"use strict"; var { interfaces: Ci, classes: Cc, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; var {WebRequest} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/WebRequest.jsm", {}); const BASE = "http://example.com/browser/toolkit/modules/tests/browser"; const URL = BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page1.html"; var expected_browser; function checkType(details) { let expected_type = "???"; if (details.url.indexOf("style") != -1) { expected_type = "stylesheet"; } else if (details.url.indexOf("image") != -1) { expected_type = "image"; } else if (details.url.indexOf("script") != -1) { expected_type = "script"; } else if (details.url.indexOf("page1") != -1) { expected_type = "main_frame"; } else if (details.url.indexOf("page2") != -1) { expected_type = "sub_frame"; } else if (details.url.indexOf("xhr") != -1) { expected_type = "xmlhttprequest"; } is(details.type, expected_type, "resource type is correct"); } var windowIDs = new Map(); var requested = []; function onBeforeRequest(details) { info(`onBeforeRequest ${details.url}`); if (details.url.startsWith(BASE)) { requested.push(details.url); is(details.browser, expected_browser, "correct element"); checkType(details); windowIDs.set(details.url, details.windowId); if (details.url.indexOf("page2") != -1) { let page1id = windowIDs.get(URL); ok(details.windowId != page1id, "sub-frame gets its own window ID"); is(details.parentWindowId, page1id, "parent window id is correct"); } } if (details.url.indexOf("_bad.") != -1) { return {cancel: true}; } } var sendHeaders = []; function onBeforeSendHeaders(details) { info(`onBeforeSendHeaders ${details.url}`); if (details.url.startsWith(BASE)) { sendHeaders.push(details.url); is(details.browser, expected_browser, "correct element"); checkType(details); let id = windowIDs.get(details.url); is(id, details.windowId, "window ID same in onBeforeSendHeaders as onBeforeRequest"); } if (details.url.indexOf("_redirect.") != -1) { return {redirectUrl: details.url.replace("_redirect.", "_good.")}; } } var headersReceived = []; function onResponseStarted(details) { if (details.url.startsWith(BASE)) { headersReceived.push(details.url); } } const expected_requested = [BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page1.html", BASE + "/file_style_good.css", BASE + "/file_style_bad.css", BASE + "/file_style_redirect.css", BASE + "/file_image_good.png", BASE + "/file_image_bad.png", BASE + "/file_image_redirect.png", BASE + "/file_script_good.js", BASE + "/file_script_bad.js", BASE + "/file_script_redirect.js", BASE + "/file_script_xhr.js", BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page2.html", BASE + "/nonexistent_script_url.js", BASE + "/xhr_resource"]; const expected_sendHeaders = [BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page1.html", BASE + "/file_style_good.css", BASE + "/file_style_redirect.css", BASE + "/file_image_good.png", BASE + "/file_image_redirect.png", BASE + "/file_script_good.js", BASE + "/file_script_redirect.js", BASE + "/file_script_xhr.js", BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page2.html", BASE + "/nonexistent_script_url.js", BASE + "/xhr_resource"]; const expected_headersReceived = [BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page1.html", BASE + "/file_style_good.css", BASE + "/file_image_good.png", BASE + "/file_script_good.js", BASE + "/file_script_xhr.js", BASE + "/file_WebRequest_page2.html", BASE + "/nonexistent_script_url.js", BASE + "/xhr_resource"]; function removeDupes(list) { let j = 0; for (let i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i] != list[j]) { j++; if (i != j) { list[j] = list[i]; } } } list.length = j + 1; } function compareLists(list1, list2, kind) { list1.sort(); removeDupes(list1); list2.sort(); removeDupes(list2); is(String(list1), String(list2), `${kind} URLs correct`); } function* test_once() { WebRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(onBeforeRequest, null, ["blocking"]); WebRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(onBeforeSendHeaders, null, ["blocking"]); WebRequest.onResponseStarted.addListener(onResponseStarted); gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; expected_browser = browser; yield waitForLoad(); browser.messageManager.loadFrameScript(`data:,content.location = "${URL}";`, false); yield waitForLoad(); let win = browser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject; is(win.success, 2, "Good script ran"); is(win.failure, undefined, "Failure script didn't run"); let style = browser.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(browser.contentDocument.getElementById("test"), null); is(style.getPropertyValue("color"), "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "Good CSS loaded"); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); compareLists(requested, expected_requested, "requested"); compareLists(sendHeaders, expected_sendHeaders, "sendHeaders"); compareLists(headersReceived, expected_headersReceived, "headersReceived"); WebRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(onBeforeRequest); WebRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.removeListener(onBeforeSendHeaders); WebRequest.onResponseStarted.removeListener(onResponseStarted); } // Run the test twice to make sure it works with caching. add_task(test_once); add_task(test_once); function waitForLoad(browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser) { return new Promise(resolve => { browser.addEventListener("load", function listener() { browser.removeEventListener("load", listener, true); resolve(); }, true); }); }