/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/ResponsiveImageSelector.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsCSSParser.h" #include "nsCSSProps.h" #include "nsIMediaList.h" #include "nsRuleNode.h" #include "nsRuleData.h" // For IsPictureEnabled() -- the candidate parser needs to be aware of sizes // support being enabled #include "HTMLPictureElement.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(ResponsiveImageSelector, mOwnerNode) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_ROOT_NATIVE(ResponsiveImageSelector, AddRef) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNROOT_NATIVE(ResponsiveImageSelector, Release) static bool ParseInteger(const nsAString& aString, int32_t& aInt) { nsContentUtils::ParseHTMLIntegerResultFlags parseResult; aInt = nsContentUtils::ParseHTMLInteger(aString, &parseResult); return !(parseResult & ( nsContentUtils::eParseHTMLInteger_Error | nsContentUtils::eParseHTMLInteger_DidNotConsumeAllInput | nsContentUtils::eParseHTMLInteger_IsPercent | nsContentUtils::eParseHTMLInteger_NonStandard )); } ResponsiveImageSelector::ResponsiveImageSelector(nsIContent *aContent) : mOwnerNode(aContent), mSelectedCandidateIndex(-1) { } ResponsiveImageSelector::ResponsiveImageSelector(nsIDocument *aDocument) : mOwnerNode(aDocument), mSelectedCandidateIndex(-1) { } ResponsiveImageSelector::~ResponsiveImageSelector() {} // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#processing-the-image-candidates bool ResponsiveImageSelector::SetCandidatesFromSourceSet(const nsAString & aSrcSet) { ClearSelectedCandidate(); nsCOMPtr docBaseURI = mOwnerNode ? mOwnerNode->GetBaseURI() : nullptr; if (!docBaseURI) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Should not be parsing SourceSet without a document"); return false; } // Preserve the default source if we have one, it has a separate setter. uint32_t prevNumCandidates = mCandidates.Length(); nsString defaultURLString; if (prevNumCandidates && (mCandidates[prevNumCandidates - 1].Type() == ResponsiveImageCandidate::eCandidateType_Default)) { defaultURLString = mCandidates[prevNumCandidates - 1].URLString(); } mCandidates.Clear(); nsAString::const_iterator iter, end; aSrcSet.BeginReading(iter); aSrcSet.EndReading(end); // Read URL / descriptor pairs while (iter != end) { nsAString::const_iterator url, urlEnd, descriptor; // Skip whitespace and commas. // Extra commas at this point are a non-fatal syntax error. for (; iter != end && (nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*iter) || *iter == char16_t(',')); ++iter); if (iter == end) { break; } url = iter; // Find end of url for (;iter != end && !nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*iter); ++iter); // Omit trailing commas from URL. // Multiple commas are a non-fatal error. while (iter != url) { if (*(--iter) != char16_t(',')) { iter++; break; } } const nsDependentSubstring &urlStr = Substring(url, iter); MOZ_ASSERT(url != iter, "Shouldn't have empty URL at this point"); ResponsiveImageCandidate candidate; if (candidate.ConsumeDescriptors(iter, end)) { candidate.SetURLSpec(urlStr); AppendCandidateIfUnique(candidate); } } bool parsedCandidates = mCandidates.Length() > 0; // Re-add default to end of list if (!defaultURLString.IsEmpty()) { AppendDefaultCandidate(defaultURLString); } return parsedCandidates; } uint32_t ResponsiveImageSelector::NumCandidates(bool aIncludeDefault) { uint32_t candidates = mCandidates.Length(); // If present, the default candidate is the last item if (!aIncludeDefault && candidates && (mCandidates[candidates - 1].Type() == ResponsiveImageCandidate::eCandidateType_Default)) { candidates--; } return candidates; } nsIContent* ResponsiveImageSelector::Content() { return mOwnerNode->IsContent() ? mOwnerNode->AsContent() : nullptr; } nsIDocument* ResponsiveImageSelector::Document() { return mOwnerNode->OwnerDoc(); } void