Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

364 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""OSX platform implementation."""
import errno
import functools
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from . import _common
from . import _psposix
from . import _psutil_osx as cext
from . import _psutil_posix as cext_posix
from ._common import conn_tmap, usage_percent, isfile_strict
from ._common import sockfam_to_enum, socktype_to_enum
__extra__all__ = []
# --- constants
PAGESIZE = os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE")
AF_LINK = cext_posix.AF_LINK
# http://students.mimuw.edu.pl/lxr/source/include/net/tcp_states.h
cext.TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1: _common.CONN_FIN_WAIT1,
cext.TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2: _common.CONN_FIN_WAIT2,
cext.SIDL: _common.STATUS_IDLE,
cext.SRUN: _common.STATUS_RUNNING,
cext.SZOMB: _common.STATUS_ZOMBIE,
scputimes = namedtuple('scputimes', ['user', 'nice', 'system', 'idle'])
svmem = namedtuple(
'svmem', ['total', 'available', 'percent', 'used', 'free',
'active', 'inactive', 'wired'])
pextmem = namedtuple('pextmem', ['rss', 'vms', 'pfaults', 'pageins'])
pmmap_grouped = namedtuple(
'path rss private swapped dirtied ref_count shadow_depth')
pmmap_ext = namedtuple(
'pmmap_ext', 'addr perms ' + ' '.join(pmmap_grouped._fields))
# set later from __init__.py
NoSuchProcess = None
ZombieProcess = None
AccessDenied = None
TimeoutExpired = None
# --- functions
def virtual_memory():
"""System virtual memory as a namedtuple."""
total, active, inactive, wired, free = cext.virtual_mem()
avail = inactive + free
used = active + inactive + wired
percent = usage_percent((total - avail), total, _round=1)
return svmem(total, avail, percent, used, free,
active, inactive, wired)
def swap_memory():
"""Swap system memory as a (total, used, free, sin, sout) tuple."""
total, used, free, sin, sout = cext.swap_mem()
percent = usage_percent(used, total, _round=1)
return _common.sswap(total, used, free, percent, sin, sout)
def cpu_times():
"""Return system CPU times as a namedtuple."""
user, nice, system, idle = cext.cpu_times()
return scputimes(user, nice, system, idle)
def per_cpu_times():
"""Return system CPU times as a named tuple"""
ret = []
for cpu_t in cext.per_cpu_times():
user, nice, system, idle = cpu_t
item = scputimes(user, nice, system, idle)
return ret
def cpu_count_logical():
"""Return the number of logical CPUs in the system."""
return cext.cpu_count_logical()
def cpu_count_physical():
"""Return the number of physical CPUs in the system."""
return cext.cpu_count_phys()
def boot_time():
"""The system boot time expressed in seconds since the epoch."""
return cext.boot_time()
def disk_partitions(all=False):
retlist = []
partitions = cext.disk_partitions()
for partition in partitions:
device, mountpoint, fstype, opts = partition
if device == 'none':
device = ''
if not all:
if not os.path.isabs(device) or not os.path.exists(device):
ntuple = _common.sdiskpart(device, mountpoint, fstype, opts)
return retlist
def users():
retlist = []
rawlist = cext.users()
for item in rawlist:
user, tty, hostname, tstamp = item
if tty == '~':
continue # reboot or shutdown
if not tstamp:
nt = _common.suser(user, tty or None, hostname or None, tstamp)
return retlist
def net_connections(kind='inet'):
# Note: on OSX this will fail with AccessDenied unless
# the process is owned by root.
ret = []
for pid in pids():
cons = Process(pid).connections(kind)
except NoSuchProcess:
if cons:
for c in cons:
c = list(c) + [pid]
return ret
def net_if_stats():
"""Get NIC stats (isup, duplex, speed, mtu)."""
