/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "BluetoothMapSmsManager.h" #include "BluetoothService.h" #include "BluetoothSocket.h" #include "BluetoothUtils.h" #include "BluetoothUuid.h" #include "ObexBase.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BluetoothMapParametersBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ipc/BlobParent.h" #include "mozilla/Endian.h" #include "mozilla/dom/File.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #define FILTER_NO_SMS_GSM 0x01 #define FILTER_NO_SMS_CDMA 0x02 #define FILTER_NO_EMAIL 0x04 #define FILTER_NO_MMS 0x08 USING_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::ipc; namespace { // UUID of Map Mas static const BluetoothUuid kMapMas(MAP_MAS); // UUID of Map Mns static const BluetoothUuid kMapMns(MAP_MNS); // UUID used in Map OBEX MAS target header static const BluetoothUuid kMapMasObexTarget(0xBB, 0x58, 0x2B, 0x40, 0x42, 0x0C, 0x11, 0xDB, 0xB0, 0xDE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x20, 0x0C, 0x9A, 0x66); // UUID used in Map OBEX MNS target header static const BluetoothUuid kMapMnsObexTarget(0xBB, 0x58, 0x2B, 0x41, 0x42, 0x0C, 0x11, 0xDB, 0xB0, 0xDE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x20, 0x0C, 0x9A, 0x66); StaticRefPtr sMapSmsManager; static bool sInShutdown = false; } BEGIN_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE NS_IMETHODIMP BluetoothMapSmsManager::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { MOZ_ASSERT(sMapSmsManager); if (!strcmp(aTopic, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID)) { HandleShutdown(); return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(false, "MapSmsManager got unexpected topic!"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleShutdown() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); sInShutdown = true; Disconnect(nullptr); sMapSmsManager = nullptr; } BluetoothMapSmsManager::BluetoothMapSmsManager() : mBodyRequired(false) , mFractionDeliverRequired(false) , mMasConnected(false) , mMnsConnected(false) , mNtfRequired(false) { BuildDefaultFolderStructure(); } BluetoothMapSmsManager::~BluetoothMapSmsManager() { nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!obs)) { return; } NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED( obs->RemoveObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID))); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::Init() { nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!obs)) { return false; } if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED( obs->AddObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, false)))) { return false; } /** * We don't start listening here as BluetoothServiceBluedroid calls Listen() * immediately when BT stops. * * If we start listening here, the listening fails when device boots up since * Listen() is called again and restarts server socket. The restart causes * absence of read events when device boots up. */ return true; } //static BluetoothMapSmsManager* BluetoothMapSmsManager::Get() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // Exit early if sMapSmsManager already exists if (sMapSmsManager) { return sMapSmsManager; } // Do not create a new instance if we're in shutdown if (NS_WARN_IF(sInShutdown)) { return nullptr; } // Create a new instance, register, and return BluetoothMapSmsManager *manager = new BluetoothMapSmsManager(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!manager->Init())) { return nullptr; } sMapSmsManager = manager; return sMapSmsManager; } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::Listen() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // Fail to listen if |mMasSocket| already exists if (NS_WARN_IF(mMasSocket)) { return false; } /** * Restart server socket since its underlying fd becomes invalid when * BT stops; otherwise no more read events would be received even if * BT restarts. */ if (mMasServerSocket) { mMasServerSocket->Close(); mMasServerSocket = nullptr; } mMasServerSocket = new BluetoothSocket(this); nsString sdpString; #if ANDROID_VERSION >= 21 /** * The way bluedroid handles MAP SDP record is very hacky. * In Lollipop version, SDP string format would be instanceId + msg type * + msg name. See add_maps_sdp in btif/src/btif_sock_sdp.c */ // MAS instance id sdpString.AppendPrintf("%02x", SDP_SMS_MMS_INSTANCE_ID); // Supported message type sdpString.AppendPrintf("%02x", SDP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SMS_GSM | SDP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SMS_CDMA | SDP_MESSAGE_TYPE_MMS); #endif /** * SDP service name, we don't assign RFCOMM channel directly * bluedroid automatically assign channel number randomly. */ sdpString.AppendLiteral("SMS/MMS Message Access"); nsresult rv = mMasServerSocket->Listen(sdpString, kMapMas, BluetoothSocketType::RFCOMM, -1, false, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mMasServerSocket = nullptr; return false; } return true; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::MnsDataHandler(UnixSocketBuffer* aMessage) { // Ensure valid access to data[0], i.e., opCode int receivedLength = aMessage->GetSize(); if (receivedLength < 1) { BT_LOGR("Receive empty response packet"); return; } const uint8_t* data = aMessage->GetData(); uint8_t opCode = data[0]; if (opCode != ObexResponseCode::Success) { BT_LOGR("Unexpected OpCode: %x", opCode); if (mLastCommand == ObexRequestCode::Put || mLastCommand == ObexRequestCode::Abort || mLastCommand == ObexRequestCode::PutFinal) { SendMnsDisconnectRequest(); } } } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::MasDataHandler(UnixSocketBuffer* aMessage) { /** * Ensure * - valid access to data[0], i.e., opCode * - received packet length smaller than max packet length */ int receivedLength = aMessage->GetSize(); if (receivedLength < 1 || receivedLength > MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } const uint8_t* data = aMessage->GetData(); uint8_t opCode = data[0]; ObexHeaderSet pktHeaders; nsString type; switch (opCode) { case ObexRequestCode::Connect: // Section 3.3.1 "Connect", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][version:1][flags:1][MaxPktSizeWeCanReceive:2] // [Headers:var] if (receivedLength < 7 || !ParseHeaders(&data[7], receivedLength - 7, &pktHeaders)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } // "Establishing an OBEX Session" // The OBEX header target shall equal to MAS obex target UUID. if (!CompareHeaderTarget(pktHeaders)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } mRemoteMaxPacketLength = BigEndian::readUint16(&data[5]); if (mRemoteMaxPacketLength < kObexLeastMaxSize) { BT_LOGR("Remote maximum packet length %d", mRemoteMaxPacketLength); mRemoteMaxPacketLength = 0; SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } ReplyToConnect(); AfterMapSmsConnected(); break; case ObexRequestCode::Disconnect: case ObexRequestCode::Abort: // Section 3.3.2 "Disconnect" and Section 3.3.5 "Abort", IrOBEX 1.2 // The format of request packet of "Disconnect" and "Abort" are the same // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] if (receivedLength < 3 || !ParseHeaders(&data[3], receivedLength - 3, &pktHeaders)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } ReplyToDisconnectOrAbort(); AfterMapSmsDisconnected(); break; case ObexRequestCode::SetPath: { // Section 3.3.6 "SetPath", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][flags:1][contants:1][Headers:var] if (receivedLength < 5 || !ParseHeaders(&data[5], receivedLength - 5, &pktHeaders)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } uint8_t response = SetPath(data[3], pktHeaders); if (response != ObexResponseCode::Success) { SendReply(response); return; } ReplyToSetPath(); } break; case ObexRequestCode::Put: case ObexRequestCode::PutFinal: // Section 3.3.3 "Put", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] if (receivedLength < 3 || !ParseHeaders(&data[3], receivedLength - 3, &pktHeaders)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } // Multi-packet PUT request (0x02) may not contain Type header if (!pktHeaders.Has(ObexHeaderId::Type)) { BT_LOGR("Missing OBEX PUT request Type header"); SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } pktHeaders.GetContentType(type); BT_LOGR("Type: %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(type).get()); if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-bt/MAP-NotificationRegistration")) { HandleNotificationRegistration(pktHeaders); ReplyToPut(); } else if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-bt/messageStatus")) { HandleSetMessageStatus(pktHeaders); } else if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-bt/message")) { HandleSmsMmsPushMessage(pktHeaders); } else if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-bt/MAP-messageUpdate")) { /* MAP 5.9, There is no concept for Sms/Mms to update inbox. If the * MSE does NOT allowed the polling of its mailbox it shall answer * with a 'Not implemented' error response. */ SendReply(ObexResponseCode::NotImplemented); } else { BT_LOGR("Unknown MAP PUT request type: %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(type).get()); SendReply(ObexResponseCode::NotImplemented); } break; case ObexRequestCode::Get: case ObexRequestCode::GetFinal: { /* When |mDataStream| requires multiple response packets to complete, * the client should continue to issue GET requests until the final body * information (i.e., End-of-Body header) arrives, along with * ObexResponseCode::Success */ if (mDataStream) { auto res = MakeUnique(mRemoteMaxPacketLength); if (!ReplyToGetWithHeaderBody(Move(res), kObexRespHeaderSize)) { BT_LOGR("Failed to reply to MAP GET request."); SendReply(ObexResponseCode::InternalServerError); } return; } // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] if (receivedLength < 3 || !ParseHeaders(&data[3], receivedLength - 3, &pktHeaders)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } if (!pktHeaders.Has(ObexHeaderId::Type)) { BT_LOGR("Missing OBEX GET request Type header"); SendReply(ObexResponseCode::BadRequest); return; } pktHeaders.GetContentType(type); if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-obex/folder-listing")) { HandleSmsMmsFolderListing(pktHeaders); } else if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-bt/MAP-msg-listing")) { HandleSmsMmsMsgListing(pktHeaders); } else if (type.EqualsLiteral("x-bt/message")) { HandleSmsMmsGetMessage(pktHeaders); } else { BT_LOGR("Unknown MAP GET request type: %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(type).get()); SendReply(ObexResponseCode::NotImplemented); } break; } default: SendReply(ObexResponseCode::NotImplemented); BT_LOGR("Unrecognized ObexRequestCode %x", opCode); break; } } // Virtual function of class SocketConsumer void BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReceiveSocketData(BluetoothSocket* aSocket, nsAutoPtr& aMessage) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (aSocket == mMnsSocket) { MnsDataHandler(aMessage); } else { MasDataHandler(aMessage); } } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::CompareHeaderTarget(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { