/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that the js flamegraphs get rerendered when toggling `flatten-tree-recursion` */ function* spawnTest() { let { panel } = yield initPerformance(SIMPLE_URL); let { EVENTS, PerformanceController, DetailsView, JsFlameGraphView, FlameGraphUtils } = panel.panelWin; Services.prefs.setBoolPref(FLATTEN_PREF, true); yield startRecording(panel); yield busyWait(100); yield stopRecording(panel); let rendered = once(JsFlameGraphView, EVENTS.JS_FLAMEGRAPH_RENDERED); yield DetailsView.selectView("js-flamegraph"); yield rendered; let thread1 = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getProfile().threads[0]; let rendering1 = FlameGraphUtils._cache.get(thread1); ok(thread1, "The samples were retrieved from the controller."); ok(rendering1, "The rendering data was cached."); rendered = once(JsFlameGraphView, EVENTS.JS_FLAMEGRAPH_RENDERED); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(FLATTEN_PREF, false); yield rendered; ok(true, "JsFlameGraphView rerendered when toggling flatten-tree-recursion."); let thread2 = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getProfile().threads[0]; let rendering2 = FlameGraphUtils._cache.get(thread2); is(thread1, thread2, "The same samples data should be retrieved from the controller (1)."); isnot(rendering1, rendering2, "The rendering data should be different because other options were used (1)."); rendered = once(JsFlameGraphView, EVENTS.JS_FLAMEGRAPH_RENDERED); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(FLATTEN_PREF, true); yield rendered; ok(true, "JsFlameGraphView rerendered when toggling back flatten-tree-recursion."); let thread3 = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getProfile().threads[0]; let rendering3 = FlameGraphUtils._cache.get(thread3); is(thread2, thread3, "The same samples data should be retrieved from the controller (2)."); isnot(rendering2, rendering3, "The rendering data should be different because other options were used (2)."); yield teardown(panel); finish(); }