2018-09-15 10:35:22 -07:00

2233 lines
83 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=0 ft=c:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef vm_Opcodes_h
#define vm_Opcodes_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include <stddef.h>
* JavaScript operation bytecodes. Add a new bytecode by claiming one of the
* JSOP_UNUSED* here or by extracting the first unused opcode from
* FOR_EACH_TRAILING_UNUSED_OPCODE and updating js::detail::LastDefinedOpcode
* below.
* When changing the bytecode, don't forget to update XDR_BYTECODE_VERSION in
* vm/Xdr.h!
* Includers must define a macro with the following form:
* #define MACRO(op,val,name,image,length,nuses,ndefs,format) ...
* Then simply use FOR_EACH_OPCODE(MACRO) to invoke MACRO for every opcode.
* Selected arguments can be expanded in initializers.
* Field Description
* op Bytecode name, which is the JSOp enumerator name
* value Bytecode value, which is the JSOp enumerator value
* name C string containing name for disassembler
* image C string containing "image" for pretty-printer, null if ugly
* length Number of bytes including any immediate operands
* nuses Number of stack slots consumed by bytecode, -1 if variadic
* ndefs Number of stack slots produced by bytecode, -1 if variadic
* format Bytecode plus immediate operand encoding format
* This file is best viewed with 128 columns:
* SpiderMonkey bytecode categorization (as used in generated documentation):
* [Index]
* [Statements]
* Jumps
* Switch Statement
* For-In Statement
* With Statement
* Exception Handling
* Function
* Generator
* Debugger
* [Variables and Scopes]
* Variables
* Free Variables
* Local Variables
* Aliased Variables
* Intrinsics
* Block-local Scope
* This
* Super
* Arguments
* [Operators]
* Comparison Operators
* Arithmetic Operators
* Bitwise Logical Operators
* Bitwise Shift Operators
* Logical Operators
* Special Operators
* Stack Operations
* Debugger
* [Literals]
* Constants
* Object
* Array
* RegExp
* Class
* [Other]
#define FOR_EACH_OPCODE(macro) \
/* legend: op val name image len use def format */ \
* No operation is performed.
* Category: Other
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NOP, 0, "nop", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
/* Long-standing JavaScript bytecodes. */ \
* Pushes 'undefined' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands:
* Stack: => undefined
*/ \
macro(JSOP_UNDEFINED, 1, js_undefined_str, "", 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes stack frame's 'rval' onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: => rval
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETRVAL, 2, "getrval", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top of stack value, converts it to an object, and adds a
* 'DynamicWithObject' wrapping that object to the scope chain.
* There is a matching JSOP_LEAVEWITH instruction later. All name
* lookups between the two that may need to consult the With object
* are deoptimized.
* Category: Statements
* Type: With Statement
* Operands: uint32_t staticWithIndex
* Stack: val =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ENTERWITH, 3, "enterwith", NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pops the scope chain object pushed by JSOP_ENTERWITH.
* Category: Statements
* Type: With Statement
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LEAVEWITH, 4, "leavewith", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top of stack value as 'rval', stops interpretation of current
* script and returns 'rval'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: rval =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_RETURN, 5, "return", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Jumps to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GOTO, 6, "goto", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
* Pops the top of stack value, converts it into a boolean, if the result is
* 'false', jumps to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* The idea is that a sequence like
* reads like a nice linear sequence that will execute the return.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: cond =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_IFEQ, 7, "ifeq", NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_JUMP|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Pops the top of stack value, converts it into a boolean, if the result is
* 'true', jumps to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: cond =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_IFNE, 8, "ifne", NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
* Pushes the 'arguments' object for the current function activation.
* If 'JSScript' is not marked 'needsArgsObj', then a
* JS_OPTIMIZED_ARGUMENTS magic value is pushed. Otherwise, a proper
* arguments object is constructed and pushed.
* This opcode requires that the function does not have rest parameter.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Arguments
* Operands:
* Stack: => arguments
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ARGUMENTS, 9, "arguments", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Swaps the top two values on the stack. This is useful for things like
* post-increment/decrement.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands:
* Stack: v1, v2 => v2, v1
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SWAP, 10, "swap", NULL, 1, 2, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top 'n' values from the stack.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands: uint16_t n
* Stack: v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] =>
* nuses: n
*/ \
macro(JSOP_POPN, 11, "popn", NULL, 3, -1, 0, JOF_UINT16) \
/* More long-standing bytecodes. */ \
* Pushes a copy of the top value on the stack.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands:
* Stack: v => v, v
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DUP, 12, "dup", NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
* Duplicates the top two values on the stack.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands:
* Stack: v1, v2 => v1, v2, v1, v2
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DUP2, 13, "dup2", NULL, 1, 2, 4, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED14, 14, "unused14", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top two values 'lval' and 'rval' from the stack, then pushes
* the result of the operation applied to the two operands, converting
* both to 32-bit signed integers if necessary.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Bitwise Logical Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_BITOR, 15, "bitor", "|", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_BITXOR, 16, "bitxor", "^", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_BITAND, 17, "bitand", "&", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the top two values from the stack and pushes the result of
* comparing them.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Comparison Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LT, 20, "lt", "<", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_LE, 21, "le", "<=", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_GT, 22, "gt", ">", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_GE, 23, "ge", ">=", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the top two values 'lval' and 'rval' from the stack, then pushes
* the result of the operation applied to the operands.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Bitwise Shift Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LSH, 24, "lsh", "<<", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_RSH, 25, "rsh", ">>", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the top two values 'lval' and 'rval' from the stack, then pushes
* 'lval >>> rval'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Bitwise Shift Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval >>> rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_URSH, 26, "ursh", ">>>", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the top two values 'lval' and 'rval' from the stack, then pushes
* the result of 'lval + rval'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Arithmetic Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval + rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ADD, 27, "add", "+", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the top two values 'lval' and 'rval' from the stack, then pushes
* the result of applying the arithmetic operation to them.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Arithmetic Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SUB, 28, "sub", "-", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_MUL, 29, "mul", "*", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_DIV, 30, "div", "/", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_MOD, 31, "mod", "%", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the value 'val' from the stack, then pushes '!val'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Logical Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => (!val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NOT, 32, "not", "!", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ARITH|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Pops the value 'val' from the stack, then pushes '~val'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Bitwise Logical Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => (~val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_BITNOT, 33, "bitnot", "~", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the value 'val' from the stack, then pushes '-val'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Arithmetic Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => (-val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEG, 34, "neg", "- ", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the value 'val' from the stack, then pushes '+val'.
