import os import socket hostname = socket.gethostname() build_repos = ( 'autoland', 'buildapi', 'buildbot-configs', 'buildbotcustom', 'mozharness', 'opsi-package-sources', 'partner-repacks', 'preproduction', 'puppet', 'puppet-manifests', 'rpm-sources', 'talos', 'tools', ) conversion_repos = [] remote_targets = {} for repo in build_repos: conversion_repos.append({ "repo": "" % repo, "repo_name": "build-%s" % repo, "conversion_dir": "build-%s" % repo, "targets": [{ "target_dest": "build-%s-github" % repo, "force_push": True }], "vcs": "hg", "mapper": { "url": "", "project": "build-%s" % repo, }, "branch_config": { "branches": { "default": "master", }, "branch_regexes": [ "^.*$" ] }, # Bug 1036819 - build/* repos currently not able to push tags to github # temporarily disable tags in conversion. # When bug 1020613 is resolved, this tag_config below can be enabled again. # "tag_config": { # "tag_regexes": [ # "^.*$" # ] # }, }) remote_targets["build-%s-github" % repo] = { "repo": "" % repo, "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/releng-github-id_rsa", "vcs": "git", } config = { "log_name": "build-repos", "log_max_rotate": 99, "job_name": "build-repos", "env": { "PATH": "%(PATH)s:/usr/libexec/git-core", }, "conversion_repos": conversion_repos, "remote_targets": remote_targets, "virtualenv_modules": [ "dulwich==0.9.0", "ordereddict==1.1", "hg-git==0.4.0-moz2", "mapper==0.1", "mercurial==2.6.3", "mozfile==0.9", "mozinfo==0.5", "mozprocess==0.11", "requests==2.8.1", ], "find_links": [ "" ], "pip_index": False, "default_notify_from": "" % hostname, "notify_config": [{ "to": "", "failure_only": False, "skip_empty_messages": True, }], # Disallow sharing, since we want pristine .hg and .git directories. "vcs_share_base": None, "hg_share_base": None, # any hg command line options "hg_options": ( "--config", "web.cacerts=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt" ), "default_actions": [ 'list-repos', 'create-virtualenv', 'update-stage-mirror', 'update-work-mirror', 'publish-to-mapper', 'push', 'combine-mapfiles', 'notify', ], }