ResponsiveImageSelector::SetDefaultSource(const nsAString& aURLString) { ClearSelectedCandidate(); // Check if the last element of our candidates is a default int32_t candidates = mCandidates.Length(); if (candidates && (mCandidates[candidates - 1].Type() == ResponsiveImageCandidate::eCandidateType_Default)) { mCandidates.RemoveElementAt(candidates - 1); } // Add new default if set if (!aURLString.IsEmpty()) { AppendDefaultCandidate(aURLString); } } void ResponsiveImageSelector::ClearSelectedCandidate() { mSelectedCandidateIndex = -1; mSelectedCandidateURL = nullptr; } bool ResponsiveImageSelector::SetSizesFromDescriptor(const nsAString & aSizes) { ClearSelectedCandidate(); mSizeQueries.Clear(); mSizeValues.Clear(); nsCSSParser cssParser; if (!cssParser.ParseSourceSizeList(aSizes, nullptr, 0, mSizeQueries, mSizeValues, true)) { return false; } return mSizeQueries.Length() > 0; } void ResponsiveImageSelector::AppendCandidateIfUnique(const ResponsiveImageCandidate & aCandidate) { int numCandidates = mCandidates.Length(); // With the exception of Default, which should not be added until we are done // building the list, the spec forbids mixing width and explicit density // selectors in the same set. if (numCandidates && mCandidates[0].Type() != aCandidate.Type()) { return; } // Discard candidates with identical parameters, they will never match for (int i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) { if (mCandidates[i].HasSameParameter(aCandidate)) { return; } } mCandidates.AppendElement(aCandidate); } void ResponsiveImageSelector::AppendDefaultCandidate(const nsAString& aURLString) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!aURLString.IsEmpty(), /* void */); ResponsiveImageCandidate defaultCandidate; defaultCandidate.SetParameterDefault(); defaultCandidate.SetURLSpec(aURLString); // We don't use MaybeAppend since we want to keep this even if it can never // match, as it may if the source set changes. mCandidates.AppendElement(defaultCandidate); } already_AddRefed ResponsiveImageSelector::GetSelectedImageURL() { SelectImage(); nsCOMPtr url = mSelectedCandidateURL; return url.forget(); } bool ResponsiveImageSelector::GetSelectedImageURLSpec(nsAString& aResult) { SelectImage(); if (mSelectedCandidateIndex == -1) { return false; } aResult.Assign(mCandidates[mSelectedCandidateIndex].URLString()); return true; } double ResponsiveImageSelector::GetSelectedImageDensity() { int bestIndex = GetSelectedCandidateIndex(); if (bestIndex < 0) { return 1.0; } return mCandidates[bestIndex].Density(this); } bool ResponsiveImageSelector::SelectImage(bool aReselect) { if (!aReselect && mSelectedCandidateIndex != -1) { // Already have selection return false; } int oldBest = mSelectedCandidateIndex; ClearSelectedCandidate(); int numCandidates = mCandidates.Length(); if (!numCandidates) { return oldBest != -1; } nsIDocument* doc = Document(); nsIPresShell *shell = doc ? doc->GetShell() : nullptr; nsPresContext *pctx = shell ? shell->GetPresContext() : nullptr; nsCOMPtr baseURI = mOwnerNode ? mOwnerNode->GetBaseURI() : nullptr; if (!pctx || !doc || !baseURI) { return oldBest != -1; } double displayDensity = pctx->CSSPixelsToDevPixels(1.0f); // Per spec, "In a UA-specific manner, choose one image source" // - For now, select the lowest density greater than displayDensity, otherwise // the greatest density available // If the list contains computed width candidates, compute the current // effective image width. Note that we currently disallow both computed and // static density candidates in the same selector, so checking the first // candidate is sufficient. int32_t computedWidth = -1; if (numCandidates && mCandidates[0].IsComputedFromWidth()) { DebugOnly computeResult = \ ComputeFinalWidthForCurrentViewport(&computedWidth); MOZ_ASSERT(computeResult, "Computed candidates not allowed without sizes data"); // If we have a default candidate in the list, don't