/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; var {utils: Cu, classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Metrics.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/services/healthreport/providers.jsm"); // The hack, it burns. This could go away if extensions code exposed its // test environment setup functions as a testing-only JSM. See similar // code in Sync's head_helpers.js. var gGlobalScope = this; function loadAddonManager() { let ns = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", ns); let head = "../../../../toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/head_addons.js"; let file = do_get_file(head); let uri = ns.Services.io.newFileURI(file); ns.Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(uri.spec, gGlobalScope); createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2"); startupManager(); } function run_test() { loadAddonManager(); run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_constructor() { let provider = new AddonsProvider(); run_next_test(); }); add_task(function test_init() { let storage = yield Metrics.Storage("init"); let provider = new AddonsProvider(); yield provider.init(storage); yield provider.shutdown(); yield storage.close(); }); function monkeypatchAddons(provider, addons) { if (!Array.isArray(addons)) { throw new Error("Must define array of addon objects."); } Object.defineProperty(provider, "_createDataStructure", { value: function _createDataStructure() { return AddonsProvider.prototype._createDataStructure.call(provider, addons); }, }); } add_task(function test_collect() { let storage = yield Metrics.Storage("collect"); let provider = new AddonsProvider(); yield provider.init(storage); let now = new Date(); // FUTURE install add-on via AddonManager and don't use monkeypatching. let testAddons = [ { id: "addon0", userDisabled: false, appDisabled: false, version: "1", type: "extension", scope: 1, foreignInstall: false, hasBinaryComponents: false, installDate: now, updateDate: now, }, // This plugin entry should get ignored. { id: "addon1", userDisabled: false, appDisabled: false, version: "2", type: "plugin", scope: 1, foreignInstall: false, hasBinaryComponents: false, installDate: now, updateDate: now, }, // Is counted but full details are omitted because it is a theme. { id: "addon2", userDisabled: false, appDisabled: false, version: "3", type: "theme", scope: 1, foreignInstall: false, hasBinaryComponents: false, installDate: now, updateDate: now, }, { id: "addon3", userDisabled: false, appDisabled: false, version: "4", type: "service", scope: 1, foreignInstall: false, hasBinaryComponents: false, installDate: now, updateDate: now, description: "addon3 description" }, { // Should be excluded from the report completely id: "pluginfake", type: "plugin", userDisabled: false, appDisabled: false, }, { // Should be in gm-plugins id: "gmp-testgmp", type: "plugin", userDisabled: false, version: "7.2", isGMPlugin: true, }, ]; monkeypatchAddons(provider, testAddons); let testPlugins = { "Test Plug-in": { "version": "", "description": "Plug-in for testing purposes.™ (हिन्दी 中文 العربية)", "blocklisted": false, "disabled": false, "clicktoplay": false, "mimeTypes":[ "application/x-test" ], }, "Second Test Plug-in": { "version": "", "description": "Second plug-in for testing purposes.", "blocklisted": false, "disabled": false, "clicktoplay": false, "mimeTypes":[ "application/x-second-test" ], }, "Java Test Plug-in": { "version": "", "description": "Dummy Java plug-in for testing purposes.", "blocklisted": false, "disabled": false, "clicktoplay": false, "mimeTypes":[ "application/x-java-test" ], }, "Third Test Plug-in": { "version": "", "description": "Third plug-in for testing purposes.", "blocklisted": false, "disabled": false, "clicktoplay": false, "mimeTypes":[ "application/x-third-test" ], }, "Flash Test Plug-in": { "version": "", "description": "Flash plug-in for testing purposes.", "blocklisted": false, "disabled": false, "clicktoplay": false, "mimeTypes":[ "application/x-shockwave-flash-test" ], }, "Silverlight Test Plug-in": { "version": "", "description": "Silverlight plug-in