/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const PROGS_DIR = OS.Constants.Path.winStartMenuProgsDir; const APP_DATA_DIR = OS.Constants.Path.winAppDataDir; /************************************* * Windows app installer * * The Windows installation process will generate the following files: * * ${FolderName} = sanitized app name + "-" + manifest url hash * * %APPDATA%/${FolderName} * - webapp.ini * - webapp.json * - ${AppName}.exe * - ${AppName}.lnk * / uninstall * - webapp-uninstaller.exe * - shortcuts_log.ini * - uninstall.log * / chrome/icons/default/ * - default.ico * * After the app runs for the first time, a profiles/ folder will also be * created which will host the user profile for this app. */ /** * Constructor for the Windows native app shell * * @param aApp {Object} the app object provided to the install function * @param aManifest {Object} the manifest data provided by the web app * @param aCategories {Array} array of app categories * @param aRegistryDir {String} (optional) path to the registry */ function NativeApp(aApp, aManifest, aCategories, aRegistryDir) { CommonNativeApp.call(this, aApp, aManifest, aCategories, aRegistryDir); if (this.isPackaged) { this.size = aApp.updateManifest.size / 1024; } this.webapprt = this.appNameAsFilename + ".exe"; this.configJson = "webapp.json"; this.webappINI = "webapp.ini"; this.iconPath = OS.Path.join("chrome", "icons", "default", "default.ico"); this.uninstallDir = "uninstall"; this.uninstallerFile = OS.Path.join(this.uninstallDir, "webapp-uninstaller.exe"); this.shortcutLogsINI = OS.Path.join(this.uninstallDir, "shortcuts_log.ini"); this.zipFile = "application.zip"; this.backupFiles = [ "chrome", this.configJson, this.webappINI, "uninstall" ]; if (this.isPackaged) { this.backupFiles.push(this.zipFile); } this.uninstallSubkeyStr = this.uniqueName; } NativeApp.prototype = { __proto__: CommonNativeApp.prototype, size: null, /** * Creates a native installation of the web app in the OS * * @param aManifest {Object} the manifest data provided by the web app * @param aZipPath {String} path to the zip file for packaged apps (undefined * for hosted apps) */ install: Task.async(function*(aApp, aManifest, aZipPath) { if (this._dryRun) { return; } // If the application is already installed, this is a reinstallation. if (WebappOSUtils.getInstallPath(aApp)) { return yield this.prepareUpdate(aApp, aManifest, aZipPath); } this._setData(aApp, aManifest); let installDir = OS.Path.join(APP_DATA_DIR, this.uniqueName); // Create a temporary installation directory. let dir = getFile(TMP_DIR, this.uniqueName); dir.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY); let tmpDir = dir.path; // Perform the installation in the temp directory. try { yield this._createDirectoryStructure(tmpDir); yield this._getShortcutName(installDir); yield this._copyWebapprt(tmpDir); yield this._copyUninstaller(tmpDir); yield this._createConfigFiles(tmpDir); if (aZipPath) { yield OS.File.move(aZipPath, OS.Path.join(tmpDir, this.zipFile)); } yield this._getIcon(tmpDir); } catch (ex) { yield OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw ex; } // Apply the installation. this._removeInstallation(true, installDir); try { yield this._applyTempInstallation(tmpDir, installDir); } catch (ex) { this._removeInstallation(false, installDir); yield OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw ex; } }), /** * Creates an update in a temporary directory to be applied later. * * @param aManifest {Object} the manifest data provided by the web app * @param aZipPath {String} path to the zip file for packaged apps (undefined * for hosted apps) */ prepareUpdate: Task.async(function*(aApp, aManifest, aZipPath) { if (this._dryRun) { return; } this._setData(aApp, aManifest); let installDir = WebappOSUtils.getInstallPath(aApp); if (!installDir) { throw ERR_NOT_INSTALLED; } if (this.uniqueName != OS.Path.basename(installDir)) { // Bug 919799: If the app is still in the registry, migrate its data to // the new format. throw ERR_UPDATES_UNSUPPORTED_OLD_NAMING_SCHEME; } let updateDir = OS.Path.join(installDir, "update"); yield OS.File.removeDir(updateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); yield OS.File.makeDir(updateDir); // Perform the update in the "update" subdirectory. try { yield this._createDirectoryStructure(updateDir); yield this._getShortcutName(installDir); yield this._copyUninstaller(updateDir); yield this._createConfigFiles(updateDir); if (aZipPath) { yield OS.File.move(aZipPath, OS.Path.join(updateDir, this.zipFile)); } yield