consider it when using // computed widths. (It has a static 1.0 density that is inapplicable to a // sized-image) if (numCandidates > 1 && mCandidates[numCandidates - 1].Type() == ResponsiveImageCandidate::eCandidateType_Default) { numCandidates--; } } int bestIndex = -1; double bestDensity = -1.0; for (int i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) { double candidateDensity = \ (computedWidth == -1) ? mCandidates[i].Density(this) : mCandidates[i].Density(computedWidth); // - If bestIndex is below display density, pick anything larger. // - Otherwise, prefer if less dense than bestDensity but still above // displayDensity. if (bestIndex == -1 || (bestDensity < displayDensity && candidateDensity > bestDensity) || (candidateDensity >= displayDensity && candidateDensity < bestDensity)) { bestIndex = i; bestDensity = candidateDensity; } } MOZ_ASSERT(bestIndex >= 0 && bestIndex < numCandidates); // Resolve URL nsresult rv; const nsAString& urlStr = mCandidates[bestIndex].URLString(); nsCOMPtr candidateURL; rv = nsContentUtils::NewURIWithDocumentCharset(getter_AddRefs(candidateURL), urlStr, doc, baseURI); mSelectedCandidateURL = NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? candidateURL : nullptr; mSelectedCandidateIndex = bestIndex; return mSelectedCandidateIndex != oldBest; } int ResponsiveImageSelector::GetSelectedCandidateIndex() { SelectImage(); return mSelectedCandidateIndex; } bool ResponsiveImageSelector::ComputeFinalWidthForCurrentViewport(int32_t *aWidth) { unsigned int numSizes = mSizeQueries.Length(); nsIDocument* doc = Document(); nsIPresShell *presShell = doc ? doc->GetShell() : nullptr; nsPresContext *pctx = presShell ? presShell->GetPresContext() : nullptr; if (!pctx) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unable to find presContext for this content"); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(numSizes == mSizeValues.Length(), "mSizeValues length differs from mSizeQueries"); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < numSizes; i++) { if (mSizeQueries[i]->Matches(pctx, nullptr)) { break; } } nscoord effectiveWidth; if (i == numSizes) { // No match defaults to 100% viewport nsCSSValue defaultWidth(100.0f, eCSSUnit_ViewportWidth); effectiveWidth = nsRuleNode::CalcLengthWithInitialFont(pctx, defaultWidth); } else { effectiveWidth = nsRuleNode::CalcLengthWithInitialFont(pctx, mSizeValues[i]); } MOZ_ASSERT(effectiveWidth >= 0); *aWidth = nsPresContext::AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(std::max(effectiveWidth, 0)); return true; } ResponsiveImageCandidate::ResponsiveImageCandidate() { mType = eCandidateType_Invalid; mValue.mDensity = 1.0; } ResponsiveImageCandidate::ResponsiveImageCandidate(const nsAString& aURLString, double aDensity) : mURLString(aURLString) { mType = eCandidateType_Density; mValue.mDensity = aDensity; } void ResponsiveImageCandidate::SetURLSpec(const nsAString& aURLString) { mURLString = aURLString; } void ResponsiveImageCandidate::SetParameterAsComputedWidth(int32_t aWidth) { mType = eCandidateType_ComputedFromWidth; mValue.mWidth = aWidth; } void ResponsiveImageCandidate::SetParameterDefault() { MOZ_ASSERT(mType == eCandidateType_Invalid, "double setting candidate type"); mType = eCandidateType_Default; // mValue shouldn't actually be used for this type, but set it to default // anyway mValue.mDensity = 1.0; } void ResponsiveImageCandidate::SetParameterInvalid() { mType = eCandidateType_Invalid; // mValue shouldn't actually be used for this type, but set it to default // anyway mValue.mDensity = 1.0; } void ResponsiveImageCandidate::SetParameterAsDensity(double aDensity) { MOZ_ASSERT(mType == eCandidateType_Invalid, "double setting candidate type"); mType = eCandidateType_Density; mValue.mDensity = aDensity; } // Represents all supported descriptors for a ResponsiveImageCandidate, though // there is no candidate type that uses all