#!/usr/bin/env python # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** import sys import os import glob import re import tempfile from datetime import datetime import urlparse import multiprocessing import xml.dom.minidom try: import simplejson as json assert json except ImportError: import json # load modules from parent dir sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) # import the guts from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file from mozharness.base.log import WARNING, ERROR, FATAL from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import GaiaLocalesMixin, LocalesMixin from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin from mozharness.mozilla.signing import SigningMixin from mozharness.mozilla.repo_manifest import add_project from mozharness.mozilla.mapper import MapperMixin from mozharness.mozilla.updates.balrog import BalrogMixin from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin from mozharness.base.python import InfluxRecordingMixin from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import MakeUploadOutputParser from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildb2gbase import B2GBuildBaseScript, B2GMakefileErrorList from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptRun class B2GBuild(LocalesMixin, PurgeMixin, B2GBuildBaseScript, GaiaLocalesMixin, SigningMixin, MapperMixin, BalrogMixin, VirtualenvMixin, InfluxRecordingMixin): all_actions = [ 'clobber', 'checkout-sources', # Deprecated 'checkout-gecko', 'download-gonk', 'unpack-gonk', 'checkout-gaia', 'checkout-gaia-l10n', 'checkout-gecko-l10n', 'checkout-compare-locales', # End deprecated 'get-blobs', 'update-source-manifest', 'build', 'build-symbols', 'make-updates', 'build-update-testdata', 'prep-upload', 'upload', 'make-socorro-json', 'upload-source-manifest', 'submit-to-balrog', ] default_actions = [ 'checkout-sources', 'get-blobs', 'build', ] config_options = [ [["--gaia-languages-file"], { "dest": "gaia_languages_file", "help": "languages file for gaia multilocale profile", }], [["--gecko-languages-file"], { "dest": "locales_file", "help": "languages file for gecko multilocale", }], [["--gecko-l10n-base-dir"], { "dest": "l10n_dir", "help": "dir to clone gecko l10n repos into, relative to the work directory", }], [["--merge-locales"], { "dest": "merge_locales", "help": "Dummy option to keep from burning. We now always merge", }], [["--additional-source-tarballs"], { "action": "extend", "type": "string", "dest": "additional_source_tarballs", "help": "Additional source tarballs to extract", }], [["--debug"], { "dest": "debug_build", "action": "store_true", "help": "Set B2G_DEBUG=1 (debug build)", }], [["--base-repo"], { "dest": "base_repo", "help": "base repository for cloning", }], [["--complete-mar-url"], { "dest": "complete_mar_url", "help": "the URL where the complete MAR was uploaded. Required if submit-to-balrog is requested and upload isn't.", }], [["--platform"], { "dest": "platform", "help": "the platform used by balrog submmiter.", }], [["--gecko-objdir"], { "dest": "gecko_objdir", "help": "Specifies the gecko object directory.", }], [["--branch"], { "dest": "branch", "help": "Specifies the branch name.", }], ] def __init__(self, require_config_file=False, config={}, all_actions=all_actions, default_actions=default_actions): # Default configuration default_config = { 'default_vcs': 'hgtool', 'ccache': True, 'locales_dir': 'gecko/b2g/locales', 'l10n_dir': 'gecko-l10n', 'ignore_locales': ['en-US', 'multi'], 'locales_file': 'gecko/b2g/locales/all-locales', 'mozilla_dir': 'build/gecko', 'objdir': 'build/objdir-gecko', 'merge_locales': True, 'compare_locales_repo': 'https://hg.mozilla.org/build/compare-locales', 'compare_locales_rev': 'RELEASE_AUTOMATION', 'compare_locales_vcs': 'hgtool', 'repo_remote_mappings': {}, 'influx_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', 'balrog_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', 'build_resources_path': '%(abs_obj_dir)s/.mozbuild/build_resources.json', 'virtualenv_modules': [ 'requests==2.8.1', ], 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', } default_config.update(config) self.buildid = None self.dotconfig = None LocalesMixin.__init__(self) B2GBuildBaseScript.