[interfaces.html] type: testharness [MutationObserver interface: operation observe(Node,MutationObserverInit)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute origin] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation prepend([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation append([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation query(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation queryAll(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (32)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling prepend([object Object\],[object Object\]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "append" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling append([object Object\],[object Object\]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "query" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling query(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DOMImplementation interface: operation hasFeature()] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: operation prepend([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: operation append([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: operation query(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: operation queryAll(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: calling prepend([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: calling append([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "query" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: calling query(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [DocumentFragment interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: operation before([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: operation after([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: operation replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "before" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: calling before([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "after" with the proper type (4)] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: calling after([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [DocumentType interface: calling replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: attribute namespaceURI] expected: FAIL [Element interface: attribute prefix] expected: FAIL [Element interface: attribute localName] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation prepend([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation append([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation query(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation queryAll(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation before([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation after([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (31)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling prepend([object Object\],[object Object\]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "append" with the proper type (32)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling append([object Object\],[object Object\]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "query" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling query(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "before" with the proper type (39)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling before([object Object\],[object Object\]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "after" with the proper type (40)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling after([object Object\],[object Object\]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (41)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Attr interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [Attr interface: attribute nodeValue] expected: FAIL [Attr interface: attribute textContent] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: operation before([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: operation after([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: operation replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object\],[object Object\]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object\],[object Object\]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object\],[object Object\]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "append" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "query" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (36)] expected: FAIL