/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const {DirectorManagerFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/director-manager"); const {DirectorRegistry} = require("devtools/server/actors/director-registry"); DirectorRegistry.clear(); add_task(function*() { let doc = yield addTab(MAIN_DOMAIN + "director-script-target.html"); initDebuggerServer(); let client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe()); let form = yield connectDebuggerClient(client); DirectorRegistry.clear(); let directorManager = DirectorManagerFront(client, form); // director scripts attach method defaults to module.exports let attachModuleExports = yield testDirectorScriptExports(directorManager, { scriptId: "testDirectorScript_moduleExports", scriptCode: "(" + (function() { module.exports = function() {}; }).toString() + ")();", scriptOptions: {} }); ok(attachModuleExports.port, "testDirectorScript_moduleExports attach event received"); // director scripts attach method can be configured using the attachMethod scriptOptions let attachExportsAttach = yield testDirectorScriptExports(directorManager, { scriptId: "testDirectorScript_exportsAttach", scriptCode: "(" + (function() { exports.attach = function() {}; }).toString() + ")();", scriptOptions: { attachMethod: "attach" } }); ok(attachExportsAttach.port, "testDirectorScript_exportsAttach attach event received"); // director scripts without an attach method generates an error event let errorUndefinedAttachMethod = yield testDirectorScriptExports(directorManager, { scriptId: "testDirectorScript_undefinedAttachMethod", scriptCode: "(" + (function() { // this director script should raise an error // because it doesn't export any attach method }).toString() + ")();", scriptOptions: { attachMethod: "attach" } }); let { message } = errorUndefinedAttachMethod; ok(!!message, "testDirectorScript_undefinedAttachMethod error event received"); assertIsDirectorScriptError(errorUndefinedAttachMethod); yield closeDebuggerClient(client); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); DirectorRegistry.clear(); }); function assertIsDirectorScriptError(error) { ok(!!error.message, "errors should contain a message"); ok(!!error.stack, "errors should contain a stack trace"); ok(!!error.fileName, "errors should contain a fileName"); ok(typeof error.columnNumber == "number", "errors should contain a columnNumber"); ok(typeof error.lineNumber == "number", "errors should contain a lineNumber"); ok(!!error.directorScriptId, "errors should contain a directorScriptId"); } function* testDirectorScriptExports(directorManager, directorScriptDef) { let { scriptId } = directorScriptDef; DirectorRegistry.install(scriptId, directorScriptDef); let waitForAttach = once(directorManager, "director-script-attach"); let waitForError = once(directorManager, "director-script-error"); directorManager.enableByScriptIds([scriptId], {reload: false}); let attachOrErrorEvent = yield Promise.race([waitForAttach, waitForError]); return attachOrErrorEvent; }