__init__( self, config_options=self.config_options, require_config_file=require_config_file, config=default_config, all_actions=all_actions, default_actions=default_actions, ) dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() self.objdir = self.config.get("gecko_objdir", os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'objdir-gecko')) self.abs_dirs['abs_obj_dir'] = self.objdir # Evaluating the update type to build. # Default is OTA if config do not specifies anything if "update_types" in self.config: self.update_types = self.config["update_types"] elif "update_type" in self.config: self.update_types = [self.config["update_type"]] else: self.update_types = ["ota"] self.package_urls = {} # We need to create the virtualenv directly (without using an action) in # order to use python modules in PreScriptRun/Action listeners self.create_virtualenv() def query_abs_dirs(self): if self.abs_dirs: return self.abs_dirs abs_dirs = LocalesMixin.query_abs_dirs(self) abs_dirs.update(B2GBuildBaseScript.query_abs_dirs(self)) dirs = { 'gaia_l10n_base_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'gaia-l10n'), 'compare_locales_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'compare-locales'), 'abs_public_upload_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'upload-public'), } abs_dirs.update(dirs) self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs return self.abs_dirs def query_branch(self): if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: return self.buildbot_config['properties']['branch'] else: return self.config.get('branch', os.path.basename(self.query_repo().rstrip('/'))) def query_buildid(self): if self.buildid: return self.buildid platform_ini = os.path.join(self.query_device_outputdir(), 'system', 'b2g', 'platform.ini') data = self.read_from_file(platform_ini) buildid = re.search("^BuildID=(\d+)$", data, re.M) if buildid: self.buildid = buildid.group(1) return self.buildid def query_version(self): data = self.read_from_file(self.query_application_ini()) version = re.search("^Version=(.+)$", data, re.M) if version: return version.group(1) def query_b2g_version(self): manifest_config = self.config.get('manifest') branch = self.query_branch() if not manifest_config or not branch: return 'default' if branch not in manifest_config['branches']: return 'default' version = manifest_config['branches'][branch] return version def query_update_channel(self): env = self.query_env() if 'B2G_UPDATE_CHANNEL' in env: return env['B2G_UPDATE_CHANNEL'] def get_hg_commit_time(self, repo_dir, rev): """Returns the commit time for given `rev` in unix epoch time""" hg = self.query_exe('hg') cmd = [ hg, 'log', '-R', repo_dir, '-r', rev, '--template', '{date|hgdate}' ] try: # {date|hgdate} returns a space-separated tuple of unixtime, # timezone offset output = self.get_output_from_command(cmd) except Exception: # Failed to run hg for some reason self.exception("failed to run hg log; using timestamp of 0 instead", level=WARNING) return 0 try: t = output.split()[0] return int(t) except (ValueError, IndexError): self.exception("failed to parse hg log output; using timestamp of 0 instead", level=WARNING) return 0 def query_do_upload(self): # always upload nightlies, but not dep builds for some platforms if self.query_is_nightly(): return True if self.config['target'] in self.config['upload']['default'].get('upload_dep_target_exclusions', []): return False return True def query_build_env(self): env = super(B2GBuild, self).query_build_env() # Force B2G_UPDATER so that eng builds (like the emulator) will get # the updater included. Otherwise the xpcshell updater tests won't run. # Bug 1154947: we don't want nightly builds for eng phones, but nightly # builds fail if we don't have OTA updates. if self.query_is_nightly() or self.config['target'].startswith('emulator'): env['B2G_UPDATER'] = '1' # Bug 1059992 -- see gonk-misc/Android.mk env['FORCE_GECKO_BUILD_OUTPUT'] = '1' if self.config.get('debug_build'): env['B2G_DEBUG'] = '1' return env def query_dotconfig(self): if self.dotconfig: return self.dotconfig dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() dotconfig_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], '.config') self.dotconfig = {} for line in open(dotconfig_file): if "=" in line: key, value = line.split("=", 1) self.dotconfig[key.strip()] = value.strip() return self.dotconfig def query_device_outputdir(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() dotconfig = self.query_dotconfig() if 'DEVICE' in dotconfig: devicedir = dotconfig['DEVICE'] elif 'PRODUCT_NAME' in dotconfig: devicedir = dotconfig['PRODUCT_NAME'] else: self.fatal("Couldn't determine device directory") output_dir = os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'out', 'target', 'product', devicedir) return output_dir def query_device_name(self): return os.path.basename(self.query_device_outputdir()) def query_application_ini(self): return os.path.join(self.query_device_outputdir(), 'system', 'b2g', 'application.ini') def query_marfile_path(self, update_type): if update_type.startswith("fota"): mardir = self.query_device_outputdir() else: mardir = "%s/dist/b2g-update" % self.objdir device_name = self.query_device_name() update_type_files = { 'ota': 'b2g-%s-gecko-update.mar' % device_name, 