Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

460 lines
15 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const PAGE_1 = "data:text/html,<html><body>A%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
const PAGE_2 = "data:text/html,<html><body>Another%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
// Turn off tab animations for testing
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.animate", false);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
// Allow tabs to restore on demand so we can test pending states
// Running this test in ASAN is slow.
function clickButton(browser, id) {
info("Clicking " + id);
let frame_script = (id) => {
let button = content.document.getElementById(id);
let mm = browser.messageManager;
mm.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frame_script.toString() + ")('" + id + "');", false);
* Checks the documentURI of the root document of a remote browser
* to see if it equals URI. Returns a Promise that resolves if
* there is a match, and rejects with an error message if they
* do not match.
* @param browser
* The remote <xul:browser> to check the root document URI in.
* @param URI
* A string to match the root document URI against.
* @return Promise
function promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser, URI) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let frame_script = () => {
sendAsyncMessage("test:documenturi", {
uri: content.document.documentURI,
let mm = browser.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener("test:documenturi", function onMessage(message) {
mm.removeMessageListener("test:documenturi", onMessage);
let contentURI = message.data.uri;
if (contentURI == URI) {
} else {
reject(`Content has URI ${contentURI} which does not match ${URI}`);
mm.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frame_script.toString() + ")();", false);
* Checks the window.history.length of the root window of a remote
* browser to see if it equals length. Returns a Promise that resolves
* if there is a match, and rejects with an error message if they
* do not match.
* @param browser
* The remote <xul:browser> to check the root window.history.length
* @param length
* The expected history length
* @return Promise
function promiseHistoryLength(browser, length) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let frame_script = () => {
sendAsyncMessage("test:historylength", {
length: content.history.length,
let mm = browser.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener("test:historylength", function onMessage(message) {
mm.removeMessageListener("test:historylength", onMessage);
let contentLength = message.data.length;
if (contentLength == length) {
} else {
reject(`Content has window.history.length ${contentLength} which does ` +
`not equal expected ${length}`);
mm.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frame_script.toString() + ")();", false);
* Returns a Promise that resolves when a browser has fired the
* AboutTabCrashedReady event.
* @param browser
* The remote <xul:browser> that will fire the event.
* @return Promise
function promiseTabCrashedReady(browser) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
browser.addEventListener("AboutTabCrashedReady", function ready(e) {
browser.removeEventListener("AboutTabCrashedReady", ready, false, true);
}, false, true);
* Checks that if a tab crashes, that information about the tab crashed
* page does not get added to the tab history.
add_task(function test_crash_page_not_in_history() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
// Check the tab state and make sure the tab crashed page isn't
// mentioned.
let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(newTab));
is(entries.length, 1, "Should have a single history entry");
is(entries[0].url, PAGE_1,
"Single entry should be the page we visited before crashing");
* Checks that if a tab crashes, that when we browse away from that page
* to a non-blacklisted site (so the browser becomes remote again), that
* we record history for that new visit.
add_task(function test_revived_history_from_remote() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
// Browse to a new site that will cause the browser to
// become remote again.
yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Check the tab state and make sure the tab crashed page isn't
// mentioned.
let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(newTab));
is(entries.length, 2, "Should have two history entries");
is(entries[0].url, PAGE_1,
"First entry should be the page we visited before crashing");
is(entries[1].url, PAGE_2,
"Second entry should be the page we visited after crashing");
* Checks that if a tab crashes, that when we browse away from that page
* to a blacklisted site (so the browser stays non-remote), that
* we record history for that new visit.
add_task(function test_revived_history_from_non_remote() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
// Browse to a new site that will not cause the browser to
// become remote again.
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should not be a remote browser");
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Check the tab state and make sure the tab crashed page isn't
// mentioned.
let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(newTab));
is(entries.length, 2, "Should have two history entries");
is(entries[0].url, PAGE_1,
"First entry should be the page we visited before crashing");
is(entries[1].url, "about:mozilla",
"Second entry should be the page we visited after crashing");
* Checks that we can revive a crashed tab back to the page that
* it was on when it crashed.
add_task(function test_revive_tab_from_session_store() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
let newTab2 = gBrowser.addTab();
let browser2 = newTab2.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser2.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
// Background tabs should not be crashed, but should be in the "to be restored"
// state.
ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Second tab should not be crashed.");
ok(newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Second tab should be pending.");
// Use SessionStore to revive the first tab
clickButton(browser, "restoreTab");
yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
ok(newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Second tab should still be pending.");
// We can't just check browser.currentURI.spec, because from
// the outside, a crashed tab has the same URI as the page
// it crashed on (much like an about:neterror page). Instead,
// we have to use the documentURI on the content.
yield promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser, PAGE_2);
// We should also have two entries in the browser history.
yield promiseHistoryLength(browser, 2);
* Checks that we can revive multiple crashed tabs back to the pages
* that they were on when they crashed.
add_task(function test_revive_all_tabs_from_session_store() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
// In order to see a second about:tabcrashed page, we'll need
// a second window, since only selected tabs will show
// about:tabcrashed.
let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
let newTab2 = win2.gBrowser.addTab(PAGE_1);
win2.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab2;
let browser2 = newTab2.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser2.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
// Both tabs should now be crashed.
is(newTab.getAttribute("crashed"), "true", "First tab should be crashed");
is(newTab2.getAttribute("crashed"), "true", "Second window tab should be crashed");
// Use SessionStore to revive all the tabs
clickButton(browser, "restoreAll");
yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("pending"), "Tab shouldn't be pending.");
ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Second tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Second tab shouldn't be pending.");
// We can't just check browser.currentURI.spec, because from
// the outside, a crashed tab has the same URI as the page
// it crashed on (much like an about:neterror page). Instead,
// we have to use the documentURI on the content.
yield promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser, PAGE_2);
yield promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser2, PAGE_1);
// We should also have two entries in the browser history.
yield promiseHistoryLength(browser, 2);
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
* Checks that about:tabcrashed can close the current tab
add_task(function test_close_tab_after_crash() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
let promise = promiseEvent(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabClose");
// Click the close tab button
clickButton(browser, "closeTab");
yield promise;
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 1, "Should have closed the tab");
* Checks that "restore all" button is only shown if more than one tab
* is showing about:tabcrashed
add_task(function* test_hide_restore_all_button() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
let doc = browser.contentDocument;
let restoreAllButton = doc.getElementById("restoreAll");
let restoreOneButton = doc.getElementById("restoreTab");
is(restoreAllButton.getAttribute("hidden"), "true", "Restore All button should be hidden");
ok(restoreOneButton.classList.contains("primary"), "Restore Tab button should have the primary class");
let newTab2 = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
// Load up a second window so we can get another tab to show
// about:tabcrashed
let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
let newTab3 = win2.gBrowser.addTab(PAGE_2);
win2.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab3;
let otherWinBrowser = newTab3.linkedBrowser;
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(otherWinBrowser);
// We'll need to make sure the second tab's browser has finished
// sending its AboutTabCrashedReady event before we know for
// sure whether or not we're showing the right Restore buttons.
let otherBrowserReady = promiseTabCrashedReady(otherWinBrowser);
// Crash the first tab.
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
yield otherBrowserReady;
doc = browser.contentDocument;
restoreAllButton = doc.getElementById("restoreAll");
restoreOneButton = doc.getElementById("restoreTab");
ok(!restoreAllButton.hasAttribute("hidden"), "Restore All button should not be hidden");
ok(!(restoreOneButton.classList.contains("primary")), "Restore Tab button should not have the primary class");
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
add_task(function* test_aboutcrashedtabzoom() {
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
let zoomLevel = ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser);
ok(zoomLevel !== 1, "should have enlarged");
yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
// Crash the tab
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
ok(ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser) === 1, "zoom should have reset on crash");
clickButton(browser, "restoreTab");
yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
ok(ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser) === zoomLevel, "zoom should have gone back to enlarged");