#!/usr/bin/env python # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** import copy import getpass import os import re import signal import subprocess import sys import time import socket # load modules from parent dir sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_SUCCESS, BuildbotMixin from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList from mozharness.base.log import INFO, ERROR, FATAL from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin from mozharness.mozilla.testing.mozpool import MozpoolMixin from mozharness.mozilla.testing.device import SUTDeviceMozdeviceMixin from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options SUITE_CATEGORIES = ['mochitest', 'reftest', 'crashtest', 'jsreftest', 'robocop', 'instrumentation', 'xpcshell', 'jittest', 'cppunittest'] class PandaTest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, BlobUploadMixin, MozpoolMixin, BuildbotMixin, SUTDeviceMozdeviceMixin, MozbaseMixin): test_suites = SUITE_CATEGORIES config_options = [ [["--mozpool-api-url"], { "dest": "mozpool_api_url", "help": "Override mozpool api url", }], [["--mozpool-device"], { "dest": "mozpool_device", "help": "Set Panda device to run tests on", }], [["--mozpool-assignee"], { "dest": "mozpool_assignee", "help": "Set mozpool assignee (requestor name, free-form)", }], [["--total-chunks"], { "action": "store", "dest": "total_chunks", "help": "Number of total chunks", }], [["--this-chunk"], { "action": "store", "dest": "this_chunk", "help": "Number of this chunk", }], [["--extra-args"], { "action": "store", "dest": "extra_args", "help": "Extra arguments", }], [['--mochitest-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_mochitest_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which mochi suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file.\n" "Examples: 'all', 'plain1', 'plain5', 'chrome', or 'a11y'"} ], [['--reftest-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_reftest_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which reftest suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file.\n" "Examples: 'all', 'crashplan', or 'jsreftest'"} ], [['--crashtest-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_crashtest_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which crashtest suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'crashtest'"} ], [['--jsreftest-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_jsreftest_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which jsreftest suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'jsreftest'"} ], [['--robocop-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_robocop_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which robocop suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'robocop'"} ], [['--instrumentation-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_instrumentation_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which instrumentation suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'browser', 'background'"} ], [['--xpcshell-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_xpcshell_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which xpcshell suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'xpcshell'"} ], [['--jittest-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_jittest_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which jittest suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'jittest'"} ], [['--cppunittest-suite', ], { "action": "extend", "dest": "specified_cppunittest_suites", "type": "string", "help": "Specify which cpp unittest suite to run. " "Suites are defined in the config file\n." "Examples: 'cppunittest'"} ], [['--run-all-suites', ], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "run_all_suites", "default": False, "help": "This will run all suites that are specified " "in the config file. You do not need to specify " "any other suites. Beware, this may take a while ;)"} ], ] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + \ copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) error_list = [] mozpool_handler = None virtualenv_modules = [ 'mozpoolclient', ] def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): super(PandaTest, self).__init__( config_options=self.config_options, all_actions=['clobber', 'read-buildbot-config', 'download-and-extract', 'create-virtualenv', 'request-device', 'run-test', 'close-request'], default_actions=['clobber', 'read-buildbot-config', 'download-and-extract', 'create-virtualenv', 'request-device', 'run-test', 'close-request'], require_config_file=require_config_file, config={'virtualenv_modules': self.virtualenv_modules}) self.mozpool_assignee = self.config.get('mozpool_assignee', getpass.getuser()) self.request_url = None self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") self.test_url = self.config.get("test_url") self.mozpool_device = self.config.get("mozpool_device") self.symbols_url = self.config.get('symbols_url') def postflight_read_buildbot_config(self): super(PandaTest, self).postflight_read_buildbot_config() self.mozpool_device = self.config.get('mozpool_device', self.buildbot_config.get('properties')["slavename"]) dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() #touch the shutdown file shutdown_file = os.path.join(dirs['shutdown_dir'], 'shutdown.stamp') try: self.info("*** Touching the shutdown file **") open(shutdown_file, 'w').close() except Exception, e: self.warning("We failed to create the shutdown file: str(%s)" % str(e)) def request_device(self): self.retrieve_android_device(b2gbase="") env = self.query_env() cmd = [self.query_exe('python'), self.config.get("verify_path")] if self.run_command(cmd, env=env): self.critical("Preparing to abort run due to failed verify check.") self.close_request() self.fatal("Dying due to failing verification") else: self.info("Successfully verified the device") def _sut_prep_steps(self): device_time = self.set_device_epoch_time() self.info("Current time on device: %s - %s" % (device_time, time.strftime("%x %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(device_time))))) def download_and_extract(self): """ Provides the target suite categories to TestingMixin.download_ """ if self.config.get('run_all_suites'): target_categories = SUITE_CATEGORIES else: target_categories = [cat for cat in SUITE_CATEGORIES if self._query_specified_suites(cat) is not None] super(PandaTest, self).download_and_extract(suite_categories=target_categories) def _query_try_flavor(self, category, suite): flavors = { "mochitest": [("plain.