* ('+val' is the value converted to a number.)
* Category: Operators
* Type: Arithmetic Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => (+val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_POS, 35, "pos", "+ ", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ARITH) \
* Looks up name on the scope chain and deletes it, pushes 'true' onto the
* stack if succeeded (if the property was present and deleted or if the
* property wasn't present in the first place), 'false' if not.
* Strict mode code should never contain this opcode.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => succeeded
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DELNAME, 36, "delname", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
* Pops the top of stack value, deletes property from it, pushes 'true' onto
* the stack if succeeded, 'false' if not.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj => succeeded
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DELPROP, 37, "delprop", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'propval' and 'obj',
* deletes 'propval' property from 'obj', pushes 'true' onto the stack if
* succeeded, 'false' if not.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, propval => succeeded
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DELELEM, 38, "delelem", NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE |JOF_ELEM|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
* Pops the value 'val' from the stack, then pushes 'typeof val'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => (typeof val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_TYPEOF, 39, js_typeof_str,NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Pops the top value on the stack and pushes 'undefined'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => undefined
*/ \
macro(JSOP_VOID, 40, js_void_str, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* spreadcall variant of JSOP_CALL.
* Invokes 'callee' with 'this' and 'args', pushes the return value onto
* the stack.
* 'args' is an Array object which contains actual arguments.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: callee, this, args => rval
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SPREADCALL,41, "spreadcall", NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* spreadcall variant of JSOP_NEW
* Invokes 'callee' as a constructor with 'this' and 'args', pushes the
* return value onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: callee, this, args, newTarget => rval
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SPREADNEW, 42, "spreadnew", NULL, 1, 4, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* spreadcall variant of JSOP_EVAL
* Invokes 'eval' with 'args' and pushes the return value onto the stack.
* If 'eval' in global scope is not original one, invokes the function
* with 'this' and 'args', and pushes return value onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: callee, this, args => rval
*/ \
* Duplicates the Nth value from the top onto the stack.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands: uint24_t n
* Stack: v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] =>
* v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0], v[n]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DUPAT, 44, "dupat", NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_UINT24) \
* Push a well-known symbol onto the operand stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: uint8_t n, the JS::SymbolCode of the symbol to use
* Stack: => symbol
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SYMBOL, 45, "symbol", NULL, 2, 0, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
* Pops the top of stack value and attempts to delete the given property
* from it. Pushes 'true' onto success, else throws a TypeError per strict
* mode property-deletion requirements.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj => succeeded
*/ \
macro(JSOP_STRICTDELPROP, 46, "strict-delprop", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_CHECKSTRICT) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'propval' and 'obj',
* and attempts to delete 'propval' property from 'obj'. Pushes 'true' onto
* the stack on success, else throws a TypeError per strict mode property
* deletion requirements.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, propval => succeeded
*/ \
macro(JSOP_STRICTDELELEM, 47, "strict-delelem", NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_CHECKSTRICT) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', and performs
* 'obj.prop = val', pushing 'val' back onto the stack. Throws a TypeError
* if the set-operation failed (per strict mode semantics).
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => val
*/ \
* Pops a scope and value from the stack, assigns value to the given name,
* and pushes the value back on the stack. If the set failed, then throw
* a TypeError, per usual strict mode semantics.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: scope, val => val
*/ \
* spreadcall variant of JSOP_EVAL
* Invokes 'eval' with 'args' and pushes the return value onto the stack.
* If 'eval' in global scope is not original one, invokes the function
* with 'this' and 'args', and pushes return value onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: callee, this, args => rval
*/ \
* Writes the [[Prototype]] objects for both a class and its .prototype to
* the stack, given the result of a heritage expression.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: heritage => funcProto, objProto
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CLASSHERITAGE, 51, "classheritage", NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes a clone of a function with a given [[Prototype]] onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint32_t funcIndex
* Stack: proto => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FUNWITHPROTO, 52, "funwithproto", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pops the top of stack value, pushes property of it onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj => obj[name]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETPROP, 53, "getprop", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj' and performs
* 'obj.prop = val', pushing 'val' back onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => val
*/ \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'propval' and 'obj', pushes
* 'propval' property of 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, propval => obj[propval]
*/ \
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'propval' and 'obj',
* sets 'propval' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the
* stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, propval, val => val
*/ \
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'propval' and 'obj',
* sets 'propval' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the
* stack. Throws a TypeError if the set fails, per strict mode
* semantics.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, propval, val => val
*/ \
* Invokes 'callee' with 'this' and 'args', pushes return value onto the
* stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
* nuses: (argc+2)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CALL, 58, "call", NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_UINT16|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Looks up name on the scope chain and pushes its value onto the stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETNAME, 59, "getname", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Pushes numeric constant onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: uint32_t constIndex
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DOUBLE, 60, "double", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_DOUBLE) \
* Pushes string constant onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: uint32_t atomIndex
* Stack: => string
*/ \
macro(JSOP_STRING, 61, "string", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
* Pushes '0' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands:
* Stack: => 0
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ZERO, 62, "zero", "0", 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes '1' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands:
* Stack: => 1
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ONE, 63, "one", "1", 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes 'null' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands:
* Stack: => null
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NULL, 64, js_null_str, js_null_str, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED65, 65, "unused65", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes boolean value onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands:
* Stack: => true/false
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FALSE, 66, js_false_str, js_false_str, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_TRUE, 67, js_true_str, js_true_str, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Converts the top of stack value into a boolean, if the result is 'true',
* jumps to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: cond => cond
*/ \
* Converts the top of stack value into a boolean, if the result is 'false',
* jumps to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: cond => cond
*/ \
* Pops the top of stack value as 'i', if 'low <= i <= high',
* jumps to a 32-bit offset: 'offset[i - low]' from the current bytecode,
* jumps to a 32-bit offset: 'len' from the current bytecode if not.
* This opcode has variable length.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Switch Statement
* Operands: int32_t len, int32_t low, int32_t high,
* int32_t offset[0], ..., int32_t offset[high-low]
* Stack: i =>
* len: len
*/ \
macro(JSOP_TABLESWITCH, 70, "tableswitch", NULL, -1, 1, 0, JOF_TABLESWITCH|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Prologue emitted in scripts expected to run once, which deoptimizes code
* if it executes multiple times.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_RUNONCE, 71, "runonce", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
/* New, infallible/transitive identity ops. */ \
* Pops the top two values from the stack, then pushes the result of
* applying the operator to the two values.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Comparison Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_STRICTEQ, 72, "stricteq", "===", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_DETECTING|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
macro(JSOP_STRICTNE, 73, "strictne", "!==", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_DETECTING|JOF_LEFTASSOC|JOF_ARITH) \
* Sometimes we know when emitting that an operation will always throw.
* Throws the indicated JSMSG.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands: uint16_t msgNumber
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_THROWMSG, 74, "throwmsg", NULL, 3, 0, 0, JOF_UINT16) \
* Sets up a for-in or for-each-in loop using the JSITER_* flag bits in
* this op's uint8_t immediate operand. It pops the top of stack value as
* 'val' and pushes 'iter' which is an iterator for 'val'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: For-In Statement
* Operands: uint8_t flags
* Stack: val => iter
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ITER, 75, "iter", NULL, 2, 1, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
* Pushes the next iterated value onto the stack. If no value is available,
* MagicValue(JS_NO_ITER_VALUE) is pushed.
* Category: Statements
* Type: For-In Statement
* Operands:
* Stack: iter => iter, val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_MOREITER, 76, "moreiter", NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes a boolean indicating whether the value on top of the stack is
* MagicValue(JS_NO_ITER_VALUE).
* Category: Statements
* Type: For-In Statement
* Operands:
* Stack: val => val, res
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ISNOITER, 77, "isnoiter", NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
* Exits a for-in loop by popping the iterator object from the stack and
* closing it.
* Category: Statements
* Type: For-In Statement
* Operands:
* Stack: iter =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ENDITER, 78, "enditer", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Invokes 'callee' with 'this' and 'args', pushes return value onto the
* stack.
* This is for 'f.apply'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
* nuses: (argc+2)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FUNAPPLY, 79, "funapply", NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_UINT16|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Pushes deep-cloned object literal or singleton onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t objectIndex
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_OBJECT, 80, "object", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pops the top value off the stack.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands:
* Stack: v =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_POP, 81, "pop", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Invokes 'callee' as a constructor with 'this' and 'args', pushes return
* value onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1], newTarget => rval
* nuses: (argc+3)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEW, 82, "new", NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_UINT16|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Pushes newly created object onto the stack with provided [[Prototype]].
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: proto => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_OBJWITHPROTO, 83, "objwithproto", NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Fast get op for function arguments and local variables.
* Pushes 'arguments[argno]' onto the stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Arguments
* Operands: uint16_t argno
* Stack: => arguments[argno]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETARG, 84, "getarg", NULL, 3, 0, 1, JOF_QARG |JOF_NAME) \
* Fast set op for function arguments and local variables.
* Sets 'arguments[argno]' as the top of stack value.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Arguments
* Operands: uint16_t argno
* Stack: v => v
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SETARG, 85, "setarg", NULL, 3, 1, 1, JOF_QARG |JOF_NAME|JOF_SET) \
* Pushes the value of local variable onto the stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Local Variables
* Operands: uint32_t localno
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETLOCAL, 86,"getlocal", NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_LOCAL|JOF_NAME) \
* Stores the top stack value to the given local.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Local Variables
* Operands: uint32_t localno
* Stack: v => v
*/ \
* Pushes unsigned 16-bit int immediate integer operand onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: uint16_t val
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_UINT16, 88, "uint16", NULL, 3, 0, 1, JOF_UINT16) \
/* Object and array literal support. */ \
* Pushes newly created object onto the stack.
* This opcode takes the kind of initializer (JSProto_Array or
* JSProto_Object).
* This opcode has three extra bytes so it can be exchanged with
* JSOP_NEWOBJECT during emit.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint8_t kind (, uint24_t extra)
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEWINIT, 89, "newinit", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
* Pushes newly created array onto the stack.
* This opcode takes the final length, which is preallocated.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands: uint32_t length
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEWARRAY, 90, "newarray", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_UINT32) \
* Pushes newly created object onto the stack.
* This opcode takes an object with the final shape, which can be set at
* the start and slots then filled in directly.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t baseobjIndex
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEWOBJECT, 91, "newobject", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Initialize the home object for functions with super bindings.
* This opcode takes the function and the object to be the home object, does
* the set, and leaves both on the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint8_t n
* Stack: homeObject, [...n], fun => homeObject, [...n], fun
macro(JSOP_INITHOMEOBJECT, 92, "inithomeobject", NULL, 2, 2, 2, JOF_UINT8) \
* Initialize a named property in an object literal, like '{a: x}'.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines
* 'nameIndex' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
* Initialize a numeric property in an object literal, like '{1: x}'.
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'id' and 'obj', defines
* 'id' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, id, val => obj
*/ \
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'index' and 'obj', sets
* 'index' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' and 'index + 1' onto
* the stack.
* This opcode is used in Array literals with spread and spreadcall
* arguments.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, index, val => obj, (index + 1)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITELEM_INC,95, "initelem_inc", NULL, 1, 3, 2, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_SET) \
* Initialize an array element.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', sets 'index'
* property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands: uint32_t index
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY,96, "initelem_array", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_UINT32|JOF_ELEM|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a getter in an object literal.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines getter
* of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITPROP_GETTER, 97, "initprop_getter", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a setter in an object literal.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines setter
* of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITPROP_SETTER, 98, "initprop_setter", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a numeric getter in an object literal like
* '{get 2() {}}'.
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'id' and 'obj', defines
* 'id' getter of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, id, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITELEM_GETTER, 99, "initelem_getter", NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a numeric setter in an object literal like
* '{set 2(v) {}}'.
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'id' and 'obj', defines
* 'id' setter of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, id, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITELEM_SETTER, 100, "initelem_setter", NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Pushes the call site object specified by objectIndex onto the stack. Defines the raw
* property specified by objectIndex + 1 on the call site object and freezes both the call site
* object as well as its raw property.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t objectIndex
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CALLSITEOBJ, 101, "callsiteobj", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pushes a newly created array onto the stack, whose elements are the same
* as that of a template object's copy on write elements.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands: uint32_t objectIndex
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEWARRAY_COPYONWRITE, 102, "newarray_copyonwrite", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pushes the prototype of the home object for current callee onto the
* stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Super
* Operands:
* Stack: => homeObjectProto
macro(JSOP_SUPERBASE, 103, "superbase", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top two values, and pushes the property of one, using the other
* as the receiver.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: receiver obj => obj[name]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETPROP_SUPER, 104, "getprop-super", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP) \
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', and 'receiver',
* and performs 'obj.prop = val', pushing 'val' back onto the stack.
* Throws a TypeError if the set-operation failed (per strict mode semantics).
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: receiver, obj, val => val
*/ \
* This opcode precedes every labeled statement. It's a no-op.
* 'offset' is the offset to the next instruction after this statement,
* the one 'break LABEL;' would jump to. IonMonkey uses this.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LABEL, 106,"label", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'obj' and 'receiver',
* and performs 'obj.prop = val', pushing 'val' back onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: receiver, obj, val => val
*/ \
* Invokes 'callee' with 'this' and 'args', pushes return value onto the
* stack.
* If 'callee' is determined to be the canonical 'Function.prototype.call'
* function, then this operation is optimized to directly call 'callee'
* with 'args[0]' as 'this', and the remaining arguments as formal args
* to 'callee'.
* Like JSOP_FUNAPPLY but for 'f.call' instead of 'f.apply'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
* nuses: (argc+2)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FUNCALL, 108,"funcall", NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_UINT16|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Another no-op.
* This opcode is the target of the backwards jump for some loop.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LOOPHEAD, 109,"loophead", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
/* ECMA-compliant assignment ops. */ \
* Looks up name on the scope chain and pushes the scope which contains
* the name onto the stack. If not found, pushes global scope onto the
* stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => scope
*/ \
macro(JSOP_BINDNAME, 110,"bindname", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_SET) \
* Pops a scope and value from the stack, assigns value to the given name,
* and pushes the value back on the stack
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: scope, val => val
*/ \
/* Exception handling ops. */ \
* Pops the top of stack value as 'v', sets pending exception as 'v', then
* raises error.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands:
* Stack: v =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_THROW, 112,js_throw_str, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top two values 'id' and 'obj' from the stack, then pushes
* 'id in obj'. This will throw a 'TypeError' if 'obj' is not an object.
* Note that 'obj' is the top value.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: id, obj => (id in obj)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_IN, 113,js_in_str, js_in_str, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC) \
* Pops the top two values 'obj' and 'ctor' from the stack, then pushes
* 'obj instanceof ctor'. This will throw a 'TypeError' if 'obj' is not an
* object.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, ctor => (obj instanceof ctor)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INSTANCEOF,114,js_instanceof_str,js_instanceof_str,1,2,1,JOF_BYTE|JOF_LEFTASSOC) \
* Invokes debugger.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Debugger
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEBUGGER, 115,"debugger", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes 'false' and next bytecode's PC onto the stack, and jumps to
* a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* This opcode is used for entering 'finally' block.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: => false, (next bytecode's PC)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GOSUB, 116,"gosub", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'rval' and 'lval', converts
* 'lval' into a boolean, raises error if the result is 'true',
* jumps to a 32-bit absolute PC: 'rval' if 'false'.
* This opcode is used for returning from 'finally' block.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_RETSUB, 117,"retsub", NULL, 1, 2, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
/* More exception handling ops. */ \
* Pushes the current pending exception onto the stack and clears the
* pending exception. This is only emitted at the beginning of code for a
* catch-block, so it is known that an exception is pending. It is used to
* implement catch-blocks and 'yield*'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands:
* Stack: => exception
*/ \
macro(JSOP_EXCEPTION, 118,"exception", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Embedded lineno to speedup 'pc->line' mapping.
* Category: Other
* Operands: uint32_t lineno
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LINENO, 119,"lineno", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_UINT32) \
* This no-op appears after the bytecode for EXPR in 'switch (EXPR) {...}'
* if the switch cannot be optimized using JSOP_TABLESWITCH.
* For a non-optimized switch statement like this:
* switch (EXPR) {
* case V0:
* C0;
* ...
* default:
* D;
* }
* the bytecode looks like this:
* (EXPR)
* condswitch
* (V0)
* case ->C0
* ...
* default ->D
* (C0)
* ...
* (D)
* Note that code for all case-labels is emitted first, then code for
* the body of each case clause.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Switch Statement
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CONDSWITCH,120,"condswitch", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'rval' and 'lval', compare them
* with '===', if the result is 'true', jumps to a 32-bit offset from the
* current bytecode, re-pushes 'lval' onto the stack if 'false'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Switch Statement
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: lval, rval => lval(if lval !== rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CASE, 121,"case", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_JUMP) \
* This appears after all cases in a JSOP_CONDSWITCH, whether there is a
* 'default:' label in the switch statement or not. Pop the switch operand
* from the stack and jump to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
* offset from the current bytecode.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Switch Statement
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: lval =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEFAULT, 122,"default", NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
/* ECMA-compliant call to eval op. */ \
* Invokes 'eval' with 'args' and pushes return value onto the stack.
* If 'eval' in global scope is not original one, invokes the function
* with 'this' and 'args', and pushes return value onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
* nuses: (argc+2)
*/ \
/* ECMA-compliant call to eval op. */ \
* Invokes 'eval' with 'args' and pushes return value onto the stack.
* If 'eval' in global scope is not original one, invokes the function
* with 'this' and 'args', and pushes return value onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
* nuses: (argc+2)
*/ \
* LIKE JSOP_GETELEM but takes receiver on stack, and the propval is
* evaluated before the obj.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: receiver, obj, propval => obj[propval]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETELEM_SUPER, 125, "getelem-super", NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE |JOF_ELEM|JOF_LEFTASSOC) \
* Pushes newly created array for a spread call onto the stack. This has
* the same semantics as JSOP_NEWARRAY, but is distinguished to avoid
* using unboxed arrays in spread calls, which would make compiling spread
* calls in baseline more complex.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands: uint32_t length
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SPREADCALLARRAY, 126, "spreadcallarray", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_UINT32) \
* Defines the given function on the current scope.
* This is used for global scripts and also in some cases for function
* scripts where use of dynamic scoping inhibits optimization.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands:
* Stack: fun =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEFFUN, 127,"deffun", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
/* Defines the new constant binding on global lexical scope.
* Throws if a binding with the same name already exists on the scope, or
* if a var binding with the same name exists on the global.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEFCONST, 128,"defconst", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM) \
* Defines the new binding on the frame's current variables-object (the
* scope object on the scope chain designated to receive new variables).
* Throws if the current variables-object is the global object and a
* binding with the same name exists on the global lexical scope.
* This is used for global scripts and also in some cases for function
* scripts where use of dynamic scoping inhibits optimization.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEFVAR, 129,"defvar", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM) \
* Pushes a closure for a named or anonymous function expression onto the
* stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint32_t funcIndex
* Stack: => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LAMBDA, 130, "lambda", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pops the top of stack value as 'new.target', pushes an arrow function with
* lexical 'new.target' onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint32_t funcIndex
* Stack: new.target => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LAMBDA_ARROW, 131, "lambda_arrow", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pushes current callee onto the stack.
* Used for named function expression self-naming, if lightweight.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Arguments
* Operands:
* Stack: => callee
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CALLEE, 132, "callee", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Picks the nth element from the stack and moves it to the top of the
* stack.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Stack Operations
* Operands: uint8_t n
* Stack: v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] => v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0], v[n]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_PICK, 133, "pick", NULL, 2, 0, 0, JOF_UINT8) \
* This no-op appears at the top of the bytecode for a 'TryStatement'.
* Location information for catch/finally blocks is stored in a
* side table, 'script->trynotes()'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_TRY, 134,"try", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* This opcode has a def count of 2, but these values are already on the
* stack (they're pushed by JSOP_GOSUB).
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands:
* Stack: => false, (next bytecode's PC)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FINALLY, 135,"finally", NULL, 1, 0, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes aliased variable onto the stack.
* An "aliased variable" is a var, let, or formal arg that is aliased.
* Sources of aliasing include: nested functions accessing the vars of an
* enclosing function, function statements that are conditionally executed,
* 'eval', 'with', and 'arguments'. All of these cases require creating a
* CallObject to own the aliased variable.
* An ALIASEDVAR opcode contains the following immediates:
* uint8 hops: the number of scope objects to skip to find the ScopeObject
* containing the variable being accessed
* uint24 slot: the slot containing the variable in the ScopeObject (this
* 'slot' does not include RESERVED_SLOTS).
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Aliased Variables
* Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
* Stack: => aliasedVar
*/ \
* Sets aliased variable as the top of stack value.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Aliased Variables
* Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
* Stack: v => v
*/ \
* Checks if the value of the local variable is the
* JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL magic, throwing an error if so.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Local Variables
* Operands: uint32_t localno
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CHECKLEXICAL, 138, "checklexical", NULL, 4, 0, 0, JOF_LOCAL|JOF_NAME) \
* Initializes an uninitialized local lexical binding with the top of stack
* value.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Local Variables
* Operands: uint32_t localno
* Stack: v => v
*/ \
* Checks if the value of the aliased variable is the
* JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL magic, throwing an error if so.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Aliased Variables
* Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CHECKALIASEDLEXICAL, 140, "checkaliasedlexical", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_SCOPECOORD|JOF_NAME) \
* Initializes an uninitialized aliased lexical binding with the top of
* stack value.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Aliased Variables
* Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
* Stack: v => v
*/ \
* Pushes a JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL value onto the stack, representing an
* uninitialized lexical binding.
* This opcode is used with the JSOP_INITLET opcode.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands:
* Stack: => uninitialized
*/ \
macro(JSOP_UNINITIALIZED, 142, "uninitialized", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
/* Pushes the value of the intrinsic onto the stack.
* Intrinsic names are emitted instead of JSOP_*NAME ops when the
* 'CompileOptions' flag 'selfHostingMode' is set.
* They are used in self-hosted code to access other self-hosted values and
* intrinsic functions the runtime doesn't give client JS code access to.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Intrinsics
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => intrinsic[name]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETINTRINSIC, 143, "getintrinsic", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Stores the top stack value in the specified intrinsic.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Intrinsics
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: val => val
*/ \
* Like JSOP_CALL, but used as part of for-of and destructuring bytecode
* to provide better error messages.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc (must be 0)
* Stack: callee, this => rval
* nuses: 2
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CALLITER, 145, "calliter", NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_UINT16|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Initialize a non-configurable, non-writable, non-enumerable data-property on an object.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines
* 'nameIndex' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
* Initialize a non-enumerable data-property on an object.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines
* 'nameIndex' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
* Push "new.target"
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Arguments
* Operands:
* Stack: => new.target
*/ \
macro(JSOP_NEWTARGET, 148, "newtarget", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Placeholder opcode used during bytecode generation. This never
* appears in a finished script. FIXME: bug 473671.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: int32_t offset
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_BACKPATCH, 149,"backpatch", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
* Pops the top two values 'lval' and 'rval' from the stack, then pushes
* the result of 'Math.pow(lval, rval)'.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Arithmetic Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: lval, rval => (lval ** rval)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_POW, 150, "pow", "**", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ARITH) \
* Pops the top of stack value as 'v', sets pending exception as 'v',
* to trigger rethrow.
* This opcode is used in conditional catch clauses.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Exception Handling
* Operands:
* Stack: v =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_THROWING, 151,"throwing", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top of stack value as 'rval', sets the return value in stack
* frame as 'rval'.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: rval =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SETRVAL, 152,"setrval", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Stops interpretation and returns value set by JSOP_SETRVAL. When not set,
* returns 'undefined'.
* Also emitted at end of script so interpreter don't need to check if
* opcode is still in script range.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_RETRVAL, 153,"retrval", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Looks up name on global scope and pushes its value onto the stack,
* unless the script has a non-syntactic global scope, in which case it
* acts just like JSOP_NAME.
* Free variable references that must either be found on the global or a
* ReferenceError.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Free Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => val
*/ \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'scope', sets property
* of 'scope' as 'val' and pushes 'val' back on the stack.
* 'scope' should be the global scope unless the script has a non-syntactic
* global scope, in which case acts like JSOP_SETNAME.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Free Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: scope, val => val
*/ \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'scope', sets property
* of 'scope' as 'val' and pushes 'val' back on the stack. Throws a
* TypeError if the set fails, per strict mode semantics.
* 'scope' should be the global scope unless the script has a non-syntactic
* global scope, in which case acts like JSOP_STRICTSETNAME.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Free Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: scope, val => val
*/ \
* Pushes the implicit 'this' value for calls to the associated name onto
* the stack; only used when we know this implicit this will be our first
* non-syntactic scope.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => this
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GIMPLICITTHIS, 157, "gimplicitthis", "", 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
* LIKE JSOP_SETELEM, but takes receiver on the stack, and the propval is
* evaluated before the base.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: propval, receiver, obj, val => val
*/ \
* LIKE JSOP_STRICTSETELEM, but takes receiver on the stack, and the
* propval is evaluated before the base.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: propval, receiver, obj, val => val
*/ \
* Pushes a regular expression literal onto the stack.
* It requires special "clone on exec" handling.
* Category: Literals
* Type: RegExp
* Operands: uint32_t regexpIndex
* Stack: => regexp
*/ \
macro(JSOP_REGEXP, 160,"regexp", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_REGEXP) \
* Initializes an uninitialized global lexical binding with the top of
* stack value.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Free Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: val => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITGLEXICAL, 161,"initglexical", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_SET|JOF_GNAME) \
/* Defines the new mutable binding on global lexical scope.
* Throws if a binding with the same name already exists on the scope, or
* if a var binding with the same name exists on the global.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEFLET, 162,"deflet", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM) \
* Throw if the value on the stack is not coerscible to an object (is |null| or |undefined|).
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: val => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CHECKOBJCOERCIBLE, 163, "checkobjcoercible", NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Find the function to invoke with |super()| on the scope chain.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Super
* Operands:
* Stack: => superFun
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SUPERFUN, 164,"superfun", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Behaves exactly like JSOP_NEW, but allows JITs to distinguish the two cases.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands: uint16_t argc
* Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1], newTarget => rval
* nuses: (argc+3)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SUPERCALL, 165,"supercall", NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_UINT16|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* spreadcall variant of JSOP_SUPERCALL.
* Behaves exactly like JSOP_SPREADNEW.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Function
* Operands:
* Stack: callee, this, args, newTarget => rval
*/ \
macro(JSOP_SPREADSUPERCALL, 166, "spreadsupercall", NULL, 1, 4, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Push a default constructor for a base class literal.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Class
* Operands: atom className
* Stack: => constructor
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CLASSCONSTRUCTOR, 167,"classconstructor", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
* Push a default constructor for a derived class literal.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Class
* Operands: atom className
* Stack: => constructor
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DERIVEDCONSTRUCTOR, 168,"derivedconstructor", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
* Throws a runtime TypeError for invalid assignment to 'const'. The
* localno is used for better error messages.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Local Variables
* Operands: uint32_t localno
* Stack: =>
*/ \
* Throws a runtime TypeError for invalid assignment to 'const'. The
* scope coordinate is used for better error messages.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Aliased Variables
* Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
* Stack: =>
*/ \
* Initialize a non-enumerable getter in an object literal.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines
* getter of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITHIDDENPROP_GETTER, 171, "inithiddenprop_getter", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a non-enumerable setter in an object literal.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'val' and 'obj', defines
* setter of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITHIDDENPROP_SETTER, 172, "inithiddenprop_setter", NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a non-enumerable numeric getter in an object literal like
* '{get 2() {}}'.
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'id' and 'obj', defines
* 'id' getter of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, id, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITHIDDENELEM_GETTER, 173, "inithiddenelem_getter", NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a non-enumerable numeric setter in an object literal like
* '{set 2(v) {}}'.
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'id' and 'obj', defines
* 'id' setter of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, id, val => obj
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITHIDDENELEM_SETTER, 174, "inithiddenelem_setter", NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_SET|JOF_DETECTING) \
* Initialize a non-enumerable numeric property in an object literal, like '{1: x}'.
* Pops the top three values on the stack as 'val', 'id' and 'obj', defines
* 'id' property of 'obj' as 'val', pushes 'obj' onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, id, val => obj
*/ \
* Gets the value of a module import by name and pushes it onto the stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETIMPORT, 176,"getimport", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED177, 177,"unused177", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED178, 178,"unused178", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED179, 179,"unused179", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED180, 180,"unused180", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED181, 181,"unused181", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED182, 182,"unused182", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED183, 183,"unused183", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top of stack value, pushes property of it onto the stack.
* Like JSOP_GETPROP but for call context.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj => obj[name]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CALLPROP, 184,"callprop", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Determines the 'this' value for current function frame and pushes it onto
* the stack. Emitted in the prologue of functions with a this-binding.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands:
* Stack: => this
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FUNCTIONTHIS, 185,"functionthis",NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes 'this' value for current stack frame onto the stack. Emitted when
* 'this' refers to the global 'this'.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands:
* Stack: => this
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GLOBALTHIS, 186,"globalthis", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED187, 187,"unused187", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes unsigned 24-bit int immediate integer operand onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: uint24_t val
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_UINT24, 188,"uint24", NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_UINT24) \
* Throw if the value on top of the stack is the TDZ MagicValue. Used in
* derived class constructors.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands:
* Stack: this => this
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CHECKTHIS, 189,"checkthis", NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Check if a derived class constructor has a valid return value and 'this'
* value before it returns. If the return value is not an object, stores
* the 'this' value to the return value slot.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands:
* Stack: this =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CHECKRETURN, 190,"checkreturn", NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Throw an exception if the value on top of the stack is not the TDZ
* MagicValue. Used in derived class constructors.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands:
* Stack: this => this
*/ \
macro(JSOP_CHECKTHISREINIT,191,"checkthisreinit",NULL,1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED192, 192,"unused192", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'propval' and 'obj', pushes
* 'propval' property of 'obj' onto the stack.
* Like JSOP_GETELEM but for call context.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, propval => obj[propval]
*/ \
* '__proto__: v' inside an object initializer.
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'newProto' and 'obj', sets
* prototype of 'obj' as 'newProto', pushes 'true' onto the stack if
* succeeded, 'false' if not.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: obj, newProto => succeeded
*/ \
macro(JSOP_MUTATEPROTO, 194, "mutateproto",NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the top of stack value, gets an extant property value of it,
* throwing ReferenceError if the identified property does not exist.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj => obj[name]
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GETXPROP, 195,"getxprop", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Pops the top stack value as 'val' and pushes 'typeof val'. Note that
* this opcode isn't used when, in the original source code, 'val' is a
* name -- see 'JSOP_TYPEOF' for that.
* (This is because 'typeof undefinedName === "undefined"'.)
* Category: Operators
* Type: Special Operators
* Operands:
* Stack: val => (typeof val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_TYPEOFEXPR, 196,"typeofexpr", NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_DETECTING) \
/* Block-local scope support. */ \
* Replaces the current block on the scope chain with a fresh block
* that copies all the bindings in the bock. This operation implements the
* behavior of inducing a fresh block scope for every iteration of a
* for(let ...; ...; ...) loop, if any declarations induced by such a loop
* are captured within the loop.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Block-local Scope
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FRESHENBLOCKSCOPE,197,"freshenblockscope", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes block onto the scope chain.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Block-local Scope
* Operands: uint32_t staticBlockObjectIndex
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_PUSHBLOCKSCOPE,198,"pushblockscope", NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_OBJECT) \
* Pops block from the scope chain.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Block-local Scope
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_POPBLOCKSCOPE, 199,"popblockscope", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* The opcode to assist the debugger.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Debugger
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEBUGLEAVEBLOCK, 200,"debugleaveblock", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Initializes generator frame, creates a generator and pushes it on the
* stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Generator
* Operands:
* Stack: => generator
*/ \
macro(JSOP_GENERATOR, 201,"generator", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the generator from the top of the stack, suspends it and stops
* interpretation.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Generator
* Operands: uint24_t yieldIndex
* Stack: generator =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INITIALYIELD, 202,"initialyield", NULL, 4, 1, 1, JOF_UINT24) \
* Pops the generator and the return value 'rval1', stops interpretation and
* returns 'rval1'. Pushes sent value from 'send()' onto the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Generator
* Operands: uint24_t yieldIndex
* Stack: rval1, gen => rval2
*/ \
macro(JSOP_YIELD, 203,"yield", NULL, 4, 2, 1, JOF_UINT24) \
* Pops the generator and suspends and closes it. Yields the value in the
* frame's return value slot.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Generator
* Operands:
* Stack: gen =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FINALYIELDRVAL,204,"finalyieldrval",NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pops the generator and argument from the stack, pushes a new generator
* frame and resumes execution of it. Pushes the return value after the
* generator yields.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Generator
* Operands: resume kind (GeneratorObject::ResumeKind)
* Stack: gen, val => rval
*/ \
macro(JSOP_RESUME, 205,"resume", NULL, 3, 2, 1, JOF_UINT8|JOF_INVOKE) \
* Pops the top two values on the stack as 'obj' and 'v', pushes 'v' to
* 'obj'.
* This opcode is used for Array Comprehension.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands:
* Stack: v, obj =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_ARRAYPUSH, 206,"arraypush", NULL, 1, 2, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* No-op bytecode only emitted in some self-hosted functions. Not handled by
* the JITs so the script always runs in the interpreter.
* Category: Other
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_FORCEINTERPRETER, 207, "forceinterpreter", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Bytecode emitted after 'yield' expressions to help the Debugger
* fix up the frame in the JITs. No-op in the interpreter.
* Category: Operators
* Type: Debugger
* Operands:
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_DEBUGAFTERYIELD, 208, "debugafteryield", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED209, 209, "unused209", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED210, 210, "unused210", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED211, 211, "unused211", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED212, 212, "unused212", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes the nearest 'var' environment.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Free Variables
* Operands:
* Stack: => scope
*/ \
macro(JSOP_BINDVAR, 213, "bindvar", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes the global scope onto the stack if the script doesn't have a
* non-syntactic global scope. Otherwise will act like JSOP_BINDNAME.
* 'nameIndex' is only used when acting like JSOP_BINDNAME.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Free Variables
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => global
*/ \
macro(JSOP_BINDGNAME, 214, "bindgname", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_SET|JOF_GNAME) \
* Pushes 8-bit int immediate integer operand onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: int8_t val
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INT8, 215, "int8", NULL, 2, 0, 1, JOF_INT8) \
* Pushes 32-bit int immediate integer operand onto the stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Constants
* Operands: int32_t val
* Stack: => val
*/ \
macro(JSOP_INT32, 216, "int32", NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_INT32) \
* Pops the top of stack value, pushes the 'length' property of it onto the
* stack.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: obj => obj['length']
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LENGTH, 217, "length", NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Pushes a JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE value onto the stack, representing an omitted
* property in an array literal (e.g. property 0 in the array '[, 1]').
* This opcode is used with the JSOP_NEWARRAY opcode.
* Category: Literals
* Type: Array
* Operands:
* Stack: => hole
*/ \
macro(JSOP_HOLE, 218, "hole", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED219, 219,"unused219", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED220, 220,"unused220", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED221, 221,"unused221", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED222, 222,"unused222", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
macro(JSOP_UNUSED223, 223,"unused223", NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
* Creates rest parameter array for current function call, and pushes it
* onto the stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: Arguments
* Operands:
* Stack: => rest
*/ \
macro(JSOP_REST, 224, "rest", NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_TYPESET) \
* Replace the top-of-stack value propertyNameValue with
* ToPropertyKey(propertyNameValue).
* Category: Literals
* Type: Object
* Operands:
* Stack: propertyNameValue => propertyKey
*/ \
macro(JSOP_TOID, 225, "toid", NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
* Pushes the implicit 'this' value for calls to the associated name onto
* the stack.
* Category: Variables and Scopes
* Type: This
* Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
* Stack: => this
*/ \
macro(JSOP_IMPLICITTHIS, 226, "implicitthis", "", 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
* This opcode is the target of the entry jump for some loop. The uint8
* argument is a bitfield. The lower 7 bits of the argument indicate the
* loop depth. This value starts at 1 and is just a hint: deeply nested
* loops all have the same value. The upper bit is set if Ion should be
* able to OSR at this point, which is true unless there is non-loop state
* on the stack.
* Category: Statements
* Type: Jumps
* Operands: uint8_t BITFIELD
* Stack: =>
*/ \
macro(JSOP_LOOPENTRY, 227, "loopentry", NULL, 2, 0, 0, JOF_UINT8) \
* Converts the value on the top of the stack to a String
* Category: Other
* Operands:
* Stack: val => ToString(val)
*/ \
macro(JSOP_TOSTRING, 228, "tostring", NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE)
* In certain circumstances it may be useful to "pad out" the opcode space to
* a power of two. Use this macro to do so.
macro(229) \
macro(230) \
macro(231) \
macro(232) \
macro(233) \
macro(234) \
macro(235) \
macro(236) \
macro(237) \
macro(238) \
macro(239) \
macro(240) \
macro(241) \
macro(242) \
macro(243) \
macro(244) \
macro(245) \
macro(246) \
macro(247) \
macro(248) \
macro(249) \
macro(250) \
macro(251) \
macro(252) \
macro(253) \
macro(254) \
namespace js {
// Sanity check that opcode values and trailing unused opcodes completely cover
// the [0, 256) range. Avert your eyes! You don't want to know how the
// sausage gets made.
#define VALUE_AND_VALUE_PLUS_ONE(op, val, ...) \
val) && (val + 1 ==
val) && (val + 1 ==
static_assert((0 ==
"opcode values and trailing unused opcode values monotonically "
"increase from zero to 255");
// Define JSOP_*_LENGTH constants for all ops.
#define DEFINE_LENGTH_CONSTANT(op, val, name, image, len, ...) \
MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR size_t op##_LENGTH = len;
} // namespace js
#endif // vm_Opcodes_h