const ObexHeader* header = aHeader.GetHeader(ObexHeaderId::Target); if (!header) { BT_LOGR("No ObexHeaderId::Target in header"); return false; } if (header->mDataLength != sizeof(BluetoothUuid)) { BT_LOGR("Length mismatch: %d != 16", header->mDataLength); return false; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(BluetoothUuid); i++) { if (header->mData[i] != kMapMasObexTarget.mUuid[i]) { BT_LOGR("UUID mismatch: received target[%d]=0x%x != 0x%x", i, header->mData[i], kMapMasObexTarget.mUuid[i]); return false; } } return true; } uint8_t BluetoothMapSmsManager::SetPath(uint8_t flags, const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { // Section 5.2 "SetPath Function", MapSms 1.2 // flags bit 1 must be 1 and bit 2~7 be 0 if ((flags >> 1) != 1) { BT_LOGR("Illegal flags [0x%x]: bits 1~7 must be 0x01", flags); return ObexResponseCode::BadRequest; } /** * Three cases: * 1) Go up 1 level - flags bit 0 is 1 * 2) Go back to root - flags bit 0 is 0 AND name header is empty * 3) Go down 1 level - flags bit 0 is 0 AND name header is not empty, * where name header is the name of child folder */ if (flags & 1) { // Go up 1 level BluetoothMapFolder* parent = mCurrentFolder->GetParentFolder(); if (!parent) { mCurrentFolder = parent; BT_LOGR("MAS SetPath Go up 1 level"); } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aHeader.Has(ObexHeaderId::Name)); nsString childFolderName; aHeader.GetName(childFolderName); if (childFolderName.IsEmpty()) { // Go back to root mCurrentFolder = mRootFolder; BT_LOGR("MAS SetPath Go back to root"); } else { // Go down 1 level BluetoothMapFolder* child = mCurrentFolder->GetSubFolder(childFolderName); if (!child) { BT_LOGR("Illegal sub-folder name [%s]", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(childFolderName).get()); return ObexResponseCode::NotFound; } mCurrentFolder = child; BT_LOGR("MAS SetPath Go down to 1 level"); } } mCurrentFolder->DumpFolderInfo(); return ObexResponseCode::Success; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::AfterMapSmsConnected() { mMasConnected = true; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::AfterMapSmsDisconnected() { mMasConnected = false; mBodyRequired = false; mFractionDeliverRequired = false; // To ensure we close MNS connection DestroyMnsObexConnection(); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::IsConnected() { return mMasConnected; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::GetAddress(BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress) { return mMasSocket->GetAddress(aDeviceAddress); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToConnect() { if (mMasConnected) { return; } // Section 3.3.1 "Connect", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][version:1][flags:1][MaxPktSizeWeCanReceive:2] // [Headers:var] uint8_t req[255]; int index = 7; req[3] = 0x10; // version=1.0 req[4] = 0x00; // flag=0x00 BigEndian::writeUint16(&req[5], BluetoothMapSmsManager::MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); // Section 6.4 "Establishing an OBEX Session", MapSms 1.2 // Headers: [Who:16][Connection ID] index += AppendHeaderWho(&req[index], 255, kMapMasObexTarget.mUuid, sizeof(BluetoothUuid)); index += AppendHeaderConnectionId(&req[index], 0x01); SendMasObexData(req, ObexResponseCode::Success, index); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToDisconnectOrAbort() { if (!mMasConnected) { return; } // Section 3.3.2 "Disconnect" and Section 3.3.5 "Abort", IrOBEX 1.2 // The format of response packet of "Disconnect" and "Abort" are the same // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] uint8_t req[255]; int index = 3; SendMasObexData(req, ObexResponseCode::Success, index); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToSetPath() { if (!mMasConnected) { return; } // Section 3.3.6 "SetPath", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] uint8_t req[255]; int index = 3; SendMasObexData(req, ObexResponseCode::Success, index); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToGetWithHeaderBody(UniquePtr aResponse, unsigned int aIndex) { if (!mMasConnected) { return false; } /** * This response consists of following parts: * - Part 1: [response code:1][length:2] * - Part 2a: [headerId:1][length:2][EndOfBody:0] * or * - Part 2b: [headerId:1][length:2][Body:var] */ // ---- Part 1: [response code:1][length:2] ---- // // [response code:1][length:2] will be set in |SendObexData|. // Reserve index for them here uint64_t bytesAvailable = 0; nsresult rv = mDataStream->Available(&bytesAvailable); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { BT_LOGR("Failed to get available bytes from input stream. rv=0x%x", static_cast(rv)); return false; } /* In practice, some platforms can only handle zero length End-of-Body * header separately with Body header. * Thus, append End-of-Body only if the data stream had been sent out, * otherwise, send 'Continue' to request for next GET request. */ unsigned int opcode; if (!bytesAvailable) { // ---- Part 2a: [headerId:1][length:2][EndOfBody:0] ---- // aIndex += AppendHeaderEndOfBody(&aResponse[aIndex]); // Close input stream mDataStream->Close(); mDataStream = nullptr; opcode = ObexResponseCode::Success; } else { // ---- Part 2b: [headerId:1][length:2][Body:var] ---- // MOZ_ASSERT(mDataStream); // Compute remaining packet size to append Body, excluding Body's header uint32_t remainingPacketSize = mRemoteMaxPacketLength - kObexBodyHeaderSize - aIndex; // Read