a day old -> ExistsAndReadyToUpload • if it is less than the current day old -> Exists • otherwise -> NoFile The Exists case means that the upload and the stumbling is rate limited per-day to the size of the one file. */ WriteStumbleOnThread::UploadFileStatus WriteStumbleOnThread::GetUploadFileStatus() { nsCOMPtr tmpFile; nsresult rv = nsDumpUtils::OpenTempFile(FILENAME_COMPLETED, getter_AddRefs(tmpFile), OUTPUT_DIR, nsDumpUtils::CREATE); int64_t fileSize; rv = tmpFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("GetFileSize failed"); return UploadFileStatus::NoFile; } if (fileSize <= 0) { tmpFile->Remove(true); return UploadFileStatus::NoFile; } PRTime lastModifiedTime; tmpFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&lastModifiedTime); if ((PR_Now() / PR_USEC_PER_MSEC) - lastModifiedTime >= ONEDAY_IN_MSEC) { return UploadFileStatus::ExistsAndReadyToUpload; } return UploadFileStatus::Exists; } void WriteStumbleOnThread::Upload() { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); time_t seconds = time(0); int day = seconds / (60 * 60 * 24); if (sUploadFreqGuard.daySinceEpoch < day) { sUploadFreqGuard.daySinceEpoch = day; sUploadFreqGuard.attempts = 0; } sUploadFreqGuard.attempts++; if (sUploadFreqGuard.attempts > MAX_UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS) { STUMBLER_ERR("Too many upload attempts today"); sIsAlreadyRunning = false; return; } nsCOMPtr tmpFile; nsresult rv = nsDumpUtils::OpenTempFile(FILENAME_COMPLETED, getter_AddRefs(tmpFile), OUTPUT_DIR, nsDumpUtils::CREATE); int64_t fileSize; rv = tmpFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { STUMBLER_ERR("GetFileSize failed"); sIsAlreadyRunning = false; return; } if (fileSize <= 0) { sIsAlreadyRunning = false; return; } // prepare json into nsIInputStream nsCOMPtr inStream; rv = NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(inStream), tmpFile); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { sIsAlreadyRunning = false; return; } RefPtr uploader = new UploadStumbleRunnable(inStream); NS_DispatchToMainThread(uploader); }