/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Sntp.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/systemlibs.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "RIL", function () { let obj = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ril_consts.js", obj); return obj; }); // Ril quirk to always turn the radio off for the client without SIM card // except hw default client. var RILQUIRKS_RADIO_OFF_WO_CARD = libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.radio_off_wo_card", "false") == "true"; const RADIOINTERFACELAYER_CID = Components.ID("{2d831c8d-6017-435b-a80c-e5d422810cea}"); const RADIOINTERFACE_CID = Components.ID("{6a7c91f0-a2b3-4193-8562-8969296c0b54}"); const NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID = "xpcom-shutdown"; const kNetworkConnStateChangedTopic = "network-connection-state-changed"; const kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic = "mozsettings-changed"; const kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic = "system-message-listener-ready"; const kSysClockChangeObserverTopic = "system-clock-change"; const kScreenStateChangedTopic = "screen-state-changed"; const kSettingsClockAutoUpdateEnabled = "time.clock.automatic-update.enabled"; const kSettingsClockAutoUpdateAvailable = "time.clock.automatic-update.available"; const kSettingsTimezoneAutoUpdateEnabled = "time.timezone.automatic-update.enabled"; const kSettingsTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable = "time.timezone.automatic-update.available"; const NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID = "nsPref:changed"; const kPrefRilNumRadioInterfaces = "ril.numRadioInterfaces"; const kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled = "ril.debugging.enabled"; const RADIO_POWER_OFF_TIMEOUT = 30000; const HW_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID = 0; const NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI = Ci.nsINetworkInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI; const NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE = Ci.nsINetworkInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE; // set to true in ril_consts.js to see debug messages var DEBUG = RIL.DEBUG_RIL; function updateDebugFlag() { // Read debug setting from pref let debugPref; try { debugPref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled); } catch (e) { debugPref = false; } DEBUG = RIL.DEBUG_RIL || debugPref; } updateDebugFlag(); function debug(s) { dump("-*- RadioInterfaceLayer: " + s + "\n"); } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gIccService", "@mozilla.org/icc/gonkiccservice;1", "nsIGonkIccService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gMobileMessageService", "@mozilla.org/mobilemessage/mobilemessageservice;1", "nsIMobileMessageService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSmsService", "@mozilla.org/sms/gonksmsservice;1", "nsIGonkSmsService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSettingsService", "@mozilla.org/settingsService;1", "nsISettingsService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gNetworkManager", "@mozilla.org/network/manager;1", "nsINetworkManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gTimeService", "@mozilla.org/time/timeservice;1", "nsITimeService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemWorkerManager", "@mozilla.org/telephony/system-worker-manager;1", "nsISystemWorkerManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gTelephonyService", "@mozilla.org/telephony/telephonyservice;1", "nsIGonkTelephonyService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gMobileConnectionService", "@mozilla.org/mobileconnection/mobileconnectionservice;1", "nsIGonkMobileConnectionService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gCellBroadcastService", "@mozilla.org/cellbroadcast/cellbroadcastservice;1", "nsIGonkCellBroadcastService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gDataCallManager", "@mozilla.org/datacall/manager;1", "nsIDataCallManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gDataCallInterfaceService", "@mozilla.org/datacall/interfaceservice;1", "nsIGonkDataCallInterfaceService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gStkCmdFactory", "@mozilla.org/icc/stkcmdfactory;1", "nsIStkCmdFactory"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gRadioEnabledController", function() { let _ril = null; let _pendingMessages = []; // For queueing "setRadioEnabled" message. let _isProcessingPending = false; let _timer = null; let _request = null; let _deactivatingDeferred = {}; let _initializedCardState = {}; let _allCardStateInitialized = !RILQUIRKS_RADIO_OFF_WO_CARD; return { init: function(ril) { _ril = ril; }, receiveCardState: function(clientId) { if (_allCardStateInitialized) { return; } if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: receive cardState from " + clientId); _initializedCardState[clientId] = true; if (Object.keys(_initializedCardState).length == _ril.numRadioInterfaces) { _allCardStateInitialized = true; this._startProcessingPending(); } }, setRadioEnabled: function(clientId, data, callback) { if (DEBUG) debug("setRadioEnabled: " + clientId + ": " + JSON.stringify(data)); let message = { clientId: clientId, data: data, callback: callback }; _pendingMessages.push(message); this._startProcessingPending(); }, notifyRadioStateChanged: function(clientId, radioState) { gMobileConnectionService.notifyRadioStateChanged(clientId, radioState); }, _startProcessingPending: function() { if (!