blob data from input stream uint32_t numRead = 0; nsAutoArrayPtr buf(new char[remainingPacketSize]); nsresult rv = mDataStream->Read(buf, remainingPacketSize, &numRead); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { BT_LOGR("Failed to read from input stream. rv=0x%x", static_cast(rv)); return false; } // |numRead| must be non-zero MOZ_ASSERT(numRead); aIndex += AppendHeaderBody(&aResponse[aIndex], remainingPacketSize, reinterpret_cast(buf.get()), numRead); opcode = ObexResponseCode::Continue; } SendMasObexData(Move(aResponse), opcode, aIndex); return true; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToPut() { if (!mMasConnected) { return; } // Section "PutResponse", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] uint8_t req[kObexRespHeaderSize]; SendMasObexData(req, ObexResponseCode::Success, kObexRespHeaderSize); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToFolderListing(long aMasId, const nsAString& aFolderlists) { // TODO: Implement this for future Email support return false; } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToMessagesListing(BlobParent* aActor, long aMasId, bool aNewMessage, const nsAString& aTimestamp, int aSize) { RefPtr impl = aActor->GetBlobImpl(); RefPtr blob = Blob::Create(nullptr, impl); return ReplyToMessagesListing(blob.get(), aMasId, aNewMessage, aTimestamp, aSize); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToMessagesListing(Blob* aBlob, long aMasId, bool aNewMessage, const nsAString& aTimestamp, int aSize) { /* If the response code is 0x90 or 0xA0, response consists of following parts: * - Part 1: [response code:1][length:2] * - Part 2: [headerId:1][length:2][appParam:var] * where [appParam:var] includes: * [NewMessage:3] = [tagId:1][length:1][value:1] * [MseTime:var] = [tagId:1][length:1][value:var] * [MessageListingSize:4] = [tagId:1][length:1][value:2] * If mBodyRequired is true, * - Part 3: [headerId:1][length:2][Body:var] */ // ---- Part 1: [response code:1][length:2] ---- // // [response code:1][length:2] will be set in |SendObexData|. // Reserve index here auto res = MakeUnique(mRemoteMaxPacketLength); unsigned int index = kObexRespHeaderSize; // ---- Part 2: headerId:1][length:2][appParam:var] ---- // // MSETime - String with the current time basis and UTC-offset of the MSE nsCString timestampStr = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTimestamp); const uint8_t* str = reinterpret_cast(timestampStr.get()); uint8_t len = timestampStr.Length(); // Total length: [NewMessage:3] + [MseTime:var] + [MessageListingSize:4] nsAutoArrayPtr appParameters(new uint8_t[len + 9]); uint8_t newMessage = aNewMessage ? 1 : 0; AppendAppParameter(appParameters, 3, (uint8_t) Map::AppParametersTagId::NewMessage, &newMessage, sizeof(newMessage)); AppendAppParameter(appParameters + 3, len + 2, (uint8_t) Map::AppParametersTagId::MSETime, str, len); uint8_t msgListingSize[2]; BigEndian::writeUint16(&msgListingSize[0], aSize); AppendAppParameter(appParameters + 5 + len, 4, (uint8_t) Map::AppParametersTagId::MessagesListingSize, msgListingSize, sizeof(msgListingSize)); index += AppendHeaderAppParameters(&res[index], mRemoteMaxPacketLength, appParameters, len + 9); if (mBodyRequired) { // Open input stream only if |mBodyRequired| is true if (!GetInputStreamFromBlob(aBlob)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::InternalServerError); return false; } // ---- Part 3: [headerId:1][length:2][Body:var] ---- // ReplyToGetWithHeaderBody(Move(res), index); // Reset flag mBodyRequired = false; } else { SendMasObexData(Move(res), ObexResponseCode::Success, index); } return true; } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToGetMessage(BlobParent* aActor, long aMasId) { RefPtr impl = aActor->GetBlobImpl(); RefPtr blob = Blob::Create(nullptr, impl); return ReplyToGetMessage(blob.get(), aMasId); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToGetMessage(Blob* aBlob, long aMasId) { if (!GetInputStreamFromBlob(aBlob)) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::InternalServerError); return false; } /* * If the response code is 0x90 or 0xA0, response consists of following parts: * - Part 1: [response code:1][length:2] * If mFractionDeliverRequired is true, * - Part 2: [headerId:1][length:2][appParameters:3] * - Part 3: [headerId:1][length:2][Body:var] * where [appParameters] includes: * [FractionDeliver:3] = [tagId:1][length:1][value: 1] * otherwise, * - Part 2: [headerId:1][length:2][appParameters:3] */ // ---- Part 1: [response code:1][length:2] ---- // // [response code:1][length:2] will be set in |SendObexData|. // Reserve index here auto res = MakeUnique(mRemoteMaxPacketLength); unsigned int index = kObexRespHeaderSize; if (mFractionDeliverRequired) { // ---- Part 2: [headerId:1][length:2][appParam:3] ---- // uint8_t appParameters[3]; // TODO: Support FractionDeliver, reply "1(last)" now. uint8_t fractionDeliver = 1; AppendAppParameter(appParameters, sizeof(appParameters), (uint8_t) Map::AppParametersTagId::FractionDeliver, &fractionDeliver, sizeof(fractionDeliver)); index += AppendHeaderAppParameters(&res[index], mRemoteMaxPacketLength, appParameters, sizeof(appParameters)); } // TODO: Support bMessage encoding in bug 1166652. // ---- Part 3: [headerId:1][length:2][Body:var] ---- // ReplyToGetWithHeaderBody(Move(res), index); mFractionDeliverRequired = false; return true; } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToSendMessage( long aMasId, const nsAString& aHandleId, bool aStatus) { if (!aStatus) { SendReply(ObexResponseCode::InternalServerError); return