var dns = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIDNSService); // This test checks DNSService host resolver when a network interface is supplied // as well. In the test 3 request are sent: two with a network interface set // and one without a network interface. // All requests have the same host to be resolved and the same flags. // One of the request with the network interface will be canceled. // The request with and without a network interface should not be mixed during // the requests lifetime. var netInterface1 = "interface1"; var netInterface2 = "interface2"; // We are not using localhost because on e10s a host resolve callback is almost // always faster than a cancel request, therefore cancel operation would not be // tested. var hostname = ""; // 3 requests. var requestWithInterfaceCanceled; var requestWithoutInterfaceNotCanceled; var requestWithInterfaceNotCanceled; var listener = { onLookupComplete: function(inRequest, inRecord, inStatus) { // Two requests should be resolved and one request should be canceled. // Since cancalation of a request is racy we will check only for not // canceled request - they should not be canceled. if ((inRequest == requestWithoutInterfaceNotCanceled) || (inRequest == requestWithInterfaceNotCanceled)) { // This request should not be canceled. do_check_neq(inStatus, Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); do_test_finished(); } else if (inRequest == requestWithInterfaceCanceled) { // We do not check the outcome for this one because it is racy - // whether the request cancelation is faster than resolving the request. do_test_finished(); } }, QueryInterface: function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIDNSListener) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) { return this; } throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } }; function run_test() { var threadManager = Cc[";1"] .getService(Ci.nsIThreadManager); var mainThread = threadManager.currentThread; var flags = Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_BYPASS_CACHE; // This one will be canceled. requestWithInterfaceCanceled = dns.asyncResolveExtended(hostname, flags, netInterface1, listener, mainThread); requestWithInterfaceCanceled.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); // This one will not be canceled. This is the request without a network // interface. requestWithoutInterfaceNotCanceled = dns.asyncResolve(hostname, flags, listener, mainThread); // This one will not be canceled. requestWithInterfaceNotCanceled = dns.asyncResolveExtended(hostname, flags, netInterface2, listener, mainThread); // We wait for notifications for the requests. // For each request onLookupComplete will be called. do_test_pending(); do_test_pending(); do_test_pending(); }