names = net_io_counters().keys()
ret = {}
for name in names:
isup, duplex, speed, mtu = cext_posix.net_if_stats(name)
if hasattr(_common, 'NicDuplex'):
duplex = _common.NicDuplex(duplex)
ret[name] = _common.snicstats(isup, duplex, speed, mtu)
return ret
pids = cext.pids
pid_exists = _psposix.pid_exists
disk_usage = _psposix.disk_usage
net_io_counters = cext.net_io_counters
disk_io_counters = cext.disk_io_counters
net_if_addrs = cext_posix.net_if_addrs
def wrap_exceptions(fun):
"""Decorator which translates bare OSError exceptions into
NoSuchProcess and AccessDenied.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
return fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
except OSError as err:
# support for private module import
if (NoSuchProcess is None or AccessDenied is None or
ZombieProcess is None):
if err.errno == errno.ESRCH:
if not pid_exists(self.pid):
raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name)
raise ZombieProcess(self.pid, self._name, self._ppid)
if err.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES):
raise AccessDenied(self.pid, self._name)
return wrapper
class Process(object):
"""Wrapper class around underlying C implementation."""
__slots__ = ["pid", "_name", "_ppid"]
def __init__(self, pid):
self.pid = pid
self._name = None
self._ppid = None
def name(self):
return cext.proc_name(self.pid)
def exe(self):
return cext.proc_exe(self.pid)
def cmdline(self):
if not pid_exists(self.pid):
raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name)
return cext.proc_cmdline(self.pid)
def ppid(self):
return cext.proc_ppid(self.pid)
def cwd(self):
return cext.proc_cwd(self.pid)
def uids(self):
real, effective, saved = cext.proc_uids(self.pid)
return _common.puids(real, effective, saved)
def gids(self):
real, effective, saved = cext.proc_gids(self.pid)
return _common.pgids(real, effective, saved)
def terminal(self):
tty_nr = cext.proc_tty_nr(self.pid)
tmap = _psposix._get_terminal_map()
return tmap[tty_nr]
except KeyError:
return None
def memory_info(self):
rss, vms = cext.proc_memory_info(self.pid)[:2]
return _common.pmem(rss, vms)
def memory_info_ex(self):
rss, vms, pfaults, pageins = cext.proc_memory_info(self.pid)
return pextmem(rss, vms, pfaults * PAGESIZE, pageins * PAGESIZE)
def cpu_times(self):
user, system = cext.proc_cpu_times(self.pid)
return _common.pcputimes(user, system)
def create_time(self):
return cext.proc_create_time(self.pid)
def num_ctx_switches(self):
return _common.pctxsw(*cext.proc_num_ctx_switches(self.pid))
def num_threads(self):
return cext.proc_num_threads(self.pid)
def open_files(self):
if self.pid == 0:
return []
files = []
rawlist = cext.proc_open_files(self.pid)
for path, fd in rawlist:
if isfile_strict(path):
ntuple = _common.popenfile(path, fd)
return files
def connections(self, kind='inet'):
if kind not in conn_tmap:
raise ValueError("invalid %r kind argument; choose between %s"
% (kind, ', '.join([repr(x) for x in conn_tmap])))
families, types = conn_tmap[kind]
rawlist = cext.proc_connections(self.pid, families, types)
ret = []
for item in rawlist:
fd, fam, type, laddr, raddr, status = item
status = TCP_STATUSES[status]
fam = sockfam_to_enum(fam)
type = socktype_to_enum(type)
nt = _common.pconn(fd, fam, type, laddr, raddr, status)
return ret
def num_fds(self):
if self.pid == 0:
return 0
return cext.proc_num_fds(self.pid)
def wait(self, timeout=None):
return _psposix.wait_pid(self.pid, timeout)
except _psposix.TimeoutExpired:
# support for private module import
if TimeoutExpired is None:
raise TimeoutExpired(timeout, self.pid, self._name)
def nice_get(self):
return cext_posix.getpriority(self.pid)
def nice_set(self, value):
return cext_posix.setpriority(self.pid, value)
def status(self):
code = cext.proc_status(self.pid)
# XXX is '?' legit? (we're not supposed to return it anyway)
return PROC_STATUSES.get(code, '?')
def threads(self):
rawlist = cext.proc_threads(self.pid)
retlist = []
for thread_id, utime, stime in rawlist:
ntuple = _common.pthread(thread_id, utime, stime)
return retlist
def memory_maps(self):
return cext.proc_memory_maps(self.pid)