true; } /* Handle is mandatory if the response code is success (0x90 or 0xA0). * The Name header shall be used to contain the handle that was assigned by * the MSE device to the message that was pushed by the MCE device. * The handle shall be represented by a null-terminated Unicode text strings * with 16 hexadecimal digits. */ int len = aHandleId.Length(); nsAutoArrayPtr handleId(new uint8_t[(len + 1) * 2]); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { BigEndian::writeUint16(&handleId[i * 2], aHandleId[i]); } BigEndian::writeUint16(&handleId[len * 2], 0); auto res = MakeUnique(mRemoteMaxPacketLength); int index = kObexRespHeaderSize; index += AppendHeaderName(&res[index], mRemoteMaxPacketLength - index, handleId, (len + 1) * 2); SendMasObexData(Move(res), ObexResponseCode::Success, index); return true; } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToSetMessageStatus(long aMasId, bool aStatus) { SendReply(aStatus ? ObexResponseCode::Success : ObexResponseCode::InternalServerError); return true; } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::ReplyToMessageUpdate(long aMasId, bool aStatus) { SendReply(aStatus ? ObexResponseCode::Success : ObexResponseCode::InternalServerError); return true; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::CreateMnsObexConnection() { if (mMnsSocket) { return; } mMnsSocket = new BluetoothSocket(this); // Already encrypted in previous session mMnsSocket->Connect(mDeviceAddress, kMapMns, BluetoothSocketType::RFCOMM, -1, false, false); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::DestroyMnsObexConnection() { if (!mMnsSocket) { return; } mMnsSocket->Close(); mMnsSocket = nullptr; mNtfRequired = false; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMnsConnectRequest() { MOZ_ASSERT(mMnsSocket); // Section 3.3.1 "Connect", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][version:1][flags:1][MaxPktSizeWeCanReceive:2] // [Headers:var] uint8_t req[255]; int index = 7; req[3] = 0x10; // version=1.0 req[4] = 0x00; // flag=0x00 req[5] = BluetoothMapSmsManager::MAX_PACKET_LENGTH >> 8; req[6] = (uint8_t)BluetoothMapSmsManager::MAX_PACKET_LENGTH; index += AppendHeaderTarget(&req[index], 255, kMapMnsObexTarget.mUuid, sizeof(BluetoothUuid)); SendMnsObexData(req, ObexRequestCode::Connect, index); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMnsDisconnectRequest() { MOZ_ASSERT(mMnsSocket); if (!mMasConnected) { return; } // Section 3.3.2 "Disconnect", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] uint8_t req[255]; int index = 3; SendMnsObexData(req, ObexRequestCode::Disconnect, index); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleSmsMmsFolderListing(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); uint8_t buf[64]; uint16_t maxListCount = 0; if (aHeader.GetAppParameter(Map::AppParametersTagId::MaxListCount, buf, 64)) { maxListCount = BigEndian::readUint16(buf); } uint16_t startOffset = 0; if (aHeader.GetAppParameter(Map::AppParametersTagId::StartOffset, buf, 64)) { startOffset = BigEndian::readUint16(buf); } // Folder listing size int foldersize = mCurrentFolder->GetSubFolderCount(); uint8_t folderListingSizeValue[2]; BigEndian::writeUint16(&folderListingSizeValue[0], foldersize); // Section 3.3.4 "GetResponse", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][FolderListingSize:4][Headers:var] where // Application Parameter [FolderListingSize:4] = [tagId:1][length:1][value: 2] uint8_t appParameter[4]; AppendAppParameter(appParameter, sizeof(appParameter), (uint8_t)Map::AppParametersTagId::FolderListingSize, folderListingSizeValue, sizeof(folderListingSizeValue)); uint8_t resp[255]; int index = 3; index += AppendHeaderAppParameters(&resp[index], 255, appParameter, sizeof(appParameter)); /* * MCE wants to query sub-folder size FolderListingSize AppParameter shall * be used in the response if the value of MaxListCount in the request is 0. * If MaxListCount = 0, the MSE shall ignore all other applications * parameters that may be presented in the request. The response shall * contain any Body header. */ if (maxListCount) { nsString output; mCurrentFolder->GetFolderListingObjectString(output, maxListCount, startOffset); index += AppendHeaderBody(&resp[index], mRemoteMaxPacketLength - index, reinterpret_cast( NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(output).get()), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(output).Length()); index += AppendHeaderEndOfBody(&resp[index]); } SendMasObexData(resp, ObexResponseCode::Success, index); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::AppendBtNamedValueByTagId( const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader, InfallibleTArray& aValues, const Map::AppParametersTagId aTagId) { uint8_t buf[64]; if (!aHeader.GetAppParameter(aTagId, buf, 64)) { return; } /* * Follow MAP 6.3.1 Application Parameter Header */ switch (aTagId) { case Map::AppParametersTagId::MaxListCount: { uint16_t maxListCount = BigEndian::readUint16(buf); /* MAP specification * If MaxListCount = 0, the response shall not contain the Body header. * The MSE shall ignore the request-parameters "ListStartOffset", * "SubjectLength" and "ParameterMask". */ mBodyRequired = (maxListCount != 0); BT_LOGR("max list count: %d", maxListCount); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "maxListCount", static_cast(maxListCount)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::StartOffset: { uint16_t startOffset = BigEndian::readUint16(buf); BT_LOGR("start offset : %d", startOffset); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "startOffset", static_cast(startOffset)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::SubjectLength: { uint8_t subLength = *((uint8_t *)buf); BT_LOGR("msg subLength : %d", subLength); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "subLength", static_cast(subLength)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::ParameterMask: { InfallibleTArray parameterMask = PackParameterMask(buf, 64); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "parameterMask", BluetoothValue(parameterMask)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterMessageType: { /* Follow MAP 1.2, 6.3.1 * 0000xxx1 = "SMS_GSM" * 0000xx1x = "SMS_CDMA" * 0000x1xx = "EMAIL" * 00001xxx = "MMS" * Where * 0 = "no filtering, get this type" * 1 = "filter out this type" */ uint32_t filterMessageType = *((uint8_t *)buf); if (filterMessageType == (FILTER_NO_EMAIL | FILTER_NO_MMS | FILTER_NO_SMS_GSM) || filterMessageType == (FILTER_NO_EMAIL | FILTER_NO_MMS | FILTER_NO_SMS_CDMA)) { filterMessageType = static_cast(MessageType::Sms); } else if (filterMessageType == (FILTER_NO_EMAIL | FILTER_NO_SMS_GSM | FILTER_NO_SMS_CDMA)) { filterMessageType = static_cast(MessageType::Mms); } else if (filterMessageType == (FILTER_NO_MMS | FILTER_NO_SMS_GSM | FILTER_NO_SMS_CDMA)) { filterMessageType = static_cast(MessageType::Email); } else { BT_LOGR("Unsupportted filter message type"); filterMessageType = static_cast(MessageType::Sms); } BT_LOGR("msg filterMessageType : %d", filterMessageType); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterMessageType", static_cast(filterMessageType)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterPeriodBegin: { nsCString filterPeriodBegin((char *) buf); BT_LOGR("msg FilterPeriodBegin : %s", filterPeriodBegin.get()); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterPeriodBegin", NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(filterPeriodBegin)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterPeriodEnd: { nsCString filterPeriodEnd((char*)buf); BT_LOGR("msg filterPeriodEnd : %s", filterPeriodEnd.get()); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterPeriodEnd", NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(filterPeriodEnd)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterReadStatus: { using namespace mozilla::dom::ReadStatusValues; uint32_t filterReadStatus = buf[0] < ArrayLength(strings) ? static_cast(buf[0]) : 0; BT_LOGR("msg filter read status : %d", filterReadStatus); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterReadStatus", filterReadStatus); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterRecipient: { // FilterRecipient encodes as UTF-8 nsCString filterRecipient((char*) buf); BT_LOGR("msg filterRecipient : %s", filterRecipient.get()); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterRecipient", NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(filterRecipient)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterOriginator: { // FilterOriginator encodes as UTF-8 nsCString filterOriginator((char*) buf); BT_LOGR("msg filter Originator : %s", filterOriginator.get()); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterOriginator", NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(filterOriginator)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterPriority: { using namespace mozilla::dom::PriorityValues; uint32_t filterPriority = buf[0] < ArrayLength(strings) ? static_cast(buf[0]) : 0; BT_LOGR("msg filter priority: %d", filterPriority); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "filterPriority", filterPriority); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::Attachment: { uint8_t attachment = *((uint8_t *)buf); BT_LOGR("msg filter attachment: %d", attachment); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "attachment", static_cast(attachment)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::Charset: { using namespace mozilla::dom::FilterCharsetValues; uint32_t filterCharset = buf[0] < ArrayLength(strings) ? static_cast(buf[0]) : 0; BT_LOGR("msg filter charset: %d", filterCharset); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "charset", filterCharset); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::FractionRequest: { mFractionDeliverRequired = true; AppendNamedValue(aValues, "fractionRequest", (buf[0] != 0)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::StatusIndicator: { using namespace mozilla::dom::StatusIndicatorsValues; uint32_t filterStatusIndicator = buf[0] < ArrayLength(strings) ? static_cast(buf[0]) : 0; BT_LOGR("msg filter statusIndicator: %d", filterStatusIndicator); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "statusIndicator", filterStatusIndicator); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::StatusValue: { uint8_t statusValue = *((uint8_t *)buf); BT_LOGR("msg filter statusvalue: %d", statusValue); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "statusValue", static_cast(statusValue)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::Transparent: { uint8_t transparent = *((uint8_t *)buf); BT_LOGR("msg filter statusvalue: %d", transparent); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "transparent", static_cast(transparent)); break; } case Map::AppParametersTagId::Retry: { uint8_t retry = *((uint8_t *)buf); BT_LOGR("msg filter retry: %d", retry); AppendNamedValue(aValues, "retry", static_cast(retry)); break; } default: BT_LOGR("Unsupported AppParameterTag: %x", aTagId); break; } } InfallibleTArray BluetoothMapSmsManager::PackParameterMask(uint8_t* aData, int aSize) { InfallibleTArray parameterMask; /* Table 6.5, MAP 6.3.1. ParameterMask is Bit 16-31 Reserved for future * use. The reserved bits shall be set to 0 by MCE and discarded by MSE. * convert big endian to little endian */ uint32_t x = BigEndian::readUint32(aData); uint32_t count = 0; while (x) { if (x & 1) { parameterMask.AppendElement(count); } ++count; x >>= 1; } return parameterMask; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleSmsMmsMsgListing(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); BluetoothService* bs = BluetoothService::Get(); InfallibleTArray data; static Map::AppParametersTagId sMsgListingParameters[] = { [0] = Map::AppParametersTagId::MaxListCount, [1] = Map::AppParametersTagId::StartOffset, [2] = Map::AppParametersTagId::SubjectLength, [3] = Map::AppParametersTagId::ParameterMask, [4] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterMessageType, [5] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterPeriodBegin, [6] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterPeriodEnd, [7] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterReadStatus, [8] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterRecipient, [9] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterOriginator, [10] = Map::AppParametersTagId::FilterPriority }; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sMsgListingParameters); i++) { AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, sMsgListingParameters[i]); } bs->DistributeSignal(NS_LITERAL_STRING(MAP_MESSAGES_LISTING_REQ_ID), NS_LITERAL_STRING(KEY_ADAPTER), data); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleSmsMmsGetMessage(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); BluetoothService* bs = BluetoothService::Get(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(bs); InfallibleTArray data; nsString name; aHeader.GetName(name); AppendNamedValue(data, "handle", name); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::Attachment); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::Charset); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::FractionRequest); bs->DistributeSignal(NS_LITERAL_STRING(MAP_GET_MESSAGE_REQ_ID), NS_LITERAL_STRING(KEY_ADAPTER), data); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::BuildDefaultFolderStructure() { /* MAP specification defines virtual folders structure * / * /telecom * /telecom/msg * /telecom/msg/inbox * /telecom/msg/draft * /telecom/msg/outbox * /telecom/msg/sent * /telecom/msg/deleted */ mRootFolder = new BluetoothMapFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("root"), nullptr); BluetoothMapFolder* folder = mRootFolder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("telecom")); folder = folder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("msg")); // Add mandatory folders folder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("inbox")); folder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("sent")); folder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("deleted")); folder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("outbox")); folder->AddSubFolder(NS_LITERAL_STRING("draft")); mCurrentFolder = mRootFolder; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleNotificationRegistration( const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); uint8_t buf[64]; if (!aHeader.GetAppParameter(Map::AppParametersTagId::NotificationStatus, buf, 64)) { return; } bool ntfRequired = static_cast(buf[0]); if (mNtfRequired == ntfRequired) { // Ignore request return; } mNtfRequired = ntfRequired; /* * Initialization sequence for a MAP session that uses both the Messsage * Access service and the Message Notification service. The MNS connection * shall be established by the first SetNotificationRegistration set to ON * during MAP session. Only one MNS connection per device pair. * Section 6.4.2, MAP * If the Message Access connection is disconnected after Message Notification * connection establishment, this will automatically indicate a MAS * Notification-Deregistration for this MAS instance. */ if (mNtfRequired) { CreateMnsObexConnection(); } else { /* * TODO: we shall check multiple MAS instances unregister notification to * drop MNS connection, but now we only support SMS/MMS, so drop connection * directly. */ DestroyMnsObexConnection(); } } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleSetMessageStatus(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); BluetoothService* bs = BluetoothService::Get(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(bs); InfallibleTArray data; nsString name; aHeader.GetName(name); /* The Name header shall contain the handle of the message the status of which * shall be modified. The handle shall be represented by a null-terminated * Unicode text string with 16 hexadecimal digits. */ AppendNamedValue(data, "handle", name); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::StatusIndicator); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::StatusValue); bs->DistributeSignal(NS_LITERAL_STRING(MAP_SET_MESSAGE_STATUS_REQ_ID), NS_LITERAL_STRING(KEY_ADAPTER), data); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::HandleSmsMmsPushMessage(const ObexHeaderSet& aHeader) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); BluetoothService* bs = BluetoothService::Get(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(bs); if (!aHeader.Has(ObexHeaderId::Body) && !aHeader.Has(ObexHeaderId::EndOfBody)) { BT_LOGR("Error! Fail