of these. This should generally // match the mValue union of ResponsiveImageCandidate. struct ResponsiveImageDescriptors { ResponsiveImageDescriptors() : mInvalid(false) {}; Maybe mDensity; Maybe mWidth; // We don't support "h" descriptors yet and they are not spec'd, but the // current spec does specify that they can be silently ignored (whereas // entirely unknown descriptors cause us to invalidate the candidate) Maybe mFutureCompatHeight; // If this descriptor set is bogus, e.g. a value was added twice (and thus // dropped) or an unknown descriptor was added. bool mInvalid; void AddDescriptor(const nsAString& aDescriptor); bool Valid(); // Use the current set of descriptors to configure a candidate void FillCandidate(ResponsiveImageCandidate &aCandidate); }; // Try to parse a single descriptor from a string. If value already set or // unknown, sets invalid flag. // This corresponds to the descriptor "Descriptor parser" step in: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parse-a-srcset-attribute void ResponsiveImageDescriptors::AddDescriptor(const nsAString& aDescriptor) { if (aDescriptor.IsEmpty()) { return; } // All currently supported descriptors end with an identifying character. nsAString::const_iterator descStart, descType; aDescriptor.BeginReading(descStart); aDescriptor.EndReading(descType); descType--; const nsDependentSubstring& valueStr = Substring(descStart, descType); if (*descType == char16_t('w')) { int32_t possibleWidth; // If the value is not a valid non-negative integer, it doesn't match this // descriptor, fall through. if (ParseInteger(valueStr, possibleWidth) && possibleWidth >= 0) { if (possibleWidth != 0 && HTMLPictureElement::IsPictureEnabled() && mWidth.isNothing() && mDensity.isNothing()) { mWidth.emplace(possibleWidth); } else { // Valid width descriptor, but width or density were already seen, sizes // support isn't enabled, or it parsed to 0, which is an error per spec mInvalid = true; } return; } } else if (*descType == char16_t('h')) { int32_t possibleHeight; // If the value is not a valid non-negative integer, it doesn't match this // descriptor, fall through. if (ParseInteger(valueStr, possibleHeight) && possibleHeight >= 0) { if (possibleHeight != 0 && mFutureCompatHeight.isNothing() && mDensity.isNothing()) { mFutureCompatHeight.emplace(possibleHeight); } else { // Valid height descriptor, but height or density were already seen, or // it parsed to zero, which is an error per spec mInvalid = true; } return; } } else if (*descType == char16_t('x')) { // If the value is not a valid floating point number, it doesn't match this // descriptor, fall through. nsresult rv; double possibleDensity = PromiseFlatString(valueStr).ToDouble(&rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (possibleDensity >= 0.0 && mWidth.isNothing() && mDensity.isNothing() && mFutureCompatHeight.isNothing()) { mDensity.emplace(possibleDensity); } else { // Valid density descriptor, but height or width or density were already // seen, or it parsed to less than zero, which is an error per spec mInvalid = true; } return; } } // Matched no known descriptor, mark this descriptor set invalid mInvalid = true; } bool ResponsiveImageDescriptors::Valid() { return !mInvalid && !(mFutureCompatHeight.isSome() && mWidth.isNothing()); } void ResponsiveImageDescriptors::FillCandidate(ResponsiveImageCandidate &aCandidate) { if (!Valid()) { aCandidate.SetParameterInvalid(); } else if (mWidth.isSome()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mDensity.isNothing()); // Shouldn't be valid aCandidate.SetParameterAsComputedWidth(*mWidth); } else if (mDensity.isSome()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mWidth.isNothing()); // Shouldn't be valid aCandidate.SetParameterAsDensity(*mDensity); } else { // A valid set of descriptors with no density nor width (e.g. an empty set) // becomes 1.0 density, per spec