/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GMPDecryptorParent.h" #include "GMPContentParent.h" #include "MediaData.h" #include "mozilla/unused.h" namespace mozilla { #ifdef LOG #undef LOG #endif extern LogModule* GetGMPLog(); #define LOGV(msg) MOZ_LOG(GetGMPLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Verbose, msg) #define LOGD(msg) MOZ_LOG(GetGMPLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, msg) #define LOG(level, msg) MOZ_LOG(GetGMPLog(), (level), msg) namespace gmp { GMPDecryptorParent::GMPDecryptorParent(GMPContentParent* aPlugin) : mIsOpen(false) , mShuttingDown(false) , mActorDestroyed(false) , mPlugin(aPlugin) , mPluginId(aPlugin->GetPluginId()) , mCallback(nullptr) #ifdef DEBUG , mGMPThread(aPlugin->GMPThread()) #endif { MOZ_ASSERT(mPlugin && mGMPThread); } GMPDecryptorParent::~GMPDecryptorParent() { } nsresult GMPDecryptorParent::Init(GMPDecryptorProxyCallback* aCallback) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::Init()", this)); if (mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to re-use an in-use GMP decrypter!"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mCallback = aCallback; if (!SendInit()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mIsOpen = true; return NS_OK; } void GMPDecryptorParent::CreateSession(uint32_t aCreateSessionToken, uint32_t aPromiseId, const nsCString& aInitDataType, const nsTArray& aInitData, GMPSessionType aSessionType) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::CreateSession(token=%u, promiseId=%u, aInitData='%s')", this, aCreateSessionToken, aPromiseId, ToBase64(aInitData).get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in from JS are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aInitDataType.IsEmpty() && !aInitData.IsEmpty()); Unused << SendCreateSession(aCreateSessionToken, aPromiseId, aInitDataType, aInitData, aSessionType); } void GMPDecryptorParent::LoadSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const nsCString& aSessionId) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::LoadSession(sessionId='%s', promiseId=%u)", this, aSessionId.get(), aPromiseId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in from JS are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aSessionId.IsEmpty()); Unused << SendLoadSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId); } void GMPDecryptorParent::UpdateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const nsCString& aSessionId, const nsTArray& aResponse) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::UpdateSession(sessionId='%s', promiseId=%u response='%s')", this, aSessionId.get(), aPromiseId, ToBase64(aResponse).get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in from JS are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aSessionId.IsEmpty() && !aResponse.IsEmpty()); Unused << SendUpdateSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId, aResponse); } void GMPDecryptorParent::CloseSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const nsCString& aSessionId) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::CloseSession(sessionId='%s', promiseId=%u)", this, aSessionId.get(), aPromiseId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in from JS are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aSessionId.IsEmpty()); Unused << SendCloseSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId); } void GMPDecryptorParent::RemoveSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const nsCString& aSessionId) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RemoveSession(sessionId='%s', promiseId=%u)", this, aSessionId.get(), aPromiseId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in from JS are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aSessionId.IsEmpty()); Unused << SendRemoveSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId); } void GMPDecryptorParent::SetServerCertificate(uint32_t aPromiseId, const nsTArray& aServerCert) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::SetServerCertificate(promiseId=%u)", this, aPromiseId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in from JS are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aServerCert.IsEmpty()); Unused << SendSetServerCertificate(aPromiseId, aServerCert); } void GMPDecryptorParent::Decrypt(uint32_t aId, const CryptoSample& aCrypto, const nsTArray& aBuffer) { LOGV(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::Decrypt(id=%d)", this, aId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return; } // Caller should ensure parameters passed in are valid. MOZ_ASSERT(!aBuffer.IsEmpty() && aCrypto.mValid); GMPDecryptionData data(aCrypto.mKeyId, aCrypto.mIV, aCrypto.mPlainSizes, aCrypto.mEncryptedSizes, aCrypto.mSessionIds); Unused << SendDecrypt(aId, aBuffer, data); } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvSetSessionId(const uint32_t& aCreateSessionId, const nsCString& aSessionId) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvSetSessionId(token=%u, sessionId='%s')", this, aCreateSessionId, aSessionId.get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->SetSessionId(aCreateSessionId, aSessionId); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvResolveLoadSessionPromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId, const bool& aSuccess) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvResolveLoadSessionPromise(promiseId=%u)", this, aPromiseId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->ResolveLoadSessionPromise(aPromiseId, aSuccess); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvResolvePromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvResolvePromise(promiseId=%u)", this, aPromiseId)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->ResolvePromise(aPromiseId); return true; } nsresult