/* * This test checks that focus is adjusted properly when switching tabs. */ var testPage1 = ""; var testPage2 = ""; var testPage3 = ""; const fm = Services.focus; var tab1 = null; var tab2 = null; var browser1 = null; var browser2 = null; var _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus; var _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow = null; var actualEvents = []; var expectedEvents = []; var currentTestName = ""; var _expectedElement = null; var _expectedWindow = null; var currentPromiseResolver = null; function* getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser, dontCheckExtraFocus = false) { if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { messageManager.addMessageListener("Browser:GetCurrentFocus", function getCurrentFocus(message) { messageManager.removeMessageListener("Browser:GetCurrentFocus", getCurrentFocus); resolve(message.data.details); }); // The dontCheckExtraFocus flag is used to indicate not to check some // additional focus related properties. This is needed as both URLs are // loaded using the same child process and share focus managers. browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("Browser:GetFocusedElement", { dontCheckExtraFocus : dontCheckExtraFocus }); }); } else { var focusedWindow = {}; var node = fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(browser.contentWindow, false, focusedWindow); return "Focus is " + (node ? node.id : ""); } } function focusInChild() { var fm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFocusManager); function getWindowDocId(target) { return (String(target.location).indexOf("1") >= 0) ? "window1" : "window2"; } function eventListener(event) { var id; if (event.target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow) id = getWindowDocId(event.originalTarget) + "-window"; else if (event.target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMDocument) id = getWindowDocId(event.originalTarget) + "-document"; else id = event.originalTarget.id; sendSyncMessage("Browser:FocusChanged", { details : event.type + ": " + id }); } addEventListener("focus", eventListener, true); addEventListener("blur", eventListener, true); addMessageListener("Browser:ChangeFocus", function changeFocus(message) { content.document.getElementById(message.data.id)[message.data.type](); }); addMessageListener("Browser:GetFocusedElement", function getFocusedElement(message) { var focusedWindow = {}; var node = fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(content, false, focusedWindow); var details = "Focus is " + (node ? node.id : ""); /* Check focus manager properties. Add an error onto the string if they are not what is expected which will cause matching to fail in the parent process. */ let doc = content.document; if (!message.data.dontCheckExtraFocus) { if (fm.focusedElement != node) { details += ""; } if (fm.focusedWindow && fm.focusedWindow != content) { details += ""; } if ((fm.focusedWindow == content) != doc.hasFocus()) { details += ""; } if ((fm.focusedElement && doc.activeElement != fm.focusedElement) || (!fm.focusedElement && doc.activeElement != doc.body)) { details += ""; } } sendSyncMessage("Browser:GetCurrentFocus", { details : details }); }); } function focusElementInChild(elementid, type) { let browser = (elementid.indexOf("1") >= 0) ? browser1 : browser2; if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ChangeFocus", { id: elementid, type: type }); } else { browser.contentDocument.getElementById(elementid)[type](); } } add_task(function*() { tab1 = gBrowser.addTab(); browser1 = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab1); tab2 = gBrowser.addTab(); browser2 = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab2); yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab1, "data:text/html," + escape(testPage1)); yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab2, "data:text/html," + escape(testPage2)); var childFocusScript = "data:,(" + focusInChild.toString() + ")();"; browser1.messageManager.loadFrameScript(childFocusScript, true); browser2.messageManager.loadFrameScript(childFocusScript, true); gURLBar.focus(); yield SimpleTest.promiseFocus(); var messages = ""; if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { messageManager.addMessageListener("Browser:FocusChanged", message => { actualEvents.push(message.data.details); compareFocusResults(); }); } _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus = "urlbar"; _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow = "main-window"; window.addEventListener("focus", _browser_tabfocus_test_eventOccured, true); window.addEventListener("blur", _browser_tabfocus_test_eventOccured, true); // make sure that the focus initially starts out blank var fm = Services.focus; var focusedWindow = {}; let focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1); is(focused, "Focus is ", "initial focus in tab 1"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2); is(focused, "Focus is ", "initial focus in tab 2"); is(document.activeElement, gURLBar.inputField, "focus after loading two tabs"); yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab2, "window2", null, true, "after