_isProcessingPending) { if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: start dequeue"); _isProcessingPending = true; this._processNextMessage(); } }, _processNextMessage: function() { if (_pendingMessages.length === 0 || !_allCardStateInitialized) { if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: stop dequeue"); _isProcessingPending = false; return; } let msg = _pendingMessages.shift(); this._handleMessage(msg); }, _getNumCards: function() { let numCards = 0; for (let i = 0, N = _ril.numRadioInterfaces; i < N; ++i) { if (_ril.getRadioInterface(i).isCardPresent()) { numCards++; } } return numCards; }, _isRadioAbleToEnableAtClient: function(clientId, numCards) { if (!RILQUIRKS_RADIO_OFF_WO_CARD) { return true; } // We could only turn on the radio for clientId if // 1. a SIM card is presented or // 2. it is the default clientId and there is no any SIM card at any client. if (_ril.getRadioInterface(clientId).isCardPresent()) { return true; } numCards = numCards == null ? this._getNumCards() : numCards; if (clientId === HW_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID && numCards === 0) { return true; } return false; }, _handleMessage: function(message) { if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: handleMessage: " + JSON.stringify(message)); let clientId = message.clientId || 0; let connection = gMobileConnectionService.getItemByServiceId(clientId); let radioState = connection && connection.radioState; if (message.data.enabled) { if (this._isRadioAbleToEnableAtClient(clientId)) { this._setRadioEnabledInternal(message); } else { // Not really do it but respond success. message.callback(message.data); } this._processNextMessage(); } else { _request = this._setRadioEnabledInternal.bind(this, message); // In 2G network, modem takes 35+ seconds to process deactivate data // call request if device has active voice call (please see bug 964974 // for more details). Therefore we should hangup all active voice calls // first. And considering some DSDS architecture, toggling one radio may // toggle both, so we send hangUpAll to all clients. let hangUpCallback = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITelephonyCallback]), notifySuccess: function() {}, notifyError: function() {} }; gTelephonyService.enumerateCalls({ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITelephonyListener]), enumerateCallState: function(aInfo) { gTelephonyService.hangUpCall(aInfo.clientId, aInfo.callIndex, hangUpCallback); }, enumerateCallStateComplete: function() {} }); // In some DSDS architecture with only one modem, toggling one radio may // toggle both. Therefore, for safely turning off, we should first // explicitly deactivate all data calls from all clients. this._deactivateDataCalls().then(() => { if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: deactivation done"); this._executeRequest(); }); this._createTimer(); } }, _setRadioEnabledInternal: function(message) { let clientId = message.clientId || 0; let enabled = message.data.enabled || false; let radioInterface = _ril.getRadioInterface(clientId); radioInterface.workerMessenger.send("setRadioEnabled", message.data, (function(response) { if (response.errorMsg) { // If request fails, set current radio state to unknown, since we will // handle it in |mobileConnectionService|. this.notifyRadioStateChanged(clientId, Ci.nsIMobileConnection.MOBILE_RADIO_STATE_UNKNOWN); } return message.callback(response); }).bind(this)); }, _deactivateDataCalls: function() { if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: deactivating data calls..."); _deactivatingDeferred = {}; let promise = Promise.resolve(); for (let i = 0, N = _ril.numRadioInterfaces; i < N; ++i) { promise = promise.then(this._deactivateDataCallsForClient(i)); } return promise; }, _deactivateDataCallsForClient: function(clientId) { return function() { let deferred = _deactivatingDeferred[clientId] = Promise.defer(); let dataCallHandler = gDataCallManager.getDataCallHandler(clientId); dataCallHandler.deactivateDataCalls(function() { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }; }, _createTimer: function() { if (!