/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const UNPACKAGED_ADDON = do_get_file("data/test_bug564667"); const PACKAGED_ADDON = do_get_file("data/test_bug564667.xpi"); var gIOS = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIIOService); var gCR = Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIChromeRegistry). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIXULOverlayProvider); /* * Checks that a mapping was added */ function test_mapping(chromeURL, target) { var uri = gIOS.newURI(chromeURL, null, null); try { var result = gCR.convertChromeURL(uri); do_check_eq(result.spec, target); } catch (ex) { do_throw(chromeURL + " not Registered"); } } /* * Checks that a mapping was removed */ function test_removed_mapping(chromeURL, target) { var uri = gIOS.newURI(chromeURL, null, null); try { var result = gCR.convertChromeURL(uri); do_throw(chromeURL + " not removed"); } catch (ex) { // This should throw } } /* * Checks if any overlay was added after loading * the manifest files * * @param type The type of overlay: overlay|style */ function test_no_overlays(chromeURL, target, type) { var type = type || "overlay"; var uri = gIOS.newURI(chromeURL, null, null); var present = false, elem; var overlays = (type == "overlay") ? gCR.getXULOverlays(uri) : gCR.getStyleOverlays(uri); // We shouldn't be allowed to register overlays nor styles if (overlays.hasMoreElements()) { if (type == "styles") do_throw("Style Registered: " + chromeURL); else do_throw("Overlay Registered: " + chromeURL); } } function testManifest(manifestPath, baseURI) { // ------------------ Add manifest file ------------------------ Components.manager.addBootstrappedManifestLocation(manifestPath); // Test Adding Content URL test_mapping("chrome://test1/content", baseURI + "test/test1.xul"); // Test Adding Locale URL test_mapping("chrome://test1/locale", baseURI + "test/test1.dtd"); // Test Adding Skin URL test_mapping("chrome://test1/skin", baseURI + "test/test1.css"); // Test Adding Manifest URL test_mapping("chrome://test2/content", baseURI + "test/test2.xul"); test_mapping("chrome://test2/locale", baseURI + "test/test2.dtd"); // Test Adding Override test_mapping("chrome://testOverride/content", 'file:///test1/override') // Test Not-Adding Overlays test_no_overlays("chrome://test1/content/overlay.xul", "chrome://test1/content/test1.xul"); // Test Not-Adding Styles test_no_overlays("chrome://test1/content/style.xul", "chrome://test1/content/test1.css", "styles"); // ------------------ Remove manifest file ------------------------ Components.manager.removeBootstrappedManifestLocation(manifestPath); // Test Removing Content URL test_removed_mapping("chrome://test1/content", baseURI + "test/test1.xul"); // Test Removing Content URL test_removed_mapping("chrome://test1/locale", baseURI + "test/test1.dtd"); // Test Removing Skin URL test_removed_mapping("chrome://test1/skin", baseURI + "test/test1.css"); // Test Removing Manifest URL test_removed_mapping("chrome://test2/content", baseURI + "test/test2.xul"); test_removed_mapping("chrome://test2/locale", baseURI + "test/test2.dtd"); } function run_test() { // Test an unpackaged addon testManifest(UNPACKAGED_ADDON, gIOS.newFileURI(UNPACKAGED_ADDON).spec); // Test a packaged addon testManifest(PACKAGED_ADDON, "jar:" + gIOS.newFileURI(PACKAGED_ADDON).spec + "!/"); }