'fota': 'fota-%s-update.mar' % device_name, 'fota:full': 'fota-%s-update-full.mar' % device_name, 'fota:fullimg': 'fota-%s-update-fullimg.mar' % device_name } mars = [] for f in os.listdir(mardir): if f.endswith(update_type_files[update_type]): mars.append(f) if len(mars) < 1: self.fatal("Found none or too many marfiles in %s, don't know what to do:\n%s" % (mardir, mars), exit_code=1) return "%s/%s" % (mardir, mars[0]) def query_complete_mar_url(self, marfile=None): mar_url = None if "complete_mar_url" in self.config: mar_url = self.config["complete_mar_url"] elif "completeMarUrl" in self.package_urls: mar_url = self.package_urls["completeMarUrl"] else: self.fatal("Couldn't find complete mar url in config or package_urls") # To support OTA and FOTA update payload, we cannot rely on the filename # being computed before we get called since we will determine the filename # ourselves. Let's detect when the URL does not ends with ".mar" and in # this case, we append the MAR file we just collected if not mar_url.endswith(".mar"): if marfile is None: self.fatal("URL does not contains a MAR file and none found") mar_url = os.path.join(mar_url, os.path.basename(marfile)) return mar_url # Actions {{{2 def clobber(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() PurgeMixin.clobber( self, always_clobber_dirs=[ dirs['abs_upload_dir'], dirs['abs_public_upload_dir'], ], ) def checkout_sources(self): super(B2GBuild, self).checkout_sources() self.checkout_gecko_l10n() self.checkout_gaia_l10n() self.checkout_compare_locales() def get_blobs(self): self.download_blobs() self.unpack_blobs() def download_blobs(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() gecko_config = self.load_gecko_config() if 'tooltool_manifest' in gecko_config: # The manifest is relative to the gecko config config_dir = os.path.join(dirs['gecko_src'], 'b2g', 'config', self.config.get('b2g_config_dir', self.config['target'])) manifest = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config_dir, gecko_config['tooltool_manifest'])) self.tooltool_fetch(manifest=manifest, output_dir=dirs['work_dir']) def unpack_blobs(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() tar = self.query_exe('tar', return_type="list") gecko_config = self.load_gecko_config() extra_tarballs = self.config.get('additional_source_tarballs', []) if 'additional_source_tarballs' in gecko_config: extra_tarballs.extend(gecko_config['additional_source_tarballs']) for tarball in extra_tarballs: self.run_command(tar + ["xf", tarball], cwd=dirs['work_dir'], halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) def checkout_gaia_l10n(self): if not self.config.get('gaia_languages_file'): self.info('Skipping checkout_gaia_l10n because no gaia language file was specified.') return l10n_config = self.load_gecko_config().get('gaia', {}).get('l10n') if not l10n_config: self.fatal("gaia.l10n is required in the gecko config when --gaia-languages-file is specified.") abs_work_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'] languages_file = os.path.join(abs_work_dir, 'gaia', self.config['gaia_languages_file']) l10n_base_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['gaia_l10n_base_dir'] self.pull_gaia_locale_source(l10n_config, parse_config_file(languages_file).keys(), l10n_base_dir) def checkout_gecko_l10n(self): hg_l10n_base = self.load_gecko_config().get('gecko_l10n_root') self.pull_locale_source(hg_l10n_base=hg_l10n_base) gecko_locales = self.query_locales() # populate b2g/overrides, which isn't in gecko atm dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() for locale in gecko_locales: self.mkdir_p(os.path.join(dirs['abs_l10n_dir'], locale, 'b2g', 'chrome', 'overrides')) self.copytree(os.path.join(dirs['abs_l10n_dir'], locale, 'mobile', 'overrides'), os.path.join(dirs['abs_l10n_dir'], locale, 'b2g', 'chrome', 'overrides'), error_level=FATAL) def checkout_compare_locales(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() dest = dirs['compare_locales_dir'] repo = self.config['compare_locales_repo'] rev = self.config['compare_locales_rev'] vcs = self.config['compare_locales_vcs'] abs_rev = self.vcs_checkout(repo=repo, dest=dest, revision=rev, vcs=vcs) self.set_buildbot_property('compare_locales_revision', abs_rev, write_to_file=True) def query_do_translate_hg_to_git(self, gecko_config_key=None): manifest_config = self.config.get('manifest', {}) branch = self.query_branch() if self.query_is_nightly() and branch in manifest_config['branches'] and \ manifest_config.get('translate_hg_to_git'): if gecko_config_key is None: return True if self.gecko_config.get(gecko_config_key): return True return False def _generate_git_locale_manifest(self, locale, url, git_repo, revision, git_base_url, local_path): # increase