_timer) { _timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } _timer.initWithCallback(this._executeRequest.bind(this), RADIO_POWER_OFF_TIMEOUT, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, _cancelTimer: function() { if (_timer) { _timer.cancel(); } }, _executeRequest: function() { if (typeof _request === "function") { if (DEBUG) debug("RadioControl: executeRequest"); this._cancelTimer(); _request(); _request = null; } this._processNextMessage(); }, }; }); // Initialize shared preference "ril.numRadioInterfaces" according to system // property. try { Services.prefs.setIntPref(kPrefRilNumRadioInterfaces, (function() { // When Gonk property "ro.moz.ril.numclients" is not set, return 1; if // explicitly set to any number larger-equal than 0, return num; else, return // 1 for compatibility. try { let numString = libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.numclients", "1"); let num = parseInt(numString, 10); if (num >= 0) { return num; } } catch (e) {} return 1; })()); } catch (e) {} function DataCall(aAttributes) { for (let key in aAttributes) { if (key === "pdpType") { // Convert pdp type into constant int value. this[key] = RIL.RIL_DATACALL_PDP_TYPES.indexOf(aAttributes[key]); continue; } this[key] = aAttributes[key]; } } DataCall.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDataCall]), failCause: Ci.nsIDataCallInterface.DATACALL_FAIL_NONE, suggestedRetryTime: -1, cid: -1, active: -1, pdpType: -1, ifname: null, addreses: null, dnses: null, gateways: null, pcscf: null, mtu: -1 }; function RadioInterfaceLayer() { let workerMessenger = new WorkerMessenger(); workerMessenger.init(); this.setWorkerDebugFlag = workerMessenger.setDebugFlag.bind(workerMessenger); let numIfaces = this.numRadioInterfaces; if (DEBUG) debug(numIfaces + " interfaces"); this.radioInterfaces = []; for (let clientId = 0; clientId < numIfaces; clientId++) { this.radioInterfaces.push(new RadioInterface(clientId, workerMessenger)); } Services.obs.addObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, false); Services.prefs.addObserver(kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled, this, false); gRadioEnabledController.init(this); } RadioInterfaceLayer.prototype = { classID: RADIOINTERFACELAYER_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: RADIOINTERFACELAYER_CID, classDescription: "RadioInterfaceLayer", interfaces: [Ci.nsIRadioInterfaceLayer]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRadioInterfaceLayer, Ci.nsIObserver]), /** * nsIObserver interface methods. */ observe: function(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID: for (let radioInterface of this.radioInterfaces) { radioInterface.shutdown(); } this.radioInterfaces = null; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID); break; case NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID: if (data === kPrefRilDebuggingEnabled) { updateDebugFlag(); this.setWorkerDebugFlag(DEBUG); } break; } }, /** * nsIRadioInterfaceLayer interface methods. */ getRadioInterface: function(clientId) { return this.radioInterfaces[clientId]; }, getClientIdForEmergencyCall: function() { // Select the client with sim card first. for (let cid = 0; cid < this.numRadioInterfaces; ++cid) { if (this.getRadioInterface(cid).isCardPresent()) { return cid; } } // Use the defualt client if no card presents. return HW_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID; }, setMicrophoneMuted: function(muted) { for (let clientId = 0; clientId < this.numRadioInterfaces; clientId++) { let radioInterface = this.radioInterfaces[clientId]; radioInterface.workerMessenger.send("setMute", { muted: muted }); } } }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(RadioInterfaceLayer.prototype, "numRadioInterfaces", function() { try { return Services.prefs.getIntPref(kPrefRilNumRadioInterfaces); } catch(e) {} return 1; }); function WorkerMessenger() { // Initial owning attributes. this.radioInterfaces = []; this.tokenCallbackMap = {}; this.worker = new ChromeWorker("resource://gre/modules/ril_worker.js"); this.worker.onerror = this.onerror.bind(this); this.worker.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this); } WorkerMessenger.prototype = { radioInterfaces: null, worker: null, // This gets incremented each time we send out a message. token: 1, // Maps tokens we send out with messages to the message callback. tokenCallbackMap: null, init: function() { let options = { debug: DEBUG, quirks: { callstateExtraUint32: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.callstate_extra_int", "false") === "true", requestUseDialEmergencyCall: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.dial_emergency_call", "false") === "true", simAppStateExtraFields: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.simstate_extra_field", "false") === "true", extraUint2ndCall: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.extra_int_2nd_call", "false") === "true", haveQueryIccLockRetryCount: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.query_icc_count", "false") === "true", sendStkProfileDownload: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.send_stk_profile_dl", "false") === "true", smscAddressFormat: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.smsc_address_format", "text"), dataRegistrationOnDemand: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.data_reg_on_demand", "false") === "true", subscriptionControl: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.subscription_control", "false") === "true", signalExtraInt: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.signal_extra_int", "false") === "true", availableNetworkExtraStr: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.avlbl_nw_extra_str", "false") === "true", } }; this.send(null, "setInitialOptions", options); }, setDebugFlag: function(aDebug) { let options = { debug: aDebug }; this.send(null, "setDebugFlag", options); }, debug: function(aClientId, aMessage) { // We use the same debug subject with RadioInterface's here. dump("-*- RadioInterface[" + aClientId + "]: " + aMessage + "\n"); }, onerror: function(event) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("X", "Got an error: " + event.filename + ":" + event.lineno + ": " + event.message + "\n"); } event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Process the incoming message from the RIL worker. */ onmessage: function(event) { let message = event.data; let clientId = message.rilMessageClientId; if (clientId === null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { this.debug(clientId, "Received message from worker: " + JSON.stringify(message)); } let token = message.rilMessageToken; if (token == null) { // That's an unsolicited message. Pass to RadioInterface directly. let radioInterface = this.radioInterfaces[clientId]; radioInterface.handleUnsolicitedWorkerMessage(message); return; } let callback = this.tokenCallbackMap[message.rilMessageToken]; if (!callback) { if (DEBUG) this.debug(clientId, "Ignore orphan token: " + message.rilMessageToken); return; } let keep = false; try { keep = callback(message); } catch(e) { if (DEBUG) this.debug(clientId, "callback throws an exception: " + e); } if (!keep) { delete this.tokenCallbackMap[message.rilMessageToken]; } }, registerClient: function(aClientId, aRadioInterface) { if (DEBUG) this.debug(aClientId, "Starting RIL Worker"); // Keep a reference so that we can dispatch unsolicited messages to it. this.radioInterfaces[aClientId] = aRadioInterface; this.send(null, "registerClient", { clientId: aClientId }); gSystemWorkerManager.registerRilWorker(aClientId, this.worker); }, /** * Send arbitrary message to worker. * * @param rilMessageType * A text message type. * @param message [optional] * An optional message object to send. * @param callback [optional] * An optional callback function which is called when worker replies * with an message containing a "rilMessageToken" attribute of the * same value we passed. This callback function accepts only one * parameter -- the reply from worker. It also returns a boolean * value true to keep current token-callback mapping and wait for * another worker reply, or false to remove the mapping. */ send: function(clientId, rilMessageType, message, callback) { message = message || {}; message.rilMessageClientId = clientId; message.rilMessageToken = this.token; this.token++; if (callback) { // Only create the map if callback is provided. For sending a request // and intentionally leaving the callback undefined, that reply will // be dropped in |this.onmessage| because of that orphan token. // // For sending a request that never replied at all, we're fine with this // because no callback shall be passed and we leave nothing to be cleaned // up later. this.tokenCallbackMap[message.rilMessageToken] = callback; } message.rilMessageType = rilMessageType; this.worker.postMessage(message); } }; function RadioInterface(aClientId, aWorkerMessenger) { this.clientId = aClientId; this.workerMessenger = { send: aWorkerMessenger.send.bind(aWorkerMessenger, aClientId) }; aWorkerMessenger.registerClient(aClientId, this); this.operatorInfo = {}; let lock = gSettingsService.createLock(); // Read the "time.clock.automatic-update.enabled" setting to see if // we need to adjust the system clock time by NITZ or SNTP. lock.get(kSettingsClockAutoUpdateEnabled, this); // Read the "time.timezone.automatic-update.enabled" setting to see if // we need to adjust the system timezone by NITZ. lock.get(kSettingsTimezoneAutoUpdateEnabled, this); // Set "time.clock.automatic-update.available" to false when starting up. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(false); // Set "time.timezone.automatic-update.available" to false when starting up. this.setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kSysClockChangeObserverTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kScreenStateChangedTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kNetworkConnStateChangedTopic, false); this._sntp = new Sntp(this.setClockBySntp.bind(this), Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.sntp.maxRetryCount"), Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.sntp.refreshPeriod"), Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.sntp.timeout"), Services.prefs.getCharPref("network.sntp.pools").split(";"), Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.sntp.port")); } RadioInterface.prototype = { classID: RADIOINTERFACE_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: RADIOINTERFACE_CID, classDescription: "RadioInterface", interfaces: [Ci.nsIRadioInterface]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRadioInterface, Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISettingsServiceCallback]), // A private wrapped WorkerMessenger instance. workerMessenger: null, debug: function(s) { dump("-*- RadioInterface[" + this.clientId + "]: " + s + "\n"); }, shutdown: function() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kSysClockChangeObserverTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kScreenStateChangedTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kNetworkConnStateChangedTopic); }, isCardPresent: function() { let icc = gIccService.getIccByServiceId(this.clientId); let cardState = icc ? icc.cardState : Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_STATE_UNKNOWN; return cardState !== Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_STATE_UNDETECTED && cardState !== Ci.nsIIcc.CARD_STATE_UNKNOWN; }, handleUnsolicitedWorkerMessage: function(message) { switch (message.rilMessageType) { case "callRing": gTelephonyService.notifyCallRing(); break; case "currentCalls": gTelephonyService.notifyCurrentCalls(this.clientId, message.calls); break; case "cdmaCallWaiting": gTelephonyService.notifyCdmaCallWaiting(this.clientId, message.waitingCall); break; case "suppSvcNotification": gTelephonyService.notifySupplementaryService(this.clientId, message.number, message.notification); break; case "ussdreceived": gTelephonyService.notifyUssdReceived(this.clientId, message.message, message.sessionEnded); break; case "datacalllistchanged": let dataCalls = message.datacalls.map(dataCall => new DataCall(dataCall)); gDataCallInterfaceService.notifyDataCallListChanged(this.clientId, dataCalls.length, dataCalls); break; case "emergencyCbModeChange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyEmergencyCallbackModeChanged(this.clientId, message.active, message.timeoutMs); break; case "networkinfochanged": gMobileConnectionService.notifyNetworkInfoChanged(this.clientId, message); break; case "networkselectionmodechange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyNetworkSelectModeChanged(this.clientId, message.mode); break; case "voiceregistrationstatechange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyVoiceInfoChanged(this.clientId, message); break; case "dataregistrationstatechange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyDataInfoChanged(this.clientId, message); break; case "signalstrengthchange": gMobileConnectionService.notifySignalStrengthChanged(this.clientId, message); break; case "operatorchange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyOperatorChanged(this.clientId, message); break; case "otastatuschange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyOtaStatusChanged(this.clientId, message.status); break; case "deviceidentitieschange": gMobileConnectionService.notifyDeviceIdentitiesChanged(this.clientId, message.deviceIdentities.imei, message.deviceIdentities.imeisv, message.deviceIdentities.esn, message.deviceIdentities.meid); break; case "radiostatechange": // gRadioEnabledController should know the radio state for each client, // so notify gRadioEnabledController here. gRadioEnabledController.notifyRadioStateChanged(this.clientId, message.radioState); break; case "cardstatechange": gIccService.notifyCardStateChanged(this.clientId, message.cardState); gRadioEnabledController.receiveCardState(this.clientId); break; case "sms-received": this.handleSmsReceived(message); break; case "cellbroadcast-received": this.handleCellbroadcastMessageReceived(message); break; case "nitzTime": this.handleNitzTime(message); break; case "iccinfochange": gIccService.notifyIccInfoChanged(this.clientId, message.iccid ? message : null); break; case "iccimsi": gIccService.notifyImsiChanged(this.clientId, message.imsi); break; case "iccmbdn": this.handleIccMbdn(message); break; case "iccmwis": this.handleIccMwis(message.mwi); break; case "stkcommand": gIccService.notifyStkCommand(this.clientId, gStkCmdFactory.createCommand(message)); break; case "stksessionend": gIccService.notifyStkSessionEnd(this.clientId); break; case "cdma-info-rec-received": this.handleCdmaInformationRecords(message.records); break; default: throw new Error("Don't know about this message type: " + message.rilMessageType); } }, setDataRegistration: function(attach) { let deferred = Promise.defer(); this.workerMessenger.send("setDataRegistration", {attach: attach}, (function(response) { // Always resolve to proceed with the following steps. deferred.resolve(response.errorMsg ? response.errorMsg : null); }).bind(this)); return deferred.promise; }, /** * TODO: Bug 911713 - B2G NetworkManager: Move policy control logic to * NetworkManager */ updateRILNetworkInterface: function() { let connHandler = gDataCallManager.getDataCallHandler(this.clientId); connHandler.updateRILNetworkInterface(); }, /** * handle received SMS. */ handleSmsReceived: function(aMessage) { let header = aMessage.header; // Concatenation Info: // - segmentRef: a modulo 256 counter indicating the reference number for a // particular concatenated short message. '0' is a valid number. // - The concatenation info will not be available in |header| if // segmentSeq or segmentMaxSeq is 0. // See 3GPP TS 23.040, Concatenated Short Messages. let segmentRef = (header && header.segmentRef !