GMPExToNsresult(GMPDOMException aDomException) { switch (aDomException) { case kGMPNoModificationAllowedError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; case kGMPNotFoundError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR; case kGMPNotSupportedError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; case kGMPInvalidStateError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR; case kGMPSyntaxError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR; case kGMPInvalidModificationError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR; case kGMPInvalidAccessError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR; case kGMPSecurityError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR; case kGMPAbortError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_ABORT_ERR; case kGMPQuotaExceededError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR; case kGMPTimeoutError: return NS_ERROR_DOM_TIMEOUT_ERR; default: return NS_ERROR_DOM_UNKNOWN_ERR; } } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvRejectPromise(const uint32_t& aPromiseId, const GMPDOMException& aException, const nsCString& aMessage) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvRejectPromise(promiseId=%u, exception=%d, msg='%s')", this, aPromiseId, aException, aMessage.get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->RejectPromise(aPromiseId, GMPExToNsresult(aException), aMessage); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvSessionMessage(const nsCString& aSessionId, const GMPSessionMessageType& aMessageType, nsTArray&& aMessage) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvSessionMessage(sessionId='%s', type=%d, msg='%s')", this, aSessionId.get(), aMessageType, ToBase64(aMessage).get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->SessionMessage(aSessionId, aMessageType, aMessage); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvExpirationChange(const nsCString& aSessionId, const double& aExpiryTime) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvExpirationChange(sessionId='%s', expiry=%lf)", this, aSessionId.get(), aExpiryTime)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->ExpirationChange(aSessionId, aExpiryTime); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvSessionClosed(const nsCString& aSessionId) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvSessionClosed(sessionId='%s')", this, aSessionId.get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->SessionClosed(aSessionId); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvSessionError(const nsCString& aSessionId, const GMPDOMException& aException, const uint32_t& aSystemCode, const nsCString& aMessage) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvSessionError(sessionId='%s', exception=%d, sysCode=%d, msg='%s')", this, aSessionId.get(), aException, aSystemCode, aMessage.get())); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->SessionError(aSessionId, GMPExToNsresult(aException), aSystemCode, aMessage); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvKeyStatusChanged(const nsCString& aSessionId, InfallibleTArray&& aKeyId, const GMPMediaKeyStatus& aStatus) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvKeyStatusChanged(sessionId='%s', keyId=%s, status=%d)", this, aSessionId.get(), ToBase64(aKeyId).get(), aStatus)); if (mIsOpen) { mCallback->KeyStatusChanged(aSessionId, aKeyId, aStatus); } return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvSetCaps(const uint64_t& aCaps) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvSetCaps(caps=0x%llx)", this, aCaps)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->SetCaps(aCaps); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvDecrypted(const uint32_t& aId, const GMPErr& aErr, InfallibleTArray&& aBuffer) { LOGV(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvDecrypted(id=%d, err=%d)", this, aId, aErr)); if (!mIsOpen) { NS_WARNING("Trying to use a dead GMP decrypter!"); return false; } mCallback->Decrypted(aId, aErr, aBuffer); return true; } bool GMPDecryptorParent::RecvShutdown() { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::RecvShutdown()", this)); Shutdown(); return true; } // Note: may be called via Terminated() void GMPDecryptorParent::Close() { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::Close()", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(mGMPThread == NS_GetCurrentThread()); // Consumer is done with us; we can shut down. No more callbacks should // be made to mCallback. Note: do this before Shutdown()! mCallback = nullptr; // Let Shutdown mark us as dead so it knows if we had been alive // In case this is the last reference RefPtr kungfudeathgrip(this); this->Release(); Shutdown(); } void GMPDecryptorParent::Shutdown() { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::Shutdown()", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(mGMPThread == NS_GetCurrentThread()); if (mShuttingDown) { return; } mShuttingDown = true; // Notify client we're gone! Won't occur after Close() if (mCallback) { mCallback->Terminated(); mCallback = nullptr; } mIsOpen = false; if (!mActorDestroyed) { Unused << SendDecryptingComplete(); } } // Note: Keep this sync'd up with Shutdown void GMPDecryptorParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::ActorDestroy(reason=%d)", this, aWhy)); mIsOpen = false; mActorDestroyed = true; if (mCallback) { // May call Close() (and Shutdown()) immediately or with a delay mCallback->Terminated(); mCallback = nullptr; } if (mPlugin) { mPlugin->DecryptorDestroyed(this); mPlugin = nullptr; } } bool GMPDecryptorParent::Recv__delete__() { LOGD(("GMPDecryptorParent[%p]::Recv__delete__()", this)); if (mPlugin) { mPlugin->DecryptorDestroyed(this); mPlugin = nullptr; } return true; } } // namespace gmp } // namespace mozilla