Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

471 lines
17 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import filecmp
import os
import re
import subprocess
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from mach.mixin.process import ProcessExecutionMixin
The MOZ_MYCONFIG environment variable to define the location of mozconfigs
is deprecated. If you wish to define the mozconfig path via an environment
variable, use MOZCONFIG instead.
You currently have a mozconfig at %s. This implicit location is no longer
supported. Please move it to %s/.mozconfig or set an explicit path
via the $MOZCONFIG environment variable.
Evaluation of your mozconfig exited with an error. This could be triggered
by a command inside your mozconfig failing. Please change your mozconfig
to not error and/or to catch errors in executed commands.
Evaluation of your mozconfig produced unexpected output. This could be
triggered by a command inside your mozconfig failing or producing some warnings
or error messages. Please change your mozconfig to not error and/or to catch
errors in executed commands.
class MozconfigFindException(Exception):
"""Raised when a mozconfig location is not defined properly."""
class MozconfigLoadException(Exception):
"""Raised when a mozconfig could not be loaded properly.
This typically indicates a malformed or misbehaving mozconfig file.
def __init__(self, path, message, output=None):
self.path = path
self.output = output
Exception.__init__(self, message)
class MozconfigLoader(ProcessExecutionMixin):
"""Handles loading and parsing of mozconfig files."""
RE_MAKE_VARIABLE = re.compile('''
^\s* # Leading whitespace
(?P<var>[a-zA-Z_0-9]+) # Variable name
\s* [?:]?= \s* # Assignment operator surrounded by optional
# spaces
(?P<value>.*$)''', # Everything else (likely the value)
# Default mozconfig files in the topsrcdir.
DEFAULT_TOPSRCDIR_PATHS = ('.mozconfig', 'mozconfig')
DEPRECATED_TOPSRCDIR_PATHS = ('mozconfig.sh', 'myconfig.sh')
DEPRECATED_HOME_PATHS = ('.mozconfig', '.mozconfig.sh', '.mozmyconfig.sh')
def __init__(self, topsrcdir):
self.topsrcdir = topsrcdir
def _loader_script(self):
our_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
return os.path.join(our_dir, 'mozconfig_loader')
def find_mozconfig(self, env=os.environ):
"""Find the active mozconfig file for the current environment.
This emulates the logic in mozconfig-find.
1) If ENV[MOZCONFIG] is set, use that
2) If $TOPSRCDIR/mozconfig or $TOPSRCDIR/.mozconfig exists, use it.
3) If both exist or if there are legacy locations detected, error out.
The absolute path to the found mozconfig will be returned on success.
None will be returned if no mozconfig could be found. A
MozconfigFindException will be raised if there is a bad state,
including conditions from #3 above.
# Check for legacy methods first.
if 'MOZ_MYCONFIG' in env:
raise MozconfigFindException(MOZ_MYCONFIG_ERROR)
env_path = env.get('MOZCONFIG', None)
if env_path is not None:
if not os.path.isabs(env_path):
potential_roots = [self.topsrcdir, os.getcwd()]
# Attempt to eliminate duplicates for e.g.
# self.topsrcdir == os.curdir.
potential_roots = set(os.path.abspath(p) for p in potential_roots)
existing = [root for root in potential_roots
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, env_path))]
if len(existing) > 1:
# There are multiple files, but we might have a setup like:
# somedirectory/
# srcdir/
# objdir/
# MOZCONFIG=../srcdir/some/path/to/mozconfig
# and be configuring from the objdir. So even though we
# have multiple existing files, they are actually the same
# file.
mozconfigs = [os.path.join(root, env_path)
for root in existing]
if not all(map(lambda p1, p2: filecmp.cmp(p1, p2, shallow=False),
mozconfigs[:-1], mozconfigs[1:])):
raise MozconfigFindException(
'MOZCONFIG environment variable refers to a path that ' +
'exists in more than one of ' + ', '.join(potential_roots) +
'. Remove all but one.')
elif not existing:
raise MozconfigFindException(
'MOZCONFIG environment variable refers to a path that ' +
'does not exist in any of ' + ', '.join(potential_roots))
env_path = os.path.join(existing[0], env_path)
elif not os.path.exists(env_path): # non-relative path
raise MozconfigFindException(
'MOZCONFIG environment variable refers to a path that '
'does not exist: ' + env_path)
if not os.path.isfile(env_path):
raise MozconfigFindException(
'MOZCONFIG environment variable refers to a '
'non-file: ' + env_path)
srcdir_paths = [os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, p) for p in
existing = [p for p in srcdir_paths if os.path.isfile(p)]
if env_path is None and len(existing) > 1:
raise MozconfigFindException('Multiple default mozconfig files '
'present. Remove all but one. ' + ', '.join(existing))
path = None
if env_path is not None:
path = env_path
elif len(existing):
assert len(existing) == 1
path = existing[0]
if path is not None:
return os.path.abspath(path)
deprecated_paths = [os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, s) for s in
home = env.get('HOME', None)
if home is not None:
deprecated_paths.extend([os.path.join(home, s) for s in
for path in deprecated_paths:
if os.path.exists(path):
raise MozconfigFindException(
MOZCONFIG_LEGACY_PATH % (path, self.topsrcdir))
return None
def read_mozconfig(self, path=None, moz_build_app=None):
"""Read the contents of a mozconfig into a data structure.
This takes the path to a mozconfig to load. If it is not defined, we
will try to find a mozconfig from the environment using
mozconfig files are shell scripts. So, we can't just parse them.
Instead, we run the shell script in a wrapper which allows us to record
state from execution. Thus, the output from a mozconfig is a friendly
static data structure.
if path is None:
path = self.find_mozconfig()
result = {
'path': path,
'topobjdir': None,
'configure_args': None,
'make_flags': None,
'make_extra': None,
'env': None,
'vars': None,
if path is None:
return result
path = path.replace(os.sep, '/')
result['configure_args'] = []
result['make_extra'] = []
result['make_flags'] = []
env = dict(os.environ)
args = self._normalize_command([self._loader_script,
self.topsrcdir.replace(os.sep, '/'), path], True)
# We need to capture stderr because that's where the shell sends
# errors if execution fails.
output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
cwd=self.topsrcdir, env=env)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
lines = e.output.splitlines()
# Output before actual execution shouldn't be relevant.
index = lines.index('------END_BEFORE_SOURCE')
lines = lines[index + 1:]
except ValueError:
raise MozconfigLoadException(path, MOZCONFIG_BAD_EXIT_CODE, lines)
parsed = self._parse_loader_output(output)
except AssertionError:
# _parse_loader_output uses assertions to verify the
# well-formedness of the shell output; when these fail, it
# generally means there was a problem with the output, but we
# include the assertion traceback just to be sure.
print('Assertion failed in _parse_loader_output:')
raise MozconfigLoadException(path, MOZCONFIG_BAD_OUTPUT,
def diff_vars(vars_before, vars_after):
set1 = set(vars_before.keys()) - self.IGNORE_SHELL_VARIABLES
set2 = set(vars_after.keys()) - self.IGNORE_SHELL_VARIABLES
added = set2 - set1
removed = set1 - set2
maybe_modified = set1 & set2
changed = {
'added': {},
'removed': {},
'modified': {},
'unmodified': {},
for key in added:
changed['added'][key] = vars_after[key]
for key in removed:
changed['removed'][key] = vars_before[key]
for key in maybe_modified:
if vars_before[key] != vars_after[key]:
changed['modified'][key] = (
vars_before[key], vars_after[key])
# In order for irrelevant environment variable changes not
# to incur in re-running configure, only a set of
# environment variables are stored when they are
# unmodified. Otherwise, changes such as using a different
# terminal window, or even rebooting, would trigger
# reconfigures.
changed['unmodified'][key] = vars_after[key]
return changed
result['env'] = diff_vars(parsed['env_before'], parsed['env_after'])
# Environment variables also appear as shell variables, but that's
# uninteresting duplication of information. Filter them out.
filt = lambda x, y: {k: v for k, v in x.items() if k not in y}
result['vars'] = diff_vars(
filt(parsed['vars_before'], parsed['env_before']),
filt(parsed['vars_after'], parsed['env_after'])
result['configure_args'] = [self._expand(o) for o in parsed['ac']]
if moz_build_app is not None:
result['configure_args'].extend(self._expand(o) for o in
if 'MOZ_OBJDIR' in parsed['env_before']:
result['topobjdir'] = parsed['env_before']['MOZ_OBJDIR']
mk = [self._expand(o) for o in parsed['mk']]
for o in mk:
match = self.RE_MAKE_VARIABLE.match(o)
if match is None:
name, value = match.group('var'), match.group('value')
if name == 'MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS':
result['make_flags'] = value.split()
if name == 'MOZ_OBJDIR':
result['topobjdir'] = value
return result
def _parse_loader_output(self, output):
mk_options = []
ac_options = []
ac_app_options = defaultdict(list)
before_source = {}
after_source = {}
env_before_source = {}
env_after_source = {}
current = None
current_type = None
in_variable = None
for line in output.splitlines():
# XXX This is an ugly hack. Data may be lost from things
# like environment variable values.
# See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=831381
line = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
if not line:
if line.startswith('------BEGIN_'):
assert current_type is None
assert current is None
assert not in_variable
current_type = line[len('------BEGIN_'):]
current = []
if line.startswith('------END_'):
assert not in_variable
section = line[len('------END_'):]
assert current_type == section
if current_type == 'AC_OPTION':
elif current_type == 'MK_OPTION':
elif current_type == 'AC_APP_OPTION':
app = current.pop(0)
current = None
current_type = None
assert current_type is not None
vars_mapping = {
'BEFORE_SOURCE': before_source,
'AFTER_SOURCE': after_source,
'ENV_BEFORE_SOURCE': env_before_source,
'ENV_AFTER_SOURCE': env_after_source,
if current_type in vars_mapping:
# mozconfigs are sourced using the Bourne shell (or at least
# in Bourne shell mode). This means |set| simply lists
# variables from the current shell (not functions). (Note that
# if Bash is installed in /bin/sh it acts like regular Bourne
# and doesn't print functions.) So, lines should have the
# form:
# key='value'
# key=value
# The only complication is multi-line variables. Those have the
# form:
# key='first
# second'
# TODO Bug 818377 Properly handle multi-line variables of form:
# $ foo="a='b'
# c='d'"
# $ set
# foo='a='"'"'b'"'"'
# c='"'"'d'"'"
name = in_variable
value = None
if in_variable:
# Reached the end of a multi-line variable.
if line.endswith("'") and not line.endswith("\\'"):
value = '\n'.join(current)
in_variable = None
equal_pos = line.find('=')
if equal_pos < 1:
# TODO log warning?
name = line[0:equal_pos]
value = line[equal_pos + 1:]
if len(value):
has_quote = value[0] == "'"
if has_quote:
value = value[1:]
# Lines with a quote not ending in a quote are multi-line.
if has_quote and not value.endswith("'"):
in_variable = name
value = value[:-1] if has_quote else value
assert name is not None
vars_mapping[current_type][name] = value
current = []
return {
'mk': mk_options,
'ac': ac_options,
'ac_app': ac_app_options,
'vars_before': before_source,
'vars_after': after_source,
'env_before': env_before_source,
'env_after': env_after_source,
def _expand(self, s):
return s.replace('@TOPSRCDIR@', self.topsrcdir)