/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* import-globals-from ../performance-controller.js */ /* import-globals-from ../performance-view.js */ /* globals document */ "use strict"; /** * View handler for toolbar events (mostly option toggling and triggering) */ var ToolbarView = { /** * Sets up the view with event binding. */ initialize: Task.async(function *() { this._onFilterPopupShowing = this._onFilterPopupShowing.bind(this); this._onFilterPopupHiding = this._onFilterPopupHiding.bind(this); this._onHiddenMarkersChanged = this._onHiddenMarkersChanged.bind(this); this._onPrefChanged = this._onPrefChanged.bind(this); this._popup = $("#performance-options-menupopup"); this.optionsView = new OptionsView({ branchName: BRANCH_NAME, menupopup: this._popup }); // Set the visibility of experimental UI options on load // based off of `devtools.performance.ui.experimental` preference let experimentalEnabled = PerformanceController.getOption("experimental"); this._toggleExperimentalUI(experimentalEnabled); yield this.optionsView.initialize(); this.optionsView.on("pref-changed", this._onPrefChanged); this._buildMarkersFilterPopup(); this._updateHiddenMarkersPopup(); $("#performance-filter-menupopup").addEventListener("popupshowing", this._onFilterPopupShowing); $("#performance-filter-menupopup").addEventListener("popuphiding", this._onFilterPopupHiding); }), /** * Unbinds events and cleans up view. */ destroy: function () { $("#performance-filter-menupopup").removeEventListener("popupshowing", this._onFilterPopupShowing); $("#performance-filter-menupopup").removeEventListener("popuphiding", this._onFilterPopupHiding); this._popup = null this.optionsView.off("pref-changed", this._onPrefChanged); this.optionsView.destroy(); }, /** * Creates the timeline markers filter popup. */ _buildMarkersFilterPopup: function() { for (let [markerName, markerDetails] of Iterator(TIMELINE_BLUEPRINT)) { let menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("closemenu", "none"); menuitem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); menuitem.setAttribute("align", "center"); menuitem.setAttribute("flex", "1"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", MarkerUtils.getMarkerClassName(markerName)); menuitem.setAttribute("marker-type", markerName); menuitem.className = `marker-color-${markerDetails.colorName}`; menuitem.addEventListener("command", this._onHiddenMarkersChanged); $("#performance-filter-menupopup").appendChild(menuitem); } }, /** * Updates the menu items checked state in the timeline markers filter popup. */ _updateHiddenMarkersPopup: function() { let menuItems = $$("#performance-filter-menupopup menuitem[marker-type]"); let hiddenMarkers = PerformanceController.getPref("hidden-markers"); for (let menuitem of menuItems) { if (~hiddenMarkers.indexOf(menuitem.getAttribute("marker-type"))) { menuitem.removeAttribute("checked"); } else { menuitem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } } }, /** * Fired when `devtools.performance.ui.experimental` is changed, or * during init. Toggles the visibility of experimental performance tool options * in the UI options. * * Sets or removes "experimental-enabled" on the menu and main elements, * hiding or showing all elements with class "experimental-option". * * TODO re-enable "#option-enable-memory" permanently once stable in bug 1163350 * TODO re-enable "#option-enable-jit-optimizations" permanently once stable in bug 1163351 * * @param {boolean} isEnabled */ _toggleExperimentalUI: function (isEnabled) { if (isEnabled) { $(".theme-body").classList.add("experimental-enabled"); this._popup.classList.add("experimental-enabled"); } else { $(".theme-body").classList.remove("experimental-enabled"); this._popup.classList.remove("experimental-enabled"); } }, /** * Fired when the markers filter popup starts to show. */ _onFilterPopupShowing: function() { $("#filter-button").setAttribute("open", "true"); }, /** * Fired when the markers filter popup starts to hide. */ _onFilterPopupHiding: function() { $("#filter-button").removeAttribute("open"); }, /** * Fired when a menu item in the markers filter popup is checked or unchecked. */ _onHiddenMarkersChanged: function() { let checkedMenuItems = $$("#performance-filter-menupopup menuitem[marker-type]:not([checked])"); let hiddenMarkers = Array.map(checkedMenuItems, e => e.getAttribute("marker-type")); PerformanceController.setPref("hidden-markers", hiddenMarkers); }, /** * Fired when a preference changes in the underlying OptionsView. * Propogated by the PerformanceController. */ _onPrefChanged: function (_, prefName) { let value = PerformanceController.getOption(prefName); if (prefName === "experimental") { this._toggleExperimentalUI(value); } this.emit(EVENTS.PREF_CHANGED, prefName, value); }, toString: () => "[object ToolbarView]" }; EventEmitter.decorate(ToolbarView);