aCandidate.SetParameterAsDensity(1.0); } } bool ResponsiveImageCandidate::ConsumeDescriptors(nsAString::const_iterator& aIter, const nsAString::const_iterator& aIterEnd) { nsAString::const_iterator &iter = aIter; const nsAString::const_iterator &end = aIterEnd; bool inParens = false; ResponsiveImageDescriptors descriptors; // Parse descriptor list. // This corresponds to the descriptor parsing loop from: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parse-a-srcset-attribute // Skip initial whitespace for (; iter != end && nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*iter); ++iter); nsAString::const_iterator currentDescriptor = iter; for (;; iter++) { if (iter == end) { descriptors.AddDescriptor(Substring(currentDescriptor, iter)); break; } else if (inParens) { if (*iter == char16_t(')')) { inParens = false; } } else { if (*iter == char16_t(',')) { // End of descriptors, flush current descriptor and advance past comma // before breaking descriptors.AddDescriptor(Substring(currentDescriptor, iter)); iter++; break; } else if (nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*iter)) { // End of current descriptor, consume it, skip spaces // ("After descriptor" state in spec) before continuing descriptors.AddDescriptor(Substring(currentDescriptor, iter)); for (; iter != end && nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*iter); ++iter); if (iter == end) { break; } currentDescriptor = iter; // Leave one whitespace so the loop advances to this position next iteration iter--; } else if (*iter == char16_t('(')) { inParens = true; } } } descriptors.FillCandidate(*this); return Type() != eCandidateType_Invalid; } bool ResponsiveImageCandidate::HasSameParameter(const ResponsiveImageCandidate & aOther) const { if (aOther.mType != mType) { return false; } if (mType == eCandidateType_Default) { return true; } if (mType == eCandidateType_Density) { return aOther.mValue.mDensity == mValue.mDensity; } if (mType == eCandidateType_Invalid) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Comparing invalid candidates?"); return true; } else if (mType == eCandidateType_ComputedFromWidth) { return aOther.mValue.mWidth == mValue.mWidth; } MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Somebody forgot to check for all uses of this enum"); return false; } const nsAString& ResponsiveImageCandidate::URLString() const { return mURLString; } double ResponsiveImageCandidate::Density(ResponsiveImageSelector *aSelector) const { if (mType == eCandidateType_ComputedFromWidth) { int32_t width; if (!aSelector->ComputeFinalWidthForCurrentViewport(&width)) { return 1.0; } return Density(width); } // Other types don't need matching width MOZ_ASSERT(mType == eCandidateType_Default || mType == eCandidateType_Density, "unhandled candidate type"); return Density(-1); } double ResponsiveImageCandidate::Density(int32_t aMatchingWidth) const { if (mType == eCandidateType_Invalid) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Getting density for uninitialized candidate"); return 1.0; } if (mType == eCandidateType_Default) { return 1.0; } if (mType == eCandidateType_Density) { return mValue.mDensity; } else if (mType == eCandidateType_ComputedFromWidth) { if (aMatchingWidth < 0) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Don't expect to have a negative matching width at this point"); return 1.0; } double density = double(mValue.mWidth) / double(aMatchingWidth); MOZ_ASSERT(density > 0.0); return density; } MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unknown candidate type"); return 1.0; } bool ResponsiveImageCandidate::IsComputedFromWidth() const { if (mType == eCandidateType_ComputedFromWidth) { return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(mType == eCandidateType_Default || mType == eCandidateType_Density, "Unknown candidate type"); return false; } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla