Expectation Data ================ Introduction ------------ For use in continuous integration systems, and other scenarios where regression tracking is required, wptrunner supports storing and loading the expected result of each test in a test run. Typically these expected results will initially be generated by running the testsuite in a baseline build. They may then be edited by humans as new features are added to the product that change the expected results. The expected results may also vary for a single product depending on the platform on which it is run. Therefore, the raw structured log data is not a suitable format for storing these files. Instead something is required that is: * Human readable * Human editable * Machine readable / writable * Capable of storing test id / result pairs * Suitable for storing in a version control system (i.e. text-based) The need for different results per platform means either having multiple expectation files for each platform, or having a way to express conditional values within a certain file. The former would be rather cumbersome for humans updating the expectation files, so the latter approach has been adopted, leading to the requirement: * Capable of storing result values that are conditional on the platform. There are few extant formats that meet these requirements, so wptrunner uses a bespoke ``expectation manifest`` format, which is closely based on the standard ``ini`` format. Directory Layout ---------------- Expectation manifest files must be stored under the ``metadata`` directory passed to the test runner. The directory layout follows that of web-platform-tests with each test path having a corresponding manifest file. Tests that differ only by query string, or reftests with the same test path but different ref paths share the same reference file. The file name is taken from the last /-separated part of the path, suffixed with ``.ini``. As an optimisation, files which produce only default results (i.e. ``PASS`` or ``OK``) don't require a corresponding manifest file. For example a test with url:: /spec/section/file.html?query=param would have an expectation file :: metadata/spec/section/file.html.ini .. _wptupdate-label: Generating Expectation Files ---------------------------- wptrunner provides the tool ``wptupdate`` to generate expectation files from the results of a set of baseline test runs. The basic syntax for this is:: wptupdate [options] [logfile]... Each ``logfile`` is a structured log file from a previous run. These can be generated from wptrunner using the ``--log-raw`` option e.g. ``--log-raw=structured.log``. The default behaviour is to update all the test data for the particular combination of hardware and OS used in the run corresponding to the log data, whilst leaving any other expectations untouched. wptupdate takes several useful options: ``--sync`` Pull the latest version of web-platform-tests from the upstream specified in the config file. If this is specified in combination with logfiles, it is assumed that the results in the log files apply to the post-update tests. ``--no-check-clean`` Don't attempt to check if the working directory is clean before doing the update (assuming that the working directory is a git or mercurial tree). ``--patch`` Create a a git commit, or a mq patch, with the changes made by wptupdate. ``--ignore-existing`` Overwrite all the expectation data for any tests that have a result in the passed log files, not just data for the same platform. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Update the local copy of web-platform-tests without changing the expectation data and commit (or create a mq patch for) the result:: wptupdate --patch --sync Update all the expectations from a set of cross-platform test runs:: wptupdate --no-check-clean --patch osx.log linux.log windows.log Add expectation data for some new tests that are expected to be platform-independent:: wptupdate --no-check-clean --patch --ignore-existing tests.log Manifest Format --------------- The format of the manifest files is based on the ini format. Files are divided into sections, each (apart from the root section) having a heading enclosed in square braces. Within each section are key-value pairs. There are several notable differences from standard .ini files, however: * Sections may be hierarchically nested, with significant whitespace indicating nesting depth. * Only ``:`` is valid as a key/value separator A simple example of a manifest file is:: root_key: root_value [section] section_key: section_value [subsection] subsection_key: subsection_value [another_section] another_key: another_value Conditional Values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to support values that depend on some external data, the right hand side of a key/value pair can take a set of conditionals rather than a plain value. These values are placed on a new line following the key, with significant indentation. Conditional values are prefixed with ``if`` and terminated with a colon, for example:: key: if cond1: value1 if cond2: value2 value3 In this example, the value associated with ``key`` is determined by first evaluating ``cond1`` against external data. If that is true, ``key`` is assigned the value ``value1``, otherwise ``cond2`` is evaluated in the same way. If both ``cond1`` and ``cond2`` are false, the unconditional ``value3`` is used. Conditions themselves use a Python-like expression syntax. Operands can either be variables, corresponding to data passed in, numbers (integer or floating point; exponential notation is not supported) or quote-delimited strings. Equality is tested using ``==`` and inequality by ``!=``. The operators ``and``, ``or`` and ``not`` are used in the expected way. Parentheses can also be used for grouping. For example:: key: if (a == 2 or a == 3) and b == "abc": value1 if a == 1 or b != "abc": value2 value3 Here ``a`` and ``b`` are variables, the value of which will be supplied when the manifest is used. Expectation Manifests --------------------- When used for expectation data, manifests have the following format: * A section per test URL described by the manifest, with the section heading being the part of the test URL following the last ``/`` in the path (this allows multiple tests in a single manifest file with the same path part of the URL, but different query parts). * A subsection per subtest, with the heading being the title of the subtest. * A key ``type`` indicating the test type. This takes the values ``testharness`` and ``reftest``. * For reftests, keys ``reftype`` indicating the reference type (``==`` or ``!=``) and ``refurl`` indicating the URL of the reference. * A key ``expected`` giving the expectation value of each (sub)test. * A key ``disabled`` which can be set to any value to indicate that the (sub)test is disabled and should either not be run (for tests) or that its results should be ignored (subtests). * Variables ``debug``, ``os``, ``version``, ``processor`` and ``bits`` that describe the configuration of the browser under test. ``debug`` is a boolean indicating whether a build is a debug build. ``os`` is a string indicating the operating system, and ``version`` a string indicating the particular version of that operating system. ``processor`` is a string indicating the processor architecture and ``bits`` an integer indicating the number of bits. This information is typically provided by :py:mod:`mozinfo`. * Top level keys are taken as defaults for the whole file. So, for example, a top level key with ``expected: FAIL`` would indicate that all tests and subtests in the file are expected to fail, unless they have an ``expected`` key of their own. An simple example manifest might look like:: [test.html?variant=basic] type: testharness [Test something unsupported] expected: FAIL [test.html?variant=broken] expected: ERROR [test.html?variant=unstable] disabled: http://test.bugs.example.org/bugs/12345 A more complex manifest with conditional properties might be:: [canvas_test.html] expected: if os == "osx": FAIL if os == "windows" and version == "XP": FAIL PASS Note that ``PASS`` in the above works, but is unnecessary; ``PASS`` (or ``OK``) is always the default expectation for (sub)tests.