/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * * Test script cloning. */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "jsapi-tests/tests.h" BEGIN_TEST(test_cloneScript) { JS::RootedObject A(cx, createGlobal()); JS::RootedObject B(cx, createGlobal()); CHECK(A); CHECK(B); const char* source = "var i = 0;\n" "var sum = 0;\n" "while (i < 10) {\n" " sum += i;\n" " ++i;\n" "}\n" "(sum);\n"; JS::RootedObject obj(cx); // compile for A { JSAutoCompartment a(cx, A); JS::RootedFunction fun(cx); JS::CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(__FILE__, 1); JS::AutoObjectVector emptyScopeChain(cx); CHECK(JS::CompileFunction(cx, emptyScopeChain, options, "f", 0, nullptr, source, strlen(source), &fun)); CHECK(obj = JS_GetFunctionObject(fun)); } // clone into B { JSAutoCompartment b(cx, B); CHECK(JS::CloneFunctionObject(cx, obj)); } return true; } END_TEST(test_cloneScript) struct Principals final : public JSPrincipals { public: Principals() { refcount = 0; } bool write(JSContext* cx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* writer) override { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "not imlemented"); return false; } }; class AutoDropPrincipals { JSRuntime* rt; JSPrincipals* principals; public: AutoDropPrincipals(JSRuntime* rt, JSPrincipals* principals) : rt(rt), principals(principals) { JS_HoldPrincipals(principals); } ~AutoDropPrincipals() { JS_DropPrincipals(rt, principals); } }; static void DestroyPrincipals(JSPrincipals* principals) { auto p = static_cast(principals); delete p; } BEGIN_TEST(test_cloneScriptWithPrincipals) { JS_InitDestroyPrincipalsCallback(rt, DestroyPrincipals); JSPrincipals* principalsA = new Principals(); AutoDropPrincipals dropA(rt, principalsA); JSPrincipals* principalsB = new Principals(); AutoDropPrincipals dropB(rt, principalsB); JS::RootedObject A(cx, createGlobal(principalsA)); JS::RootedObject B(cx, createGlobal(principalsB)); CHECK(A); CHECK(B); const char* argnames[] = { "arg" }; const char* source = "return function() { return arg; }"; JS::RootedObject obj(cx); // Compile in A { JSAutoCompartment a(cx, A); JS::CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(__FILE__, 1); JS::RootedFunction fun(cx); JS::AutoObjectVector emptyScopeChain(cx); JS::CompileFunction(cx, emptyScopeChain, options, "f", mozilla::ArrayLength(argnames), argnames, source, strlen(source), &fun); CHECK(fun); JSScript* script; CHECK(script = JS_GetFunctionScript(cx, fun)); CHECK(JS_GetScriptPrincipals(script) == principalsA); CHECK(obj = JS_GetFunctionObject(fun)); } // Clone into B { JSAutoCompartment b(cx, B); JS::RootedObject cloned(cx); CHECK(cloned = JS::CloneFunctionObject(cx, obj)); JS::RootedFunction fun(cx); JS::RootedValue clonedValue(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*cloned)); CHECK(fun = JS_ValueToFunction(cx, clonedValue)); JSScript* script; CHECK(script = JS_GetFunctionScript(cx, fun)); CHECK(JS_GetScriptPrincipals(script) == principalsB); JS::RootedValue v(cx); JS::RootedValue arg(cx, JS::Int32Value(1)); CHECK(JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, B, clonedValue, JS::HandleValueArray(arg), &v)); CHECK(v.isObject()); JSObject* funobj = &v.toObject(); CHECK(JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, funobj)); CHECK(fun = JS_ValueToFunction(cx, v)); CHECK(script = JS_GetFunctionScript(cx, fun)); CHECK(JS_GetScriptPrincipals(script) == principalsB); } return true; } END_TEST(test_cloneScriptWithPrincipals)