tab change, focus in new tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2); is(focused, "Focus is ", "focusedElement after tab change, focus in new tab"); // switching tabs when nothing in the new tab is focused // should focus the browser yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab1, "window1", null, true, "after tab change, focus in original tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1); is(focused, "Focus is ", "focusedElement after tab change, focus in original tab"); // focusing a button in the current tab should focus it yield expectFocusShift(() => focusElementInChild("button1", "focus"), "window1", "button1", true, "after button focused"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1); is(focused, "Focus is button1", "focusedElement in first browser after button focused"); // focusing a button in a background tab should not change the actual // focus, but should set the focus that would be in that background tab to // that button. yield expectFocusShift(() => focusElementInChild("button2", "focus"), "window1", "button1", false, "after button focus in unfocused tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1, false); is(focused, "Focus is button1", "focusedElement in first browser after button focus in unfocused tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2, true); is(focused, "Focus is button2", "focusedElement in second browser after button focus in unfocused tab"); // switching tabs should now make the button in the other tab focused yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab2, "window2", "button2", true, "after tab change with button focused"); // blurring an element in a background tab should not change the active // focus, but should clear the focus in that tab. yield expectFocusShift(() => focusElementInChild("button1", "blur"), "window2", "button2", false, "focusedWindow after blur in unfocused tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1, true); is(focused, "Focus is ", "focusedElement in first browser after focus in unfocused tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2, false); is(focused, "Focus is button2", "focusedElement in second browser after focus in unfocused tab"); // When focus is in the tab bar, it should be retained there yield expectFocusShift(() => gBrowser.selectedTab.focus(), "main-window", "tab2", true, "focusing tab element"); yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab1, "main-window", "tab1", true, "tab change when selected tab element was focused"); let switchWaiter; if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { switchWaiter = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { gBrowser.addEventListener("TabSwitchDone", function listener() { gBrowser.removeEventListener("TabSwitchDone", listener); executeSoon(resolve); }); }); } yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab2, "main-window", "tab2", true, "another tab change when selected tab element was focused"); // When this a remote browser, wait for the paint on the second browser so that // any post tab-switching stuff has time to complete before blurring the tab. // Otherwise, the _adjustFocusAfterTabSwitch in tabbrowser gets confused and // isn't sure what tab is really focused. if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { yield switchWaiter; } yield expectFocusShift(() => gBrowser.selectedTab.blur(), "main-window", null, true, "blurring tab element"); // focusing the url field should switch active focus away from the browser but // not clear what would be the focus in the browser focusElementInChild("button1", "focus"); yield expectFocusShift(() => gURLBar.focus(), "main-window", "urlbar", true, "focusedWindow after url field focused"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1, true); is(focused, "Focus is button1", "focusedElement after url field focused, first browser"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2, true); is(focused, "Focus is button2", "focusedElement after url field focused, second browser"); yield expectFocusShift(() => gURLBar.blur(), "main-window", null, true, "blurring url field"); // when a chrome element is focused, switching tabs to a tab with a button // with the current focus should focus the button yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab1, "window1", "button1", true, "after tab change, focus in url field, button focused in new tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1, false); is(focused, "Focus is button1", "after switch tab, focus in unfocused tab, first browser"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2, true); is(focused, "Focus is button2", "after switch tab, focus in unfocused tab, second browser"); // blurring an element in the current tab should clear the active focus yield expectFocusShift(() => focusElementInChild("button1", "blur"), "window1", null, true, "after blur in focused tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1, false); is(focused, "Focus is ", "focusedWindow after blur in focused tab, child"); focusedWindow = {}; is(fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, false, focusedWindow), browser1, "focusedElement