timeout from 15m to 60m until bug 1044515 is resolved (attempts = 120) l10n_git_sha = self.query_mapper_git_revision(url, 'l10n', revision, project_name="l10n %s" % locale, require_answer=self.config.get('require_git_rev', True), attempts=120) return ' ' % (git_repo.replace(git_base_url, ''), local_path, l10n_git_sha) def _generate_locale_manifest(self, git_base_url="https://git.mozilla.org/release/"): """ Add the locales to the source manifest. """ manifest_config = self.config.get('manifest', {}) locale_manifest = [] if self.gaia_locale_revisions: gaia_l10n_git_root = None if self.query_do_translate_hg_to_git(gecko_config_key='gaia_l10n_git_root'): gaia_l10n_git_root = self.gecko_config['gaia_l10n_git_root'] for locale in self.gaia_locale_revisions.keys(): repo = self.gaia_locale_revisions[locale]['repo'] revision = self.gaia_locale_revisions[locale]['revision'] locale_manifest.append(' ' % (repo.replace('https://hg.mozilla.org/', ''), locale, revision)) if gaia_l10n_git_root: locale_manifest.append( self._generate_git_locale_manifest( locale, manifest_config['translate_base_url'], gaia_l10n_git_root % {'locale': locale}, revision, git_base_url, "gaia-l10n/%s" % locale, ) ) if self.gecko_locale_revisions: gecko_l10n_git_root = None if self.query_do_translate_hg_to_git(gecko_config_key='gecko_l10n_git_root'): gecko_l10n_git_root = self.gecko_config['gecko_l10n_git_root'] for locale in self.gecko_locale_revisions.keys(): repo = self.gecko_locale_revisions[locale]['repo'] revision = self.gecko_locale_revisions[locale]['revision'] locale_manifest.append(' ' % (repo.replace('https://hg.mozilla.org/', ''), locale, revision)) if gecko_l10n_git_root: locale_manifest.append( self._generate_git_locale_manifest( locale, manifest_config['translate_base_url'], gecko_l10n_git_root % {'locale': locale}, revision, git_base_url, "gecko-l10n/%s" % locale, ) ) return locale_manifest def update_source_manifest(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() manifest_config = self.config.get('manifest', {}) sourcesfile = os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'sources.xml') sourcesfile_orig = sourcesfile + '.original' sources = self.read_from_file(sourcesfile_orig, verbose=False) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(sources) # Add comments for which hg revisions we came from manifest = dom.firstChild manifest.appendChild(dom.createTextNode(" ")) manifest.appendChild(dom.createComment("Mozilla Info")) manifest.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("\n ")) manifest.appendChild(dom.createComment('Mercurial-Information: ')) manifest.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("\n ")) manifest.appendChild(dom.createComment('Mercurial-Information: ' % (self.query_repo(), self.query_revision()))) if self.query_do_translate_hg_to_git(): # Find the base url used for git.m.o so we can refer to it # properly in the project node below git_base_url = "https://git.mozilla.org/" for element in dom.getElementsByTagName('remote'): if element.getAttribute('name') == 'mozillaorg': pieces = urlparse.urlparse(element.getAttribute('fetch')) if pieces: git_base_url = "https://git.mozilla.org%s" % pieces[2] if not git_base_url.endswith('/'): git_base_url += "/" self.info("Found git_base_url of %s in manifest." % git_base_url) break else: self.warning("Couldn't find git_base_url in manifest; using %s" % git_base_url) manifest.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("\n ")) url = manifest_config['translate_base_url'] # increase timeout from 15m to 60m until bug 1044515 is resolved (attempts = 120) gecko_git = self.query_mapper_git_revision(url, 'gecko', self.query_revision(), require_answer=self.config.get('require_git_rev', True), attempts=120) project_name = "https://git.mozilla.org/releases/gecko.git".replace(git_base_url, '') # XXX This assumes that we have a mozillaorg remote add_project(dom, name=project_name, path="gecko", remote="mozillaorg", revision=gecko_git) manifest.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("\n")) self.write_to_file(sourcesfile, dom.toxml(), verbose=False) self.run_command(["diff", "-u", sourcesfile_orig, sourcesfile], success_codes=[1]) def generate_build_command(self, target=None): cmd = ['./build.sh'] if target is not None: # Workaround bug 984061 # wcosta: blobfree builds also should run with -j1 if target in ('package-tests', 'blobfree'): cmd.append('-j1') else: # Ensure we always utilize the correct number of cores # regardless of the configuration which may be set by repo # config changes... cmd.append('-j{0}'.format(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) cmd.append(target) return cmd def build(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() gecko_config = self.load_gecko_config() build_targets = gecko_config.get('build_targets', []) build_targets.extend(self.config.get("build_targets", [])) if not build_targets: cmds = [self.generate_build_command()] else: cmds = [self.generate_build_command(t) for t in build_targets] env = self.query_build_env() if self.config.get('gaia_languages_file'): env['LOCALE_BASEDIR'] = dirs['gaia_l10n_base_dir'] env['LOCALES_FILE'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'gaia', self.config['gaia_languages_file']) if self.config.get('locales_file'): env['L10NBASEDIR'] = dirs['abs_l10n_dir'] env['MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE'] = " ".join(self.query_locales()) if 'PATH' not in env: env['PATH'] = os.environ.get('PATH') env['PATH'] += ':%s' % os.path.join(dirs['compare_locales_dir'], 'scripts') env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '') env['PYTHONPATH'] += ':%s' % os.path.join(dirs['compare_locales_dir'], 'lib') with open(os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], '.userconfig'), 'w') as cfg: cfg.write('GECKO_OBJDIR={0}'.format(self.objdir)) self.enable_mock() if self.config['ccache']: self.run_command('ccache -z', cwd=dirs['work_dir'], env=env) for cmd in cmds: retval = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['work_dir'], env=env, error_list=B2GMakefileErrorList) if retval != 0: break if self.config['ccache']: self.run_command('ccache -s', cwd=dirs['work_dir'], env=env) self.disable_mock() if retval != 0: self.fatal("failed to build", exit_code=2) buildid = self.query_buildid() self.set_buildbot_property('buildid', buildid, write_to_file=True) def build_symbols(self): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() gecko_config = self.load_gecko_config() if gecko_config.get('config_version', 0) < 1: self.info("Skipping build_symbols for old configuration") return cmd = ['./build.sh', 'buildsymbols'] env = self.query_build_env() self.enable_mock() retval = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['work_dir'], env=env, error_list=B2GMakefileErrorList) self.disable_mock() if retval != 0: self.fatal("failed to build symbols", exit_code=2) if self.query_is_nightly(): # Upload symbols self.info("Uploading symbols") cmd = ['./build.sh', 'uploadsymbols'] self.enable_mock() retval = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['work_dir'], env=env, error_list=B2GMakefileErrorList) self.disable_mock() if retval != 0: self.fatal("failed to upload symbols", exit_code=2) def make_updates(self): if not self.update_types: self.fatal("No update types defined. We should have had at least defaulted to OTA ...") dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() self.load_gecko_config() env = self.query_build_env() for update_type in self.update_types: # Defaulting to OTA make_target = "gecko-update-full" # Building a FOTA with only Gecko/Gaia (+ a few redistribuable) if update_type == "fota": make_target = "gecko-update-fota" # Building a FOTA with all system partition files if update_type == "fota:full": make_target = "gecko-update-fota-full" # Building a FOTA with full partitions images if update_type == "fota:fullimg": make_target = "gecko-update-fota-fullimg" cmd = ['./build.sh', make_target] self.enable_mock() retval = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['work_dir'], env=env, error_list=B2GMakefileErrorList) self.disable_mock() if retval != 0: self.fatal("failed to create update", exit_code=2) def prep_upload(self): if not self.query_do_upload(): self.info("Uploads disabled for this build. Skipping...") return dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() # Copy stuff into build/upload directory gecko_config = self.load_gecko_config() output_dir = self.query_device_outputdir() # Zip up stuff files = [] for item in gecko_config.get('zip_files', []): if isinstance(item, list): pattern, target = item else: pattern, target = item, None pattern = pattern.format(objdir=self.objdir, workdir=dirs['work_dir'], srcdir=dirs['gecko_src']) for f in glob.glob(pattern): files.append((f, target)) if files: zip_name = os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], self.config['target'] + ".zip") self.info("creating %s" % zip_name) tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: zip_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'b2g-distro') self.mkdir_p(zip_dir) for f, target in files: if target is None: dst = os.path.join(zip_dir, os.path.basename(f)) elif target.endswith('/'): dst = os.path.join(zip_dir, target, os.path.basename(f)) else: dst = os.path.join(zip_dir, target) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)): self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(dst)) self.copyfile(f, dst, copystat=True) cmd = ['zip', '-r', '-9', '-u', zip_name, 