this._getIcon(updateDir); } catch (ex) { yield OS.File.removeDir(updateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw ex; } }), /** * Applies an update. */ applyUpdate: Task.async(function*(aApp) { if (this._dryRun) { return; } let installDir = WebappOSUtils.getInstallPath(aApp); let updateDir = OS.Path.join(installDir, "update"); yield this._getShortcutName(installDir); let backupDir = yield this._backupInstallation(installDir); try { yield this._applyTempInstallation(updateDir, installDir); } catch (ex) { yield this._restoreInstallation(backupDir, installDir); throw ex; } finally { yield OS.File.removeDir(backupDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); yield OS.File.removeDir(updateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); } }), _applyTempInstallation: Task.async(function*(aTmpDir, aInstallDir) { yield moveDirectory(aTmpDir, aInstallDir); this._createShortcutFiles(aInstallDir); this._writeSystemKeys(aInstallDir); }), _getShortcutName: Task.async(function*(aInstallDir) { let shortcutLogsINIfile = getFile(aInstallDir, this.shortcutLogsINI); if (shortcutLogsINIfile.exists()) { // If it's a reinstallation (or an update) get the shortcut names // from the shortcut_log.ini file let parser = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/ini-processor-factory;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIINIParserFactory). createINIParser(shortcutLogsINIfile); this.shortcutName = parser.getString("STARTMENU", "Shortcut0"); } else { // Check in both directories to see if a shortcut with the same name // already exists. this.shortcutName = yield getAvailableFileName([ PROGS_DIR, DESKTOP_DIR ], this.appNameAsFilename, ".lnk"); } }), /** * Remove the current installation */ _removeInstallation: function(keepProfile, aInstallDir) { let uninstallKey; try { uninstallKey = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey); uninstallKey.open(uninstallKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\" + "CurrentVersion\\Uninstall", uninstallKey.ACCESS_WRITE); if (uninstallKey.hasChild(this.uninstallSubkeyStr)) { uninstallKey.removeChild(this.uninstallSubkeyStr); } } catch (e) { } finally { if (uninstallKey) { uninstallKey.close(); } } let filesToRemove = [ OS.Path.join(DESKTOP_DIR, this.shortcutName), OS.Path.join(PROGS_DIR, this.shortcutName) ]; if (keepProfile) { for (let filePath of this.backupFiles) { filesToRemove.push(OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, filePath)); } filesToRemove.push(OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, this.webapprt)); } else { filesToRemove.push(aInstallDir); } removeFiles(filesToRemove); }, _backupInstallation: Task.async(function*(aInstallDir) { let backupDir = OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, "backup"); yield OS.File.removeDir(backupDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); yield OS.File.makeDir(backupDir); for (let filePath of this.backupFiles) { yield OS.File.move(OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, filePath), OS.Path.join(backupDir, filePath)); } return backupDir; }), _restoreInstallation: function(aBackupDir, aInstallDir) { return moveDirectory(aBackupDir, aInstallDir); }, /** * Creates the main directory structure. */ _createDirectoryStructure: Task.async(function*(aDir) { yield OS.File.makeDir(OS.Path.join(aDir, this.uninstallDir)); yield OS.File.makeDir(OS.Path.join(aDir, OS.Path.dirname(this.iconPath)), { from: aDir }); }), /** * Copy the webrt executable into the installation directory. */ _copyWebapprt: function(aDir) { return OS.File.copy(OS.Path.join(this.runtimeFolder, "webapprt-stub.exe"), OS.Path.join(aDir, this.webapprt)); }, /** * Copy the uninstaller executable into the installation directory. */ _copyUninstaller: function(aDir) { return OS.File.copy(OS.Path.join(this.runtimeFolder, "webapp-uninstaller.exe"), OS.Path.join(aDir, this.uninstallerFile)); }, /** * Creates the configuration files into their destination folders. */ _createConfigFiles: function(aDir) { // ${InstallDir}/webapp.json yield writeToFile(OS.Path.join(aDir, this.configJson), JSON.stringify(this.webappJson)); let factory = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/ini-processor-factory;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIINIParserFactory); // ${InstallDir}/webapp.ini let webappINIfile = getFile(aDir, this.webappINI); let writer = factory.createINIParser(webappINIfile) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIINIParserWriter); writer.setString("Webapp", "Name", this.appLocalizedName); writer.setString("Webapp", "Profile", this.uniqueName); writer.setString("Webapp", "Executable", this.appNameAsFilename); writer.setString("WebappRT", "InstallDir", this.runtimeFolder); writer.writeFile(null, Ci.nsIINIParserWriter.WRITE_UTF16); let shortcutLogsINIfile = getFile(aDir, this.shortcutLogsINI); writer = factory.createINIParser(shortcutLogsINIfile) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIINIParserWriter); writer.setString("STARTMENU", "Shortcut0", this.shortcutName); writer.setString("DESKTOP", "Shortcut0", this.shortcutName); writer.setString("TASKBAR", "Migrated", "true"); writer.writeFile(null, Ci.nsIINIParserWriter.WRITE_UTF16); // ${UninstallDir}/uninstall.log let uninstallContent = "File: \\webapp.ini\r\n" + "File: \\webapp.json\r\n" + "File: \\webapprt.old\r\n" + "File: \\chrome\\icons\\default\\default.ico"; if (this.isPackaged) { uninstallContent += "\r\nFile: \\application.zip"; } yield writeToFile(OS.Path.join(aDir, this.uninstallDir, "uninstall.log"), uninstallContent); }, /** * Writes the keys to the system registry that are necessary for the app * operation and uninstall process. */ _writeSystemKeys: function(aInstallDir) { let parentKey; let uninstallKey; let subKey; try { parentKey = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey); parentKey.open(parentKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", parentKey.ACCESS_WRITE); uninstallKey = parentKey.createChild("Uninstall", parentKey.ACCESS_WRITE) subKey = uninstallKey.createChild(this.uninstallSubkeyStr, uninstallKey.ACCESS_WRITE); subKey.writeStringValue("DisplayName", this.appLocalizedName); let uninstallerPath = OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, this.uninstallerFile); subKey.writeStringValue("UninstallString", '"' + uninstallerPath + '"'); subKey.writeStringValue("InstallLocation", '"' + aInstallDir + '"'); subKey.writeStringValue("AppFilename", this.appNameAsFilename); subKey.writeStringValue("DisplayIcon", OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, this.iconPath)); let date = new Date(); let year = date.getYear().toString(); let month = date.getMonth(); if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month; } let day = date.getDate(); if (day < 10) { day = "0" + day; } subKey.writeStringValue("InstallDate", year + month + day); if (this.version) { subKey.writeStringValue("DisplayVersion", this.version); } if (this.developerName) { subKey.writeStringValue("Publisher", this.developerName); } subKey.writeStringValue("URLInfoAbout", this.developerUrl); if (this.size) { subKey.writeIntValue("EstimatedSize", this.size); } subKey.writeIntValue("NoModify", 1); subKey.writeIntValue("NoRepair", 1); } catch(ex) { throw ex; } finally { if(subKey) subKey.close(); if(uninstallKey) uninstallKey.close(); if(parentKey) parentKey.close(); } }, /** * Creates a shortcut file inside the app installation folder and makes * two copies of it: one into the desktop and one into the start menu. */ _createShortcutFiles: function(aInstallDir) { let shortcut = getFile(aInstallDir, this.shortcutName). QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFileWin); /* function nsILocalFileWin.setShortcut(targetFile, workingDir, args, description, iconFile, iconIndex) */ shortcut.setShortcut(getFile(aInstallDir, this.webapprt), getFile(aInstallDir), null, this.shortDescription, getFile(aInstallDir, this.iconPath), 0); shortcut.copyTo(getFile(DESKTOP_DIR), this.shortcutName); shortcut.copyTo(getFile(PROGS_DIR), this.shortcutName); shortcut.followLinks = false; shortcut.remove(false); }, /** * Process the icon from the imageStream as retrieved from * the URL by getIconForApp(). This will save the icon to the * topwindow.ico file. * * @param aMimeType the icon mimetype * @param aImageStream the stream for the image data * @param aDir the directory where the icon should be stored */ _processIcon: function(aMimeType, aImageStream, aDir) { let deferred = Promise.defer(); let imgTools = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"]. createInstance(Ci.imgITools); let imgContainer = imgTools.decodeImage(aImageStream, aMimeType); let iconStream = imgTools.encodeImage(imgContainer, "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", "format=bmp;bpp=32"); let tmpIconFile = getFile(aDir, this.iconPath); let outputStream = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(tmpIconFile); NetUtil.asyncCopy(iconStream, outputStream, function(aResult) { if (Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject("Failure copying icon: " + aResult); } }); return deferred.promise; } }