to find Body/EndOfBody. Ignore this push request"); return; } InfallibleTArray data; nsString name; aHeader.GetName(name); AppendNamedValue(data, "folderName", name); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::Transparent); AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::Retry); /* TODO: Support native format charset (mandatory format). * * Charset indicates Gaia application how to deal with encoding. * - Native: If the message object shall be delivered without trans-coding. * - UTF-8: If the message text shall be trans-coded to UTF-8. * * We only support UTF-8 charset due to current SMS API limitation. */ AppendBtNamedValueByTagId(aHeader, data, Map::AppParametersTagId::Charset); // Get Body uint8_t* bodyPtr = nullptr; aHeader.GetBody(&bodyPtr, &mBodySegmentLength); mBodySegment = bodyPtr; RefPtr bmsg = new BluetoothMapBMessage(bodyPtr, mBodySegmentLength); /* If FolderName is outbox: * 1. Parse body to get SMS * 2. Get receipent subject * 3. Send it to Gaia * Otherwise reply HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE */ nsCString subject; bmsg->GetBody(subject); // It's possible that subject is empty, send it anyway AppendNamedValue(data, "messageBody", subject); nsTArray> recipients; bmsg->GetRecipients(recipients); // Get the topmost level, only one recipient for SMS case if (!recipients.IsEmpty()) { nsCString recipient; recipients[0]->GetTelephone(recipient); AppendNamedValue(data, "recipient", recipient); } bs->DistributeSignal(NS_LITERAL_STRING(MAP_SEND_MESSAGE_REQ_ID), NS_LITERAL_STRING(KEY_ADAPTER), data); } bool BluetoothMapSmsManager::GetInputStreamFromBlob(Blob* aBlob) { if (mDataStream) { mDataStream->Close(); mDataStream = nullptr; } ErrorResult rv; aBlob->GetInternalStream(getter_AddRefs(mDataStream), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { BT_LOGR("Failed to get internal stream from blob. rv=0x%x", rv.ErrorCodeAsInt()); return false; } return true; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendReply(uint8_t aResponseCode) { BT_LOGR("[0x%x]", aResponseCode); // Section 3.2 "Response Format", IrOBEX 1.2 // [opcode:1][length:2][Headers:var] uint8_t req[kObexRespHeaderSize]; SendMasObexData(req, aResponseCode, kObexRespHeaderSize); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMasObexData(uint8_t* aData, uint8_t aOpcode, int aSize) { SetObexPacketInfo(aData, aOpcode, aSize); mMasSocket->SendSocketData(new UnixSocketRawData(aData, aSize)); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMasObexData(UniquePtr aData, uint8_t aOpcode, int aSize) { SetObexPacketInfo(aData.get(), aOpcode, aSize); mMasSocket->SendSocketData(new UnixSocketRawData(Move(aData), aSize)); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMnsObexData(uint8_t* aData, uint8_t aOpcode, int aSize) { mLastCommand = aOpcode; SetObexPacketInfo(aData, aOpcode, aSize); mMnsSocket->SendSocketData(new UnixSocketRawData(aData, aSize)); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnSocketConnectSuccess(BluetoothSocket* aSocket) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSocket); // MNS socket is connected if (aSocket == mMnsSocket) { mMnsConnected = true; SendMnsConnectRequest(); return; } // MAS socket is connected // Close server socket as only one session is allowed at a time mMasServerSocket.swap(mMasSocket); // Cache device address since we can't get socket address when a remote // device disconnect with us. mMasSocket->GetAddress(mDeviceAddress); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnSocketConnectError(BluetoothSocket* aSocket) { // MNS socket connection error if (aSocket == mMnsSocket) { mMnsConnected = false; mMnsSocket = nullptr; return; } // MAS socket connection error mMasServerSocket = nullptr; mMasSocket = nullptr; } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnSocketDisconnect(BluetoothSocket* aSocket) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSocket); if (mDataStream) { mDataStream->Close(); mDataStream = nullptr; } // MNS socket is disconnected if (aSocket == mMnsSocket) { mMnsConnected = false; mMnsSocket = nullptr; BT_LOGR("MNS socket disconnected"); return; } // MAS server socket is closed if (aSocket != mMasSocket) { // Do nothing when a listening server socket is closed. return; } // MAS socket is disconnected AfterMapSmsDisconnected(); mDeviceAddress.Clear(); mMasSocket = nullptr; Listen(); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::Disconnect(BluetoothProfileController* aController) { if (!mMasSocket) { BT_WARNING("%s: No ongoing connection to disconnect", __FUNCTION__); return; } mMasSocket->Close(); } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(BluetoothMapSmsManager, nsIObserver) void BluetoothMapSmsManager::Connect(const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress, BluetoothProfileController* aController) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnGetServiceChannel( const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress, const BluetoothUuid& aServiceUuid, int aChannel) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnUpdateSdpRecords(const BluetoothAddress& aDeviceAddress) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnConnect(const nsAString& aErrorStr) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::OnDisconnect(const nsAString& aErrorStr) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } void BluetoothMapSmsManager::Reset() { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } END_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE