Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

1058 lines
34 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "mozInlineSpellWordUtil.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsIAtom.h"
#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.h"
#include "nsIDOMElement.h"
#include "nsIDOMRange.h"
#include "nsIEditor.h"
#include "nsIDOMNode.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtilCIID.h"
#include "nsUnicodeProperties.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsTextFragment.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "nsRange.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h"
using namespace mozilla;
// IsIgnorableCharacter
// These characters are ones that we should ignore in input.
inline bool IsIgnorableCharacter(char16_t ch)
return (ch == 0xAD || // SOFT HYPHEN
// IsConditionalPunctuation
// Some characters (like apostrophes) require characters on each side to be
// part of a word, and are otherwise punctuation.
inline bool IsConditionalPunctuation(char16_t ch)
return (ch == '\'' ||
ch == 0x00B7); // MIDDLE DOT
// mozInlineSpellWordUtil::Init
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::Init(nsWeakPtr aWeakEditor)
nsresult rv;
// getting the editor can fail commonly because the editor was detached, so
// don't assert
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryReferent(aWeakEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
rv = editor->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc));
mDOMDocument = domDoc;
mDocument = do_QueryInterface(domDoc);
// Find the root node for the editor. For contenteditable we'll need something
// cleverer here.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElt;
rv = editor->GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElt));
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> rootNode = do_QueryInterface(rootElt);
mRootNode = rootNode;
NS_ASSERTION(mRootNode, "GetRootElement returned null *and* claimed to suceed!");
return NS_OK;
static inline bool
IsTextNode(nsINode* aNode)
return aNode->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT);
typedef void (* OnLeaveNodeFunPtr)(nsINode* aNode, void* aClosure);
// Find the next node in the DOM tree in preorder.
// Calls OnLeaveNodeFunPtr when the traversal leaves a node, which is
// why we can't just use GetNextNode here, sadly.
static nsINode*
FindNextNode(nsINode* aNode, nsINode* aRoot,
OnLeaveNodeFunPtr aOnLeaveNode, void* aClosure)
NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Null starting node?");
nsINode* next = aNode->GetFirstChild();
if (next)
return next;
// Don't look at siblings or otherwise outside of aRoot
if (aNode == aRoot)
return nullptr;
next = aNode->GetNextSibling();
if (next)
return next;
// Go up
for (;;) {
if (aOnLeaveNode) {
aOnLeaveNode(aNode, aClosure);
next = aNode->GetParent();
if (next == aRoot || ! next)
return nullptr;
aNode = next;
next = aNode->GetNextSibling();
if (next)
return next;
// aNode is not a text node. Find the first text node starting at aNode/aOffset
// in a preorder DOM traversal.
static nsINode*
FindNextTextNode(nsINode* aNode, int32_t aOffset, nsINode* aRoot)
NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "Null starting node?");
NS_ASSERTION(!IsTextNode(aNode), "FindNextTextNode should start with a non-text node");
nsINode* checkNode;
// Need to start at the aOffset'th child
nsIContent* child = aNode->GetChildAt(aOffset);
if (child) {
checkNode = child;
} else {
// aOffset was beyond the end of the child list.
// goto next node after the last descendant of aNode in
// a preorder DOM traversal.
checkNode = aNode->GetNextNonChildNode(aRoot);
while (checkNode && !IsTextNode(checkNode)) {
checkNode = checkNode->GetNextNode(aRoot);
return checkNode;
// mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SetEnd
// We have two ranges "hard" and "soft". The hard boundary is simply
// the scope of the root node. The soft boundary is that which is set
// by the caller of this class by calling this function. If this function is
// not called, the soft boundary is the same as the hard boundary.
// When we reach the soft boundary (mSoftEnd), we keep
// going until we reach the end of a word. This allows the caller to set the
// end of the range to anything, and we will always check whole multiples of
// words. When we reach the hard boundary we stop no matter what.
// There is no beginning soft boundary. This is because we only go to the
// previous node once, when finding the previous word boundary in
// SetPosition(). You might think of the soft boundary as being this initial
// position.
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SetEnd(nsINode* aEndNode, int32_t aEndOffset)
NS_PRECONDITION(aEndNode, "Null end node?");
NS_ASSERTION(mRootNode, "Not initialized");
if (!IsTextNode(aEndNode)) {
// End at the start of the first text node after aEndNode/aEndOffset.
aEndNode = FindNextTextNode(aEndNode, aEndOffset, mRootNode);
aEndOffset = 0;
mSoftEnd = NodeOffset(aEndNode, aEndOffset);
return NS_OK;
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SetPosition(nsINode* aNode, int32_t aOffset)
if (!IsTextNode(aNode)) {
// Start at the start of the first text node after aNode/aOffset.
aNode = FindNextTextNode(aNode, aOffset, mRootNode);
aOffset = 0;
mSoftBegin = NodeOffset(aNode, aOffset);
int32_t textOffset = MapDOMPositionToSoftTextOffset(mSoftBegin);
if (textOffset < 0)
return NS_OK;
mNextWordIndex = FindRealWordContaining(textOffset, HINT_END, true);
return NS_OK;
if (mSoftTextValid)
mSoftTextValid = true;
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::MakeRangeForWord(const RealWord& aWord, nsRange** aRange)
NodeOffset begin = MapSoftTextOffsetToDOMPosition(aWord.mSoftTextOffset, HINT_BEGIN);
NodeOffset end = MapSoftTextOffsetToDOMPosition(aWord.EndOffset(), HINT_END);
return MakeRange(begin, end, aRange);
// mozInlineSpellWordUtil::GetRangeForWord
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::GetRangeForWord(nsIDOMNode* aWordNode,
int32_t aWordOffset,
nsRange** aRange)
// Set our soft end and start
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> wordNode = do_QueryInterface(aWordNode);
NodeOffset pt = NodeOffset(wordNode, aWordOffset);
mSoftBegin = mSoftEnd = pt;
int32_t offset = MapDOMPositionToSoftTextOffset(pt);
if (offset < 0)
return MakeRange(pt, pt, aRange);
int32_t wordIndex = FindRealWordContaining(offset, HINT_BEGIN, false);
if (wordIndex < 0)
return MakeRange(pt, pt, aRange);
return MakeRangeForWord(mRealWords[wordIndex], aRange);
// This is to fix characters that the spellchecker may not like
static void
NormalizeWord(const nsSubstring& aInput, int32_t aPos, int32_t aLen, nsAString& aOutput)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < aLen; i++) {
char16_t ch = aInput.CharAt(i + aPos);
// remove ignorable characters from the word
if (IsIgnorableCharacter(ch))
// the spellchecker doesn't handle curly apostrophes in all languages
if (ch == 0x2019) { // RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
ch = '\'';
// mozInlineSpellWordUtil::GetNextWord
// FIXME-optimization: we shouldn't have to generate a range every single
// time. It would be better if the inline spellchecker didn't require a
// range unless the word was misspelled. This may or may not be possible.
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::GetNextWord(nsAString& aText, nsRange** aRange,
bool* aSkipChecking)
printf("GetNextWord called; mNextWordIndex=%d\n", mNextWordIndex);
if (mNextWordIndex < 0 ||
mNextWordIndex >= int32_t(mRealWords.Length())) {
mNextWordIndex = -1;
*aRange = nullptr;
*aSkipChecking = true;
return NS_OK;
const RealWord& word = mRealWords[mNextWordIndex];
nsresult rv = MakeRangeForWord(word, aRange);
*aSkipChecking = !word.mCheckableWord;
::NormalizeWord(mSoftText, word.mSoftTextOffset, word.mLength, aText);
printf("GetNextWord returning: %s (skip=%d)\n",
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aText).get(), *aSkipChecking);
return NS_OK;
// mozInlineSpellWordUtil::MakeRange
// Convenience function for creating a range over the current document.
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::MakeRange(NodeOffset aBegin, NodeOffset aEnd,
nsRange** aRange)
if (!mDOMDocument)
RefPtr<nsRange> range = new nsRange(aBegin.mNode);
nsresult rv = range->Set(aBegin.mNode, aBegin.mOffset,
aEnd.mNode, aEnd.mOffset);
return NS_OK;
/*********** DOM text extraction ************/
// IsDOMWordSeparator
// Determines if the given character should be considered as a DOM Word
// separator. Basically, this is whitespace, although it could also have
// certain punctuation that we know ALWAYS breaks words. This is important.
// For example, we can't have any punctuation that could appear in a URL
// or email address in this, because those need to always fit into a single
// DOM word.
static bool
IsDOMWordSeparator(char16_t ch)
// simple spaces
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
return true;
// complex spaces - check only if char isn't ASCII (uncommon)
if (ch >= 0xA0 &&
(ch == 0x00A0 || // NO-BREAK SPACE
ch == 0x2002 || // EN SPACE
ch == 0x2003 || // EM SPACE
ch == 0x2009 || // THIN SPACE
ch == 0x3000)) // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
return true;
// otherwise not a space
return false;
static inline bool
IsBRElement(nsINode* aNode)
return aNode->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br);
* Given a TextNode, checks to see if there's a DOM word separator before
* aBeforeOffset within it. This function does not modify aSeparatorOffset when
* it returns false.
* @param aNode the TextNode to check.
* @param aBeforeOffset the offset in the TextNode before which we will search
* for the DOM separator. You can pass INT32_MAX to search the entire
* length of the string.
* @param aSeparatorOffset will be set to the offset of the first separator it
* encounters. Will not be written to if no separator is found.
* @returns True if it found a separator.
static bool
TextNodeContainsDOMWordSeparator(nsINode* aNode,
int32_t aBeforeOffset,
int32_t* aSeparatorOffset)
// aNode is actually an nsIContent, since it's eTEXT
nsIContent* content = static_cast<nsIContent*>(aNode);
const nsTextFragment* textFragment = content->GetText();
NS_ASSERTION(textFragment, "Where is our text?");
for (int32_t i = std::min(aBeforeOffset, int32_t(textFragment->GetLength())) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(i))) {
// Be greedy, find as many separators as we can
for (int32_t j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(j))) {
i = j;
} else {
*aSeparatorOffset = i;
return true;
return false;
* Check if there's a DOM word separator before aBeforeOffset in this node.
* Always returns true if it's a BR element.
* aSeparatorOffset is set to the index of the first character in the last
* separator if any is found (0 for BR elements).
* This function does not modify aSeparatorOffset when it returns false.
static bool
ContainsDOMWordSeparator(nsINode* aNode, int32_t aBeforeOffset,
int32_t* aSeparatorOffset)
if (IsBRElement(aNode)) {
*aSeparatorOffset = 0;
return true;
if (!IsTextNode(aNode))
return false;
return TextNodeContainsDOMWordSeparator(aNode, aBeforeOffset,
static bool
IsBreakElement(nsINode* aNode)
if (!aNode->IsElement()) {
return false;
dom::Element *element = aNode->AsElement();
if (element->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br))
return true;
// If we don't have a frame, we don't consider ourselves a break
// element. In particular, words can span us.
if (!element->GetPrimaryFrame())
return false;
// Anything that's not an inline element is a break element.
// XXXbz should replaced inlines be break elements, though?
return element->GetPrimaryFrame()->StyleDisplay()->mDisplay !=
struct CheckLeavingBreakElementClosure {
bool mLeftBreakElement;
static void
CheckLeavingBreakElement(nsINode* aNode, void* aClosure)
CheckLeavingBreakElementClosure* cl =
if (!cl->mLeftBreakElement && IsBreakElement(aNode)) {
cl->mLeftBreakElement = true;
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::NormalizeWord(nsSubstring& aWord)
nsAutoString result;
::NormalizeWord(aWord, 0, aWord.Length(), result);
aWord = result;
// First we have to work backwards from mSoftStart to find a text node
// containing a DOM word separator, a non-inline-element
// boundary, or the hard start node. That's where we'll start building the
// soft string from.
nsINode* node = mSoftBegin.mNode;
int32_t firstOffsetInNode = 0;
int32_t checkBeforeOffset = mSoftBegin.mOffset;
while (node) {
if (ContainsDOMWordSeparator(node, checkBeforeOffset, &firstOffsetInNode)) {
if (node == mSoftBegin.mNode) {
// If we find a word separator on the first node, look at the preceding
// word on the text node as well.
int32_t newOffset = 0;
if (firstOffsetInNode > 0) {
// Try to find the previous word boundary in the current node. If
// we can't find one, start checking previous sibling nodes (if any
// adjacent ones exist) to see if we can find any text nodes with
// DOM word separators. We bail out as soon as we see a node that is
// not a text node, or we run out of previous sibling nodes. In the
// event that we simply cannot find any preceding word separator, the
// offset is set to 0, and the soft text beginning node is set to the
// "most previous" text node before the original starting node, or
// kept at the original starting node if no previous text nodes exist.
if (!ContainsDOMWordSeparator(node, firstOffsetInNode - 1,
&newOffset)) {
nsINode* prevNode = node->GetPreviousSibling();
while (prevNode && IsTextNode(prevNode)) {
mSoftBegin.mNode = prevNode;
if (TextNodeContainsDOMWordSeparator(prevNode, INT32_MAX,
&newOffset)) {
prevNode = prevNode->GetPreviousSibling();
firstOffsetInNode = newOffset;
mSoftBegin.mOffset = newOffset;
checkBeforeOffset = INT32_MAX;
if (IsBreakElement(node)) {
// Since GetPreviousContent follows tree *preorder*, we're about to traverse
// up out of 'node'. Since node induces breaks (e.g., it's a block),
// don't bother trying to look outside it, just stop now.
// GetPreviousContent below expects mRootNode to be an ancestor of node.
if (!nsContentUtils::ContentIsDescendantOf(node, mRootNode)) {
node = node->GetPreviousContent(mRootNode);
// Now build up the string moving forward through the DOM until we reach
// the soft end and *then* see a DOM word separator, a non-inline-element
// boundary, or the hard end node.
bool seenSoftEnd = false;
// Leave this outside the loop so large heap string allocations can be reused
// across iterations
while (node) {
if (node == mSoftEnd.mNode) {
seenSoftEnd = true;
bool exit = false;
if (IsTextNode(node)) {
nsIContent* content = static_cast<nsIContent*>(node);
NS_ASSERTION(content, "Where is our content?");
const nsTextFragment* textFragment = content->GetText();
NS_ASSERTION(textFragment, "Where is our text?");
int32_t lastOffsetInNode = textFragment->GetLength();
if (seenSoftEnd) {
// check whether we can stop after this
for (int32_t i = node == mSoftEnd.mNode ? mSoftEnd.mOffset : 0;
i < int32_t(textFragment->GetLength()); ++i) {
if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(i))) {
exit = true;
// stop at the first separator after the soft end point
lastOffsetInNode = i;
if (firstOffsetInNode < lastOffsetInNode) {
int32_t len = lastOffsetInNode - firstOffsetInNode;
DOMTextMapping(NodeOffset(node, firstOffsetInNode), mSoftText.Length(), len));
bool ok = textFragment->AppendTo(mSoftText, firstOffsetInNode, len,
if (!ok) {
// probably out of memory, remove from mSoftTextDOMMapping
mSoftTextDOMMapping.RemoveElementAt(mSoftTextDOMMapping.Length() - 1);
exit = true;
firstOffsetInNode = 0;
if (exit)
CheckLeavingBreakElementClosure closure = { false };
node = FindNextNode(node, mRootNode, CheckLeavingBreakElement, &closure);
if (closure.mLeftBreakElement || (node && IsBreakElement(node))) {
// We left, or are entering, a break element (e.g., block). Maybe we can
// stop now.
if (seenSoftEnd)
// Record the break
mSoftText.Append(' ');
printf("Got DOM string: %s\n", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSoftText).get());
// This is pretty simple. We just have to walk mSoftText, tokenizing it
// into "real words".
// We do an outer traversal of words delimited by IsDOMWordSeparator, calling
// SplitDOMWord on each of those DOM words
int32_t wordStart = -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < int32_t(mSoftText.Length()); ++i) {
if (IsDOMWordSeparator(mSoftText.CharAt(i))) {
if (wordStart >= 0) {
SplitDOMWord(wordStart, i);
wordStart = -1;
} else {
if (wordStart < 0) {
wordStart = i;
if (wordStart >= 0) {
SplitDOMWord(wordStart, mSoftText.Length());
/*********** DOM/realwords<->mSoftText mapping functions ************/
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::MapDOMPositionToSoftTextOffset(NodeOffset aNodeOffset)
if (!mSoftTextValid) {
NS_ERROR("Soft text must be valid if we're to map into it");
return -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < int32_t(mSoftTextDOMMapping.Length()); ++i) {
const DOMTextMapping& map = mSoftTextDOMMapping[i];
if (map.mNodeOffset.mNode == aNodeOffset.mNode) {
// Allow offsets at either end of the string, in particular, allow the
// offset that's at the end of the contributed string
int32_t offsetInContributedString =
aNodeOffset.mOffset - map.mNodeOffset.mOffset;
if (offsetInContributedString >= 0 &&
offsetInContributedString <= map.mLength)
return map.mSoftTextOffset + offsetInContributedString;
return -1;
return -1;
namespace {
template<class T>
class FirstLargerOffset
int32_t mSoftTextOffset;
explicit FirstLargerOffset(int32_t aSoftTextOffset) : mSoftTextOffset(aSoftTextOffset) {}
int operator()(const T& t) const {
// We want the first larger offset, so never return 0 (which would
// short-circuit evaluation before finding the last such offset).
return mSoftTextOffset < t.mSoftTextOffset ? -1 : 1;
template<class T>
FindLastNongreaterOffset(const nsTArray<T>& aContainer, int32_t aSoftTextOffset, size_t* aIndex)
if (aContainer.Length() == 0) {
return false;
BinarySearchIf(aContainer, 0, aContainer.Length(),
FirstLargerOffset<T>(aSoftTextOffset), aIndex);
if (*aIndex > 0) {
// There was at least one mapping with offset <= aSoftTextOffset. Step back
// to find the last element with |mSoftTextOffset <= aSoftTextOffset|.
*aIndex -= 1;
} else {
// Every mapping had offset greater than aSoftTextOffset.
MOZ_ASSERT(aContainer[*aIndex].mSoftTextOffset > aSoftTextOffset);
return true;
} // namespace
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::MapSoftTextOffsetToDOMPosition(int32_t aSoftTextOffset,
DOMMapHint aHint)
NS_ASSERTION(mSoftTextValid, "Soft text must be valid if we're to map out of it");
if (!mSoftTextValid)
return NodeOffset(nullptr, -1);
// Find the last mapping, if any, such that mSoftTextOffset <= aSoftTextOffset
size_t index;
bool found = FindLastNongreaterOffset(mSoftTextDOMMapping, aSoftTextOffset, &index);
if (!found) {
return NodeOffset(nullptr, -1);
// 'index' is now the last mapping, if any, such that
// mSoftTextOffset <= aSoftTextOffset.
// If we're doing HINT_END, then we may want to return the end of the
// the previous mapping instead of the start of this mapping
if (aHint == HINT_END && index > 0) {
const DOMTextMapping& map = mSoftTextDOMMapping[index - 1];
if (map.mSoftTextOffset + map.mLength == aSoftTextOffset)
return NodeOffset(map.mNodeOffset.mNode, map.mNodeOffset.mOffset + map.mLength);
// We allow ourselves to return the end of this mapping even if we're
// doing HINT_START. This will only happen if there is no mapping which this
// point is the start of. I'm not 100% sure this is OK...
const DOMTextMapping& map = mSoftTextDOMMapping[index];
int32_t offset = aSoftTextOffset - map.mSoftTextOffset;
if (offset >= 0 && offset <= map.mLength)
return NodeOffset(map.mNodeOffset.mNode, map.mNodeOffset.mOffset + offset);
return NodeOffset(nullptr, -1);
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::FindRealWordContaining(int32_t aSoftTextOffset,
DOMMapHint aHint, bool aSearchForward)
NS_ASSERTION(mSoftTextValid, "Soft text must be valid if we're to map out of it");
if (!mSoftTextValid)
return -1;
// Find the last word, if any, such that mSoftTextOffset <= aSoftTextOffset
size_t index;
bool found = FindLastNongreaterOffset(mRealWords, aSoftTextOffset, &index);
if (!found) {
return -1;
// 'index' is now the last word, if any, such that
// mSoftTextOffset <= aSoftTextOffset.
// If we're doing HINT_END, then we may want to return the end of the
// the previous word instead of the start of this word
if (aHint == HINT_END && index > 0) {
const RealWord& word = mRealWords[index - 1];
if (word.mSoftTextOffset + word.mLength == aSoftTextOffset)
return index - 1;
// We allow ourselves to return the end of this word even if we're
// doing HINT_START. This will only happen if there is no word which this
// point is the start of. I'm not 100% sure this is OK...
const RealWord& word = mRealWords[index];
int32_t offset = aSoftTextOffset - word.mSoftTextOffset;
if (offset >= 0 && offset <= word.mLength)
return index;
if (aSearchForward) {
if (mRealWords[0].mSoftTextOffset > aSoftTextOffset) {
// All words have mSoftTextOffset > aSoftTextOffset
return 0;
// 'index' is the last word such that mSoftTextOffset <= aSoftTextOffset.
// Word index+1, if it exists, will be the first with
// mSoftTextOffset > aSoftTextOffset.
if (index + 1 < mRealWords.Length())
return index + 1;
return -1;
/*********** Word Splitting ************/
// classifies a given character in the DOM word
enum CharClass {
// Encapsulates DOM-word to real-word splitting
struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS WordSplitState
mozInlineSpellWordUtil* mWordUtil;
const nsDependentSubstring mDOMWordText;
int32_t mDOMWordOffset;
CharClass mCurCharClass;
WordSplitState(mozInlineSpellWordUtil* aWordUtil,
const nsString& aString, int32_t aStart, int32_t aLen)
: mWordUtil(aWordUtil), mDOMWordText(aString, aStart, aLen),
mDOMWordOffset(0), mCurCharClass(CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT) {}
CharClass ClassifyCharacter(int32_t aIndex, bool aRecurse) const;
void Advance();
void AdvanceThroughSeparators();
void AdvanceThroughWord();
// Finds special words like email addresses and URLs that may start at the
// current position, and returns their length, or 0 if not found. This allows
// arbitrary word breaking rules to be used for these special entities, as
// long as they can not contain whitespace.
bool IsSpecialWord();
// Similar to IsSpecialWord except that this takes a split word as
// input. This checks for things that do not require special word-breaking
// rules.
bool ShouldSkipWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aLength);
// WordSplitState::ClassifyCharacter
WordSplitState::ClassifyCharacter(int32_t aIndex, bool aRecurse) const
NS_ASSERTION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()),
"Index out of range");
if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()))
// this will classify the character, we want to treat "ignorable" characters
// such as soft hyphens, and also ZWJ and ZWNJ as word characters.
charCategory = mozilla::unicode::GetGenCategory(mDOMWordText[aIndex]);
if (charCategory == nsIUGenCategory::kLetter ||
IsIgnorableCharacter(mDOMWordText[aIndex]) ||
mDOMWordText[aIndex] == 0x200C /* ZWNJ */ ||
mDOMWordText[aIndex] == 0x200D /* ZWJ */)
// If conditional punctuation is surrounded immediately on both sides by word
// characters it also counts as a word character.
if (IsConditionalPunctuation(mDOMWordText[aIndex])) {
if (!aRecurse) {
// not allowed to look around, this punctuation counts like a separator
// check the left-hand character
if (aIndex == 0)
if (ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
// If the previous charatcer is a word-char, make sure that it's not a
// special dot character.
if (mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] == '.')
// now we know left char is a word-char, check the right-hand character
if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()) - 1)
if (ClassifyCharacter(aIndex + 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
// If the next charatcer is a word-char, make sure that it's not a
// special dot character.
if (mDOMWordText[aIndex + 1] == '.')
// char on either side is a word, this counts as a word
// The dot character, if appearing at the end of a word, should
// be considered part of that word. Example: "etc.", or
// abbreviations
if (aIndex > 0 &&
mDOMWordText[aIndex] == '.' &&
mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] != '.' &&
ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
// all other punctuation
if (charCategory == nsIUGenCategory::kSeparator ||
charCategory == nsIUGenCategory::kOther ||
charCategory == nsIUGenCategory::kPunctuation ||
charCategory == nsIUGenCategory::kSymbol) {
// Don't break on hyphens, as hunspell handles them on its own.
if (aIndex > 0 &&
mDOMWordText[aIndex] == '-' &&
mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] != '-' &&
ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
// A hyphen is only meaningful as a separator inside a word
// if the previous and next characters are a word character.
if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()) - 1)
if (mDOMWordText[aIndex + 1] != '.' &&
ClassifyCharacter(aIndex + 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
// any other character counts as a word
// WordSplitState::Advance
NS_ASSERTION(mDOMWordOffset >= 0, "Negative word index");
NS_ASSERTION(mDOMWordOffset < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length(),
"Length beyond end");
mDOMWordOffset ++;
if (mDOMWordOffset >= (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length())
mCurCharClass = ClassifyCharacter(mDOMWordOffset, true);
// WordSplitState::AdvanceThroughSeparators
while (mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR)
// WordSplitState::AdvanceThroughWord
while (mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
// WordSplitState::IsSpecialWord
// Search for email addresses. We simply define these as any sequence of
// characters with an '@' character in the middle. The DOM word is already
// split on whitepace, so we know that everything to the end is the address
int32_t firstColon = -1;
for (int32_t i = mDOMWordOffset;
i < int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()); i ++) {
if (mDOMWordText[i] == '@') {
// only accept this if there are unambiguous word characters (don't bother
// recursing to disambiguate apostrophes) on each side. This prevents
// classifying, e.g. "@home" as an email address
// Use this condition to only accept words with '@' in the middle of
// them. It works, but the inlinespellcker doesn't like this. The problem
// is that you type "fhsgfh@" that's a misspelled word followed by a
// symbol, but when you type another letter "fhsgfh@g" that first word
// need to be unmarked misspelled. It doesn't do this. it only checks the
// current position for potentially removing a spelling range.
if (i > 0 && ClassifyCharacter(i - 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD &&
i < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length() - 1 &&
ClassifyCharacter(i + 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
return true;
} else if (mDOMWordText[i] == ':' && firstColon < 0) {
firstColon = i;
// If the first colon is followed by a slash, consider it a URL
// This will catch things like asdf://foo.com
if (firstColon < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length() - 1 &&
mDOMWordText[firstColon + 1] == '/') {
return true;
// Check the text before the first colon against some known protocols. It
// is impossible to check against all protocols, especially since you can
// plug in new protocols. We also don't want to waste time here checking
// against a lot of obscure protocols.
if (firstColon > mDOMWordOffset) {
nsString protocol(Substring(mDOMWordText, mDOMWordOffset,
firstColon - mDOMWordOffset));
if (protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("http") ||
protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("https") ||
protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("news") ||
protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("file") ||
protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("javascript") ||
protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("data") ||
protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("ftp")) {
return true;
// not anything special
return false;
// WordSplitState::ShouldSkipWord
WordSplitState::ShouldSkipWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aLength)
int32_t last = aStart + aLength;
// check to see if the word contains a digit
for (int32_t i = aStart; i < last; i ++) {
if (unicode::GetGenCategory(mDOMWordText[i]) == nsIUGenCategory::kNumber) {
return true;
// not special
return false;
// mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SplitDOMWord
mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SplitDOMWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aEnd)
WordSplitState state(this, mSoftText, aStart, aEnd - aStart);
state.mCurCharClass = state.ClassifyCharacter(0, true);
if (state.mCurCharClass != CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT &&
state.IsSpecialWord()) {
int32_t specialWordLength = state.mDOMWordText.Length() - state.mDOMWordOffset;
RealWord(aStart + state.mDOMWordOffset, specialWordLength, false));
while (state.mCurCharClass != CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT) {
if (state.mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT)
// save the beginning of the word
int32_t wordOffset = state.mDOMWordOffset;
// find the end of the word
int32_t wordLen = state.mDOMWordOffset - wordOffset;
RealWord(aStart + wordOffset, wordLen,
!state.ShouldSkipWord(wordOffset, wordLen)));