/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that the recording model is populated correctly when using timeline * and memory actor mocks, and that the correct button/overview displays are shown. */ const WAIT_TIME = 1000; var test = Task.async(function*() { let { target, panel, toolbox } = yield initPerformance(SIMPLE_URL, "performance", { TEST_PERFORMANCE_LEGACY_FRONT: true }); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(MEMORY_PREF, true); let { EVENTS, $, gFront: front, PerformanceController, PerformanceView, DetailsView, WaterfallView } = panel.panelWin; ok(front.LEGACY_FRONT, true, "Using legacy front"); is(front.traits.features.withMarkers, true, "traits.features.withMarkers is true."); is(front.traits.features.withTicks, true, "traits.features.withTicks is true."); is(front.traits.features.withMemory, false, "traits.features.withMemory is false."); is(front.traits.features.withAllocations, false, "traits.features.withAllocations is false."); yield startRecording(panel); yield busyWait(100); yield waitUntil(() => PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getTicks().length); yield waitUntil(() => PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getMarkers().length); yield stopRecording(panel); let { label, duration, allocations, profile } = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getAllData(); is(label, "", "Empty label for mock."); is(typeof duration, "number", "duration is a number"); ok(duration > 0, "duration is not 0"); isEmptyArray(allocations.sites, "allocations.sites"); isEmptyArray(allocations.timestamps, "allocations.timestamps"); isEmptyArray(allocations.frames, "allocations.frames"); isEmptyArray(allocations.sizes, "allocations.sizes"); let sampleCount = 0; for (let thread of profile.threads) { info("Checking thread: " + thread.name); for (let sample of thread.samples.data) { sampleCount++; let stack = getInflatedStackLocations(thread, sample); if (stack[0] != "(root)") { ok(false, "The sample " + stack.toSource() + " doesn't have a root node."); } } } ok(sampleCount > 0, "At least some samples have been iterated over, checking for root nodes."); is($("#overview-pane").hidden, false, "overview pane not hidden when only memory mocked."); is($("#select-waterfall-view").hidden, false, "waterfall view button not hidden when memory mocked"); is($("#select-js-calltree-view").hidden, false, "jscalltree view button not hidden when memory mocked"); is($("#select-js-flamegraph-view").hidden, false, "jsflamegraph view button not hidden when memory mocked"); is($("#select-memory-calltree-view").hidden, true, "memorycalltree view button hidden when memory mocked"); is($("#select-memory-flamegraph-view").hidden, true, "memoryflamegraph view button hidden when memory mocked"); ok(DetailsView.isViewSelected(WaterfallView), "Waterfall view selected by default when memory mocked."); yield teardown(panel); finish(); }); function isEmptyArray (array, name) { ok(Array.isArray(array), `${name} is an array`); is(array.length, 0, `${name} is empty`); }