/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Code for dealing with x.509 v3 crl and crl entries extensions. */ #include "cert.h" #include "secitem.h" #include "secoid.h" #include "secoidt.h" #include "secder.h" #include "secasn1.h" #include "certxutl.h" SECStatus CERT_FindCRLExtensionByOID(CERTCrl *crl, SECItem *oid, SECItem *value) { return (cert_FindExtensionByOID (crl->extensions, oid, value)); } SECStatus CERT_FindCRLExtension(CERTCrl *crl, int tag, SECItem *value) { return (cert_FindExtension (crl->extensions, tag, value)); } /* Callback to set extensions and adjust verison */ static void SetCrlExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts) { CERTCrl *crl = (CERTCrl *)object; crl->extensions = exts; DER_SetUInteger (crl->arena, &crl->version, SEC_CRL_VERSION_2); } void * CERT_StartCRLExtensions(CERTCrl *crl) { return (cert_StartExtensions ((void *)crl, crl->arena, SetCrlExts)); } static void SetCrlEntryExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts) { CERTCrlEntry *crlEntry = (CERTCrlEntry *)object; crlEntry->extensions = exts; } void * CERT_StartCRLEntryExtensions(CERTCrl *crl, CERTCrlEntry *entry) { return (cert_StartExtensions (entry, crl->arena, SetCrlEntryExts)); } SECStatus CERT_FindCRLNumberExten (PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCrl *crl, SECItem *value) { SECItem encodedExtenValue; SECItem *tmpItem = NULL; SECStatus rv; void *mark = NULL; encodedExtenValue.data = NULL; encodedExtenValue.len = 0; rv = cert_FindExtension(crl->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_NUMBER, &encodedExtenValue); if ( rv != SECSuccess ) return (rv); mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena); tmpItem = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, &encodedExtenValue); if (tmpItem) { rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem (arena, value, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IntegerTemplate), tmpItem); } else { rv = SECFailure; } PORT_Free (encodedExtenValue.data); if (rv == SECFailure) { PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark); } else { PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark); } return (rv); } SECStatus CERT_FindCRLEntryReasonExten (CERTCrlEntry *crlEntry, CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *value) { SECItem wrapperItem = {siBuffer,0}; SECItem tmpItem = {siBuffer,0}; SECStatus rv; PLArenaPool *arena = NULL; arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); if ( ! arena ) { return(SECFailure); } rv = cert_FindExtension(crlEntry->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_REASON_CODE, &wrapperItem); if ( rv != SECSuccess ) { goto loser; } rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &tmpItem, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_EnumeratedTemplate), &wrapperItem); if ( rv != SECSuccess ) { goto loser; } *value = (CERTCRLEntryReasonCode) DER_GetInteger(&tmpItem); loser: if ( arena ) { PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE); } if ( wrapperItem.data ) { PORT_Free(wrapperItem.data); } return (rv); } SECStatus CERT_FindInvalidDateExten (CERTCrl *crl, PRTime *value) { SECItem encodedExtenValue; SECItem decodedExtenValue = {siBuffer,0}; SECStatus rv; encodedExtenValue.data = decodedExtenValue.data = NULL; encodedExtenValue.len = decodedExtenValue.len = 0; rv = cert_FindExtension (crl->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_INVALID_DATE, &encodedExtenValue); if ( rv != SECSuccess ) return (rv); rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem (NULL, &decodedExtenValue, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate), &encodedExtenValue); if (rv == SECSuccess) rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(value, &encodedExtenValue); PORT_Free (decodedExtenValue.data); PORT_Free (encodedExtenValue.data); return (rv); }