after blur in focused tab, parent"); // blurring an non-focused url field should have no effect yield expectFocusShift(() => gURLBar.blur(), "window1", null, false, "after blur in unfocused url field"); focusedWindow = {}; is(fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, false, focusedWindow), browser1, "focusedElement after blur in unfocused url field"); // switch focus to a tab with a currently focused element yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab2, "window2", "button2", true, "after switch from unfocused to focused tab"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2, true); is(focused, "Focus is button2", "focusedElement after switch from unfocused to focused tab"); // clearing focus on the chrome window should switch the focus to the // chrome window yield expectFocusShift(() => fm.clearFocus(window), "main-window", null, true, "after switch to chrome with no focused element"); focusedWindow = {}; is(fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, false, focusedWindow), null, "focusedElement after switch to chrome with no focused element"); // switch focus to another tab when neither have an active focus yield* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab1, "window1", null, true, "focusedWindow after tab switch from no focus to no focus"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser1, false); is(focused, "Focus is ", "after tab switch from no focus to no focus, first browser"); focused = yield getFocusedElementForBrowser(browser2, true); is(focused, "Focus is button2", "after tab switch from no focus to no focus, second browser"); // next, check whether navigating forward, focusing the urlbar and then // navigating back maintains the focus in the urlbar. yield expectFocusShift(() => focusElementInChild("button1", "focus"), "window1", "button1", true, "focus button"); yield promiseTabLoadEvent(tab1, "data:text/html," + escape(testPage3)); // now go back again gURLBar.focus(); yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.addEventListener("pageshow", function navigationOccured(event) { window.removeEventListener("pageshow", navigationOccured, true); resolve(); }, true); document.getElementById('Browser:Back').doCommand(); }); is(window.document.activeElement, gURLBar.inputField, "urlbar still focused after navigating back"); // Document navigation with F6 does not yet work in mutli-process browsers. if (!gMultiProcessBrowser) { gURLBar.focus(); actualEvents = []; _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus = "urlbar"; _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow = "main-window"; yield expectFocusShift(() => EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_F6", { }), "window1", "html1", true, "switch document forward with f6"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_F6", { }); is(fm.focusedWindow, window, "switch document forward again with f6"); browser1.style.MozUserFocus = "ignore"; browser1.clientWidth; EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_F6", { }); is(fm.focusedWindow, window, "switch document forward again with f6 when browser non-focusable"); browser1.style.MozUserFocus = "normal"; browser1.clientWidth; } window.removeEventListener("focus", _browser_tabfocus_test_eventOccured, true); window.removeEventListener("blur", _browser_tabfocus_test_eventOccured, true); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); finish(); }); function getWindowDocId(target) { if (target == browser1.contentWindow || target == browser1.contentDocument) { return "window1"; } if (target == browser2.contentWindow || target == browser2.contentDocument) { return "window2"; } return "main-window"; } function _browser_tabfocus_test_eventOccured(event) { var id; // Some focus events from the child bubble up? Ignore them. if (Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(event.originalTarget)) return; if (event.target instanceof Window) id = getWindowDocId(event.originalTarget) + "-window"; else if (event.target instanceof Document) id = getWindowDocId(event.originalTarget) + "-document"; else if (event.target.id == "urlbar" && event.originalTarget.localName == "input") id = "urlbar"; else if (event.originalTarget.localName == "browser") id = (event.originalTarget == browser1) ? "browser1" : "browser2"; else if (event.originalTarget.localName == "tab") id = (event.originalTarget == tab1) ? "tab1" : "tab2"; else id = event.originalTarget.id; actualEvents.push(event.type + ": " + id); compareFocusResults(); } function getId(element) { if (!element) { return null; } if (element.localName == "browser") { return element == browser1 ? "browser1" : "browser2"; } if (element.localName == "tab") { return element == tab1 ? "tab1" : "tab2"; } return (element.localName == "input") ? "urlbar" : element.id; } function compareFocusResults() { if (!currentPromiseResolver) return; if (actualEvents.length < expectedEvents.length) return; for (let e = 0; e < expectedEvents.length; e++) { // When remote browsers are used, the child process events can occur before or after the // browser focusing. Allow either order. if (gMultiProcessBrowser && actualEvents[e] != expectedEvents[e] && actualEvents[e].startsWith("focus: browser")) { // Ensure that this event is expected later, and remove the later expected event and // reinsert it at the current index. let foundLaterIndex = expectedEvents.indexOf(actualEvents[e], e + 1); if (foundLaterIndex > e) { expectedEvents.splice(e, 0, expectedEvents.splice(foundLaterIndex, 1)[0]); } } is(actualEvents[e], expectedEvents[e], currentTestName + " events [event " + e + "]"); } actualEvents = []; // Use executeSoon as this will be called during a focus/blur event handler executeSoon(() => { let matchWindow = window; if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { is(_expectedWindow, "main-window", "main-window is always expected"); } else if (_expectedWindow != "main-window") { matchWindow = (_expectedWindow == "window1" ? browser1.contentWindow : browser2.contentWindow); } var focusedElement = fm.focusedElement; is(getId(focusedElement), _expectedElement, currentTestName + " focusedElement"); is(fm.focusedWindow, matchWindow, currentTestName + " focusedWindow"); var focusedWindow = {}; is(getId(fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(matchWindow, false, focusedWindow)), _expectedElement, currentTestName + " getFocusedElementForWindow"); is(focusedWindow.value, matchWindow, currentTestName + " getFocusedElementForWindow frame"); is(matchWindow.document.hasFocus(), true, currentTestName + " hasFocus"); var expectedActive = _expectedElement; if (!expectedActive) { expectedActive = matchWindow.document instanceof XULDocument ? "main-window" : getId(matchWindow.document.body); } is(getId(matchWindow.document.activeElement), expectedActive, currentTestName + " activeElement"); currentPromiseResolver(); currentPromiseResolver = null; }); } function* expectFocusShiftAfterTabSwitch(tab, expectedWindow, expectedElement, focusChanged, testid) { let tabSwitchPromise = null; yield expectFocusShift(() => { tabSwitchPromise = BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab) }, expectedWindow, expectedElement, focusChanged, testid) yield tabSwitchPromise; } function* expectFocusShift(callback, expectedWindow, expectedElement, focusChanged, testid) { currentPromiseResolver = null; currentTestName = testid; expectedEvents = []; if (focusChanged) { _expectedElement = expectedElement; _expectedWindow = expectedWindow; // When the content is in a child process, the expected element in the chrome window // will always be the urlbar or a browser element. if (gMultiProcessBrowser) { if (_expectedWindow == "window1") { _expectedElement = "browser1"; } else if (_expectedWindow == "window2") { _expectedElement = "browser2"; } _expectedWindow = "main-window"; } if (gMultiProcessBrowser && _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow != "main-window" && _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow != expectedWindow) { let browserid = _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow == "window1" ? "browser1" : "browser2"; expectedEvents.push("blur: " + browserid); } var newElementIsFocused = (expectedElement && !expectedElement.startsWith("html")); if (newElementIsFocused && gMultiProcessBrowser && _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow != "main-window" && expectedWindow == "main-window") { // When switching from a child to a chrome element, the focus on the element will arrive first. expectedEvents.push("focus: " + expectedElement); newElementIsFocused = false; } if (_browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus && _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus != _expectedElement) expectedEvents.push("blur: " + _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus); if (_browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow && _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow != expectedWindow) { if (!gMultiProcessBrowser || _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow != "main-window") { expectedEvents.push("blur: " + _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow + "-document"); expectedEvents.push("blur: " + _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow + "-window"); } } if (expectedWindow && _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow != expectedWindow) { if (gMultiProcessBrowser && expectedWindow != "main-window") { let browserid = expectedWindow == "window1" ? "browser1" : "browser2"; expectedEvents.push("focus: " + browserid); } if (!gMultiProcessBrowser || expectedWindow != "main-window") { expectedEvents.push("focus: " + expectedWindow + "-document"); expectedEvents.push("focus: " + expectedWindow + "-window"); } } if (newElementIsFocused) { expectedEvents.push("focus: " + expectedElement); } _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocus = expectedElement; _browser_tabfocus_test_lastfocuswindow = expectedWindow; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { currentPromiseResolver = resolve; callback(); // No events are expected, so resolve the promise immediately. if (!expectedEvents.length) { currentPromiseResolver(); currentPromiseResolver = null; } }); }