apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion "23.0.1" defaultConfig { targetSdkVersion 22 minSdkVersion 9 applicationId mozconfig.substs.ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME testApplicationId 'org.mozilla.roboexample.test' testInstrumentationRunner 'org.mozilla.gecko.FennecInstrumentationTestRunner' } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7 } lintOptions { abortOnError false } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true proguardFile "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/config/proguard/proguard.cfg" } } sourceSets { main { manifest.srcFile "${topobjdir}/mobile/android/base/AndroidManifest.xml" } androidTest { manifest.srcFile "${topobjdir}/build/mobile/robocop/AndroidManifest.xml" java { srcDir "src/robocop" srcDir "src/background" srcDir "src/browser" srcDir "src/javaaddons" } } } } dependencies { compile project(':base') compile project(':omnijar') // Including the Robotium JAR directly can cause issues with dexing. androidTestCompile '' } task syncOmnijarFromDistDir(type: Sync) { into("${project.buildDir}/generated/omnijar") from("${topobjdir}/dist/fennec/assets") { include 'omni.ja' } } task checkLibsExistInDistDir<< { if (syncLibsFromDistDir.source.empty) { throw new GradleException("Required JNI libraries not found in ${topobjdir}/dist/fennec/lib. Have you built and packaged?") } } task syncLibsFromDistDir(type: Sync, dependsOn: checkLibsExistInDistDir) { into("${project.buildDir}/generated/jniLibs") from("${topobjdir}/dist/fennec/lib") } task checkAssetsExistInDistDir<< { if (syncAssetsFromDistDir.source.empty) { throw new GradleException("Required assets not found in ${topobjdir}/dist/fennec/assets. Have you built and packaged?") } } task syncAssetsFromDistDir(type: Sync, dependsOn: checkAssetsExistInDistDir) { into("${project.buildDir}/generated/assets") from("${topobjdir}/dist/fennec/assets") { exclude 'omni.ja' } } /** * We want to expose the JSM files and chrome content to IDEs; the omnijar * project does this. In addition, the :omnijar:buildOmnijar task builds a new * omni.ja (directly into the object directory). * * The task dependency is: :generateDebugAssets -> :omnijar:buildOmnijar. * * One might expect that we could do this all in the omnijar project, but there * appears to be a bug (which I have not fully isolated) where-by debug-only * assets in a library (.aar file) are ignored in favor of release assets. This * means we would have to insert the omni.ja into the omnijar project's release * assets, which is altogether confusing. */ android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> // We only insert omni.ja and the .so libraries into debug builds. def name = if (!name.contains( { return } def buildOmnijarTask = project(':omnijar').tasks.getByName('buildOmnijar') syncOmnijarFromDistDir.dependsOn buildOmnijarTask def generateAssetsTask = tasks.findByName("generate${name.capitalize()}Assets") generateAssetsTask.dependsOn syncOmnijarFromDistDir generateAssetsTask.dependsOn syncLibsFromDistDir generateAssetsTask.dependsOn syncAssetsFromDistDir android.sourceSets.debug.assets.srcDir syncOmnijarFromDistDir.destinationDir android.sourceSets.debug.assets.srcDir syncAssetsFromDistDir.destinationDir android.sourceSets.debug.jniLibs.srcDir syncLibsFromDistDir.destinationDir } apply plugin: 'spoon' spoon { // For now, let's be verbose. debug = true // It's not helpful to pass when we don't have a device connected. failIfNoDeviceConnected = true def spoonPackageName if (gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains('runBrowserTests')) { spoonPackageName = 'org.mozilla.tests.browser.junit3' } if (gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains('runBackgroundTests')) { spoonPackageName = 'org.mozilla.gecko.background' } if (project.hasProperty('spoonPackageName')) { // Command line overrides everything. spoonPackageName = project.spoonPackageName } if (spoonPackageName) { instrumentationArgs = ['-e', "package=${spoonPackageName}".toString()] } } // See discussion at afterEvaluate { tasks["spoon${android.testBuildType.capitalize()}AndroidTest"].outputs.upToDateWhen { false } // This is an awkward way to define different sets of instrumentation tests. // The task name itself is fished at runtime and the package name configured // in the spoon configuration. task runBrowserTests { dependsOn tasks["spoonDebugAndroidTest"] } task runBackgroundTests { dependsOn tasks["spoonDebugAndroidTest"] } }