for testing purposes.", "blocklisted": false, "disabled": false, "clicktoplay": false, "mimeTypes":[ "application/x-silverlight-test" ], }, }; let pluginTags = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost) .getPluginTags({}); for (let tag of pluginTags) { if (tag.name in testPlugins) { let p = testPlugins[tag.name]; p.id = tag.filename+":"+tag.name+":"+p.version+":"+p.description; } } yield provider.collectConstantData(); // Test addons measurement. let addons = provider.getMeasurement("addons", 2); let data = yield addons.getValues(); do_check_eq(data.days.size, 0); do_check_eq(data.singular.size, 1); do_check_true(data.singular.has("addons")); let json = data.singular.get("addons")[1]; let value = JSON.parse(json); do_check_eq(typeof(value), "object"); do_check_eq(Object.keys(value).length, 2); do_check_true("addon0" in value); do_check_true(!("addon1" in value)); do_check_true(!("addon2" in value)); do_check_true("addon3" in value); do_check_true(!("pluginfake" in value)); do_check_true(!("gmp-testgmp" in value)); let serializer = addons.serializer(addons.SERIALIZE_JSON); let serialized = serializer.singular(data.singular); do_check_eq(typeof(serialized), "object"); do_check_eq(Object.keys(serialized).length, 3); // Our entries, plus _v. do_check_true("addon0" in serialized); do_check_true("addon3" in serialized); do_check_eq(serialized._v, 2); // Test plugins measurement. let plugins = provider.getMeasurement("plugins", 1); data = yield plugins.getValues(); do_check_eq(data.days.size, 0); do_check_eq(data.singular.size, 1); do_check_true(data.singular.has("plugins")); json = data.singular.get("plugins")[1]; value = JSON.parse(json); do_check_eq(typeof(value), "object"); do_check_eq(Object.keys(value).length, pluginTags.length); do_check_true(testPlugins["Test Plug-in"].id in value); do_check_true(testPlugins["Second Test Plug-in"].id in value); do_check_true(testPlugins["Java Test Plug-in"].id in value); for (let id in value) { let item = value[id]; let testData = testPlugins[item.name]; for (let prop in testData) { if (prop == "mimeTypes" || prop == "id") { continue; } do_check_eq(testData[prop], item[prop]); } for (let mime of testData.mimeTypes) { do_check_true(item.mimeTypes.indexOf(mime) != -1); } } serializer = plugins.serializer(plugins.SERIALIZE_JSON); serialized = serializer.singular(data.singular); do_check_eq(typeof(serialized), "object"); do_check_eq(Object.keys(serialized).length, pluginTags.length+1); // Our entries, plus _v. for (let name in testPlugins) { // Special case for bug 1165981. There is a test plugin that // exists to make sure we don't load it on certain platforms. // We skip the check for that plugin here, as it will work on some // platforms but not others. if (name == "Third Test Plug-in") { continue; } do_check_true(testPlugins[name].id in serialized); } do_check_eq(serialized._v, 1); // Test GMP plugins measurement. let gmPlugins = provider.getMeasurement("gm-plugins", 1); data = yield gmPlugins.getValues(); do_check_eq(data.days.size, 0); do_check_eq(data.singular.size, 1); do_check_true(data.singular.has("gm-plugins")); json = data.singular.get("gm-plugins")[1]; value = JSON.parse(json); do_print("value: " + json); do_check_eq(typeof(value), "object"); do_check_eq(Object.keys(value).length, 1); do_check_eq(value["gmp-testgmp"].version, "7.2"); do_check_eq(value["gmp-testgmp"].userDisabled, false); serializer = gmPlugins.serializer(plugins.SERIALIZE_JSON); serialized = serializer.singular(data.singular); do_check_eq(typeof(serialized), "object"); do_check_eq(serialized["gmp-testgmp"].version, "7.2"); do_check_eq(serialized._v, 1); // Test counts measurement. let counts = provider.getMeasurement("counts", 2); data = yield counts.getValues(); do_check_eq(data.days.size, 1); do_check_eq(data.singular.size, 0); do_check_true(data.days.hasDay(now)); value = data.days.getDay(now); do_check_eq(value.size, 4); do_check_eq(value.get("extension"), 1); do_check_eq(value.get("plugin"), pluginTags.length); do_check_eq(value.get("theme"), 1); do_check_eq(value.get("service"), 1); yield provider.shutdown(); yield storage.close(); });