/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "Translation", "TranslationTelemetry", ]; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; const TRANSLATION_PREF_SHOWUI = "browser.translation.ui.show"; const TRANSLATION_PREF_DETECT_LANG = "browser.translation.detectLanguage"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this); this.Translation = { STATE_OFFER: 0, STATE_TRANSLATING: 1, STATE_TRANSLATED: 2, STATE_ERROR: 3, STATE_UNAVAILABLE: 4, serviceUnavailable: false, supportedSourceLanguages: ["bg", "cs", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "ko", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "ru", "tr", "vi", "zh"], supportedTargetLanguages: ["bg", "cs", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "ko", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "ru", "tr", "vi", "zh"], _defaultTargetLanguage: "", get defaultTargetLanguage() { if (!this._defaultTargetLanguage) { this._defaultTargetLanguage = Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIXULChromeRegistry) .getSelectedLocale("global") .split("-")[0]; } return this._defaultTargetLanguage; }, documentStateReceived: function(aBrowser, aData) { if (aData.state == this.STATE_OFFER) { if (aData.detectedLanguage == this.defaultTargetLanguage) { // Detected language is the same as the user's locale. return; } if (this.supportedSourceLanguages.indexOf(aData.detectedLanguage) == -1) { // Detected language is not part of the supported languages. TranslationTelemetry.recordMissedTranslationOpportunity(aData.detectedLanguage); return; } TranslationTelemetry.recordTranslationOpportunity(aData.detectedLanguage); } if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TRANSLATION_PREF_SHOWUI)) return; if (!aBrowser.translationUI) aBrowser.translationUI = new TranslationUI(aBrowser); let trUI = aBrowser.translationUI; // Set all values before showing a new translation infobar. trUI._state = Translation.serviceUnavailable ? Translation.STATE_UNAVAILABLE : aData.state; trUI.detectedLanguage = aData.detectedLanguage; trUI.translatedFrom = aData.translatedFrom; trUI.translatedTo = aData.translatedTo; trUI.originalShown = aData.originalShown; trUI.showURLBarIcon(); if (trUI.shouldShowInfoBar(aBrowser.currentURI)) trUI.showTranslationInfoBar(); }, openProviderAttribution: function() { let attribution = this.supportedEngines[this.translationEngine]; Cu.import("resource:///modules/RecentWindow.jsm"); RecentWindow.getMostRecentBrowserWindow().openUILinkIn(attribution, "tab"); }, /** * The list of translation engines and their attributions. */ supportedEngines: { "bing" : "http://aka.ms/MicrosoftTranslatorAttribution", "yandex" : "http://translate.yandex.com/" }, /** * Fallback engine (currently Bing Translator) if the preferences seem * confusing. */ get defaultEngine() { return this.supportedEngines.keys[0]; }, /** * Returns the name of the preferred translation engine. */ get translationEngine() { let engine = Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.translation.engine"); return Object.keys(this.supportedEngines).indexOf(engine) == -1 ? this.defaultEngine : engine; }, }; /* TranslationUI objects keep the information related to translation for * a specific browser. This object is passed to the translation * infobar so that it can initialize itself. The properties exposed to * the infobar are: * - detectedLanguage, code of the language detected on the web page. * - state, the state in which the infobar should be displayed * - translatedFrom, if already translated, source language code. * - translatedTo, if already translated, target language code. * - translate, method starting the translation of the current page. * - showOriginalContent, method showing the original page content. * - showTranslatedContent, method showing the translation for an * already translated page whose original content is shown. * - originalShown, boolean indicating if the original or translated * version of the page is shown. */ function TranslationUI(aBrowser) { this.browser = aBrowser; } TranslationUI.prototype = { get browser() { return this._browser; }, set browser(aBrowser) { if (this._browser) this._browser.messageManager.removeMessageListener("Translation:Finished", this); aBrowser.messageManager.addMessageListener("Translation:Finished", this); this._browser = aBrowser; }, translate: function(aFrom, aTo) { if (aFrom == aTo || (this.state == Translation.STATE_TRANSLATED && this.translatedFrom == aFrom && this.translatedTo == aTo)) { // Nothing to do. return; } if (this.state == Translation.STATE_OFFER) { if (this.detectedLanguage != aFrom) TranslationTelemetry.recordDetectedLanguageChange(true); } else { if (this.translatedFrom != aFrom) TranslationTelemetry.recordDetectedLanguageChange(false); if (this.translatedTo != aTo) TranslationTelemetry.recordTargetLanguageChange(); } this.state = Translation.STATE_TRANSLATING; this.translatedFrom = aFrom; this.translatedTo = aTo; this.browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage( "Translation:TranslateDocument", { from: aFrom, to: aTo } ); }, showURLBarIcon: function() { let chromeWin = this.browser.ownerGlobal; let PopupNotifications = chromeWin.PopupNotifications; let removeId = this.originalShown ? "translated" : "translate"; let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification(removeId, this.browser); if (notification) PopupNotifications.remove(notification); let callback = (aTopic, aNewBrowser) => { if (aTopic == "swapping") { let infoBarVisible = this.notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("translation"); aNewBrowser.translationUI = this; this.browser = aNewBrowser; if (infoBarVisible) this.showTranslationInfoBar(); return true; } if (aTopic != "showing") return false; let notification = this.notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("translation"); if (notification) notification.close(); else this.showTranslationInfoBar(); return true; }; let addId = this.originalShown ? "translate" : "translated"; PopupNotifications.show(this.browser, addId, null, addId + "-notification-icon", null, null, {dismissed: true, eventCallback: callback}); }, _state: 0, get state() { return this._state; }, set state(val) { let notif = this.notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("translation"); if (notif) notif.state = val; this._state = val; }, originalShown: true, showOriginalContent: function() { this.originalShown = true; this.showURLBarIcon(); this.browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("Translation:ShowOriginal"); TranslationTelemetry.recordShowOriginalContent(); }, showTranslatedContent: function() { this.originalShown = false; this.showURLBarIcon(); this.browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("Translation:ShowTranslation"); }, get notificationBox() { return this.browser.ownerGlobal.gBrowser.getNotificationBox(this.browser); }, showTranslationInfoBar: function() { let notificationBox = this.notificationBox; let notif = notificationBox.appendNotification("", "translation", null, notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH); notif.init(this); return notif; }, shouldShowInfoBar: function(aURI) { // Never show the infobar automatically while the translation // service is temporarily unavailable. if (Translation.serviceUnavailable) return false; // Check if we should never show the infobar for this language. let neverForLangs = Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.translation.neverForLanguages"); if (neverForLangs.split(",").indexOf(this.detectedLanguage) != -1) { TranslationTelemetry.recordAutoRejectedTranslationOffer(); return false; } // or if we should never show the infobar for this domain. let perms = Services.perms; if (perms.testExactPermission(aURI, "translate") == perms.DENY_ACTION) { TranslationTelemetry.recordAutoRejectedTranslationOffer(); return false; } return true; }, receiveMessage: function(msg) { switch (msg.name) { case "Translation:Finished": if (msg.data.success) { this.originalShown = false; this.state = Translation.STATE_TRANSLATED; this.showURLBarIcon(); // Record the number of characters translated. TranslationTelemetry.recordTranslation(msg.data.from, msg.data.to, msg.data.characterCount); } else if (msg.data.unavailable) { Translation.serviceUnavailable = true; this.state = Translation.STATE_UNAVAILABLE; } else { this.state = Translation.STATE_ERROR; } break; } }, infobarClosed: function() { if (this.state == Translation.STATE_OFFER) TranslationTelemetry.recordDeniedTranslationOffer(); } }; /** * Uses telemetry histograms for collecting statistics on the usage of the * translation component. * * NOTE: Metrics are only recorded if the user enabled the telemetry option. */ this.TranslationTelemetry = { init: function () { // Constructing histograms. const plain = (id) => Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(id); const keyed = (id) => Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(id); this.HISTOGRAMS = { OPPORTUNITIES : () => plain("TRANSLATION_OPPORTUNITIES"), OPPORTUNITIES_BY_LANG : () => keyed("TRANSLATION_OPPORTUNITIES_BY_LANGUAGE"), PAGES : () => plain("TRANSLATED_PAGES"), PAGES_BY_LANG : () => keyed("TRANSLATED_PAGES_BY_LANGUAGE"), CHARACTERS : () => plain("TRANSLATED_CHARACTERS"), DENIED : () => plain("DENIED_TRANSLATION_OFFERS"), AUTO_REJECTED : () => plain("AUTO_REJECTED_TRANSLATION_OFFERS"), SHOW_ORIGINAL : () => plain("REQUESTS_OF_ORIGINAL_CONTENT"), TARGET_CHANGES : () => plain("CHANGES_OF_TARGET_LANGUAGE"), DETECTION_CHANGES : () => plain("CHANGES_OF_DETECTED_LANGUAGE"), SHOW_UI : () => plain("SHOULD_TRANSLATION_UI_APPEAR"), DETECT_LANG : () => plain("SHOULD_AUTO_DETECT_LANGUAGE"), }; // Capturing the values of flags at the startup. this.recordPreferences(); }, /** * Record a translation opportunity in the health report. * @param language * The language of the page. */ recordTranslationOpportunity: function (language) { return this._recordOpportunity(language, true); }, /** * Record a missed translation opportunity in the health report. * A missed opportunity is when the language detected is not part * of the supported languages. * @param language * The language of the page. */ recordMissedTranslationOpportunity: function (language) { return this._recordOpportunity(language, false); }, /** * Record an automatically rejected translation offer in the health * report. A translation offer is automatically rejected when a user * has previously clicked "Never translate this language" or "Never * translate this site", which results in the infobar not being shown for * the translation opportunity. * * These translation opportunities should still be recorded in addition to * recording the automatic rejection of the offer. */ recordAutoRejectedTranslationOffer: function () { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.AUTO_REJECTED().add(); }, /** * Record a translation in the health report. * @param langFrom * The language of the page. * @param langTo * The language translated to * @param numCharacters * The number of characters that were translated */ recordTranslation: function (langFrom, langTo, numCharacters) { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.PAGES().add(); this.HISTOGRAMS.PAGES_BY_LANG().add(langFrom + " -> " + langTo); this.HISTOGRAMS.CHARACTERS().add(numCharacters); }, /** * Record a change of the detected language in the health report. This should * only be called when actually executing a translation, not every time the * user changes in the language in the UI. * * @param beforeFirstTranslation * A boolean indicating if we are recording a change of detected * language before translating the page for the first time. If we * have already translated the page from the detected language and * the user has manually adjusted the detected language false should * be passed. */ recordDetectedLanguageChange: function (beforeFirstTranslation) { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.DETECTION_CHANGES().add(beforeFirstTranslation); }, /** * Record a change of the target language in the health report. This should * only be called when actually executing a translation, not every time the * user changes in the language in the UI. */ recordTargetLanguageChange: function () { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.TARGET_CHANGES().add(); }, /** * Record a denied translation offer. */ recordDeniedTranslationOffer: function () { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.DENIED().add(); }, /** * Record a "Show Original" command use. */ recordShowOriginalContent: function () { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.SHOW_ORIGINAL().add(); }, /** * Record the state of translation preferences. */ recordPreferences: function () { if (!this._canRecord) return; if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TRANSLATION_PREF_SHOWUI)) { this.HISTOGRAMS.SHOW_UI().add(1); } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TRANSLATION_PREF_DETECT_LANG)) { this.HISTOGRAMS.DETECT_LANG().add(1); } }, _recordOpportunity: function(language, success) { if (!this._canRecord) return; this.HISTOGRAMS.OPPORTUNITIES().add(success); this.HISTOGRAMS.OPPORTUNITIES_BY_LANG().add(language, success); }, /** * A shortcut for reading the telemetry preference. * */ _canRecord: function () { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("toolkit.telemetry.enabled"); } }; this.TranslationTelemetry.init();