*", "mochitest"), ("browser-chrome.*", "browser-chrome"), ("mochitest-devtools-chrome.*", "devtools-chrome"), ("chrome", "chrome")], "xpcshell": [("xpcshell", "xpcshell")], "reftest": [("reftest", "reftest"), ("crashtest", "crashtest")] } for suite_pattern, flavor in flavors.get(category, []): if re.compile(suite_pattern).match(suite): return flavor def _run_category_suites(self, suite_category, preflight_run_method=None): """run suite(s) to a specific category""" env = self.query_env(partial_env={'DM_TRANS': "sut", 'TEST_DEVICE': self.mozpool_device}) self.info("Running tests...") suites = self._query_specified_suites(suite_category) level = INFO if preflight_run_method: preflight_run_method(suites) if suites: self.info('#### Running %s suites' % suite_category) for suite in suites: dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() self._download_unzip_hostutils() abs_base_cmd = self._query_abs_base_cmd(suite_category, suite) should_install_app = True if 'cppunittest' in suite: should_install_app = False if 'robocop' in suite: self._download_robocop_apk() if 'jittest' in suite: should_install_app = False if should_install_app: self._install_app() cmd = abs_base_cmd[:] flavor = self._query_try_flavor(suite_category, suite) try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(flavor) cmd.extend(self.query_options(suites[suite], try_options)) cmd.extend(self.query_tests_args(try_tests)) tests = self.config["suite_definitions"][suite_category].get("tests", []) cmd += tests tbpl_status, log_level = None, None error_list = BaseErrorList + [{ 'regex': re.compile(r"(?:TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL|PROCESS-CRASH) \| .* \| (application crashed|missing output line for total leaks!|negative leaks caught!|\d+ bytes leaked)"), 'level': ERROR, }] c = self.config if c.get('minidump_stackwalk_path'): env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = c['minidump_stackwalk_path'] env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] env['MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) if env.has_key('PYTHONPATH'): del env['PYTHONPATH'] parser = self.get_test_output_parser(suite_category, config=self.config, error_list=error_list, log_obj=self.log_obj) return_code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], env=env, output_parser=parser) tbpl_status, log_level = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code) if tbpl_status != TBPL_SUCCESS: self.info("Output logcat...") try: lines = self.get_logcat() self.info("*** STARTING LOGCAT ***") for l in lines: self.info(l) self.info("*** END LOGCAT ***") except Exception, e: self.warning("We failed to run logcat: str(%s)" % str(e)) parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(suite) self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status, level=level) self.log("The %s suite: %s ran with return status: %s" % (suite_category, suite, tbpl_status), level=log_level) def _query_specified_suites(self, category): # logic goes: if at least one '--{category}-suite' was given, # then run only that(those) given suite(s). Elif no suites were # specified and the --run-all-suites flag was given, # run all {category} suites. Anything else, run no suites. c = self.config all_suites = c.get('all_%s_suites' % (category)) specified_suites = c.get('specified_%s_suites' % (category)) # list suites = None if specified_suites: if 'all' in specified_suites: # useful if you want a quick way of saying run all suites # of a specific category. suites = all_suites else: # suites gets a dict of everything from all_suites where a key # is also in specified_suites suites = dict((key, all_suites.get(key)) for key in specified_suites if key in all_suites.keys()) else: if c.get('run_all_suites'): # needed if you dont specify any suites suites = all_suites return suites def run_test(self): # do we need to set the device time? command doesn't work anyways # self._sut_prep_steps() env = self.query_env() env["DM_TRANS"] = "sut" env["TEST_DEVICE"] = self.mozpool_device self.mkdir_p(self.abs_dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir']) self._start_logcat() self.info("Running tests...") for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: self._run_category_suites(category) self._stop_logcat() def _start_logcat(self): # Start logcat.py as a separate process continuously pulling logcat from # the device and writing to a file. Output is written directly to # the blobber upload directory so that it is uploaded automatically # at the end of the job. device_ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.mozpool_device) logcat_path = os.path.join(self.abs_dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], 'logcat.log') logcat_cmd = ['python', '-u', self.config.get("logcat_path"), \ device_ip, logcat_path, '-v time'] self.info('Starting logcat: %s' % str(logcat_cmd)) self.logcat_proc = subprocess.Popen(logcat_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def _stop_logcat(self): # Signal logcat.py so that it can cleanup (kill the device logcat process) self.logcat_proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) self.logcat_proc.kill() out, err = self.logcat_proc.communicate() self.info("logcat.py output:\n%s\n%s\n" % (out, err)) def _download_unzip_hostutils(self): c = self.config dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() self.host_utils_url = c['hostutils_url'] # get the zip and extract it self.download_unzip(self.host_utils_url, dirs['abs_hostutils_dir']) def _install_app(self): c = self.config base_work_dir = c['base_work_dir'] cmd = ['python', self.config.get("install_app_path"), self.device_ip, 'build/' + str(self.filename_apk), self.app_name] self.run_command(cmd, cwd=base_work_dir, halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) def _download_robocop_apk(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() self.apk_url = self.installer_url[:self.installer_url.rfind('/')] robocop_url = self.apk_url + '/robocop.apk' self.info("Downloading robocop...") self.download_file(robocop_url, 'robocop.apk', dirs['abs_work_dir'], error_level=FATAL) def query_abs_dirs(self): if self.abs_dirs: return self.abs_dirs abs_dirs = super(PandaTest, self).query_abs_dirs() dirs = {} dirs['abs_test_install_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'bin') dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'mochitest') dirs['abs_reftest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'reftest') dirs['abs_crashtest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'reftest') dirs['abs_jsreftest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'reftest') dirs['abs_xpcshell_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'xpcshell') dirs['abs_xre_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'xre') dirs['abs_utility_path'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'bin') dirs['abs_certificate_path'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'certs') dirs['abs_hostutils_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'hostutils') dirs['abs_robocop_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'mochitest') dirs['abs_instrumentation_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'instrumentation') dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') dirs['abs_jittest_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "jit-test", "jit-test") dirs['shutdown_dir'] = abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'].rsplit("/", 2)[0] dirs['abs_cppunittest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'cppunittest') for key in dirs.keys(): if key not in abs_dirs: abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs return self.abs_dirs def _query_symbols_url(self): """query the full symbols URL based upon binary URL""" # may break with name convention changes but is one less 'input' for script if self.symbols_url: return self.symbols_url def _query_abs_base_cmd(self, suite_category, suite): #check for apk first with if ? c = self.config dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() options = [] run_file = c["suite_definitions"][suite_category]["run_filename"] base_cmd = ['python', '-u'] base_cmd.append(os.path.join((dirs["abs_%s_dir" % suite_category]), run_file)) self.device_ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.mozpool_device) #applies to mochitest, reftest, jsreftest # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() will set # self.symbols_path when downloading/extracting. hostnumber = 0 mozpool_device_list = self.mozpool_device.split('-') if len(mozpool_device_list) == 2: hostnumber = int(mozpool_device_list[1]) http_port = '30%03i' % hostnumber ssl_port = '31%03i' % hostnumber #get filename from installer_url self.filename_apk = self.installer_url.split('/')[-1] #find appname from package-name.txt - assumes download-and-extract has completed successfully apk_dir = self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'] self.apk_path = os.path.join(apk_dir, self.filename_apk) unzip = self.query_exe("unzip") package_path = os.path.join(apk_dir, 'package-name.txt') unzip_cmd = [unzip, '-q', '-o', self.apk_path] self.run_command(unzip_cmd, cwd=apk_dir, halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) self.app_name = str(self.read_from_file(package_path, verbose=True)).rstrip() raw_log_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], '%s_raw.log' % suite) error_summary_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], '%s_errorsummary.log' % suite) str_format_values = { 'device_ip': self.device_ip, 'hostname': self.mozpool_device, 'symbols_path': self._query_symbols_url(), 'http_port': http_port, 'ssl_port': ssl_port, 'app_name': self.app_name, 'apk_name': self.filename_apk, 'apk_path': self.apk_path, 'raw_log_file': raw_log_file, 'error_summary_file': error_summary_file, } if "suite_definitions" in c and \ suite_category in c["suite_definitions"]: # new in-tree format for option in c["suite_definitions"][suite_category]["options"]: options.append(option % str_format_values) abs_base_cmd = base_cmd + options return abs_base_cmd else: self.warning("Suite options for %s could not be determined." "\nIf you meant to have options for this suite, " "please make sure they are specified in your " "config." % suite_category) ###### helper methods def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): super(PandaTest, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) c = self.config if not c.get('run_all_suites'): return # configs are valid for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: specific_suites = c.get('specified_%s_suites' % (category)) if specific_suites: if specific_suites != 'all': self.fatal("Config options are not valid. Please ensure" " that if the '--run-all-suites' flag was enabled," " then do not specify to run only specific suites " "like:\n '--mochitest-suite browser-chrome'") def close_request(self): if self.request_url: mph = self.query_mozpool_handler(self.mozpool_device) mph.close_request(self.request_url) self.info("Request '%s' deleted on cleanup" % self.request_url) self.request_url = None else: self.info("request_url doesn't exist. Already closed?") def _build_arg(self, option, value): """ Build a command line argument """ if not value: return [] return [str(option), str(value)] if __name__ == '__main__': pandaTest = PandaTest() pandaTest.run_and_exit()