'b2g-distro'] if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=tmpdir) != 0: self.fatal("problem zipping up files") self.copy_to_upload_dir(zip_name) finally: self.debug("removing %s" % tmpdir) self.rmtree(tmpdir) public_files = [] public_upload_patterns = [] public_upload_patterns = gecko_config.get('public_upload_files', []) # Copy gaia profile if gecko_config.get('package_gaia', True): zip_name = os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], "gaia.zip") self.info("creating %s" % zip_name) cmd = ['zip', '-r', '-9', '-u', zip_name, 'gaia/profile'] if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['work_dir']) != 0: self.fatal("problem zipping up gaia") self.copy_to_upload_dir(zip_name) if public_upload_patterns: public_files.append(zip_name) self.info("copying files to upload directory") files = [] files.append(os.path.join(output_dir, 'system', 'build.prop')) upload_patterns = gecko_config.get('upload_files', []) for base_pattern in upload_patterns + public_upload_patterns: pattern = base_pattern.format(objdir=self.objdir, workdir=dirs['work_dir'], srcdir=dirs['gecko_src']) for f in glob.glob(pattern): if base_pattern in upload_patterns: files.append(f) if base_pattern in public_upload_patterns: public_files.append(f) blobfree_dist = self.query_device_name() + '.blobfree-dist.zip' blobfree_zip = os.path.join(output_dir, blobfree_dist) if os.path.exists(blobfree_zip): public_files.append(blobfree_zip) for base_f in files + public_files: f = base_f if f.endswith(".img"): if self.query_is_nightly(): # Compress it if os.path.exists(f): self.info("compressing %s" % f) self.run_command(["bzip2", "-f", f]) elif not os.path.exists("%s.bz2" % f): self.error("%s doesn't exist to bzip2!" % f) self.return_code = 2 continue f = "%s.bz2" % base_f else: # Skip it self.info("not uploading %s for non-nightly build" % f) continue if base_f in files: self.info("copying %s to upload directory" % f) self.copy_to_upload_dir(f) if base_f in public_files: self.info("copying %s to public upload directory" % f) self.copy_to_upload_dir(base_f, upload_dir=dirs['abs_public_upload_dir']) def _do_rsync_upload(self, upload_dir, ssh_key, ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path, remote_symlink_path): retval = self.rsync_upload_directory(upload_dir, ssh_key, ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path) if retval is not None: self.error("Failed to upload %s to %s@%s:%s!" % (upload_dir, ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path)) self.return_code = 2 return -1 upload_url = "http://%(remote_host)s/%(remote_path)s" % dict( remote_host=remote_host, remote_path=remote_path, ) self.info("Upload successful: %s" % upload_url) if remote_symlink_path: ssh = self.query_exe('ssh') # First delete the symlink if it exists cmd = [ssh, '-l', ssh_user, '-i', ssh_key, remote_host, 'rm -f %s' % remote_symlink_path, ] retval = self.run_command(cmd) if retval != 0: self.error("failed to delete latest symlink") self.return_code = 2 # Now create the symlink rel_path = os.path.relpath(remote_path, os.path.dirname(remote_symlink_path)) cmd = [ssh, '-l', ssh_user, '-i', ssh_key, remote_host, 'ln -sf %s %s' % (rel_path, remote_symlink_path), ] retval = self.run_command(cmd) if retval != 0: self.error("failed to create latest symlink") self.return_code = 2 # Create properties file remote_properties_path = '%s.properties' % remote_symlink_path cmd = [ssh, '-l', ssh_user, '-i', ssh_key, remote_host, 'echo B2G_BUILD_PATH=%s > %s' % (remote_path, remote_properties_path), ] retval = self.run_command(cmd) if retval != 0: self.error("failed to create properties file") self.return_code = 2 def _do_postupload_upload(self, upload_dir, ssh_key, ssh_user, remote_host, postupload_cmd): ssh = self.query_exe('ssh') remote_path = self.get_output_from_command( [ssh, '-l', ssh_user, '-i', ssh_key, remote_host, 'mktemp -d'] ) if not remote_path.endswith('/'): remote_path += '/' retval = self.rsync_upload_directory(upload_dir, ssh_key, ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path) if retval is not None: self.error("Failed to upload %s to %s@%s:%s!" % (upload_dir, ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path)) self.return_code = 2 else: # post_upload.py parser = MakeUploadOutputParser( config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj ) # build filelist filelist = [] for dirpath, dirname, filenames in os.walk(upload_dir): for f in filenames: # use / instead of os.path.join() because this is part of # a post_upload.py call on a fileserver, which is probably # not windows path = '%s/%s' % (dirpath, f) path = path.replace(upload_dir, remote_path) filelist.append(path) cmd = [ssh, '-l', ssh_user, '-i', ssh_key, remote_host, '%s %s %s' % (postupload_cmd, remote_path, ' '.join(filelist)) ] retval = self.run_command(cmd, output_parser=parser) self.package_urls = parser.matches if retval != 0: self.error("failed to run %s!" % postupload_cmd) self.return_code = 2 else: self.info("Upload successful.") # cleanup, whether we ran postupload or not cmd = [ssh, '-l', ssh_user, '-i', ssh_key, remote_host, 'rm -rf %s' % remote_path ] self.run_command(cmd) def upload(self): if not self.query_do_upload(): self.info("Uploads disabled for this build. Skipping...") return dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() c = self.config target = self.load_gecko_config().get('upload_platform', self.config['target']) if c.get("target_suffix"): target += c["target_suffix"] if self.config.get('debug_build'): target += "-debug" try: # for Try user = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0]['who'] except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError): user = "unknown" replace_dict = dict( branch=self.query_branch(), target=target, user=user, revision=self.query_revision(), buildid=self.query_buildid(), ) upload_path_key = 'upload_remote_path' upload_symlink_key = 'upload_remote_symlink' postupload_key = 'post_upload_cmd' if self.query_is_nightly(): # Dates should be based on buildid build_date = self.query_buildid() if build_date: try: build_date = datetime.strptime(build_date, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") except ValueError: build_date = None if build_date is None: # Default to now build_date = datetime.now() replace_dict.update(dict( year=build_date.year, month=build_date.month, day=build_date.day, hour=build_date.hour, minute=build_date.minute, second=build_date.second, )) upload_path_key = 'upload_remote_nightly_path' upload_symlink_key = 'upload_remote_nightly_symlink' postupload_key = 'post_upload_nightly_cmd' # default upload upload_path = self.config['upload']['default'][upload_path_key] % replace_dict if not self._do_rsync_upload( dirs['abs_upload_dir'], self.config['upload']['default']['ssh_key'], self.config['upload']['default']['ssh_user'], self.config['upload']['default']['upload_remote_host'], upload_path, self.config['upload']['default'].get(upload_symlink_key, '') % replace_dict, ): # successful; sendchange # TODO unhardcode download_url = "http://pvtbuilds.pvt.build.mozilla.org%s" % upload_path if self.config["target"].startswith("emulator") and self.config.get('sendchange_masters'): # yay hardcodes downloadables = [ '%s/%s' % (download_url, 'emulator.tar.gz'), ] self.set_buildbot_property('packageUrl', downloadables[0], write_to_file=True) matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs['abs_upload_dir'], 'b2g*crashreporter-symbols.zip')) if matches: symbols_url = "%s/%s" % (download_url, os.path.basename(matches[0])) downloadables.append(symbols_url) self.set_buildbot_property('symbolsUrl', symbols_url, write_to_file=True) matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs['abs_upload_dir'], 'b2g*tests.zip')) if matches: tests_url = "%s/%s" % (download_url, os.path.basename(matches[0])) downloadables.append(tests_url) self.set_buildbot_property('testsUrl', tests_url, write_to_file=True) self.invoke_sendchange(downloadables=downloadables) if self.query_is_nightly() and os.path.exists(dirs['abs_public_upload_dir']) and self.config['upload'].get('public'): self.info("Uploading public bits...") self._do_postupload_upload( dirs['abs_public_upload_dir'], self.config['upload']['public']['ssh_key'], self.config['upload']['public']['ssh_user'], self.config['upload']['public']['upload_remote_host'], self.config['upload']['public'][postupload_key] % replace_dict, ) def make_socorro_json(self): self.info("Creating socorro.json...") dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() socorro_dict = { 'buildid': self.query_buildid(), 'version': self.query_version(), 'update_channel': self.query_update_channel(), #'beta_number': n/a until we build b2g beta releases } file_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'socorro.json') fh = open(file_path, 'w') json.dump(socorro_dict, fh) fh.close() self.run_command(["cat", file_path]) def upload_source_manifest(self): manifest_config = self.config.get('manifest') branch = self.query_branch() if not manifest_config or not branch: self.info("No manifest config or can't get branch from build. Skipping...") return if branch not in manifest_config['branches']: self.info("Manifest upload not enabled for this branch. Skipping...") return dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() upload_dir = dirs['abs_upload_dir'] + '-manifest' # Delete the upload dir so we don't upload previous stuff by accident self.rmtree(upload_dir) target = self.load_gecko_config().get('upload_platform', self.config['target']) if self.config['manifest'].get('target_suffix'): target += self.config['manifest']['target_suffix'] buildid = self.query_buildid() if self.query_is_nightly(): version = manifest_config['branches'][branch] upload_remote_basepath = self.config['manifest']['upload_remote_basepath'] % {'version': version} # Dates should be based on buildid if buildid: try: buildid = datetime.strptime(buildid, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") except ValueError: buildid = None if buildid is None: # Default to now buildid = datetime.now() # emulator builds will disappear out of latest/ because they're once-daily date_string = '%(year)04i-%(month)02i-%(day)02i-%(hour)02i' % dict( year=buildid.year, month=buildid.month, day=buildid.day, hour=buildid.hour, ) xmlfilename = 'source_%(target)s_%(date_string)s.xml' % dict( target=target, date_string=date_string, ) socorro_json = os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'socorro.json') socorro_filename = 'socorro_%(target)s_%(date_string)s.json' % dict( target=target, date_string=date_string, ) if os.path.exists(socorro_json): self.copy_to_upload_dir( socorro_json, os.path.join(upload_dir, socorro_filename) ) tbpl_string = None else: upload_remote_basepath = self.config['manifest']['depend_upload_remote_basepath'] % { 'branch': branch, 'platform': target, 'buildid': buildid, } sha = self.query_sha512sum(os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'sources.xml')) xmlfilename = "sources-%s.xml" % sha tbpl_string = "TinderboxPrint: sources.xml: http://%s%s/%s" % ( self.config['manifest']['upload_remote_host'], upload_remote_basepath, xmlfilename, ) self.copy_to_upload_dir( os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'sources.xml'), os.path.join(upload_dir, 'sources.xml') ) self.copy_to_upload_dir( os.path.join(dirs['work_dir'], 'sources.xml'), os.path.join(upload_dir, xmlfilename) ) retval = self.rsync_upload_directory( upload_dir, self.config['manifest']['ssh_key'], self.config['manifest']['ssh_user'], self.config['manifest']['upload_remote_host'], upload_remote_basepath, ) if retval is not None: self.error("Failed to upload") self.return_code = 2 return if tbpl_string: self.info(tbpl_string) if self.query_is_nightly(): # run jgriffin's orgranize.py to shuffle the files around # https://github.com/jonallengriffin/b2gautomation/blob/master/b2gautomation/organize.py ssh = self.query_exe('ssh') cmd = [ssh, '-l', self.config['manifest']['ssh_user'], '-i', self.config['manifest']['ssh_key'], self.config['manifest']['upload_remote_host'], 'python ~/organize.py --directory %s' % upload_remote_basepath, ] retval = self.run_command(cmd) if retval != 0: self.error("Failed to move manifest to final location") self.return_code = 2 return self.info("Upload successful") def submit_to_balrog(self): if not self.query_is_nightly(): self.info("Not a nightly build, skipping balrog submission.") return if not self.config.get("balrog_servers"): self.info("balrog_servers not set; skipping balrog submission.") return self.checkout_tools() for update_type in self.update_types: marfile = self.query_marfile_path(update_type) # Need to update the base url to point at FTP, or better yet, read # post_upload.py output? mar_url = self.query_complete_mar_url(marfile) # Set other necessary properties for Balrog submission. None need to # be passed back to buildbot, so we won't write them to the properties # files. # Locale is hardcoded to en-US, for silly reasons self.set_buildbot_property("locale", "en-US") self.set_buildbot_property("appVersion", self.query_version()) # The Balrog submitter translates this platform into a build target # via https://github.com/mozilla/build-tools/blob/master/lib/python/release/platforms.py#L23 if "platform" in self.config: self.set_buildbot_property("platform", self.config["platform"]) else: self.set_buildbot_property("platform", self.buildbot_config["properties"]["platform"]) # TODO: Is there a better way to get this? self.set_buildbot_property("appName", "B2G") # TODO: don't hardcode self.set_buildbot_property("hashType", "sha512") self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarSize", self.query_filesize(marfile)) self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarHash", self.query_sha512sum(marfile)) self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarUrl", mar_url) self.set_buildbot_property("isOSUpdate", update_type.startswith("fota")) self.submit_balrog_updates(product='b2g') @PostScriptRun def _remove_userconfig(self): self.info("Cleanup .userconfig file.") dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() userconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs["work_dir"], ".userconfig") os.remove(userconfig_path) # main {{{1 if __name__ == '__main__': myScript = B2GBuild() myScript.run_and_exit()