== undefined) ? header.segmentRef : 1; let segmentSeq = header && header.segmentSeq || 1; let segmentMaxSeq = header && header.segmentMaxSeq || 1; // Application Ports: // The port number ranges from 0 to 49151. // see 3GPP TS 23.040, Application Port Addressing. let originatorPort = (header && header.originatorPort !== undefined) ? header.originatorPort : Ci.nsIGonkSmsService.SMS_APPLICATION_PORT_INVALID; let destinationPort = (header && header.destinationPort !== undefined) ? header.destinationPort : Ci.nsIGonkSmsService.SMS_APPLICATION_PORT_INVALID; // MWI info: let mwiPresent = (aMessage.mwi)? true : false; let mwiDiscard = (mwiPresent)? aMessage.mwi.discard: false; let mwiMsgCount = (mwiPresent)? aMessage.mwi.msgCount: 0; let mwiActive = (mwiPresent)? aMessage.mwi.active: false; // CDMA related attributes: let cdmaMessageType = aMessage.messageType || 0; let cdmaTeleservice = aMessage.teleservice || 0; let cdmaServiceCategory = aMessage.serviceCategory || 0; gSmsService .notifyMessageReceived(this.clientId, aMessage.SMSC || null, aMessage.sentTimestamp, aMessage.sender, aMessage.pid, aMessage.encoding, RIL.GECKO_SMS_MESSAGE_CLASSES .indexOf(aMessage.messageClass), aMessage.language || null, segmentRef, segmentSeq, segmentMaxSeq, originatorPort, destinationPort, mwiPresent, mwiDiscard, mwiMsgCount, mwiActive, cdmaMessageType, cdmaTeleservice, cdmaServiceCategory, aMessage.body || null, aMessage.data || [], (aMessage.data) ? aMessage.data.length : 0); }, /** * Set the setting value of "time.clock.automatic-update.available". */ setClockAutoUpdateAvailable: function(value) { gSettingsService.createLock().set(kSettingsClockAutoUpdateAvailable, value, null); }, /** * Set the setting value of "time.timezone.automatic-update.available". */ setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable: function(value) { gSettingsService.createLock().set(kSettingsTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable, value, null); }, /** * Set the system clock by NITZ. */ setClockByNitz: function(message) { // To set the system clock time. Note that there could be a time diff // between when the NITZ was received and when the time is actually set. gTimeService.set( message.networkTimeInMS + (Date.now() - message.receiveTimeInMS)); }, /** * Set the system time zone by NITZ. */ setTimezoneByNitz: function(message) { // To set the sytem timezone. Note that we need to convert the time zone // value to a UTC repesentation string in the format of "UTC(+/-)hh:mm". // Ex, time zone -480 is "UTC+08:00"; time zone 630 is "UTC-10:30". // // We can unapply the DST correction if we want the raw time zone offset: // message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes -= message.networkDSTInMinutes; if (message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes != (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()) { let absTimeZoneInMinutes = Math.abs(message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes); let timeZoneStr = "UTC"; timeZoneStr += (message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes > 0 ? "-" : "+"); timeZoneStr += ("0" + Math.floor(absTimeZoneInMinutes / 60)).slice(-2); timeZoneStr += ":"; timeZoneStr += ("0" + absTimeZoneInMinutes % 60).slice(-2); gSettingsService.createLock().set("time.timezone", timeZoneStr, null); } }, /** * Handle the NITZ message. */ handleNitzTime: function(message) { // Got the NITZ info received from the ril_worker. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(true); this.setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(true); // Cache the latest NITZ message whenever receiving it. this._lastNitzMessage = message; // Set the received NITZ clock if the setting is enabled. if (this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled) { this.setClockByNitz(message); } // Set the received NITZ timezone if the setting is enabled. if (this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled) { this.setTimezoneByNitz(message); } }, /** * Set the system clock by SNTP. */ setClockBySntp: function(offset) { // Got the SNTP info. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(true); if (!this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled) { return; } if (this._lastNitzMessage) { if (DEBUG) debug("SNTP: NITZ available, discard SNTP"); return; } gTimeService.set(Date.now() + offset); }, handleIccMbdn: function(message) { let service = Cc["@mozilla.org/voicemail/voicemailservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIGonkVoicemailService); service.notifyInfoChanged(this.clientId, message.number, message.alphaId); }, handleIccMwis: function(mwi) { let service = Cc["@mozilla.org/voicemail/voicemailservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIGonkVoicemailService); // Note: returnNumber and returnMessage is not available from UICC. service.notifyStatusChanged(this.clientId, mwi.active, mwi.msgCount, null, null); }, _convertCbGsmGeographicalScope: function(aGeographicalScope) { return (aGeographicalScope != null) ? aGeographicalScope : Ci.nsICellBroadcastService.GSM_GEOGRAPHICAL_SCOPE_INVALID; }, _convertCbMessageClass: function(aMessageClass) { let index = RIL.GECKO_SMS_MESSAGE_CLASSES.indexOf(aMessageClass); return (index != -1) ? index : Ci.nsICellBroadcastService.GSM_MESSAGE_CLASS_NORMAL; }, _convertCbEtwsWarningType: function(aWarningType) { return (aWarningType != null) ? aWarningType : Ci.nsICellBroadcastService.GSM_ETWS_WARNING_INVALID; }, handleCellbroadcastMessageReceived: function(aMessage) { let etwsInfo = aMessage.etws; let hasEtwsInfo = etwsInfo != null; let serviceCategory = (aMessage.serviceCategory) ? aMessage.serviceCategory : Ci.nsICellBroadcastService.CDMA_SERVICE_CATEGORY_INVALID; gCellBroadcastService .notifyMessageReceived(this.clientId, this._convertCbGsmGeographicalScope(aMessage.geographicalScope), aMessage.messageCode, aMessage.messageId, aMessage.language, aMessage.fullBody, this._convertCbMessageClass(aMessage.messageClass), Date.now(), serviceCategory, hasEtwsInfo, (hasEtwsInfo) ? this._convertCbEtwsWarningType(etwsInfo.warningType) : Ci.nsICellBroadcastService.GSM_ETWS_WARNING_INVALID, hasEtwsInfo ? etwsInfo.emergencyUserAlert : false, hasEtwsInfo ? etwsInfo.popup : false); }, handleCdmaInformationRecords: function(aRecords) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("cdma-info-rec-received: " + JSON.stringify(aRecords)); let clientId = this.clientId; aRecords.forEach(function(aRecord) { if (aRecord.display) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecDisplay(clientId, aRecord.display); return; } if (aRecord.calledNumber) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecCalledPartyNumber(clientId, aRecord.calledNumber.type, aRecord.calledNumber.plan, aRecord.calledNumber.number, aRecord.calledNumber.pi, aRecord.calledNumber.si); return; } if (aRecord.callingNumber) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecCallingPartyNumber(clientId, aRecord.callingNumber.type, aRecord.callingNumber.plan, aRecord.callingNumber.number, aRecord.callingNumber.pi, aRecord.callingNumber.si); return; } if (aRecord.connectedNumber) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecConnectedPartyNumber(clientId, aRecord.connectedNumber.type, aRecord.connectedNumber.plan, aRecord.connectedNumber.number, aRecord.connectedNumber.pi, aRecord.connectedNumber.si); return; } if (aRecord.signal) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecSignal(clientId, aRecord.signal.type, aRecord.signal.alertPitch, aRecord.signal.signal); return; } if (aRecord.redirect) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecRedirectingNumber(clientId, aRecord.redirect.type, aRecord.redirect.plan, aRecord.redirect.number, aRecord.redirect.pi, aRecord.redirect.si, aRecord.redirect.reason); return; } if (aRecord.lineControl) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecLineControl(clientId, aRecord.lineControl.polarityIncluded, aRecord.lineControl.toggle, aRecord.lineControl.reverse, aRecord.lineControl.powerDenial); return; } if (aRecord.clirCause) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecClir(clientId, aRecord.clirCause); return; } if (aRecord.audioControl) { gMobileConnectionService .notifyCdmaInfoRecAudioControl(clientId, aRecord.audioControl.upLink, aRecord.audioControl.downLink); return; } }); }, // nsIObserver observe: function(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic: if ("wrappedJSObject" in subject) { subject = subject.wrappedJSObject; } this.handleSettingsChange(subject.key, subject.value, subject.isInternalChange); break; case kSysClockChangeObserverTopic: let offset = parseInt(data, 10); if (this._lastNitzMessage) { this._lastNitzMessage.receiveTimeInMS += offset; } this._sntp.updateOffset(offset); break; case kNetworkConnStateChangedTopic: let networkInfo = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINetworkInfo); if (networkInfo.state != Ci.nsINetworkInfo.NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { return; } // SNTP can only update when we have mobile or Wifi connections. if (networkInfo.type != NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI && networkInfo.type != NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE) { return; } // If the network comes from RIL, make sure the RIL service is matched. if (subject instanceof Ci.nsIRilNetworkInfo) { networkInfo = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRilNetworkInfo); if (networkInfo.serviceId != this.clientId) { return; } } // SNTP won't update unless the SNTP is already expired. if (this._sntp.isExpired()) { this._sntp.request(); } break; case kScreenStateChangedTopic: this.workerMessenger.send("setScreenState", { on: (data === "on") }); break; } }, // Flag to determine whether to update system clock automatically. It // corresponds to the "time.clock.automatic-update.enabled" setting. _clockAutoUpdateEnabled: null, // Flag to determine whether to update system timezone automatically. It // corresponds to the "time.clock.automatic-update.enabled" setting. _timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled: null, // Remember the last NITZ message so that we can set the time based on // the network immediately when users enable network-based time. _lastNitzMessage: null, // Object that handles SNTP. _sntp: null, // Cell Broadcast settings values. _cellBroadcastSearchList: null, handleSettingsChange: function(aName, aResult, aIsInternalSetting) { // Don't allow any content processes to modify the setting // "time.clock.automatic-update.available" except for the chrome process. if (aName === kSettingsClockAutoUpdateAvailable && !aIsInternalSetting) { let isClockAutoUpdateAvailable = this._lastNitzMessage !== null || this._sntp.isAvailable(); if (aResult !== isClockAutoUpdateAvailable) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Content processes cannot modify 'time.clock.automatic-update.available'. Restore!"); } // Restore the setting to the current value. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(isClockAutoUpdateAvailable); } } // Don't allow any content processes to modify the setting // "time.timezone.automatic-update.available" except for the chrome // process. if (aName === kSettingsTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable && !aIsInternalSetting) { let isTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable = this._lastNitzMessage !== null; if (aResult !== isTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Content processes cannot modify 'time.timezone.automatic-update.available'. Restore!"); } // Restore the setting to the current value. this.setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(isTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable); } } this.handle(aName, aResult); }, // nsISettingsServiceCallback handle: function(aName, aResult) { switch(aName) { case kSettingsClockAutoUpdateEnabled: this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled = aResult; if (!this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled) { break; } // Set the latest cached NITZ time if it's available. if (this._lastNitzMessage) { this.setClockByNitz(this._lastNitzMessage); } else if (gNetworkManager.activeNetworkInfo && gNetworkManager.activeNetworkInfo.state == Ci.nsINetworkInfo.NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { // Set the latest cached SNTP time if it's available. if (!this._sntp.isExpired()) { this.setClockBySntp(this._sntp.getOffset()); } else { // Or refresh the SNTP. this._sntp.request(); } } else { // Set a sane minimum time. let buildTime = libcutils.property_get("ro.build.date.utc", "0") * 1000; let file = FileUtils.File("/system/b2g/b2g"); if (file.lastModifiedTime > buildTime) { buildTime = file.lastModifiedTime; } if (buildTime > Date.now()) { gTimeService.set(buildTime); } } break; case kSettingsTimezoneAutoUpdateEnabled: this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled = aResult; if (this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled) { // Apply the latest cached NITZ for timezone if it's available. if (this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled && this._lastNitzMessage) { this.setTimezoneByNitz(this._lastNitzMessage); } } break; } }, handleError: function(aErrorMessage) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("There was an error while reading RIL settings."); } }, // nsIRadioInterface // TODO: Bug 928861 - B2G NetworkManager: Provide a more generic function // for connecting setupDataCallByType: function(networkType) { let connHandler = gDataCallManager.getDataCallHandler(this.clientId); connHandler.setupDataCallByType(networkType); }, // TODO: Bug 928861 - B2G NetworkManager: Provide a more generic function // for connecting deactivateDataCallByType: function(networkType) { let connHandler = gDataCallManager.getDataCallHandler(this.clientId); connHandler.deactivateDataCallByType(networkType); }, // TODO: Bug 904514 - [meta] NetworkManager enhancement getDataCallStateByType: function(networkType) { let connHandler = gDataCallManager.getDataCallHandler(this.clientId); return connHandler.getDataCallStateByType(networkType); }, sendWorkerMessage: function(rilMessageType, message, callback) { // Special handler for setRadioEnabled. if (rilMessageType === "setRadioEnabled") { // Forward it to gRadioEnabledController. gRadioEnabledController.setRadioEnabled(this.clientId, message, callback.handleResponse); return; } if (callback) { this.workerMessenger.send(rilMessageType, message, function(response) { return callback.handleResponse(response); }); } else { this.workerMessenger.send(rilMessageType, message); } }, }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([RadioInterfaceLayer]);