/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* import-globals-from ../performance-controller.js */ /* import-globals-from ../performance-view.js */ "use strict"; /** * CallTree view containing memory allocation sites, controlled by DetailsView. */ var MemoryCallTreeView = Heritage.extend(DetailsSubview, { rerenderPrefs: [ "invert-call-tree" ], rangeChangeDebounceTime: 100, // ms /** * Sets up the view with event binding. */ initialize: function () { DetailsSubview.initialize.call(this); this._onLink = this._onLink.bind(this); this.container = $("#memory-calltree-view > .call-tree-cells-container"); }, /** * Unbinds events. */ destroy: function () { DetailsSubview.destroy.call(this); }, /** * Method for handling all the set up for rendering a new call tree. * * @param object interval [optional] * The { startTime, endTime }, in milliseconds. */ render: function (interval={}) { let options = { invertTree: PerformanceController.getOption("invert-call-tree") }; let recording = PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording(); let allocations = recording.getAllocations(); let threadNode = this._prepareCallTree(allocations, interval, options); this._populateCallTree(threadNode, options); this.emit(EVENTS.MEMORY_CALL_TREE_RENDERED); }, /** * Fired on the "link" event for the call tree in this container. */ _onLink: function (_, treeItem) { let { url, line } = treeItem.frame.getInfo(); gToolbox.viewSourceInDebugger(url, line).then(success => { if (success) { this.emit(EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN_IN_JS_DEBUGGER); } else { this.emit(EVENTS.SOURCE_NOT_FOUND_IN_JS_DEBUGGER); } }); }, /** * Called when the recording is stopped and prepares data to * populate the call tree. */ _prepareCallTree: function (allocations, { startTime, endTime }, options) { let thread = RecordingUtils.getProfileThreadFromAllocations(allocations); let { invertTree } = options; return new ThreadNode(thread, { startTime, endTime, invertTree }); }, /** * Renders the call tree. */ _populateCallTree: function (frameNode, options={}) { // If we have an empty profile (no samples), then don't invert the tree, as // it would hide the root node and a completely blank call tree space can be // mis-interpreted as an error. let inverted = options.invertTree && frameNode.samples > 0; let root = new CallView({ frame: frameNode, inverted: inverted, // Root nodes are hidden in inverted call trees. hidden: inverted, // Call trees should only auto-expand when not inverted. Passing undefined // will default to the CALL_TREE_AUTO_EXPAND depth. autoExpandDepth: inverted ? 0 : undefined, // Some cells like the time duration and cost percentage don't make sense // for a memory allocations call tree. visibleCells: { selfCount: true, count: true, selfSize: true, size: true, selfCountPercentage: true, countPercentage: true, selfSizePercentage: true, sizePercentage: true, function: true } }); // Bind events. root.on("link", this._onLink); // Pipe "focus" events to the view, mostly for tests root.on("focus", () => this.emit("focus")); // Clear out other call trees. this.container.innerHTML = ""; root.attachTo(this.container); // Memory allocation samples don't contain cateogry labels. root.toggleCategories(false); }, toString: () => "[object MemoryCallTreeView]" }); EventEmitter.decorate(MemoryCallTreeView);