/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ MARIONETTE_TIMEOUT = 60000; MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js'; const SELF = "5554"; function randomString16() { return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 16); } function times(str, n) { return (new Array(n + 1)).join(str); } function test(aBody) { let promises = []; promises.push(waitForManagerEvent('received') .then(function(aEvent) { let message = aEvent.message; is(message.body, aBody, "message.body"); })); promises.push(sendSmsWithSuccess(SELF, aBody)); return Promise.all(promises); } const TEST_DATA = [ // Random alphanumeric string of 16 characters. randomString16(), // Long long text message for multipart messages. times(randomString16(), 100), // UCS2 string for the first sentence of "The Cooing", Classic of Poetry. "\u95dc\u95dc\u96ce\u9ce9\uff0c\u5728\u6cb3\u4e4b\u6d32\u3002", // Long long UCS2 text message for multipart messages. times("\u95dc\u95dc\u96ce\u9ce9\uff0c\u5728\u6cb3\u4e4b\u6d32\u3002", 100), // Test case from Bug 809553 "zertuuuppzuzyeueieieyeieoeiejeheejrueufjfjfjjfjfkxifjfjfufjjfjfufujdjduxxjdu" + "djdjdjdudhdjdhdjdbddhbfjfjxbuwjdjdudjddjdhdhdvdyudusjdudhdjjfjdvdudbddjdbd" + "usjfbjdfudjdhdjbzuuzyzehdjjdjwybwudjvwywuxjdbfudsbwuwbwjdjdbwywhdbddudbdjd" + "uejdhdudbdduwjdbjddudjdjdjdudjdbdjdhdhdjjdjbxudjdbxufjudbdjhdjdisjsjzusbzh" + "xbdudksksuqjgdjdb jeudi jeudis duhebevzcevevsvs DVD suscite eh du d des jv" + " y b Dj. Du wh. Hu Deb wh. Du web h w show d DVD h w v. Th\u00e9 \u00e9c" + "hec d whdvdj. Wh d'h\u00f4tel DVD. IMAX eusjw ii ce", // Android Emulator specific problems: // 1) wrong default 7Bit alphabet character for "Ň"(U+0147). "\u0147", // 2) problem in decoding strings encoded with GSM 7Bit Alphabets and // containing characters on extension tables. "\u20ac****", ]; startTestBase(function testCaseMain() { return ensureMobileMessage() .then(function() { let promise = Promise.resolve(); for (let i = 0; i < TEST_DATA.length; i++) { let text = TEST_DATA[i]; promise = promise.then(() => test(text)); } return promise; }); });